Multicultural and International Lit

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Multicultural and International Literature

Multicultural and international literature serve three main functions:

• They help create an awareness, understanding, and appreciation for the differences of others.

• They help children of color to view their culture in a positive light.

• They provide a vehicle for students to travel to different cultures and witness the rich story-telling
traditions these countries have to offer.


Multicultural literature includes books that portray people of color: African Americans, Native
Americans, Asian Americans, and Latinos. They also, however, include books that help to portray
religious groups other than Christians like Jews, Catholics, Muslims, Mormons and Amish. Lastly, they
include books that portray the intellectually and physically challenged.

Judging Multicultural Literature

When selecting multicultural literature, teachers must first look at the normal standards for judging
literature: believable story line, interesting plot, and important theme. The literature must also avoid
racial or cultural stereotypes. The cultural details included need to be accurate relation to: idioms, food,
customs, clothing, and religious beliefs.

Multicultural literature must also be sensitive to subcultures: dress codes for certain groups, or
lifestyles for different tribes.

Cultural authenticity must also be considered. Do people within a culture feel that the literature has
correctly portrayed their beliefs and cultural idiosyncrasies.

International Literature

The accuracy and quality of the translation of international books is a major focus in the selection

International Children’s Digital Library offers hundreds of books from around the world that teachers
can peruse. Most of these are about teaching children to be culturally sensitive, and to appreciate
other’s differences. Like books that teach children to be sensitive to others who are physically and
intellectually challenged.

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