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NORTHWEST UNVERSITY SURES YA BOKONE Bormi ReowesunverseT POTCHEFSTROOMKAMPUs, GRAADIDEGREE, BCom KLASTOETSICLASS gusts) 2018 ws TYDSOUUR! 36 mi MOOULE FORPIS DURATION = MAKSIMAX: 20 DATUM/DAT! exsammaTor) —OAS#tt E: 3 Aug 2018 EXAMINER TYOTIME: 13:00 MODERATOR Avon 2 after Afrikaans English follo Vraag 1/1 Question 1 ts cep misdaad” Define the concent “crime” Na petrieerse kon deli! Name the fi (4) Sat Noo die vyf agemene elemente van hn delik // Je five general elements of a del; lict (5) Vraag 2! Question 2 ty aj Defer die konse snandeling”// Define the concept “conduct”. (4) ) Bespreek wat de konsep “outomatisme” behels /! Discuss what the concept “aut. fomatism* entails (7) Totaal/ Total : 20 FORPI23 " insets Qy 2 sen aaron POTCHEFSTROOMKAMPUs KASTOETSCLAss Aust) 2018 GRAADIDEGREE: BCom TEST TYDSDUUR/ MODULE FORPI23 TOSOWA 28min MAKSIMAX: 20 ExsaminaToR DASE DATUAUDATE: 31 aug sop EXAMINER: ae = English ows ater A (97 —— | __ vraag 111 Question 1 - water omstanighede late as onrepmati 9229 Sal word 1) Exp) plain a) Verduidelik onder be seen as unlawful under what cieumstances an omission will (8) ») Noem twee regverdigingsgronde Wal onregmatigheid uitslit // ) regverdiging List two grounds of justification which exclude unlawtulness. 2) Vraag 21! Question 2 [10] Bespreek ae verski tussen dou evantualls en nalatigheid /! Discuss the difference b dolus eventualis and negligence etween (10) 220 Totaal / Total : 20 FORPI23 " GQ NWU> KLASTOETSICLASS Oktober /October 2018 GRAAD/DEGREE, BCom Test Mot RP123 TYDSDUU DULE FORPI2: DURATION” 36 min MAKSIMAX: 29 EKSAMINATOR! DASE! DATUMIOATE: 29 EXAMINER 3 Ob Tyormme: — ogié MODERATOR Avan zy 00 English follows atter Afrikaans Vraag 1// Question 1 20) XBL Noem ae vier verskilende deliktuele remedies wat beskikbaar is en verduideliky, Nk Waar elkeen gebruik word // Name the four types of delictual remedies that are available oor and ‘explain what each of them is used for. ) Bespreek vier faktore wat de haf in ag kan neem by die toepassing van die Loni m, * -naatstat in Suiwer Ekonomiese Verlies// Discuss four factors which the court m: lores ay consider n the applcaton ofthe boni mores entrain Pure Economie Loss, yersecrWe » “Ypesrec vrestos wath @sermoet Dens om sues. fs nh en 8) ) ens waaduilge vyheidsberowing / Dscuss what aplaitif must prove tobe succesep es, claim for malicious depravation of liber Sf in a “oh. Na hoeveel jaar verval delktuele eis ingevolge die Wet op Verjaring 68 van 196: (3) 8 1 Yiow many years does a delictual claim prescribe according to the Prescription a ! Atter ct 68 of 1969. FORPIz3 Tl Gyr wn 00 jin cis MY titrant) Graph Papert ‘Atendance Sips (Fila Paper) SeiarPonier Proserlestrosis (evubranste) Scrap Paper Sonus nae Latop (Power i Mutcoca cards (AS) peeFokenaar (rag word ne voorsien ni) Dusan 3 Tyr: Type Assessment exam Opportunity! es Maximum Marks! 499 Maksimu Punt PapecNumbert 4 \Vraestl Normer: Data 2018/1108, Mode Cade! FORPI23 Datum: Moduiose a sa 14:00:00 Examines) Duane Asie PC: ne Exsarinatr Intemavinteme an dye Moderato): a Exteel Moderators} Etstome Moderators) woortsttte: ORDINARY Submission of answer sptnhandiging von a fy nwu" yen Instruksies. a 'ond oorstukke, in eksamenlokaal to hanteer rie, ‘Studente word nie toagelaat om sofone of selfoontoabehore, insu ‘Studente moet hul sake voor in die okaal plas. alae Studente sal aan dissiplinr prosedures onderwerp word, indion hulle: 21. booke of nota in ul best het (ligestuttosaatbare boeke by oopboekekewnwne 32.2 _probeer om'n ander student te help of om hulp te probeerverkry vanatn ander Hllert ot aloe Anes parsoon, Geen student sal toegelaat word om die eksameriokaal te verieat voor die vorstryking var kaon nie, Goon verversings word in eksameriokaal toegetaat nie. Goon bladsye mag veruyder word ult de oksamenskrite nie. \Voordat studente die eksameriokaal veriaat, moet eksamensk Die teenwoordighsidstrokie moet vltoo! word ile ckearmen antwoorde moot in blou of ewart ink geskryt word. Studente word nie toegelaat om in potlood of met uitwisbare penne te skryf nie. 40. Studente moet die betekeris van afkortings wat gebruik word, uidelk aandul Examination Instructions, 4. Students are not allowed to handle cel phones in the examination room and cell phone accessories including but not limited to ‘earploces, are net allowed. 2, Students must pu thelr bags infront of the venue. Students are subject to disciplinary procedures should they: 3.1. have books or notes in their possession (except during open book examinations) 32. attempt to assist another student, of attempt to obtain assistance from any student. [No student is alowed to leave the examination venue before haf an hour of the examination session has elapsed, No refreshments are allowed in the examination venue, No pages may be removed from the answer scripts ‘Before students leave the examination verue, answer scripts must be handed to the invigllators, ‘The attendance slp that also serves as an undertaking must be completed, {All examination answers must be writen in black or blue ink. Students are not allowed to write in pencil or an erasable pen. 10, Students must clearly indicate the meaning of abbreviations used. ste aan die toeslghouers oorhandig word, Instruksies Beantwoord al die vee, Instructions ‘Answer all th quostions. NB: Please take note that English follows Afrikaans FORP123: Paper /Vraestel 1 | Exam 1st opplEksamen te gel | Fullime/Voliyds 4 4 Yonag 4 / Qvestion 1 ~ fine the fol Detinier aie volgende begrippe soos binne die Deliktereg van toepassing / Define the folowing concepts ag found in the Law of Delict: Mh Delik / A delict 6) PS Handeting / Conduct co) Fs Onregmatige vryheidsberowing / Wrongful deprivation of liberty 2) To\Nalatige wanvoorstelling / Negligent misrepresentation (4) ‘wae 1 Question 2 (20) Yat Naas die legaiteltsbeginsel, is daar vier verdere algemene beginsels (of elemente) wat binne die strareg Vereis word om strafregtelike aanspreeklikheid daar te stel. Noem hierdie Peginsels | Except for the principle of legality, there are four other general principles (or elements) required by the criminal law to establish criminal liability. List these principles (4) 32 Noem ses voorbeelde van gevalle waar daar n regsplig op iemand sal wees om positief op te tree. / Name six examples of instances where a legal duty will rest on a person fo act positively. 6) “2a.Noem die twee afdelings waaruit kousaiteit bestaan. / Name the two sections into which causation is divided. (2) 2g Bespreok die verskil tussen die toets vir opset teenoor dio toets vr naialigheid/ Discuss the difference between the test for intention versus the test for negligence 8) Vragg 3! Question 3 125} a4 Bespreek die verweer (met voorbeelde) wat n dader teen die willekeurigheld van sy of haar handeting kan oper | Discuss the defence (with examples) which a person may raise against the voluntariness of his or her conduct. i “32.Verduidelik wat die Konsep “toerekeningsvatbaarheid’ behels Explain what the concept ‘legal accountability” entails. 2) 8) erduidelik die verskil tussen skadevergoeding en genosgdoening / Explain the difference between ‘compensation for damage and satisfaction i 3.5 Wat is die verskil tussen vermoénskade en nie-vermoénskade? / What is the diference between patrimonial loss and non-patrimonial loss \Verduidelik wat die konsep “skade" behels / Explain what the concept “damage” entails 8) “34 Verduidelik aie verski tussen h medeplgtige en'n begunstigerbinne die konteks van de Strafeg/ Explain the diference between an accomplice and an accessory alter the fact in the context ofthe Criminal Law 6) "x: Verduidelik kort wat dle Gemeenskaplike Oogmerleerstuk behels/ Bry explain what the Doct tine ‘of Common Purpose entails. 8 “Vaags Question 4 (10) FORP123: Paper/ Vraestel 1 | Exam 1st opplEksamen Te gel | Full-timeiVoltyds 2 Oe Strate verbed sekere vorafgaande gedrag wat gor fs oP de peeg van Misdand. Seances ig velgende wae in verbaned hie: / The Criminal Law forbs certain receding foms conduct recy, the commission of crime. Answer the following question in this regard:

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