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Eveline Wijaya

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Good Morning ladies and gentlemen, my name is Eveline Wijaya and can call me Eveline as
well. Today I would like to give a presentation about “Benefit to the tourism and hospitality in
dustries of improved culture awareness”

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And i would like to give the example about cultural awareness in Qatar Airways

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This is the topics for today presentation
- Better Service to International Guests
- Better Service To Local Community
- Improved Relations in the Workplace
- Increased Returned Business
- Improved The Industry and The Organization Reputations

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This is the first topic “Better Service To International Guests”.

Qatar Airways passengers come from various countries. Qatar passengers have diverse cult
ural backgrounds and diverse languages. Qatar Airways always gives a warm smile and a
“Good Morning” / “Good Afternoon” greeting to their guests. This greeting is a sign of honor
and gratitude for choosing Qatar as a travel partner.

Since Qatar based on Doha, It is considered impolite to start any conversation or request wit
hout at least saying 'Good Morning'. So the staff and Cabin crew always greeting the guests
in that way.

In fact, in many other countries such as USA, UK, Spanish, and many more. Greeting just by
smile and saying "Hello" is enough. Therefore, it is very important for people in tourism indus
try to know the amount of this cultural diversity, especially the language and ways of greeting.

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The 2nd is “Better service to local community”

Qatar Airways provides good service to the Local Community by preserving the culture of th
e region. Qatar staff’s dress up to the standards of the region. Qatar also markets regional s
pecialties which are sold in the Qatar Lounge or lobby to help the Local Community.

Qatar also often participates in special activities such as welcoming guests from neighboring
countries, activities to defend occupied countries, and other things.

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Now moving to “Improved Relations in the Workplace”
Qatar Qirways build the cultural knowledge of the employees. The company hold training cla
sses to teach their staff about different cultural practices. These classes framed in a way that
allow employees to learn how to deal with working in an increasingly diverse global society,
Since Qatar Airways has many employee from all over the world.

And Qatar always Celebrating diversity that can help increase cultural literacy, awareness, a
nd acceptance. Start by including the holidays and festivals of other cultures in company acit
ivities and celebrate together.
By introducing the staff to other traditions, it will increase their sensitivity to cultural differenc
es. They’ll also be able to learn words in another language that they can hopefully use when
communicating with foreign colleagues and customers.

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For the next is “increased returned business”.

Having a lot of customers is not enough, we also have to think about how customers will co
me back to use our services.

Qatar Airways is very good at this. Staff and Cabin crew have received a lot of training to en
sure customer satisfaction. One of them is by paying attention to the child passengers. Cabi
n crew often distribute toys to child passengers and sometimes provide birthday surprises du
ring air travel, such as giving birthday cakes and singing a songs.
Qatar Airways also guarantees the safety of passengers with the presence of medical perso
nnel. There is also assistance for pregnant women who are about to give birth in an emerge

This treatment makes passengers feel special and satisfied with Qatar's services, which in th
e end customers will return to using their services again.

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The important point is to “Improved The Industry and The Organization Reputations”

To gain and maintain a good reputation, Qatar Airways cooperates with many social organiz
ations to distribute educational help to childrens in various parts of the world. Not only that,
Qatar Airways also invites its loyal passengers to participate in these activities, by making op
en donations and so on.

Qatar Airways has a good image. Not only from its services, but also through Industry and O

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And this is the conclussion of our presentation today.

- Understanding Workplace Diversity in Hospitality and Tourism, workplace diversity not only
facilitates easy understanding of different cultural, social and economic perspectives but also
enhances the delivery of satisfactory services through communication and observation.

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Well ladies and gentlemen that’s all the presentation for today, I hope this presentation can g
ive you more usefull information, Thank you!

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