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Practice Test 6 Part | - 10 questions - Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example. a railway a shoulder a fish a basement Atrain uses this to move from ‘one place to another. | Women put things in it and they wear it on their shoulder. coe . paper acar 2 You wear this on your finger when you get married and it is often made of gold. 3 You put a letter in this before you send it to someone. acow an envelope 4 This is a meal that you eat in the countryside. 5 This is a room in a house that is under the ground. . in handba; _ 6 You drive this on a road. a a handbag 7 This grows on your head and it is usually black, brown or blonde. 8 You can watch a film on this. You can usually find this in the living afarm room. . . . aring 9. This part of the body is above your arm and below your neck. 10 This animal lives in water and swims. a television a helicopter a picnic Reading « Writing LET. Tea atts Part 2 - 5 questions - Sarah is meeting Katy after she has visited her aunt. Sarah is asking Katy some questions about her visit. What does Katy say? Read the conversation and choose the best answer. Write a letter (A-H) for each answer. You do not need to use all the letters. There is one example. Example 8 Sarah: Did you enjoy your visit to your aunt, Katy? nm Katy; 9H Questions | 8 Sarah: How long did it take to get to your aunt’s house? 4 vcs am 2 8 Sarah: How did you get there? mM Katy: om 3 8 Sarah: What was the weather like? FA a 4 8 Sarah: What did you do there? PM cs: a 5 8 Sarah: Was it the first time you've been there? $M cae: om Practice Test 6 A Most of the time it was sunny. B No, she doesn't live far away. C One day we visited a farm near my aunt’s house. D By train because she lives near a train station. E It's always very interesting when he visits her. F No, I’ve been there before. G Only one hour because it’s not far from my house. H_ Yes, | did. It was great fun. (Example) Celaya aa telat ed eT Lea ed Part 3 - 6 questions - Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers I-5. There is one example. Example ski decided weather alone lunch helped snow fell fun climbed George's parents like to ......SIi......., so last year they went to a cold country with lots of snow. They stayed in a hotel on a mountain. On the first day of their holiday, it was sunny but cold. They dressed in warm clothes and went outside. There was a small mountain behind the hotel, so George’s parents (1) to ski there. They told George he could go snowboarding alone, but they told him to stay near them, because they did not know the place very well and it might be dangerous. George went snowboarding alone. He was having a lot of (2) He (3) up the mountain. When he was at the top, he got frightened because it was getting very cold and the (4) caus Was changing. It began to snow and he couldn't see where he was going. Practice Test 6 Suddenly, he fell over and hurt his leg. He couldn't move! His leg was broken! George was very frightened. After two hours he was still in the same place, (5) and cold. Then he heard a loud noise. It was a helicopter! It was coming to save him! (6) Now choose the best name for this story. Tick one box. A new hobby A funny adventure Safe at last Ceol aya ada ta layed ing Part 4 - 10 questions - Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines. LST Tata London mimin if, \mm18 Example | London is a city that is famous all ......°Y°"....... the world. 1 | Lots of people visit London every year; these people from many different countries. 2. | London is famous for the big red buses and for ...... beautiful buildings. You can visit many interesting places, but 3 | csccssssssunenes people want to see Big Ben, a large clock, in the centre of the city. Usually, people want to be in a photo in a of Big Ben to show to their friends and family 5 | when they go home. People like to visit the beautiful building where the Queen sometimes stays. She also 6 | lives ina castle .... is not far from London. 7 | There are ........... lovely shops in London, too. Clothes 8 | are expensive to ..................... but there are also markets where you can find cheap clothes. It is best to visit London the summer, because 10}... gets very cold later in the year. Practice Test ) Example 1 2 above comes their much front too which many buying on she over | come it most ‘opposite also who lots buy in he by coming its more behind and where most bought at Nola em Ada lad LETT aa ing Part 5 - 7 questions - Look at the picture and read the story. Write some words to complete the sentences about the story. You can use I, 2, 3 or 4 words. A message in a bottle One day | decided to go fishing with my friends, Richard and David, because it was a lovely sunny day. Usually we went to a big lake not far from my home. But that day we thought it would be more fun to go to the beach and go fishing in the sea. My friend, Richard, brought some food with him and we put the food in our rucksacks before we left home. We had a lovely morning fishing, but we didn’t catch any fish. In the afternoon, David said to me ‘I'm bored, Peter. Let's go home!’ Richard agreed with him but | still wanted to walk. | told them to go home and that | would come later. They said goodbye and then they left for home. After an hour, | also began to get bored and decided to leave the beach. But when | was walking back from the beach | saw a bottle in the sand. There was a piece of paper in it. ‘How exciting’, | thought. ‘It might be a mes- sage from pirates or someone who is living on an island!” | picked up the bottle. Then | took the message out of the bottle and began to read it. It said: ‘See you at home, Peter. Your friends, Richard and David!’ Practice Test 6 Examples It was a nice ..... S¥NMY.9AY._...... so the boys decided to go fishing. There was ......2.bi8 lake. near Peter's home. Questions | They went to ..... to catch some fish. 2 Richard tOOK ......0.0..ssesssesse» $0 they could have something to eat. 3. They didn’t catch ... ssssseess but they had a great time. 4 David wanted t0 os. because he was bored. 5 On the way back home, Peter found ...... coos in the sand. 6 He thought the message was ssssseeess OF SoMeOne Who lives on an island. 7 Peter wanted .....0....00 .. the message, which was from his two friends. Tel ata aa tay 4 Le [Ta ean Part 6 - 5 questions - Read the letter and write the missing words. Write one word on each line. Example Dear Sue, | like my new school very much. | thought | wouldn't like it, .... Dut everyone is so nice to me. | have friends in my class. My best friend is Sally. She is very beautiful and she has nice, long hair. We like the things; for example, basketball and drawing. Next week, it’s my birthday so | want to have a big for all my friends. | also want invite my teachers! Of course, | will invite you, too, so | hope you can ! Love, Mary aerate MK 6 CTs Ti a aly Part 7 Look at the three pictures. Write about this story. Write 20 or more words.

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