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Exhibit 14 Nov 14, 2023, Dear Dean Speaks, Associate Dean Miller, Professor Park, and Professor Larsen, ‘We are writing to ask that you release a statement condemning the genocide occurring in Palestine. As an architecture school responsible for training the next generation of designers, it is crucial that we recognize the role for the built environment in perpetuating settler colonialism. We call on you to take responsibility for your silence and support your students in calling for an end to Israel's apartheid regime and colonial occupation of Palestine. So many, including Palestinian Israeli, Muslim and Jewish faculty , staff and students in our school are suffering. We ask you to consider the role of the architect in moment like this. Set the example for your current and future students to sue the skills we've honed at this university for the betterment of our communities. Not only do we want you to break your chosen silence at this moment we ask you to make space for the voices starding [sic] with Palestine. We want you to take accountability, consider your privileges and platform, and activity and vocally work to support Palestinian resistance against genocide. We invite you to discuss the reality of this occupation as an issue of settler-colonialism rather than the religious war it is painted to be. The university released a statement in response to the Shut It Down for Palestine demonstration on Thursday, November 9®, citing a speaker’s comments as potentially putting Jewish students at risk, We must draw clear lines between antisemitic hate speech and the liberatory action requested by the accused speakers. They specifically called out the mentioned student organizations for their complicity and involvement in the Israeli Apartheid through its military violence towards Palestinians. The naming of specific actions by the university-sponsored student groups was clearly in direct response to the silencing of voices sympathetic to the suffering of innocent Palestinians It was expressed to the crowd as a critique of the university's decision to cancel a peaceful conversational event. Universities and schools of Architecture have long been spaces for protest against colonial issues, and now should be no different We call for the Syracuse University School of Architecture administrator to allow for events that make space for nuanced and educational discussions. ‘The threat by the University to police voices fighting against Palestinian genocide is what is truly detrimental to our community. Under the coat protection, the institution is censoring voices with claims of “reckless and incendiary statements.” Fearmongering the student body with claims of anti-Semitic speech at a peaceful protest is damaging and exploitative rhetoric that ‘opens the door for charge anti-Semitic and anti-Palestinian violence on campus. if you really ‘want to protect your Jewish students, you will acknowledge the University’s repeated incompetency in its responses to true anti-Semitism, such as the actions that sparked the NotAgainSU movement in Fall 2019. We have not forgotten the publicized widespread bigotry on campus in Fall 2019 and the inadequate response from the University and the School of Submission on Behalf of Students of Syracuse University Exhibit 14 (con’t) Architecture. Those of us who were here remember the pervasive hatred and insensitivity we encountered from other students, faculty, and staff. If you truly care for your students, - Jewish, Muslim, Israeli, Palestinian — you will get involved and listen to our cries for action. We are ‘taught in Slocum Hall that it is our responsibility as architects to embody anti-colonial ideals and stand for design justice in our practice. itis time for us to fulfill our moral obligations against genocide and the perpetuation of white supremacy through architecture ‘We understand that you have been disallowed from releasing any public statements of support for the Palestinian people, but we must not be silent when our university actively denies staff and faculty the right to express solidarity. As members of the Syracuse Architecture community, wwe ask that our administration stand against this attempt to silence discussion and education about the siege on Gaza and Israel's occupation of Palestinian land. Your silence is complacency. 54 illegible names

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