E February 25, 2024 - 2ND - Lent - B

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Year 37 No.

47 Second Sunday of Lent (B) — Violet February 25, 2024

Pontifical Work of St. Peter the Apostle (Opus Sancti Petri)

Hardships and Glory

by Fr. Jereme I. Asunto, SJ

T he Transfiguration of Jesus
leaves Peter, James, and
John fearful, yet, at the same
to tremble in uncertainty at
times. However, we are called
to trust in Jesus’ promise of
the Cross are fundamental
to Christ’s mission, we must
also accept that hardships are
time, relieved. Theirs is like eternal life if we remain a necessary part of our faith
our own in this journey of steadfast. Just as the disciples journey.
faith. see Jesus’ glory, we too are Genuine faith in Jesus
Let us consider and reflect offered a preview of the means embracing both the
on the fear that overwhelms heavenly reward awaiting us. hardships to be endured
the apostles when they witness However, we must guard and the glory to be enjoyed.
their transfigured Master. The against the temptation that We must follow the Law, as
radiance of Jesus, the presence Peter falls into. Overwhelmed Moses did, by living a life
of Moses and Elijah, and the by the beauty of the of righteousness and moral
voice of God himself leave experience, Peter desires to integrity. We must also
them terrified but, at the same build tents each for Jesus, proclaim the truth, as Elijah
time, awestruck. They perhaps Moses, and Elijah, as if to and other prophets did, even
do not comprehend what prolong it indefinitely. He in the face of difficulties and
exactly is happening, but they desires to remain in glory opposition.
are certainly overwhelmed and avoid the reality of life. The Transfiguration of
by the divine presence that L i k e P e t e r, w e a r e the Lord reminds us that
fills them with a profound sometimes tempted to focus the tension between fear
sense of awe. Yet, even in their only on the “good side” and and comfort, between the
fear, there is the consolation the “good life” of following the demands of following Jesus
of catching a glimpse of the Lord. We want a life free from and the hope of everlasting
divine glory. difficulties and trials, a life of glory, accompanies our
Likewise, in our own pleasure and comfort. And journey of faith. Let us then
lives, we experience fear we may dismiss the reality of accept and carry our crosses
and confusion in our journey. suffering as part of the entire just as Jesus did when he
The challenges and demands Christian journey, as part of embraced his Cross out of
of following the Lord can simply being human. As Peter his great love for us and for
be frightening, causing us is reminded that suffering and our salvation. Amen.
Collect offered it up as a holocaust
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES in place of his son.
Entrance Antiphon P—Let us pray. (Pause)
Again the Lord’s messenger
(Cf. Ps 27 [26]: 8–9) O God, who have
called to Abraham from
(Recited when there is no opening song) commanded us to listen to your
heaven and said: “I swear by
beloved Son, be pleased, we
Of you my heart has spoken: myself, declares the LORD,
pray, to nourish us inwardly by
Seek his face. It is your face, that because you acted as
your word, that, with spiritual
O Lord, that I seek; hide not you did in not withholding
sight made pure, we may
your face from me. from me your beloved son,
rejoice to behold your glory.
I will bless you abundantly
Greeting Through our Lord Jesus
and make your descendants
(The sign of the cross is made here) Christ, your Son, who lives
as countless as the stars of
and reigns with you in the
P—Grace to you and peace the sky and the sands of the
unity of the Holy Spirit,
from God our Father and the seashore; your descendants
God, for ever and ever.
Lord Jesus Christ. shall take possession of the
All—And with your spirit. All—Amen.
gates of their enemies, and
in your descendants all the
Introduction THE Liturgy
(These [or similar words] may be nations of the earth shall find
used to address the assembly.) of the word blessing— all this because you
First Reading obeyed my command.”
P —By his Transfiguration, (Gn 22:1–2, 9a, 10–13, 15–18) (Sit)
Je s u s s h ow s u s t h a t t h e —The word of the Lord.
radiance of his glory comes Asked to offer his beloved son Isaac, All—Thanks be to God.
from his acceptance of the Abraham obeys. God rewards him
sufferings and trials foretold not only by sparing Isaac but also Responsorial Psalm (Ps 116)
by the Law and the Prophets. by abundantly blessing Abraham
The cross brought Jesus to R—I will walk before the Lord,
and his descendants. in the land of the living.
the glory of Easter which his
Transfiguration foreshadows. A reading from the Book of Sr. M. C. A. Parco, FSP

May we see our trials and Genesis

  

 
difficulties as opportunities for
GOD put Abraham to the test. 
growing in faith and in hope.
He called to him, “Abraham!” I will walk be

Penitential Act “Here I am!” he replied. Then

Em Am
God said: “Take your son Isaac, 

P —Brethren (brothers and      

your only one, whom you love,
sisters), let us acknowledge and go to the land of Moriah. fore the Lord in the land
our sins, and so prepare There you shall offer him up as
ourselves to celebrate the
 
D7 G
a holocaust on a height that I


sacred mysteries. (Pause)

will point out to you.”      
P—Have mercy on us, O When they came to the
of the li ving.
All—For we have sinned place of which God had told 1. I believed, even when I
against you. him, Abraham built an altar said,/ “I am greatly afflicted.”/
P—Show us, O Lord, your there and arranged the wood Precious in the eyes of the
mercy. on it. Then he reached out and LORD/ is the death of his
All—And grant us your took the knife to slaughter his faithful ones. (R)
salvation. son. But the Lord’s messenger
2 . O L O R D, I a m y o u r
P—May almighty God called to him from heaven,
servant;/ I am your servant,
have mercy on us, forgive “Abraham, Abraham!” “Here
the son of your handmaid;/
us our sins, and bring us to I am!” he answered. “Do not
you have loosed my bonds.
everlasting life. lay your hand on the boy,” said
/ To you will I offer sacrifice
All—Amen. the messenger. “Do not do the
of thanksgiving,/ and I will
least thing to him. I know now
P—Lord, have mercy. call upon the name of the
how devoted you are to God,
All—Lord, have mercy. LORD. (R)
since you did not withhold from
P—Christ, have mercy.
All—Christ, have mercy. me your own beloved son.” 3. My vows to the LORD I
P—Lord, have mercy. As Abraham looked about, will pay/ in the presence of
All—Lord, have mercy. he spied a ram caught by its all his people;/ in the courts
horns in the thicket. So he of the house of the LORD,/ in
(The Gloria is omitted.) went and took the ram and your midst, O Jerusalem. (R)
Second Reading (Rom 8:31b–34) a voice, “This is my beloved waiting for the fullness of
Son. Listen to him.” Suddenly, God’s Kingdom. We pray: (R)
God who spared Isaac does not looking around, they no longer
spare his own Son Jesus, who C— Amid so much materialism
saw anyone but Jesus alone
gives his life to redeem us from and hedonism, may Pope
with them.
our sins. Jesus’ sacrifice is a sign Francis, our bishops, clergy,
As they were coming down
of God’s great love for us. and consecrated men and
from the mountain, he charged
women continue to witness
A reading from the Letter of them not to relate what they
to the Gospel values of poverty
Saint Paul to the Romans had seen to anyone, except
and sacrifice. We pray: (R)
when the Son of Man had
BROTHERS AND SISTERS: risen from the dead. So they C—May government officials
If God is for us, who can be kept the matter to themselves, listen to the voice of the poor
against us? He who did not questioning what rising from and the weak instead of giving
spare his own Son but handed the dead meant. in to the demands of the rich
him over for us all, how will and the powerful. We pray: (R)
—The Gospel of the Lord.
he not also give us everything All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus
else along with him? C —May the transfigured
Christ. Christ inspire us to rise from
Who will bring a charge
against God’s chosen ones? It is Homily (Sit) fear, anxiety, and despair and
God who acquits us. Who will transform us into a people of
condemn? Christ Jesus it is who Profession of Faith (Stand) courage, hope, and love. We
died—or, rather, was raised— pray: (R)
who also is at the right hand All—I believe in God, the Father
Almighty, Creator of heaven C—May we grow in the faith
of God, who indeed intercedes and trust that we are not lost
and earth, and in Jesus Christ,
for us. his only Son, our Lord, who in death but safe with the risen
was conceived by the Holy Lord in the hands of God. We
—The word of the Lord.
All—Thanks be to God. Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, pray: (R)
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
C—Let us pray for the urgent
Verse before the Gospel was crucified, died and was
concerns of our community
(Cf. Mt 17:5) (Stand) buried; he descended into hell;
on the third day, he rose again and our personal intentions
All—From the shining cloud from the dead; he ascended into (pause). We pray: (R)
the Father’s voice is heard: heaven, and is seated at the P—Lord, touch us with your
This is my beloved Son, listen right hand of God the Father grace. Celebrating your Son’s
to him. almighty; from there he will Transfiguration, may we fill
come again to judge the living each moment of our lives with
Gospel (Mk 9:2–10) and the dead.
great faith and hope in you.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church, Grant this through Christ
P—A reading from the holy
Gospel according to Mark the communion of saints, our Lord.
All—Glory to you, O Lord. the forgiveness of sins, the All—Amen.
resurrection of the body, and
JESUS took Peter, James, and life everlasting. Amen. THE Liturgy of
John and led them up a high the eucharist
mountain apart by themselves. Prayer of the Faithful
And he was transfigured before Presentation of the Gifts (Stand)
them, and his clothes became P—In Jesus, the Father has
dazzling white, such as no shown us what life—with its P—Pray, brethren…
fuller on earth could bleach sorrows and pains—means All—May the Lord accept the
them. Then Elijah appeared to for us and for our salvation. sacrifice at your hands for the
them along with Moses, and In our weakness and inability praise and glory of his name,
they were conversing with to understand the meaning of for our good and the good of
Jesus. Then Peter said to Jesus suffering, we pray: all his holy Church.
in reply, “Rabbi, it is good Prayer over the Offerings
that we are here! Let us make
R—Lord of light, listen to our
three tents: one for you, one P —May this sacrifice, O
for Moses, and one for Elijah.” C—In a world impatient with Lord, we pray, cleanse us of
He hardly knew what to say, discomfort and imperfection, our faults and sanctify your
they were so terrified. Then a may the Church be a sign faithful in body and mind for
cloud came, casting a shadow that all are pilgrims in this the celebration of the paschal
over them; from the cloud came world that is in agony while festivities.
Through Christ our Lord.

(The Transfiguration of the Lord)

P—The Lord be with you.

All—And with your spirit.
P—Lift up your hearts.
All—We lift them up to the Lord.
P—Let us give thanks to the
Lord our God.
All—It is right and just.
P—It is truly right and just,
our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to
give you thanks, Lord, holy
Father, almighty and eternal
God, through Christ our Lord.
For after he had told the
disciples of his coming Death,
on the holy mountain he
manifested to them his glory,
the sins of the world. Blessed them faithful to the Gospel of
to show, even by the testimony
are those called to the supper your Only Begotten Son, so
of the law and the prophets,
of the Lamb. that they may always desire
that the Passion leads to the
All—Lord, I am not worthy and at last attain that glory
glory of the Resurrection.
that you should enter under whose beauty he showed
And so, with the Powers
my roof, but only say the word in his own Body, to the
of heaven, we worship you
and my soul shall be healed. amazement of his Apostles.
constantly on earth, and
before your majesty without Communion Antiphon Through Christ our Lord.
end we acclaim: (Mt 17:5) All—Amen.
All—Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God P—And may the blessing of
of hosts. Heaven and earth are This is my beloved Son, with
whom I am well pleased; listen almighty God, the Father,
full of your glory. Hosanna in
to him. and the Son, (†) and the Holy
the highest. Blessed is he who
Spirit, come down on you
comes in the name of the Lord. Prayer after Communion and remain with you for ever.
Hosanna in the highest. (Kneel) (Stand)
Acclamation (Stand) P—Let us pray. (Pause) Dismissal
As we receive these glorious
All—When we eat this Bread mysteries, we make thanks- P—Go in peace, glorifying
and drink this Cup, we proclaim giving to you, O Lord, for the Lord by your life.
your Death, O Lord, until you allowing us while still on earth All—Thanks be to God.
come again. to be partakers even now of the
things of heaven. BE A PRIEST OR
THE communion rite Through Christ our Lord. A BROTHER OF MASS
All—Amen. MEDIA
The Lord’s Prayer
If you are a Grade
All—Our Father… THE concluding rites 12 student, a college
P—Deliver us, Lord… student, or a young
All—For the kingdom, the P—The Lord be with you.
All—And with your spirit. professional, male, single,
power and the glory are yours and interested to become
now and forever. a priest or a brother
Solemn Blessing
Invitation to Peace involved in the apostolate
P—Bow down for the blessing. of social communication,
Invitation to Communion we invite you to journey
(Kneel) with us.
Bless your faithful, we pray, Visit our websites:
P—Behold the Lamb of God, O Lord, with a blessing that ssp.ph or stpauls.ph
behold him who takes away endures for ever, and keep

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