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To assemble a lineup of 23 American or National League baseball players whose cumulative statistics
during the regular season, compiled and measured by the methods described in these rules, exceed those of
all other Owners in the Rotisserie League. There are between 10 and 12 Owners in a duly constituted
Rotisserie League.


The Major League Auction is conducted on the first weekend after Opening Day of the Major League
baseball season. Each Owner must acquire 23 players at a total cost not to exceed $260 (ROTO). An Owner
need not spend the maximum. The order in which Owners may nominate players for acquisition shall
remain the same throughout the entire draft, with no predetermined order. The previous season's winner
shall nominate the first player.

The Owner bidding first opens with a minimum salary bid of $1 (ROTO) for any eligible player, and the
bidding proceeds to each Owner at minimum increments of $1 (ROTO) until only one bidder is left. That
Owner acquires the player for that amount and announces the roster position the player will fill. The
process is repeated, with successive Owners introducing players to be bid on, until every Owner has a
squad of 23 players, by requisite positions.

Players eligible at more than one position may be shifted during the course of the draft. No Owner may bid
for a player who qualifies only at a position for which the Owner has no Roster Opening. No Owner may
make a bid for a player it cannot afford. For example, an Owner with $3 (ROTO) left and two openings on
its roster may only bid a maximum of $2 (ROTO) for one player.

American League Rotisserie Leagues may only acquire players on American League rosters. National
League Rotisserie Leagues may only acquire players on National League rosters.

The Auction pool consists of players on a Major League Opening Day roster, depending on the league
being drafted from. Any changes made to the Major League Opening Day rosters will be identified and
resolved prior to the Auction. The League Auditor will provide “modified” Opening Day rosters to all
Owners prior to the Auction. The “modified” Opening Day rosters will include players activated from the
minor leagues, players signed to a Major League team, or any other transactions. Players who commence
the season on a Major League team’s disabled list are eligible to be drafted. If selected, they may be
reserved and replaced upon completion of the auction draft.

The Minor League Draft is conducted immediately following the Auction, in which each Owner may
acquire players who are not on a Major League Opening Day roster and who have not had more than 130
at-bats or 50 innings pitched in the Major Leagues. Players who have not signed a contract with a Major
League team are eligible for the Minor League Draft.

Selection takes place in three rounds of a simple draft. The selection order in each of the three rounds is
determined by the order in which the Owners finished in the previous season. The fifth place Owner selects
first, proceeding in descending order to the last place Owner, which is in turn followed by the fourth, third,
second, and first place Owner.

An Owner that does not complete any portion of Auction Draft Day activities defers completion of the
Active Roster and rescinds all Minor League draft picks. An Owner needing to replace a player at the end
of the Auction Draft will have priority over an Owner needing complete the Active Roster through the end
of Draft Auction Day.

Official Rotisserie League Baseball Constitution 1

The Active Roster position allocation must be maintained during Auction Draft Day and throughout the
season. The Active Roster consists of the following players:

2 Catchers
1 First Baseman
1 Second Baseman
1 Shortstop
1 Third Baseman
1 Corner Infielder (Eligible at First Base or Third Base)
1 Middle Infielder (Eligible at Second Base or Shortstop)
5 Outfielders
1 Utility Player (Eligible at any non-pitching position)
9 Pitchers


A player may be drafted or protected at any position at which he appeared in 20 or more games in the
preceding season. If a player did not appear in 20 games at a single position, he may be drafted or protected
only at the position(s) at which he played the most games. If a player did not play any games in the
preceding season, the most recent Major League season in which he played will determine eligibility. If a
player has never appeared in the Major Leagues, his position will be based on the position he played at the
previous level, as agreed to by a majority of the Owners, prior to beginning the bidding process on that
player. Games played prior to Auction Draft Day have no effect on position eligibility for draft purposes.

These measures are used only to determine the position(s) at which a player may be drafted or protected.
After Auction Draft Day, a player becomes eligible for assignment to any position at which he has
appeared at least once, and any position at which he appeared 20 or more times the previous season.

Players entering the National League from the American League, who would qualify only for the DH
position in the American League, will qualify in the National League at the fielding position at which they
played the most games the preceding season, or projected position for the new season.


The salary and status of a player is determined by the time and means of his acquisition and does not
change unless the player becomes a free agent or is signed to a guaranteed long-term contract.

The salary of a player acquired in the Major League Auction is his auction price. The status of a player
acquired in the Major League Auction is that of a first-year player.

The salary of a player or players acquired by an owner leaving the Auction early will be $5 (ROTO). The
status of a player acquired in this manner is that of a first-year player.

The salary of a player activated from Waivers is the higher of $10 (ROTO) or his salary at the time of being
placed on Waivers. The status of a player activated from Waivers is his status at the time of being placed on

The salary of a player acquired from the Free Agent pool during the season is $10 (ROTO). The status of a
player acquired from the Free Agent pool during the season is that of a first-year player. The salary of a
player acquired via a FAAB bid is his bid price. The status of a player acquired via a FAAB bid is that of a

Official Rotisserie League Baseball Constitution 2

first-year player, unless the FAAB bid is $11 (ROTO) or greater, in which case that player is signed to a
guaranteed long-term contract through the following season. The salary of a player acquired from the Free
Agent pool during Roster Expansion is $25 (ROTO). The status of a player acquired from the Free Agent
pool during Roster Expansion is that of a first-year player. All other players activated during Roster
Expansion follow normal salary and status rules.

The salary of a player activated from the Minor League Roster during the season is $5 (ROTO). The status
of a player called up from the Minor League Roster during the season is that of a first-year player. A player
who is kept on the Minor League Roster from one season to another does not affect status, and he will be a
first-year player when activated.

All transactions must be reported to the League Administrator and the League Auditor. The reporting
deadline for transactions is midnight Sunday. All transactions recorded by the League Administrator after
midnight Sunday will not be effective until the next reporting period. The effective date of any transaction
for purposes of statistical calculation is the Monday after the transaction is reported.

Transactions will be handled in reverse order of the standings in the order listed by the Owner. For
example, if an Owner wants to do a Free Agent acquisition for a Roster Opening, and if that is not
successful, make a Waiver claim, the Free Agent acquisition should be listed first.

Transactions will be fulfilled in the order of Waiver claims then Free Agent acquisitions or Waiver claims
then Free Agent Roster Expansions. An Owner may make a Waiver claim or a Free Agent acquisition for a
player on Waivers, however, a Waiver claim will take priority over a Free Agent acquisition. An Owner
may not list both a Waiver claim and a Free Agent acquisition for the same player. Any Roster Opening not
fulfilled will remain unfulfilled until the next Reporting Period.

For Waiver claims, an ordered list of Waiver claims must be provided to the League Administrator and the
League Auditor. All Waiver claims will be awarded in reverse order of the standings. Once a player is
awarded to an Owner, that player will be removed from all other lists. There is no limit on the number of
players that may be listed, however, only one waiver claim will be awarded per Owner per reporting
period. Waivers ends with the last game of the regular Major League season, and no claims will be awarded
after that point.

For Free Agent acquisitions, an ordered list of players must be provided to the League Administrator and
the League Auditor. An Owner may submit an unlimited number of players from the Free Agent pool for
each eligible Roster Opening. A Free Agent may be listed as a replacement for more than one Roster
Opening. All Free Agent acquisitions will be awarded in reverse order of the standings. The Owner with
the lowest standing will be awarded the first player listed for all Roster Openings. Once a player is awarded
to an Owner, that player will be removed from all other lists. The Owner with the next lowest standing will
be awarded the highest remaining player listed for all Roster Openings, until all Owners have been fulfilled
or all players listed have been acquired. Free Agent acquisitions end on the last reporting period prior to
midnight August 30/September 1.

For Roster Expansions, an ordered list of Roster Expansions must be provided to the League Administrator
and the League Auditor. Players listed from the Reserve Roster or the Minor League Roster will be subject
to Roster Expansion before players listed from the Free Agent pool. Once a player is awarded to an Owner,
that player will be removed from all other lists. There is no limit on the number of players that may be
submitted, however, Roster Expansions will be awarded in reverse order of the standings, in simple draft
order, one player, per Owner, per round, until all players listed have been acquired. Owners may not exceed
40 players on the Active Roster, and once this limit is met, all remaining players listed by that Owner are
ignored. Roster Expansion begins on the first reporting period after midnight August 31/September 1.
During the Roster Expansion period, a player may placed on the Reserve Roster if he is placed on the

Official Rotisserie League Baseball Constitution 3

disabled list, released, traded to the other league, or sent to the minors. Roster Expansion ends with the last
game of the regular Major League season, and no claims will be awarded after that point.

All transactions will be reported to all Owners no later than midnight Thursday after the Reporting Period
ends. The effective standings for determination of all transactions will be the current standings on the
Monday after the Reporting Period ends.

Transactions recorded on Auction Draft Day, including trades, activations, and acquisitions to replace
disabled players, are effective retroactive to Opening Day. Transactions after Auction Draft Day will be
effective the next Reporting Period.

Performance statistics of a player shall be assigned to an Owner only when he is on the Active Roster of the
Owner. The official source of data for Major League transactions is


An Owner may replace any player on its Active Roster who is placed on the disabled list, released, traded
to the other league, or sent to the minors; except where limited by Article XVI. To replace such a player, an
Owner must release him or place him on its Reserve Roster. There is no limit to the number of players an
Owner may have on its Reserve Roster.

A suspended player may not be reserved, released, or replaced, unless the suspension is greater than 10

Once a specific action has been taken to remove a player from the Active Roster, an Owner is then free to
acquire any eligible player from the Free Agent pool, activate an eligible player from the Reserve Roster, or
activate an eligible player from the Minor League Roster. Every reserve move must be accompanied by a
concomitant replacement move.

Player moves are to be made in accordance with the player's status as of the reporting deadline. For
example, if a player is active on a Major League active roster at the reporting deadline, he cannot be
reserved even though he was on the disabled list earlier in the Reporting Period.

When a player on the Reserve Roster returns to the Major League active roster, he must be activated to the
Active Roster within two reporting periods or be waived. For example, players activated on a Monday must
be activated by the Sunday 20 days later. Failure to notify the League Administrator and the League
Auditor shall be considered a waiver of the player on the Reserve Roster. Players who are accidentally left
on the Reserve Roster past the two reporting periods must be placed on waivers at the next reporting

A reserved player may be reinstated to the owner’s active roster or waived at any time regardless of his
status on his Major League team.


Each owner may have up to four players in his Minor League Roster.

If a player on the Minor League Roster is promoted to a Major League active roster at any time during the
regular season prior to September 1, the Owner has two reporting periods after his promotion to activate
him or waive him. Players who are accidentally left on the Minor League Roster past the two reporting
periods must be placed on waivers at the next reporting period.

Official Rotisserie League Baseball Constitution 4

If a player on the Minor League Roster is promoted to a Major League active roster at any time during the
regular season after September 1, the Owner has the option to activate him, or keep him on the Minor
League Roster without affecting his status.

If a player on the Minor League Roster is activated, the player displaced from the Active Roster to make
room for him must be placed on Waivers, unless the player on the Minor League Roster can be activated
into a Roster Opening, in which case no waiver is required. Once brought up from the Minor League Roster
by an Owner, a player may not be returned to it, although he may be placed on the Reserve Roster in the
event he is returned to the minor leagues by the Major League team.

A player on the Minor League Roster not brought up to the Active Roster during the season may be kept on
the Minor League Roster in subsequent seasons, as long as he does not accumulate more than 130 at-bats or
50 innings pitched. A player on the Minor League Roster may be traded during authorized trading periods,
subject to prevailing rules governing trades, as may an Owner’s selection rights in the next Minor League

From the completion of the draft until the reporting period on or before August 31, Owners are free to
make trades of any kind without limit, except as stipulated below, so long as the Active Rosters of both
Owners involved in a trade reflect the required position distribution upon completion of the transaction. No
trades are permitted from the Trade Deadline Date through the end of the season, or the duration between
the Protect List submission deadline through the Auction Draft. Position distribution requirements and
transaction fees do not apply to off-season trades. Trades do not affect the salaries or contract status of
players. A player traded from one Owner to another may not be traded back to his original Owner for three
Reporting Periods. Players on the Active Roster, Reserve Roster, Minor League Roster, picks in the current
or next Minor League Draft, and picks in the current Expansion Draft are eligible to be traded. No other
considerations, including cash, players-to-be-named, or future considerations are allowed.

Under certain conditions, a Rotisserie League player may be waived.

When an Owner activates a player from the Reserve Roster or Minor League Roster, the player dropped
from the Active Roster to make room for him must be placed on Waivers if no Roster Opening is available.

A player no longer on a Major League active roster, and whose Active Roster position is taken by a player
activated from the Reserve Roster or Minor League Roster, may not be placed on Waivers, but must be
released outright.

A player placed on Waivers is no longer eligible to be claimed if he is sent down to the minors, traded to
the other league, or is placed on the disabled list by his Major League team.

A player who is not claimed on Waivers during the Reporting Period returns to the Free Agent pool.

Waivers may not be used without releasing a player from the Active Roster. Waivers may not be used in
conjunction with reserving a player from the Active Roster.

Waivers begins the Monday after a player is waived and continues for one week until the end of the
Reporting Period, at which time the player shall become the property of the lowest-ranked Owner to have
claimed him. An Owner making a claim on a player he has placed on Waivers automatically is the highest-
ranked owner for purposes of satisfying Waiver Claims on that player. To make room on its roster, the

Official Rotisserie League Baseball Constitution 5

Owner acquiring a player on Waivers must assign the player to a Roster Opening, or waive a player at the
same position played by the newly acquired player.

A player eligible to be reserved may be replaced by a player claimed on Waivers, however, Waiver claims
for a player to be waived take precedence over Waiver claims made for a player to be reserved.

An Owner may acquire on Waivers no more than one player in a given Reporting Period, but there is no
limit to the number of players an Owner may acquire on Waivers during the season. There is also no limit
on the number of Waiver claims that may be made in a given Reporting Period, but only one claim will be

Waivers ends with the last game of the regular Major League season, and no claims will be awarded after
that point.

The previous owner of a waived player shall be last in order to claim that player.


Players on a Major League active roster and not on any Owner's roster at the conclusion of the Auction
Draft become Free Agents. During the season, the Free Agent pool may also include minor league players
not on any Minor League Roster who are promoted to a Major League active roster, waived players who
are not claimed, players signed by a Major League team, and players traded from the other league. A player
is added to the Free Agent pool only after he is added to a Major League active roster.

Following the Auction Draft, until the last reporting period before September 1, Free Agents may be
acquired to replace players placed on the Reserve Roster.

Following the Auction Draft, until the last reporting period before September 1, Free Agents may be
acquired using the Free Agent Acquisition Budget (FAAB) to replace any player on the Active Roster.

All Free Agent acquisitions end on the last reporting period prior to midnight August 30/September 1.

When a player is listed to be acquired as a Free Agent to reserve a player and listed to be acquired via
FAAB bid to replace a player on the Active Roster, the player will be awarded to the Owner reserving a
player, unless the FAAB bid is $11 (ROTO) or greater.

Each Owner shall have, for the purpose of acquiring Free Agents during the course of the season, a
supplementary budget of $150 (ROTO).

If an Owner loses a player due to a trade to the other league, then the Owner’s available FAAB may be
increased by an amount equal to the lost player's salary. The FAAB amount is automatically increased if
the lost player was signed to a Guaranteed Long Term Contract. If the lost player is not signed to a
Guaranteed Long Term Contract, the owner may choose to keep his rights to that player and decline the
increase in FAAB. The Owner may at any later date, release the player to have the player’s salary added to
his FAAB.

The minimum FAAB bid shall be $5 (ROTO) and the maximum shall be the amount remaining in an
Owner's FAAB. A Free Agent is awarded to the highest bidder. If more than one Owner bids the same
amount on a player, and if that amount is the highest bid, the player goes to the Owner that is lowest in the

The salary of a Free Agent signed in this manner is his acquisition price. His contract status is that of a
first-year player, unless the FAAB bid is $11 (ROTO) or greater, in which case the player is deemed signed
to a guaranteed long-term contract through the following season.

Official Rotisserie League Baseball Constitution 6

For each Free Agent that is signed via a FAAB bid, an Owner must at the same time waive or release a
player at the same position from the Active Roster. If on a Major League active roster, such a player is
waived. If he has been placed on the disabled list, released, traded to the other league, or sent to the minors,
such a player is released and may not be acquired by an Owner until he is once again on a Major League
active roster.

The FAAB process may not be used without releasing or waiving a player from the Active Roster. The
FAAB process may not be used in conjunction with reserving a player from the Active Roster.

A Free Agent signed for a salary in excess of $10 (ROTO) is deemed to have a guaranteed two-year
contract. If such a player is not protected the following season, or dropped at any other time, then a contract
buyout fee in the amount of twice his salary or $10.00 (CASH), whichever is greater, shall be paid into the
Prize Money.

A Free Agent signed in excess of $50 (ROTO) shall have a no-trade clause and may not be traded during
the remainder of the regular season.


An Owner may expand the Active Roster for the pennant drive by activating or acquiring additional players
on the first Reporting Period after September 1 from the Free Agent pool, the Reserve Roster, or the Minor
League Roster. An Owner may activate or acquire any number of players, except the number of active
players may not exceed 40 at any time.

The order of selection for Roster Expansion is determined by the current standings, with the last-place
Owner having first selection, and so on. Players are selected in a round by round draft format. Players
added to the Active Roster through Roster Expansion may be placed on the Reserve Roster if eligible.
Players added to the Active Roster through Roster Expansion may be waived or released only via a Waiver
claim. Roster Expansion ends with the last game of the regular Major League season, and no claims will be
awarded after that point.

Players acquired through Roster Expansion from the Free Agent pool will have a salary of $25 (ROTO) and
a status of a first year player. The salary and status of players activated through Roster Expansion from the
Reserve Roster or the Minor League Roster are not affected.


The following ten criteria are used to determine performance:

Composite batting average (BA) (Hits/At Bats)

Total home runs (HR)
Total runs batted in (RBI)
Total stolen bases (SB)
Total runs (R)
Total wins (W)
Total saves (S)
Total strikeouts (K)
Composite earned run average (ERA) (Earned Runs/Innings Pitched * 9)
Composite ratio (RAT) (Hits + Walks/Innings Pitched)

Owners are ranked from first to last in each of the eight categories and given points for each place. The last
place Owner in a category earns one point, with one point added for each subsequent placement in the

Official Rotisserie League Baseball Constitution 7

standings. The Owner with the most total points at the end of the season wins the pennant. Pitchers'
offensive statistics and batters' pitching statistics are not counted.

An Owner must accumulate a total of 900 innings pitched to receive points in ERA and RAT. An Owner
that does not accumulate 900 innings pitched maintains its place in ERA and RAT rankings, but receives
zero points in both categories. Points for all other Owners remain unaffected.

An Owner must accumulate a total of 4250 at bats to receive points in BA. An Owner that does not
accumulate 4250 at bats maintains its place in BA rankings, but receives zero points in the category. Points
for all other Owners remain unaffected.

In cases of ties in an individual category, the tied Owners are assigned points by totaling points for the
rankings at issue and dividing the total by the number of Owners tied.

In cases of ties in total points, placements in the standings are determined by comparing placement of
Owners in individual categories. Respective performances are calculated and a point is given to each
Owner for bettering the other. Should one Owner total more points than the other, that Owner holds the
higher standing. Should the point totals still be equal, adding each Owner’s total at bats, plus three times
the number of innings pitched breaks the tie. The Owner that scores a higher total by this measure holds the
higher standing.


The Rotisserie League has a schedule of Fees covering all player personnel moves. All Fees are payable
into the Prize Money and are subsequently distributed to the top three or four Owners in the final standings.

ENTRY - $125.00 (CASH)

For $260 (ROTO) salary units, Ownership privileges, and all transactions up to Roster Expansion.
The entry fee for the League Administrator will be halved - $62.50 (CASH)


For website access and daily updates.


For each player activated during Roster Expansion.


For each player signed to a long-term contract waived or released during the contract.

SIGNING BONUS - $5.00 (CASH) per year of the extension, regardless of the amount of the salary.
For each player signed to a long-term contract extension.

MINOR LEAGUE RETENTION - $1.00 (CASH) per Minor League player retained on Minor League

The League Administrator shall promptly collect all fees. The Prize Money shall be divided among the first
three or four Owners in the final standings as follows:

For 10 teams or more:

First Place - 50%
Second Place - 25%
Third Place - 15%
Fourth Place - 10%

Official Rotisserie League Baseball Constitution 8

For less than 10 teams:
First Place - 55%
Second Place - 30%
Third Place - 15%


A player who has been under contract at the same salary during two consecutive seasons that has not been
released during that time must, prior to the freezing of rosters before his third season, be released, retained
at the same salary for the Option Year, or signed to a guaranteed long-term contract. If released, the player
returns to the Free Agent pool and becomes available to the highest bidder at the next Auction Draft Day. If
retained at the same salary for the Option Year, the player must be released back into the Free Agent pool
at the end of the third season. If signed to a guaranteed long-term contract, the player is released back into
the Free Agent pool at the end of the contract.


An Option Year player is signed to a guaranteed long-term contract by the following rules. The duration
through which the player is signed covers the current Option Year plus a number of additional years. The
player's salary shall be the sum of his current salary, plus $5 (ROTO) for each additional year beyond the
Option Year. In addition, a Signing Bonus of $5 (CASH) per year of the extension, regardless of the
amount of the salary, shall be paid into the Prize Money in the year the contract is signed.

In determining a player's status, a season is determined to be a full season or any fraction thereof. An
Owner may sign a player to only one guaranteed long-term contract, at the end of which he becomes a Free
Agent. If, during the course of a guaranteed long-term contract, a player is traded to or signed by a team in
the other league, the contract is rendered null and void. Players with guaranteed long-term contracts traded
to the other league or signed by a team in the other league are released and may not remain on the Active
Roster or Reserve Roster.

Unless traded to the other league or signed by a team in the other league, an Owner must honor the terms of
a guaranteed long-term contract. These cases include injury, retirement, signing with any team or league
not in the other league, or sudden loss of effectiveness.

A player with a guaranteed long-term contract of less than R51 may be released or waived at any time prior
to the trading deadline, unless traded to the other league or signed as a free agent by a team in the other
league. A player with a guaranteed long-term contract of any salary may be released at any time during the
off-season. An Owner that chooses to do so must pay into the Prize Money, a sum equal to one fifth the
salary of the player's contract or $10.00 (CASH), whichever is greater. For example, a salary of $25
(ROTO)/5 = $5.00 (CASH), so the buyout would be $10.00 (CASH). A salary of $60 (ROTO)/5 =$12.00

Option-years and guaranteed long-term contracts are entirely transferable, both in rights and obligations. A
trade in no way affects his contract status.


For the first three seasons of the Rotisserie League's existence, each Owner must retain, from one season to
the next, no fewer than 7 and no more than 15 players on the Active Roster from the previous season's
Active Roster, Reserve Roster, or Minor League Roster. After three seasons, the minimum requirement is
eliminated, the maximum retained.

Official Rotisserie League Baseball Constitution 9

A minor league player may be retained on the Minor League Roster, provided that the player is not
activated to an Active Roster during the previous season, not on a Major League Opening Day roster, not
promoted a Major League active roster prior to Auction Draft Day and has not accumulated more than 130
at-bats or 50 innings pitched.

A Protect List, with the names of players being retained must be provided to the League Administrator and
League Auditor prior to the submission deadline. All signings, buyouts, and minor leaguers must be clearly
indicated. Players not on the Protect List are considered to be non-Protect List players. Failure to submit a
Protect List prior to the submission deadline will result in the inability to sign players to contracts, buyout
contracts, and retain minor leaguers. The League Administrator will distribute all Protect Lists prior to
Auction Draft Day, and after all lists have been submitted.

After the Protect List submission date and prior to the Auction Draft Day, changes to the Protect List may
be made only in the following cases:

 A player on the Protect List is traded to the other league or released by his Major League team during
the period between the Protect List submission and Auction Draft Day. In this case, the player may be
placed on the non-Protect List and another, from the non-Protect List, may be added in his place.

 A player on the Protect List is injured during the period between the Protect List submission deadline
and Auction Draft Day. In this case, with majority approval from the other Owners, the player may be
placed on the non-Protect List and another, from the non-Protect List, may be added in his place.

 A player on the Minor League Roster is on a “modified” Major League Opening Day roster. In this
case, the player must be moved to either the Protect List or the non-Protect list. If the player is added to
the Protect List, another player may be moved to the non-Protect list, but this is only necessary to
remain at the 15-player limit or maintain a proper roster.

If the Auction Draft is held before Major League Opening Day rosters are announced, owners may retain
Minor League Players on their Minor League Roster.


If it is desired or necessary to expand the number of Rotisserie League Owners, an Expansion Draft will be
held immediately prior to the Auction Draft. The new Owner(s) will participate in the Expansion Draft,
selecting up to 15 players from the non-Protect Lists. In the event of multiple new Owners, the draft order
will be determined by a random draw. The new Owner(s) must complete the Expansion Draft with between
7 and 15 players acquired through trades or the Expansion Draft. Rotisserie League Expansion does not
affect Roster Protection rules for current Owners.

Any Owner may participate in the Expansion Draft by acquiring draft picks from the new Owner(s),
however, the number of players on the Protect List added to the number of draft picks may not exceed 15.
For purpose of the Minor League Draft, the new Owner(s) will draft between the previous season’s last
place Owner and the previous season’s fourth place Owner. In the event of multiple new Owners, the
Owner who had the lowest position in the Expansion Draft will receive the highest position in the Minor
League Draft.

The buyout fee is waived for previous owners of players under Guaranteed Long-Term Contract that are
selected in the Expansion Draft.

If it is desired or necessary to contract the number of Rotisserie League Owners, all off-season trades
involving contracting Owner(s) will be rescinded and all players from the contracting Owner(s) will be
placed into the Auction Draft pool, and all contracts will be null and void.

Official Rotisserie League Baseball Constitution 10

The Rotisserie League is governed by a Committee of the Whole, consisting of all Owners. Off-season
rule changes and all other Rotisserie League modifications are determined by majority vote of the
Committee of the Whole.

The League Administrator is in charge of facilitating Auction Draft Day activities, receiving, processing,
and publishing all Rotisserie League transactions, maintaining and providing statistics in a timely manner,
and receiving and distributing the Prize Money. This position is assigned and approved by the Committee
of the Whole.

The League Auditor assists the League Administrator and receives transactions from the League
Administrator in accordance of the rules for all other Rotisserie League members. The League Auditor also
is responsible for identifying invalid transactions, roster violations, and questionable activities. This
position is assigned and approved by the Committee of the Whole.

Off-season rule changes and all other Rotisserie League modifications are determined by majority vote of
the Committee of the Whole. Changes may be made based on Auction Draft Day scheduling issues,
fundamental changes in the Rotisserie League, or fundamental changes in the Major Leagues. Prior to any
other Auction Draft Day activities, all proposed Amendments will be voted on, with those receiving
majority approval being adopted immediately.


Roster Lockdown: March 27
Expansion Draft: March 30 – April 1
Draft Day: April 3 (both leagues)
First Transaction Date: April 4
Trade Deadline: August 29
Transaction Period Ends: August 29
Roster Expansion Begins: September 5

Official Rotisserie League Baseball Constitution 11

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