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Big Lifts Rep Scheme

Week 1 – Test PR + 3*5 (70% of PR)

Week 2 – 3*4 (75% of PR)
Week 3 – 4*4 (80% of PR)
Week 4 – 3*3 (85% of PR)


Maandag – Push Day (Squat+OH)

Barbel Squats (USE REP SCHEME)
Incline DBS 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
Weighted DIPS 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
Leg Extensions 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
Side Raises 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
Rope Pressdowns 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
BB Scullchrushers 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
Barbel Calveraises 4 Sets 8-15 Reps

Dinsdag – Pull Day (Dead-Row)


Barbel Shrugs 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
Lying Leg Curls 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
DB RDL 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
V-Pulldowns 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
DB Rows 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
21 Barbel Curls 4 Sets
45* DB Curls 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
Face Pulls 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
Rear BB Rollups 4 Sets 8-15 Reps

Woensdag – Push Day (Benchpress)

Benchpress (USE REP SCHEME)

Leg Extensions 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
BB Walking Lunges 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
Warrior Pushups (Normal,Spiderman,Arched,Hand-Tap,Wiper,Diamond*10)
Db Flies 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
DB Shoulder Press 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
Sideraises 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
Underhand Pulldowns 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
EZ Pulldowns 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
Legpress*Standing Calves 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
Saterdag – Pull Day (Deadlifts)
Deadlifts (USE REP SCHEME)
Bodyweight Pullups 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
Leg Curls 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
Gluteraises 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
Lat Pulldowns 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
DB Shrugs 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
Reardelt Flys 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
Cable Solo Curls 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
Hammer Curls 4 Sets 8-15 Reps
Front Barbel Wristcurl 4 Sets 8-15 Reps

Everyday ABS
Cable Chrunches * Situps 4 Sets 15 Reps
Cable Chop * R-Twists 4 Sets 15 Reps
Leg Raises * Floor Tucks 4 Sets 15 Reps
Plank to Failure

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