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1.Who is he?

Donald Trump
2. Who is the car owner?

Mr Bean
3. This is logo of?
Tool of promote Facebook page

Presented by: Pilot Sok

I. Basic Facebook Promotion
a. Target Audience
b. Important delivering tool
c. Setting Budget and schedule

II. Understanding Photo for Facebook Post

a. Rule of thirds
b. Lead Room
c. Extreme Close Up Shot
d. Medium Close Up Shot
e. Medium Shot
f. Long Shot
g. over the shoulder shot
Why we use Facebook to promote product?

• Easy to use.
• Easy to reach the target audience.
• Have a pictures to describe purpose.
• Worldwide.
• Saving times.
• Trendy.
Target Audience

• Understand who is our target audience can make Facebook page more
successful .

1. what we have to know about our Audience?

- Male / Female?
- age?
- what they like & Dislike?
- why they interest our information/ page?
- is our information useful for them ? Match on what they need?
Target Audience

• How to understand about Audience ?

1. interview.
2. research.
3. Networking.
4. Meeting.
5. workshop.
Important Delivering tool

• Photos: Show an activities, evidence, without action but give enough information to audience.

* note: no more than 6 or 8maximun, clear photos, Hight quality, clear purpose, ethical.

• Poster: is a large notice or picture that you stick on a wall or board, often in order to advertise something

• Video: why we use Video??

- Color
- Action
- Clear information
- Easy To understand
- Easy to remembered
Setting Budget & Schedule

Budget: specify how much you want to spend per day, month or for
the entire campaign.

Schedule: make it as a Campaign, or small project that could help

page owner have a clear date, and have a clear purpose to control on
social media.

For example: CEO Lunch, Mid-year, any project that need digital
II. Understanding Basic Photo shooting
A. Rule of thirds
• The principle that focusing of 1/3 of camera composition.
B. Lead Room
C. Extreme Close Up Shot
• Too detail
• Focus on one thing
• Show emotional
D. Medium close up
• Focus from head to shoulder.
E. Close up shot
• Focus on Head.
F. Medium shot
• Focus from Head to waist
G. Long shot
• open view or focus from head to foot.
H. over the shoulder shot
• Photo of conversation between 2 people
Thank You!!

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