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Pedagogy for Effective Learning of Clinical Skills: An

Integrated Laboratory Model
Michelle Reilly, PT, DPT, Kimberly Beran-Shepler, PT, DPT, and Karen A. Paschal, PT, DPT, FAPTA

curriculum, availability of resources, and fac-

Background and Purpose. e teaching, Outcomes. Each student passed SCTs ad-
ulty involvement.1 When teaching clinical
learning, and assessment of clinical skills is ministered during semesters 1–6 given
skills, the objective is for students to demon-
a critical component of entry-level physical a maximum of 3 trials. Every student
strate the ability to perform the skill accurately,
therapy education. e intention of this ar- passed the CCPE administered at the end of
efficiently, and consistently over time.2 is
ticle was to describe a successful model for each semester in one of 3 trials except for
teaching clinical skills in the context of the one student in semester 6. Each student met objective of clinical skill teaching and learning
patient and client management model across expectations for performance as measured is achieved through guided practice, repetition,
the domains of physical therapist education on the CPI for 4 clinical education experi- and reinforcement. Educators are also com-
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with emphasis on motor learning principles, ences including entry-level performance for pelled to ensure that students achieve a true
experiential learning, and clinical reasoning. the final 2terminal experiences. All students change in behavior related to clinical skill
Method/Model Description and were successful on the NPTE. learning and retention, and avoidance of tem-
Evaluation. e model describes a cohesive Discussion and Conclusion. Imple- porary and simple skill recall and perfor-
laboratory learning environment that inte- mentation of this model has prepared stu- mance,3 not only in the laboratory setting but
grates skills from the clinical science courses dents for authentic physical therapy also within the context of patient care. Addi-
that coincide each semester. A laboratory practice by promoting integration of cur- tionally, there is a need to facilitate the clinical
director coordinates with faculty teaching riculum content and has fostered faculty reasoning associated with the performance of
clinical sciences in a given semester to en- collaboration. While initial student and these skills.4,5 Inherent to teaching clinical
sure the necessary psychomotor content is curricular outcomes have been positive, skills is a concern not only for the learner to
included, creates experiential learning op- assessment of the model is ongoing. perform the skill but also interpret the resulting
portunities that integrate skills across con- Key Words: Clinical skills, Teaching, outcome and discern implications for patient
tent areas, and promotes clinical reasoning Clinical reasoning. care with consideration for the whole person
in the context of the patient and client and creation of a patient-centered plan of care.6
management model. Success of this model When teaching clinical skills, faculty must seek
was measured through student outcomes on to maximize all these considerations.
skills competency tests (SCTs), Clinical Physical therapists readily apply motor
Competence Performance Examinations learning principles when teaching psychomo-
(CCPEs), American Physical erapy Physical therapists, like many health care tor skills to patients and the same motor
Association (APTA) Clinical Performance professionals, are expected to perform specific learning principles should be used when
Instrument (CPI) benchmarks, and the clinical skills as part of their everyday inter- teaching clinical skills to physical therapy stu-
National Physical erapy Examination actions with patients and clients. ese are dents, but the evidence is lacking.7 Like
(NPTE). foundational skills required for competent patients, students must progress through the
clinical practice and range from simple, such as phases of motor learning: cognitive, associa-
palpation of anatomical landmarks, to com-
tive, and autonomous,6 and practice schedules
plex, such as performing a grade 5 spinal ma-
can facilitate this progression.8 Distributed
Michelle Reilly is a board certified specialist in nipulation, assisted breathing techniques, or
Orthopedic Physical erapy, assistant professor practice is favored over massed practice for
gait facilitation. Often in a physical therapy
at Creighton University, 2500 California Plaza, skill retention and transferability to real-life
curriculum, clinical skills are taught in silos
Omaha, NE 68178 (michellereilly@creighton. scenarios.7,9,10 Evidence also supports that skill
without contextual factors that require the
edu). Please address all correspondence to retention decreases after periods of nonuse.11
student to demonstrate clinical reasoning in-
Michelle Reilly.
cluding appropriate application, in- e rate and intensity of skill decay is influ-
Kimberly Beran-Shepler is a board certified enced by the amount of practice in early stages
terpretation, and modification of these skills.
specialist in Orthopedic Physical erapy, fellow of learning, the amount of time between initial
in the National Academies of Practice, and an
Clinical content is traditionally taught in
a laboratory setting and then practiced in the learning and recall, and the nature of the task.11
assistant professor at Creighton University.
context of clinical educational experiences that Other principles of motor learning (observa-
Karen A. Paschal is a professor at Creighton
occur in authentic settings. tional practice combined with physical prac-
ere is little research describing best tice, external focus of attention, positive
e authors declare no conflicts of interest.
practices for teaching clinical and psychomo- feedback, and self-controlled practice) have
Received July 22, 2019, and accepted March 29,
tor skills in physical therapy education to been applied to teaching clinical skills with
enhance skill transfer to the clinical environ- positive influences on learning outcomes.12 For
Copyright © 2020 Academy of Physical erapy
Education, APTA ment.1 Medical education literature suggests these reasons, repetition and recall of skills over
that there are many ways to teach clinical skills the course of a curriculum are helpful in re-
DOI: 10.1097/JTE.0000000000000145
and these variations are influenced by tention of these skills.13

234 Journal of Physical Therapy Education Vol 34, No 3, 2020

Copyright © 2020 Academy of Physical Therapy Education, APTA Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
In clinical practice, physical therapists select METHOD/MODEL DESCRIPTION community volunteers, and authentic patients
interventions to match the context of to facilitate hands-on practice that translates to
a patient’s needs. Similarly, in teaching clinical The Educational Model clinical practice. Clinical skills are practiced
skills, learning experiences should match the Creighton University’s entry-level DPT cur- within the patient and client management
context of the learner’s needs.7 Practice in the riculum uses biopsychosocial sciences19 as the model to create a context for application of
laboratory must translate to clinical practice foundation for progression to clinical sciences. skills and authenticity of real-world practice.
and the need to address context of learning has ose clinical science courses serve to prepare Inherent in our model is an integration of
given rise to many forms of experiential students for clinical experiences that are both hands-on skills with clinical reasoning and
learning.14 Experiential learning includes sim- integrated and progressive in the curricular a focus on critical self-reflection to overcome
ulations, role playing, and community en- sequence. During a curriculum revision in the theory practice gap.
gagement that help to stimulate “higher 2015, a decision was made to move the teaching
student motivation, more learning at higher of clinical skills out of system-specific labora-
cognitive levels, greater appreciation of the tories and into a series of integrated laboratory The Curriculum
subject matter and its utility, and longer re- courses wherein all clinical skills are taught in Each didactic semester students are enrolled in
tention of material” when compared with tra- the context of a single course. is led to the courses in both clinical and biopsychosocial
ditional lecture learning.15 Evidence in the development of a 6-semester series of in- sciences that have a single clinical laboratory
nursing literature suggests a “theory-practice- tegrated laboratory courses. Each integrated course, Integrated Laboratory. is compre-
gap” where there is an incongruence of skills laboratory course facilitates the teaching and hensive laboratory experience encompasses the
learned in the academic setting compared with learning of clinical skills across system content of concurrent clinical coursework and
clinical practice and difficulty applying domains, addressing multiple components of promotes the developmental learning contin-
knowledge and procedures learned in one the movement system, and reinforcing con- uum described above.
context to another.14,16 Laboratory settings are cepts from all clinical science courses in a se- Within each integrated laboratory course,
meant to bridge the gap between theory and mester. Content from the clinical science a similar model is used to progress students
practice, but their inauthenticity may limit the coursework that contributes to each integrated from early skill acquisition, to skill practice, to
transferability of skills.16 Learning in the con- laboratory course is listed in Figure 1. skill application and eventual skill assessment.
text of a patient case or encounter provides the All 6 integrated laboratory courses use the For early skill acquisition, the integrated labo-
foundation needed for mastering clinical skills patient and client management model20 as the ratory functions similarly to system-specific
early in the curriculum.10 Progressive, guided framework for skill development and practice. laboratories. Students are provided with read-
practice with multiple opportunities to apply Students are introduced to examination pro- ing assignments, prelaboratory assignments,
skills to patients is needed to increase the au- cedures, practice evaluation and interpretation and videos to review before attending labora-
thenticity and real-world applicability of clin- of clinical data to form an appropriate diagnosis tory. Once in the laboratory setting, skills are
ical skills.10 and prognosis, then learn and practice relevant demonstrated by content experts and students
Traditional skills laboratories teach clin- interventions. are allowed ample time to practice skills on
ical skills as individual tasks, but this does e program embraces a developmental their classmates with feedback from faculty and
not reflect true clinical practice where the learning approach across the curriculum in 3 expert clinicians. Special emphasis is placed on
findings of one measure may influence which areas: medical complexity of a patient, expected distributed practice of psychomotor skills and
other tests and measures are chosen to ap- clinical performance and clinical reasoning. In consideration of clinical skills in the context of
propriately assess a patient’s physical ther- the area of medical complexity, students are patient management while using motor learn-
apy needs. Skills taught as individual tasks initially introduced to medical management of ing principles.
without considering context or outcome do the “well adult,” which then progresses across 6 Once skills are initially learned and prac-
not promote translation of theory to clinical semesters to include more medically complex ticed, appropriate skill performance is assessed
practice.10 Incorporating the rationale be- scenarios with patients across the lifespan. In by intermittent skills competency tests (SCTs).
hind why a skill is chosen and the implica- expected clinical performance, students are Skills competency tests are typically specific to
tions of the result of that skill on patient care expected to progress from the beginner level of each clinical science course and allow faculty to
becomes integral to the skill itself,17 and thus, the clinical reasoning grading rubric21 to the evaluate whether students have acquired the
the learning environment should provide the competency benchmark by the completion psychomotor abilities required for clinical
clinical application and clinical reasoning of semester 6. Regarding clinical reasoning, practice. Basic skill instruction and perfor-
necessary to translate to patient-centered students are expected to use a hypothetico- mance is introduced early in the curriculum,
practice.18 is learning in context could deductive reasoning model early in the curric- then advanced to performing skills as they re-
“enhance the understanding and application ulum and progress to more inductive methods late to a patient case, to finally in the later
of course material, improve personal and of reasoning. is developmental learning ap- semesters performing these skills on an au-
professional attributes and skills needed to proach is depicted in Figure 1. thentic patient. Students are allowed 3 attempts
be an effective clinician and improve clinical is model capitalizes on motor learning to demonstrate acceptable performance on
reasoning skills.”18 Still, literature is lacking principles and the use of laboratory time as a SCT. Skills competency tests allow for faculty
with regards to effective teaching strate- a means for distributed practice of skills across to provide feedback specific to each individual
gies to facilitate this type of clinical skill the curriculum with progressive expectations of student related to their psychomotor skill per-
attainment.7,14 complexity and flexibility of skills and required formance, as well as provide a level of assurance
e purpose of this article was to describe decision making. Skills are reinforced across that the learner is prepared to progress to the
a successful model for teaching clinical skills content areas and start with an emphasis on next step of the integrated laboratory model.
across content areas in a physical therapy wellness and progress in medical complexity. After students have successfully completed
curriculum with consideration for motor Experiential learning is threaded through the their SCTs, the integrated laboratory model
learning principles, experiential learning, and model with early use of patient encounters calls for skill application in the context of
clinical reasoning. with simulated patients, standardized patients, authentic experiential learning opportunities,

Vol 34, No 3, 2020 Journal of Physical Therapy Education 235

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Figure 1. Overview of Integrated Laboratory Model

which highlights the integrative nature of the one-on-one with a core faculty member, an patient care. e Clinical Performance In-
laboratory course sequence. Experiential associate faculty member, or a physical therapy strument (CPI) is used to assess student per-
learning opportunities include patient care resident and serves as the final examination for formance on all clinical experiences, again
simulations, practice with community vol- the integrated laboratory course. During this using the same progressive improvement ex-
unteers within the laboratory context, and examination, students are provided with a pa- pectation. Benchmarks related to CPI outcomes
service-learning events with various commu- tient case that requires them to integrate skills are also described in Table 1.
nity partners. In earlier semesters, this from all clinical science courses that have been Figure 2 demonstrates implementation of
involves one-time patient encounters and covered in the curriculum. Examples of in- this model using the second semester of the
then progresses to regular patient treatment tegrated cases used in these examinations may curriculum as an example. In this semester,
sessions in semesters 4, 5, and 6. ese au- include a patient who has experienced a cere- Patient Management II, Cardiovascular and
thentic experiential learning opportunities brovascular accident and is reporting shoulder Pulmonary Physical erapy I, and Move-
allow students to apply the skills they have pain, a patient with Parkinson disease who is ment Science contribute content to Integrated
learned over the course of the semester in the experiencing low back pain or a postop ortho- Laboratory II. Specific psychomotor skills
context of patient cases that are designed to pedic patient with cardiopulmonary complica- learned in this laboratory include transfers,
require skill sets from multiple physical tions. ey are expected to treat the gait with assistive devices, cardiovascular and
therapy domains and scaled to the appropri- examination as a patient care scenario and pulmonary assessment, and manual muscle
ate level of the learner. e application of progress through all stages of the patient client testing and goniometry.
skills shortly after initial exposure helps to management model. Students are assessed us- Motor learning principles are implemented
solidify the content,22 and the use of experi- ing the Clinical Reasoning Grading Rubric de- through distributed practice of these skills, in-
ential learning in the didactic curriculum veloped by Furze et al21 in 3 domains: content cluding recall and progression of skills learned
allows for earlier identification of gaps in knowledge, psychomotor skill, and conceptual in the first semester (vital sign assessment) as
knowledge and performance.23 knowledge/reasoning. Expectations for perfor- well as practice of skills in multiple laboratory
After each experiential learning opportu- mance on the Clinical Reasoning Grading Ru- sessions. Students first observe a demonstration
nity, students engage in critical self-reflection bric are outlined in Table 1. of the skill before completing physical practice
to enhance and highlight their clinical rea- Successful completion of the CCPE serves as and also have access to videos of all skills for
soning skills.24 Depending on the learning a means of summative assessment to determine review at a later date. Positive and constructive
opportunity, the reflection may be written or readiness for clinical experiences. Expectations feedback is used by faculty during practice
in the context of large or small group for performance on the Clinical Reasoning times to further use motor learning principles.
debriefing and discussion. Grading Rubric are progressively increased in Two to 3 weeks after initial learning, SCTs are
Once students have acquired skills, dem- all 3 domains over the course of the didactic used to assess learning of specific psychomotor
onstrated competence, and applied their newly curriculum to respect introduction of new skills, allowing for self-controlled practice, op-
learned skills, summative assessment of skills in content as well as advancement of student skill portunities to seek clarification and enough
the context of patient care can be completed. In and knowledge toward that of an entry-level time to challenge recall of skill performance.
this curriculum, each integrated laboratory clinician. Once skill competency is established, au-
course concludes with a Clinical Competence e curriculum also uses both integrated thentic experiential learning is used to apply the
Performance Examination (CCPE). is is and terminal clinical experiences as a means to learned skills in the context of a patient case.-
a case-based examination that is completed apply didactic information in the context of For this example, students complete

236 Journal of Physical Therapy Education Vol 34, No 3, 2020

Copyright © 2020 Academy of Physical Therapy Education, APTA Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1. Benchmarks for Student Outcomes on the Clinical Reasoning Grading Rubric and CPI


Courses Integrated Content Knowledge Procedural Knowledge Conceptual Knowledge

1 Exercise Physiology Beginner Beginner Beginner
Patient Management I
2 Movement Science Beginner Beginner Beginner
Patient Management II
Cardiovascular and Pulmonary I
3 Musculoskeletal I Intermediate Beginner Beginner
First integrated clinical experience with CPI expectation at Advanced Beginner
4 Musculoskeletal II Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate
Neuromuscular I
Motor Control
5 Musculoskeletal III Competent Intermediate Intermediate
Neuromuscular II
Second integrated clinical experience with CPI expectation at Intermediate
6 Differential Diagnosis Competent Competent Competent
Integrated Patient Care
Cardiovascular and Pulmonary II
First terminal clinical experience with CPI expectation at entry level
Second terminal clinical experience with CPI expectation at entry level

Abbreviations: CCPE = Clinical Competence Performance Examination; CPI = Clinical Performance Instrument.

a simulated acute care experience with stan- CPI outcomes for 2 integrated clinical educa- unsuccessful in the laboratory-based course in
dardized patients as well as community-based tion experiences and 2 terminal clinical edu- semester 6 and also rejoined the program with
cardiovascular and pulmonary screens with cation experiences, clinical education the following cohort.
volunteers. Both experiences require students summaries, and National Physical erapy e 59 students who graduated met pro-
to implement multiple skills from the semester Examination (NPTE) results. Narrative grammatic benchmarks throughout the in-
(transfers, gait, cardiopulmonary status, responses from the CPI were compiled by tegrated laboratory course sequence. Each
strength, and range of motion) to assess patient clinical education faculty into clinical education student passed the SCTs administered during
function. summaries, which were reviewed by the semesters 1–6, given a maximum of 3 trials.
After each of these experiential learning authors. Figure 3 represents the data points that Except for the one student in semester 6, each
opportunities, clinical reasoning is promoted were collected in review of this model. is student passed the CCPE administered at the
through large group discussion and debriefing study received approval from the Creighton end of each semester in one of 3 trials (Table 2).
and the use of guided critical self-reflection in University Institutional Review Board. Having been deemed safe and competent
written assignments. Finally, formative assess- to progress into clinical education experi-
ment of skills learned is completed with the ences, each student met expectations for
CCPE in the context of a patient case. Cases OUTCOMES
performance as measured on the CPI, in-
used for this examination necessitated the Evaluation of success of the integrated labo-
cluding entry-level performance after each of
demonstration of skills from all content areas ratory model utilized assessment methods
the 2 terminal experiences. Eight CPI ele-
(Patient Management II, Cardiovascular and used within the 6 integrated laboratory
ments that most closely reflected the objec-
Pulmonary Physical erapy I, and Movement courses, clinical education benchmarks, and
Science) to be successful. NPTE results. tives of integrated laboratory were chosen for
e integrated laboratory model was assessment of this model. ese elements
implemented with an initial cohort of 62 stu- were most closely aligned with the outcome
Methods dents. Fifty-nine students successfully com- objectives for the integrated laboratory
is study used retrospective outcome data pleted the didactic and clinical education courses and focused on clinical skills and
collected throughout the 6 semesters of in- curriculum and passed the NPTE. Two students clinical reasoning. ey included clinical
tegrated laboratories for the first cohort of were unsuccessful in non–laboratory-based reasoning, screening, examination, evalua-
students taught using this model. ese data coursework and rejoined the program with tion, diagnosis and prognosis, plan of care,
included SCTs in each semester, the 6 CCPEs, the following cohort; one student was procedural interventions, and educational

Vol 34, No 3, 2020 Journal of Physical Therapy Education 237

Copyright © 2020 Academy of Physical Therapy Education, APTA Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Figure 2. Model Example: Integrated Laboratory II, Semester 2. CCPE = Clinical education and practice. Furthermore, stu-
Competence Performance Examination; CVP = cardiovascular and pulmonary; dents cited the integrated laboratory expe-
MMT = manual muscle testing rience as a curricular strength after each
clinical experience on the Student Assess-
ment of Clinical Experience form, noting
that early and frequent interaction with
patients was valuable to their professional
Students identified the integrated labora-
tories as strong preparation for clinical
I believe that the added integrated labs to
the curriculum was the most beneficial in
preparing me for this clinical experi-
ence…e skills that were developed from
the combined courses brought into in-
tegrated laboratory and documentation
and patient management skills were
strengths that were apparent in my third
clinical experience.
e blending of the different classes was
also very helpful. It allowed me to make
almost a seamless transition between
cardiopulm interventions, to orthopedic
intervention to neuro interventions.
Strengths of curricular preparation in-
clude: case examples of common out-
patient physical therapy diagnoses and
practicing examination and evaluation
skills on mock and real patients.
e CCPE greatly prepared me for this
interventions. Students were expected to experiences and many students exceeded clinical having previous experience of
meet Advanced Beginner at the end of their these expectations. Figure 4 displays the practicing in the acute care setting with
first integrated clinical experience, In- percentage of students who exceeded per- a professor before participating in this
termediate at the end of their second in- formance expectations for each clinical ed- clinical experience. It was also beneficial
tegrated clinical experience, and Entry Level ucation experience. having observation experiences in the
at the end of their last 2 terminal clinical Narrative responses from students and acute care setting throughout our
experiences. Subjective comments from clinical instructors on the CPI suggest that curriculum.
clinical instructors were required to support the integrated laboratory model for teaching I also think doing the CCPE’s was helpful
and confirm CPI markings. All students met clinical skills and clinical decision making to realize we are treating the whole person
these expectations for each of their clinical leads to successful preparation for clinical and to put everything together. I feel like
going into this clinical I was extremely
Figure 3. Outcome Data Collection Timeline. CCPE = Clinical Competence well prepared. I really appreciate going
Performance Examination; ICE = clinical education experiences; NPTE = National over standardized tests and knowing the
Physical Therapy Examination; SCT = skills competency test different ones for balance and gait etc. I
felt comfortable with evaluations and
examinations. I think the curriculum re-
ally prepared me well for this setting.
I believe the pediatric related course-
work was very sufficient in preparing me
for this clinical experience. I felt like I
had the foundational information for
various diagnoses and had the resources
to look information up when I had
questions. I also feel like I had basic
manual and handling skills when
working with infants. I especially
enjoyed the pediatric patients that came
into laboratory because that was a real-
life situation/scenario.

All 59 students passed the NPTE after

graduation; 98.3% passed on the first attempt.

238 Journal of Physical Therapy Education Vol 34, No 3, 2020

Copyright © 2020 Academy of Physical Therapy Education, APTA Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 2. Comprehensive Clinical Performance Examination Outcomes

First-Time Total Pass After First Total Pass After Third Exemplary Overall Pass,
Semester Pass, No. (%) Attempt, No. (%) Attempt, No. (%) Performance, No. (%) No. (%)
1 61 (98.39) 62 (100) 6 (9.68) 62 (100)
2 54 (88.52) 61 (100) 10 (16.39) 61 (100)
3 58 (95.08) 61 (100) 11 (18.03) 61 (100)
4 58 (96.67) 59 (98.33) 60 (100) 3 (5.00) 60 (100)
5 58 (96.67) 60 (100) 1 (1.67) 60 (100)
6 59 (98.33) 59 (98.33) 59 (98.33) 1 (1.67) 59 (98.33)

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION significant differences in student outcomes other faculty members for all things related to
is model was designed and implemented to between models, future studies could examine laboratory learning because of their in-depth
reinforce motor learning strategies in clinical outcome differences related to faculty work- knowledge of content across the curriculum.
skill development, increase experiential learn- loads and engagement of the clinical commu- For example, students learn how to assess
ing opportunities, and promote clinical rea- nity in the academic program partnerships. vital signs in the first semester. e laboratory
soning across the curriculum. Outcomes Essential to this model is the consistency of director knows the specific expectations of how
a single instructor of record over consecutive these skills should be performed, is familiar
demonstrate that this model of teaching clini-
integrated laboratory courses (one laboratory with how students were exposed to the skills,
cal skills and clinical reasoning across content
director for semesters 1–3 and a second labo- can reinforce practice in subsequent classes
areas in the context of the patient and client
ratory director for semesters 4–6). Because with the same expectations and can progress
management model was successful in meeting
these faculty members are involved in multiple expectations with regards to accuracy and effi-
expected student outcomes. Because the in-
clinical science content areas and are familiar ciency of skill performance. e laboratory di-
tegrated laboratory model was implemented in
with the content taught, the laboratory direc- rector can thread this skill through assessment
the context of a larger curriculum revision, tors become experts on the curriculum and of the well adult, individuals with pathology,
there were associated confounding variables have firsthand knowledge of students’ previous across the lifespan and in unique situations.
that limit opportunities to isolate the impact of clinical skill development. is unique knowl- is allows for application of motor learning
the model on student outcomes. Although edge and perspective facilitate the creation of principles through distributed practice of clin-
comparison between models is beyond the experiences that allow for distributed practice ical skills7,9,10 with progressive expectations re-
scope of this article, variance of student of previously learned skills and well as pro- lated to complexity, efficiency, and flexibility,
learning outcomes between the nonintegrated gression of performance expectations related to and requires the learner to consider the skill
and integrated models is inadequate for sta- those skills. e laboratory director has specific within the context of the situation, thus further
tistical analysis, with both models resulting in knowledge of how each skill was taught and challenging clinical reasoning abilities.10
similar student outcomes related to success on can reinforce important concepts with confi- In addition to student outcomes, there are
clinical experiences, postgraduation employ- dence. Additionally, the laboratory director several curricular outcomes that have been en-
ment, and NPTE pass rates. In the absence of becomes the point of contact for students and hanced with implementation of the integrated
laboratory model. is model allows for im-
Figure 4. Student Outcomes Related to CPI Performance Above the Course proved integration of clinical sciences and
Requirement. CPI = Clinical Performance Instrument a laboratory environment that more closely
reflects clinical practice. Because patients seek-
ing physical therapy treatment frequently have
impairments in multiple domains,25-28 and
multiple domains contribute to the movement
system,29 teaching and practicing skills across
domains promotes physical therapy manage-
ment of the patient as a whole. is model
allows for consistent exposure to a comprehen-
sive and holistic approach to patient care. e
integrated laboratory model has also contrib-
uted to increased faculty communication and
collaboration in development of experiential
learning opportunities that cross content areas.
Although increased collaboration among faculty
is required, individual faculty are asked to forgo
some of the dedicated, content-specific labora-
tory time to promote integrated experiences.
e use of experiential learning in de-
velopment of clinical skills and clinical rea-
soning is supported by the literature.18,30 is

Vol 34, No 3, 2020 Journal of Physical Therapy Education 239

Copyright © 2020 Academy of Physical Therapy Education, APTA Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
model allows for early and frequent exposure Assessment of the model is ongoing. Areas 11. Arthur W, Bennett W, Stanush P, McNell T.
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Letter to the Editors: Erratum

In the Letter to the Editor that appeared on page 94 of the June 2020 issue, the author information incorrectly listed the location of
Saint Mary’s University. e correct city is Los Angeles, California.
Lee, Alan Chong W. Letter to the editors. J Phys er Edu. 2020;34 (2):94–95.

Vol 34, No 3, 2020 Journal of Physical Therapy Education 241

Copyright © 2020 Academy of Physical Therapy Education, APTA Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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