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Mission statement:

Our mission is to provide an organizational structure where men of like minds can come together
to meet as equal Brothers, enjoy a “biker’s” lifestyle and promote happiness and wellbeing of each
Brother as Brothers part of that lifestyle. In our community we will give generously to each other,
our selected charities as well as look after each other as Brothers.

Rule one

Brothers of this club and their well-being come first and foremost in every decision that is ever
made by the club and written into this charter or passed by vote.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS: shall consist of the following Brothers in good standing.

Previous President, Current Term Elected President, Secretary and Treasurer. The current term
President may invite the Sgt at Arms to a board meeting when matters of club discipline are being

After 10 years any Brother can apply to sit as a member of the Board of Directors.

All Brothers will make their best effort attend meetings unless out of the country or an emergency
dictates otherwise sending apologies to the president or Sgt. at Arms if he cannot attend the
Elected Officers and their duties;

PRESIDENT: shall perform the following duties.

• Maintain order during rides and meetings.

• Assist the brothers in making decisions that will benefit the club and support our mission.

• Act as public spokesman for the club.

• Enforce rules set forth by the club charter.

• Shall ride in the Position of his choice

• President may appoint a permanent Road Captain and designate a Special Ride Captain for
any called ride.

• President in the event of injury or death resulting from an accident or injury shall ensure
all necessary documentation is completely filled out and submitted to proper authorities.

• Ensure that the final wishes of the patch holding Brother is carried out to the best of his

VICE-PRESIDENT: shall perform the following duties:

• Act as President in the Presidents absence.

• Act as publicity and public relations officer as needed.
• Assist the President in assigned activities

SECRETARY: shall perform the following duties:

• Act as either Vice President or President in the absence of either officer.

• Records and maintains records of all club meetings or sponsored club event.

• Prepares all records and will brief the President on issues concerning the club.

• Will read the minutes from previous meetings at the beginning of club meeting.

TREASURER: shall perform the following duties:

• Move up and perform the duties of President Vice, President or Secretary as needed.

• Handles the collections, and disbursements of funds dealing with the club.

• Held accountable for the safe keeping of said funds.

• Procures all goods and services for club such as, Colors, T-Shirts, flags, reserving and
paying for club expenses etc.

• Collect dues at each monthly meeting and record them

• Provide in writing to the secretary at each meeting an accounting of all moneys paid out to
any person or entity for any reason or loaned out for any reason as well as any moneys
received from dues, loan repayments, and fines or fund-raising activities.

• Provide a written copy of the treasurer’s report to the secretary at the end of each meeting
so that it can be sent to each Brother with the minutes of the meeting.
Appointed Positions and their duties;

SGT AT ARMS: There may be more than one SGT At Arms appointed at the Presidents
discretion, one being primary and the remaining being secondary.

Once appointed because of the nature of his Job as investigator and enforcer of club rules the
Primary Sgt. at Arms can only be removed from that position by unanimous vote in a board of
directors meeting or stated business meeting and not by reversal of appointment by the President.
The Sgt at Arms shall perform the following duties:

• Signals the President and or Road Captain when riders are lined up and ready to roll.

• Ride in position set by the President.

• Controls discipline during meetings and will call the meeting to order at the beginning of
each monthly meeting.

• Evaluates the riding skills of guest riders and prospects and report the results to the
Brothers. If he determines that any rider is unsafe or unable to adapt to group riding he will
report this immediately to the Brothers. If any rider is deemed unsafe during a ride the Sgt
at Arms will coach the rider in proper riding form or at his discursion pull that rider to the
back of the pack to ride just in front of him for the safety of the other riders.

• He will investigate any club friends, hang-around’s, or prospects as necessary to keep

undesirables from prospecting or patching.

• Escort brothers and guests to their bikes when the Brothers are leaving any club activities
such as meetings or PR club runs. If no Prospect is available or a patched brother requests

• Acts as club messenger or accompanies any messenger of important club business to

brothers, other chapters or other clubs.

• Acts as mediator between Brothers if there are disagreements or problems between

members. If this does not work disputes between brothers will go to the President and
eventually board if necessary.
ROAD CAPTAIN: Can either be a permanent position, or a ride by ride basis appointed by the
President and shall perform the following duties:

• Plans routs in advance for each called club ride.

• Before a ride checks for road closures or hazards and weather forecasts.

• Will act as pre-ride safety officer for each ride and hold a safety meeting at least ten minutes
before each ride to go over the ride plans and general safety issues when guest riders and
prospects will be riding. Special advice will be given to guests and prospects on how we
ride in formation and how we signal road hazards.

• Will visually inspect each bike “example tire condition” before the any ride and has the
complete authority to reject any bike or any rider he deems unsafe or unfit for the ride.

• Will work with the Sgt. at Arms to coordinate safe riding conditions for the brothers. All
rides will have an official Road Captain even if it is a temporary move up position (the
President or VP can also act as Road Captain as well as their elected positions but someone
will perform the duties at every ride.

• Some rides may take advantage of a Brother who has particular knowledge of the planned
ride for example; road conditions or experience in the area and the brother can be asked to
act as temporary Road Captain for a particular ride.
• Has the authority to ban any bike or rider from any particular ride if determined unsafe

PATCHED BROTHER: shall perform the following duties:

• Do his best to help himself and his brothers live a fun, rewarding full life

• Shall to the best of his ability follow the Club Charter & Bi-Laws.

• Shall support Thunder Motorcycle Club and make any suggestions and perform any duties
that promotes the mission of our MC

• Keep his bike in good and safe working order

• Inform the President or SOA if he cannot make either the monthly meeting or any Calendar
event or be late on any dues or payments. Failure to notify the President or SOA will result
in a fine being assessed by the Fine Master to the Patch Holder.

• Patch Holder or Brother shall not wear or display any other clubs’ colors or be a prospect
or member of any other MC or organized riding club.

• Shall during rides monitor other Brother’s bikes and equipment such as luggage and tire
pressure or any possible problems such as unsafe maneuvering. If there are any issues with
guest riders or prospects either in riding skills or personalities the Road Captain or Sgt. at
Arms should be made aware of your concerns or complaints immediately

Election of Officers:
Officers shall be elected by vote by Brothers in good standing every two years. Any Brother in
good standing may be nominated for any office.

Nominations shall be made at the November monthly meeting and Elections shall be held at the
December monthly meeting.

Votes shall be by ballot.

Secretary shall count the votes and declare the winner.

In the event there is a tie, each candidate shall state the reason he should be elected and shall have
two minutes to state his reasons. Another ballot shall be taken in the case of another tie, the tie
breaker shall be a coin toss. The Treasurer shall flip the coin and let it drop to the floor, the Sgt. at
Arms will declare it heads or tails and the winner announced.

Voting Eligibility
Brothers who are out of the country but are in good standing may vote on specific club business
and issues if they e-mail their wishes, opinion and vote to the President & Secretary at least 5 days
before the meeting is held.

In Country: Brothers in good standing must be no more than 1 month behind in dues and have
attended at least half of the past 4 meetings, made his mandatory monthly rides (at least stands up)
and has properly made apologies for missed rides. Or has paid his dues and is or has been out of
the country and thus excused from meetings and events.
Out Of Country: Brothers who live out of country but always catch up their dues upon returning
shall have a vote in the general elections.

FOUNDING Brothers: shall mean those individuals who were the founding Brothers who formed
this MC and have maintained their membership in good standing.
Meetings: Monthly meeting will be held on the first Monday at 5:00pm at the clubhouse or a place
to be designated by the President.

Emergency Meetings: Any Brother, if there is a topic to discuss that needs immediate attention
can request an emergency meeting.

Only Brothers may attend meetings at the opening of a meeting, Prospects and selected guests may
attend meetings after the meeting is opened and there are no objections to inviting the Prospect or


RESPECT YOUR COLORS; The Club owns the Club Colors and the Club Flash on the front,
thus the term Patch Holder refers to the Brother who is keeping or holding the Patch and Flash
for the club. The term soft colors refer to club authorized tee shirts. The term colors refer to CUTS.

Colors can only be earned in the following manner;

After the Prospect has earned the right the privilege and honor to be called Brother he shall be
presented with his Patch by the president.

Colors must be worn on Black Material either Fabric or Leather.

Colors must be worn during monthly meetings.

A guest rider from another MC may wear his Club Colors provided that their Club has extended
us the same courtesy. Otherwise the guest rider may not wear his Club Colors.

Colors should be treated with respect and common sense should dictate not to miss treat or
denigrate them.

Colors shall not be left un-attended and only a Brother, may attend your colors.

You may own more than one set of colors so that changing riding conditions can be

Soft colors may be worn any time but it is more appropriate to wear your colors at rides, and special

We invite men to ride with us but we never invite them to prospect with us. If someone really
wants to prospect for the club they must show enough interest to ask a Brother how to become a

Any Brother, Prospect, hang-around, or friend of the club may invite a person to ride with the club
as a guest rider unless it is specifically called a no guest rider ride when planning the ride. It is
required if you are a prospect, hang around or friend of the club to consult with a full patched prior
to giving an invite to anyone.

Any guest rider who is not affiliated with another club after making 4 or more Calendar Events
with Thunder MC may be considered a club friend, and a club hang-around and will be eligible if
he is well liked by the membership to of his own accord ask the president to prospect for the
Brotherhood. A Guest Rider, Hang Around, or club friend, must show a desire to join the
brotherhood by asking the president in person if he can prospect for the club. The president will
then consult with the Sgt. at arms as to an investigation of the person’s background and then the
membership to see if there are any objections to allowing the person to Prospect. The president
well give an answer based on what he has learned from the Brothers and the investigation by the
Sgt. at Arms.

If the Guest Rider or Hang Around becomes a Prospect, he has been given a place of certain respect
and certain privilege’s in Thunder MC and should keep in mind that he is now representing the
club to the public. The Prospect must complete a Prospect period long enough (minimum 90 days)
to allow club Brothers to evaluate the prospect for his potential as a Brother and in that time educate
himself with the assistance of his sponsor on the charter, bylaws and 11-point Brother’s pledge of
Thunder MC.

Prospect period shall be from three (3) to six (6) months or more of being with Brothers
participating in club activities and making rides. If the Brothers decide to take in a new Brother it
will be put to a vote in a club meeting. The Prospect Period does not need to be an excessively
long time provided there was enough time spent as a “hang around”, and the local Brothers have
all had a chance to meet him and his riding skills are approved of by all.

Each Prospect will be assigned by the President to one of the Brothers as his “Sponsor”. The
Sponsor is his primary guide or teacher to guide him in the MC protocol and club rules &
Limited hazing of Prospects is required by fully patched brothers; no physical harm of any kind
will be accepted. Only good nature fun will be allowed. A Brother cannot ask a prospect to do
anything that he himself has not done or is willing to do.

Prospects shall be allowed to attend monthly business meetings, only after the meeting has been
opened for business and the prospect has been invited to join the meeting in progress, Prospects
are not permitted to vote on any club business.

Prospects shall wear their Cut displaying the top and bottom rockers of Thunder Philippines at all
times when riding a motorcycle.

Prospects shall be coached in and display proper respect to all Patched Brothers at all times.

Prospects shall remember at all times that they are not a Patched member of any MC, and shall
conduct themselves accordingly around Patched members of other clubs.

Prospects shall perform any task a Brother asks of him without delay. The only exception being,
if that task places the Prospect in danger or is unduly embarrassing to him or the Club.

During their prospective period, the Prospect shall make a minimum of 3 club rides & 3 feedings..
Riding back solo or with a Brother early does not constitute an overnight ride. A prospects sponsor
is to keep track of there prospects attendance.

Prospects require a 100% vote of all brothers who are in good standing to become a Patched
Brother of Thunder MC. The Prospects sponsor will present a letter of recommendation to the
President prior to voting.

All following rules should keep in mind, FAMILY, WORK THEN CLUB
PROSPECT Code of Conduct
• A prospect is to strive to conduct yourself as if you were a reasonable patch holder at all
• A prospect is to display a positive attitude
• A prospect is to never ask when he will receive his patch
• A prospect should participate as much as he thinks is acceptable, then they should exceed
brothers’ expectations by anticipating his brothers needs and offer to supply them prior to
being told.
• A prospect should not discuss club business with outsiders, Just keep your mouth shut. If
someone has questions refer him to a patched thunder brother
• Learn all members names and get to know all brothers, this is a brotherhood you need to
learn about your future family. (Remember 100% of the Brothers need to accept you to
join before your pathed)
• At every event or meetup, a prospect must make it a priority to greet every patch member
and shake their hand
• Make sure your available for all club formal events (anything on the calendar or anything
deemed important when announced for all brothers) Otherwise a formal apology needs to
be sent prior to the President or SOA
• A prospect must always wear your cut when riding a big bike (400cc or more).
• You are not allowed to wear your cut on a scooter (keep it under your seat until you
arrive at location)
• If any full Thunder brother is leaving an event the prospect is expected to walk them to
the door and watch them leave
• On any ride, bikes are always to be fueled and road ready prior to stands up
• As a prospect you are representing thunder, remember that your actions will be judged.
Remember you are a prospect 24 hours a day, Thunder exists whether your wearing your
colors or not.
• Remember that you are every thunder members’ prospect, not just your sponsors
• Bikes are always to be reversed in for parking unless on an uphill slope
• Prospects are expected to wear helmets when riding, they are also expected to have their
back riders helmeted.
• Thunder vest is an official requirement at monthly general meetings
• A prospect is recommended to ask thunder brothers how you are doing and if you should
be doing things differently on a regular basis
• When on a ride a prospect will be given his ride position by the road captain
The following 11 Point Pledge will be affirmed by a prospect and sworn to
before he is allowed to patch. As a member of Thunder Motorcycle Club, I make the
following affirmation and pledge;

1. I will not communicate the private business of Thunder Motorcycle Club or the personal
business of any of my sworn Brothers to anyone except to another sworn brother, or within the
body of a legally opened business meeting of Thunder Motorcycle Club, and never to any person
who is not a sworn Brother.

2. I will stand to and abide by the bylaw’s rules, regulations, and charter of this MC chapter or
any other chapter of this same Brotherhood under whose jurisdiction I may be riding at the time.

3. I will help aid and assist any Brother who is in need, so far as their necessity may require, my
ability will permit, if they appear to me to be in need of help, and I deem them worthy of help.

4. I affirm that I will forever faithfully with no exception keep any secrets of a sworn brother when
they communicate anything to me as a secret.

5. I affirm that I will not defile the good name of a brother, neither before his face nor behind his
back, nor permit it to be done for any reason by any other person if it is within my power to prevent

6. I promise not to knowingly allow a Brother to be made of any man who I deem not worthy to
be called, a true Brother nor permit it to be done in any other chapter of this MC if it is within my
power to prevent it from happening.

7. I affirm that I will never, knowingly, cheat wrong nor defraud Thunder MC or any of my
Brothers in any way out of the value of anything, nor permit it to be done to him by anyone if it is
within my power to prevent it.

8. To the best of my reasonable ability I will not in anger strike or spill the blood of any Brother,
nor permit it to be done by any other person if it is within my power to prevent it.

9. I affirm that I will not knowingly have carnal knowledge with a Brother’s wife, ex-wife,
girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, or even his favorite bargirl (if on the formal list). Unless permission is
10. I am always my Brother’s keeper and I will watch over all my Brothers, I will fly to the relief
of any Brother who needs my help or who is in danger of any kind should there be a greater
probability of saving his life than losing my own.

11. I will never use my Brotherhood as a bargaining tool to selfishly get my own way either with
the threat to resign myself or a suggestion that another Brother leave the club whose ideas I may
not completely agree with.
Disciplinary Actions

If serious club rules have been intentionally or repeatedly violated by a Brother, the President will
call a special meeting that the offending Brother may or may not be invited or required to attend.
If the offending Brother is the president any elected officer can call this special meeting.

The following criterion is some examples of possible reason for Termination of membership.

Non-Payment of dues for three (3) months with no contact with President for reasons why.

Failure to comply with all membership requirements. Disrespect of colors, breaking rules that
have to do with serious law infractions.

If any situation or infraction of rules or by-laws by a Brother is not addressed by the board within
the first six months after the infraction was discovered, it cannot be charged against the Brother.

Brothers on probation are required to strictly follow all club rules and protocol, may not act as club
officers while on probation, and are not allowed to vote on club matters in regular business
meetings or special meetings. Any club rules broken while on probation could cause more serious
penalties or possibly a Brother’s membership to be terminated if the brothers’ actions become
unbearable to the membership.

Any brother found not to be conforming to the rules of the ride and or Brotherhood set forth by
the club or acting not as a brother, i.e. repeated bad behavior, dishonesty with his brothers,
speaking disrespectful of Thunder Motorcycle Club or its Brothers, fighting problems with the
brothers can receive disciplinary actions including being placed on probation or considered for
termination as a club Brother by special meeting of the Board of Directors and a vote to do so.

Termination of membership or disciplinary actions must have 75% vote of Brothers present voting
yes and there must be a QUARM of patched brothers in good standing.

With only 5 Brothers in a meeting 4 of the 5 must vote yes to pass any disciplinary action. Only
patched Brothers will be allowed in the club house while termination or disciplinary Judgment is
being discussed.

A Brother may also be terminated for non-payment of dues, after six (6) months unless he makes
arrangements with one of the Brothers or club officers and receives a pass from the President.

Judgment or Termination of membership with the Thunder MC; the former Brother may not ride
as a guest rider on any Thunder MC organized rides.

A Brother whose membership has been terminated by being voted out of the club will not be
allowed to re-patch.
Re-patch of a former Brother who quit the brotherhood for his own reasons;

If a Brother who of his own choice quits this MC either by verbal or written statement, hands over
his colors, or drops his membership by lack of communication and failure to pay his dues for more
than 6 months will be allowed to reinstate into the club under the following conditions;

His reinstatement request must receive a unanimous vote in a regular business meeting.

He will apologize to the Brothers for quitting and deserting them.

He will lose his original number and his seniority in the club.

He will serve a one year and one day prospect period.

He will not act as club officer for one year after his re-patch.
Purpose of fines, is to promote discipline in the club and to raise money for club.

Fines will be imposed on any infraction of this Charter or for missing a monthly meeting without
getting an alibi from the President.

Fines for minimal infractions shall be PHP 500 pesos each.

Fines for more serious infractions of club rules (i.e. leaving your colors unattended or other major
infractions shall be PHP 1000 pesos each.

Fines levied against prospects shall be charged to their sponsor.

The Fine Master shall turn all monies collected into the Treasurer (Treasurer is the Fine Master if
no fine master has been appointed)


Each called ride will have an official ride road captain either the appointed road captain or someone
acting as temporary road Captain and a Sgt. at Arms or someone acting as temporary Sgt. at Arms
for the ride.

The president can act as President and Road Capt. At the same time at his discretion.

All bikes must be a minimum of 400cc. for any ride.

Riders found to be drunk or otherwise incapacitated will not be allowed to go on or continue a

ride. If a rider is found in this condition as a habit, his membership may be terminated (by vote)
for the safety of the other riders. Guest riders will not be considered for membership if this
condition becomes a habit.
To ride with Thunder MC is a privilege, not a right for guest riders. A Brother may not surrender
his colors due to disagreement with the club or Brothers and then insist on being a guest rider thus,
riding on his terms. Brothers who quit the club or surrender their colors are forbidden from riding
any Thunder MC organized or called rides.
Any Brother having an issue or problem with a guest rider may announce this by informing the
Sgt. at arms or Road Captain prior to stands up and the guest rider may not be allowed to join the
ride. This is a Brothers club and the desires of each Brother are to be respected first.

Back riders will be allowed on called back rider rides only.

“Stands up” is a predetermined location and time. If “stands up” is set for 09:30 that is what time
the club should be mounting up getting into position for the start of the ride. The meeting time is
always one-life hour prior to stands up.

All riders will remain in assigned ride order during a ride. Brothers will get into line formation
when departing any and all places. The President or Road Captain may not begin until the Sgt. at
Arms or designated sweeper signals him that all riders are lined up and ready to roll.

If there is any argument or disagreement about the lineup order for any given ride the Brothers
seniority number can be used to place the riders in a line up

If you are unable to join a ride at the correct time it is not incumbent that the rest of the brothers
wait. Problems with bikes, women or work schedule should not and must not interfere with the
overall plans of the club.

Weapons such as guns, knives, tear gas, pepper spray, etc., may only be carried if authorized by
local laws and / or a Brother has a permit to carry such a weapon.

Guest riders must adhere to ALL the club ride rules when riding with the club on a club ride. Also,
a guest rider is not entitled to have a back rider except on designated club back rider rides.
Additional Chapters

Angeles City Philippines Chapter will be the home chapter and designated chapter #1
After 3 Brothers in any city or area are legally patched, these Brothers may apply to the board of
directors of the home chapter to conduct meetings and do business as separate chapter. The
prospective new chapter will apply for the chapter designation with a plan for its initial officers,
President, vice president, secretary/treasurer, chapter name, and this application will be discussed
at the next regular business meeting of the home chapter. And the Brothers requesting the chapter
should all attend.

If approved by the home chapter the new chapter will be designated a chapter number and official
name and will be allowed to conduct business meetings and operate as a separate chapter of the
Thunder MC.

Any new chapters will pay 10% of all collected money to the home chapter from the collection of
dues or from any other fund-raising event or enterprise.

The secretary of all satellite chapters will forward the minutes of each business meeting to the
secretary of the home chapter after each meeting and vice versa.

Satellite chapters will conduct their business meetings at least 3 day after the AC chapter so that
that the minutes from the AC chapter well be available for the satellite chapters

Additional chapters will use the same colors and back patch as the home chapter but will also use
an additional front (side) rocker to distinguish the chapter affiliation.

All new Brothers prospected through any chapter will be assigned a seniority number from the
home chapter. This is a permanent club seniority number no matter what chapter the Brother rides
with his number will remain the same. A brother may be patched at his home chapter but he must
return to Angeles City Chapter to be presented with his number badge.

Any Brother may sit in on any business meeting of any chapter.

A brother may join another chapter as a Brother of that chapter if he changes locations and resides
closer to the chapter he wants to join and communicates his intention to his current chapter and
the chapter he desires to join approves of the transfer.

Any Brother may for just cause reject any prospect form being patched in his own chapter or any
chapter by communicating his objection to the Sgt. at arms of the chapter of the prospect in
question, who will in turn relay the message of rejection of the prospect to that chapter’s board of

Angeles city chapter may request the presence of representatives from other chapters to attend
special meetings that will affect all Brothers in ever chapter.
Notice of Changes
November 2018 This documented was voted up in the General Meeting
4th December 2019 Changed to allow cuts to be worn in Cars December 19 General

21st July 2021 Posthumous Patching (Passed with Extraordinary General


In the event of a Prospects passing during the prospective period, at

the discretion of the President and with the consent of the executive
committee a prospect maybe nominated for his patch posthumously
providing that he has completed his obligations under the Bylaws.

An Extraordinary Meeting will be called and the Club would then

vote as normal.

If voted up:
The condition of affirming and swearing to the Pledge will be
The departed brother will receive his number and be recorded in the

Where possible the vote should take place prior to the funeral so the
brother can enjoy full honors.

7th April 2022 Monthly meeting date changed from Wednesday at 7:00pm to
Monday at 5:00pm

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