Boiler Parameters

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Equation (if

Boiler Parameter Brief Definition

The proportion of stream generated blowdown stream =
Boiler Blowdown
which is vented from the boiler. FBlowdown (HSat.liq - HBFW)

Efficiency has becomes the most

important factor for selection of
boiler considering the rapidly rising
prices. Three percent additional
efficiency can save as much fuel is
one year, which can be equal to the The effective heat supplied to
Boiler efficiency cost of complete boiler. Many old- the steam = Heat available in
timers tend to restrict the efficiency fuel * Boiler efficiency
to less than 90% level fearing the
cold-end corrosion due to sulfur in
fuel. If the heat recovery system is
designed properly, efficiency upto
95-96% on NCV is possible even on
heavy oil.

Efficiency = M /
[(1+B) M + A Mmax]
M = mass flow of
Mmax = maximum
mass flow of steam
When you select this the Boiler efficiency will be
Variable efficiency A & B = Efficiency
ignored and the efficiency calculated by the
following : (Zhigang Shang. Phd UMIST 2000) correlation
Default values (A =
0.0126, B = 0.2156)
are supplied using
boiler data obtained
from Patternson and
& Sharma (1980)
This will show how the Variable
Efficiency Plot efficiency correlation varies over the
operating range of the boiler.
Steam Flows User specified steam flowrates
these values are used to target the
steam production. Given the inlet
Heat loads and
and outlet temperatures and the
heat balance the effective mass
flowrate can be determined
Apart from mechanical strength, it is
the control logic and
instrumentation, which decides
Safety and
safety and
reliability of any modern boiler.
Some of the important aspects are
discussed below.

Safety valves release steam without

any need for electronic signal from
instruments. This is a very
important device and is a must as
per all codes. The release capacity
should be more than that of the
Safety valves steam generation capacity of boiler.
For gaseous fuels pilot flame is
essential to ensure flame stability
during ignition. It is more so in case
lean gases like Bio-gas. In case of
liquid fuels, burner with rotary,
steam and air atomization are
Pilot flame ignition provided with pilot flame ignition.
Environmental aspects are becoming
more important day by day.
Generally local pollution control
have limits specified for polluting
elements in flue gases. Constituents
such as CO, NOx, particulate
matters, SO2/ SO3, hydrocarbons, in
flue gases should be measured and
must be below the limits
Environmental specified by the pollution control
Compliance boards.

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