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UPR/ACCEPTANCE; not being judgmental, we try and interpret everything, without being

non-judgmental empathy is not able to work.

If you are judging someone, you are understanding what they are going through from your
world. When we show acceptance, they are less likely to be resistant.

Congruence; another word for Genuineness.

1.4 Benefits of the session:

CBT will allow Emily to look at some of the positive aspects of the situation she is in. It can
bring forth a more logical explanation for her negative thinking patterns.

The session can allow her to start the practice of journaling and mindfulness which may help
her in reducing her anxiety and stress levels.

My parents have recently decided to split up and I am devastated.

I cry a lot, am not sleeping, don’t eat properly and my school work has gone down the drain.

All I think about is how awful it all is. I just can’t imagine us not being together as a family

And I don’t think I’ll ever get used to living in 2 houses –

sometimes with my Dad, and sometimes with my Mum.

It’s going to be so hard to meet up with my friends.

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