NR527 Module 3 (Health Promotion)

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Health Promotion



Institutional Affiliation:

Health Promotion

The community issue identified in this article is physical inactivity among the older

population in the community. Physical inactivity negatively impacts the well-being and

overall health of older people since it is a risk factor for decreased life quality, functional

decline and chronic diseases among this group. According to WHO (World Health

Organization) physical inactivity is the main factor causing mortality across the world,

leading to about 3.2 million deaths every year (World Health Organization, 2019). WHO

recommends balance exercises, strength exercises, and aerobic exercises to improve their

overall health and well-being. Moreover, research studies and articles have consistently

indicated that regular exercises have various health importance for older population such as

reduces fall risks, improves cognitive function, lowers anxiety and depression rates, enhances

cardiovascular health, and improves musculoskeletal function (Groessl et al., 2019). Despite

all these health benefits of physical activity, many older individuals remain inactive in

physical activity, highlighting the necessity of targeted approaches or interventions to

advocate for physical activity or exercise within the identified population. Therefore,

promoting physical activity among the older people is an integral clinical and public health


Significance of Collaboration and Interdisciplinary Approaches Used

Collaboration and teamwork are integral for the effectiveness and success of health

promotion interventions, especially when handling complex problems such as lack of

physical activity among the older population. Involving interdisciplinary stakeholders and

professionals, one can implement a holistic and comprehensive approach to enhance health

outcomes. Collaboration is an effective route of improving health equity and overall well-

being. Involving different stakeholders is crucial is developing patient-centered and holistic

approaches key in addressing community issues such as physical inactivity and obesity.

One of the main approaches that will be utilized is interprofessional collaboration. This

entails the coordination and active participation of healthcare teams from various disciplines

such as social workers, nutritionists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, nurses and

physicians. Every discipline or unit brings unique perspective and expertise that, when

integrated can improve the effectiveness and success of the health promotion scheme.

Interdisciplinary approaches will be used through frequent team meetings, collaborative care

scheme that respects and recognizes the contributions and value of every team member, and

shared decision-making.

Literature reviews reinforce the effectiveness and success of interprofessional collaboration

in enhancing healthcare outcomes. Banks et al. (2019) states that interdisciplinary

collaboration is linked to improved patient satisfaction, healthcare professionals' satisfaction,

patient outcomes and declined healthcare costs. Moreover, De Maio Nascimento et al. (2022)

illustrated that interprofessional teamwork significantly enhanced physical activity standard

quality of life among older population.

Team Members and Rollout of the Health Promotion Plan

The team members that will be involved in the development and implementation of

the health promotion scheme include social workers, nutritionists, occupational therapists,

physical therapists, and physical nurses. Their role and tasks will range from healthcare

screening and guidance to establishing tailored exercise initiatives, addressing nutrition

requirements, providing education, and addressing social health determinants. As a result,

they will be able to develop a holistic and comprehensive promotion plan suitable for

promoting physical activity among the older population.


The rollout plan entails performing a need evaluation to comprehend the physical activity

measures and obstacles among older population in society. Based on the evaluation literature

and findings, evidence-based programs will be designed and established. Interdisciplinary

education and training sessions will be conducted to improve the skills and knowledge of

team members. Implementing such an interprofessional health promotion scheme, the level of

physical activity among older population will increase. Consequently, the overall well-being

and health of older population will improve. Furthermore, the health promotion plan will

consider unique needs as well as issues that older population encounter. Expertise from

different healthcare disciplines ensure development of effective and comprehensive strategy

to promote physical activity in the community.


Banks, S., Stanley, M. J., Brown, S., & Matthew, W. (2019). Simulation-based

interprofessional education: A nursing and social work collaboration. Journal of

Nursing Education, 58(2), 110-113.

De Maio Nascimento, M., Gouveia, B. R., Gouveia, É. R., Campos, P., Marques, A., & Ihle,

A. (2022). Muscle strength and balance as mediators in the association between

physical activity and health-related quality of life in community-dwelling older adults.

Journal of clinical medicine, 11(16), 4857.

Groessl, E. J., Kaplan, R. M., Rejeski, W. J., Katula, J. A., Glynn, N. W., King, A. C., ... &

Pahor, M. (2019). Physical activity and performance impact long-term quality of life

in older adults at risk for major mobility disability. American journal of preventive

medicine, 56(1), 141-146.

World Health Organization. (2019). Global action plan on physical activity 2018-2030: more

active people for a healthier world. World Health Organization.

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