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Administering an intramuscular (IM) injection involves several steps:

Prepare Equipment:

Gather the necessary supplies: syringe, needle (appropriate gauge and length), alcohol swab,
medication vial, and gloves.

Check the medication label and confirm the correct dosage.

Wash Hands and Put on Gloves:

Perform hand hygiene by washing hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Put on disposable gloves to maintain aseptic technique.

Select Injection Site:

Common IM injection sites include the deltoid muscle (upper arm), vastus lateralis muscle (thigh),
and ventrogluteal muscle (hip).

Ensure the selected site is free from lesions, inflammation, or any abnormalities.

Prepare Injection Site:

Clean the skin at the injection site with an alcohol swab in a circular motion, starting from the
center and moving outward.

Allow the area to air dry or gently pat it dry with a clean cotton ball or gauze.

Prepare Medication:

Draw up the correct dosage of medication into the syringe according to the healthcare provider's

Remove any air bubbles by tapping the syringe and pushing the plunger slightly to expel them.

Administer the Injection:

Hold the syringe like a dart at a 90-degree angle to the skin.

Insert the needle swiftly and firmly into the muscle at a steady, controlled pace.

Once the needle is fully inserted, aspirate by pulling back slightly on the plunger to check for blood
return. If blood appears, withdraw the needle and select a new injection site.

If no blood return occurs, slowly and steadily depress the plunger to administer the medication.

Remove Needle and Apply Pressure:

Once the medication is administered, release the skin and withdraw the needle quickly and
smoothly at the same angle it was inserted.

Immediately apply gentle pressure to the injection site with a clean gauze pad or cotton ball to
minimize bleeding and discomfort.

Dispose of Equipment:

Discard the used needle and syringe in a designated sharps container according to healthcare
facility guidelines.

Remove gloves and dispose of them properly.

Perform hand hygiene again to ensure cleanliness.

Document the Procedure:

Record the date, time, medication administered, dosage, injection site, and any other relevant
information in the patient's medical record.

Monitor Patient:

Monitor the patient for any adverse reactions or complications following the injection.

Provide appropriate post-injection care instructions as needed.

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