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The English curriculum for Primary


Grado en Educación Primaria

Prof. Nuria García
Curriculum of Primary Education

ROYAL DECREE DECRETO 61/2022, de 13 de julio, del

Consejo de Gobierno, por el que se establece para la
Comunidad de Madrid la ordenación y el currículo de la etapa
de Educación Primaria:


Curriculum of Primary Education

• The teacher's role is essential because it must be able to design

learning tasks or situations that allow problem solving, application of
learned knowledge and the promotion of student activity.

• The teaching-learning competence must be addressed from all areas of

knowledge, and by the various entities that make up the school
community; dynamism is reflected in that the skills are not acquired at a
given time and remain unchanged, but involve a development process
through which individuals are acquiring higher levels of performance in the
use by themselves. To achieve this process of curricular change is
necessary to promote an interdisciplinary vision and, in particular, allow
more autonomy to the teaching, so that would meet the demands for
greater customization of education, taking into account the principle of
specialization teacher.



Article 2.1
a) Curriculum: regulation of the elements determining the teaching and
learning process for each educational stage.
b) Objectives: references to the achievements that the student must attain at
the end of the educational process, as a result of the teaching and learning
experiences intentionally planned for this purpose.
c) Competences: abilities to apply the relevant contents of each educational
stage in an integrated way, in order to achieve the correct realization of the
activities and the effective resolution of complex problems.
d) Contents: set of knowledge, abilities, skills, and attitudes which contribute
to the achievement of the objectives for each educational stage and the
acquisition of the relevant competences. The contents are organized into
subjects, which are classified into areas, fields and modules, depending on
the educational stage, or the programmes students take part in.



e) Measurable Learning outcomes: specifications of the evaluation criteria

which allow to define the learning results, and specify what the student must
know, understand and know how to do, in each area; these standards must
be observable, measurable, and assessable and must allow the graduation of
the students' achievements. The standards must be designed in order to
contribute and facilitate the use of standardized and comparable tests.

f) Evaluation criteria: specific references used to assess the students'

learning process. They describe whatever it is that must be valued and that
students must achieve, both in terms of knowledge and in competences; they
respond to what is aimed to achieve in each area.

g) Teaching methodology: set of strategies, procedures and actions

planned and organized by the teachers, consciously and reflexively, in order
to promote the students' learning process and their achievements.


Competencies in the Curriculum

The Key Competences of the curriculum are as follows:

1. Competence in linguistic communication.
2. Competence in mathematics, science and technology.
3. Digital competence.
4. Learning to learn.
5. Social and civic competences.
6. Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship.
7. Cultural awareness and expression.


First Foreign Language Curriculum

• The core curriculum for Primary Education is structured

around language activities as they are described in the
Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages: comprehension and production (expression and
interaction) of oral and written texts.
First Foreign Language Curriculum

• Use of contextualized language will be promoted under own

communicative situations in various areas and allow use of
real and motivating language.
• The use of the game, especially in the early years, and
performing joint tasks are not only essential to properly lay the
foundation for language acquisition, but may also contribute to
the field, far from merely be a mere object of study, it is also
becoming an instrument of socialization to the group. As
students advance in age will be gradually introduced more
theoretical explanations, evolving from a first processing
semantics essentially a more advanced syntactic processing.
General objectives
Primary education will contribute to the children
development of the skills that will enable them to:

a) Understand and appreciate the values ​and standards of

living, learn to act in accordance with them, prepare for
active citizenship and respect for human rights and
pluralism inherent in a democratic society.

b) Develop individual and team work, effort and

responsibility in the study as well as attitudes of self-
confidence, critical sense, personal initiative, curiosity,
creativity and interest in learning, and entrepreneurship.
General objectives
c) Acquire skills for the prevention and peaceful resolution
of conflict, enabling them to function independently in the
family and household, as well as in social groups with
which they are associated.

d) Know, understand and respect different cultures and

differences between people, equal rights and opportunities
for men and women and non-discrimination of people with

e) Know and use appropriately the Spanish language and,

if any, the co-official language of the Autonomous
Community and develop reading habits.
General Objectives
g) Develop basic Maths skills and initiative in solving
problems that require elementary operations of calculation,
geometry and estimates, as well as being able to apply to
situations in everyday life.

h) Know the main features of Natural Science, Social

Science, Geography, History and Culture.

i) Start using, for learning, the information technology and

communication to develop a critical mind to the messages
they receive and produce.

j) Use representation and artistic expression and start to

build visual and audio-visual proposals.
General Objectives
k) Rate hygiene and health, accept their own body and that of
others, respecting differences and using physical education and
sport to encourage both personal and social development.

l) Know and appreciate those animals closest to us and adopt

forms of behaviour that contribute to their preservation and care.

m) Develop emotional skills in all areas of personality and in

their relationships with others and an attitude opposed to
violence, prejudice of any kind and sexist stereotypes.

n) Promote road safety education and respectful attitudes that

affect the prevention of accidents.
English for Primary: Specific objectives
• Acquire, in at least one foreign language, skills to
enable them to express and understand simple
messages and function in everyday situations.
• To listen and understand messages, using information
given for the development of a task related to their
• To express themselves orally in easy and usual
situations, using verbal and non verbal procedures and
adopting a respectful and cooperative attitude.
• To write texts with different purposes about topics
previously dealt in class and with the help of models.
• To read as a source of pleasure and personal
satisfaction and to get information according to a given
English curriculum for Primary: 1st cycle

1. Speaking
• To understand short oral messages that are close to the
students reality in order to develop tasks in the
• To listen carefully and understand short and easy oral
messages coming from different computing and
audiovisual devices.
• To express basic needs inside the classroom.
• To give verbal and non verbal answer to real or simulated
situations with the help of communicative aids.


English curriculum for Primary: 1st cycle
2. Reading and writing
2.1 Encouraging reading
• To associate basic vocabulary spelling, meaning and
pronunciation through games.
• To start using basic reading strategies: visual and verbal
context, previous knowledge, familiar situations.
2.2 Starting to write
• Guided writing of basic vocabulary and very short sentences
the students previously know, with a communicative and
recreational intention as part of the development of a task.
• Interest in the presentation of texts.


English curriculum for Primary: 1st cycle
3. Language knowledge
3.1 Linguistic knowledge
3.1.1 Language Use
• Saying hello and goodbye.
• Identifying and introducing yourself.
• Recognizing common colors.
• Learning numbers up to 20.
• Differentiating basic shapes and sizes.
• Identifying objects in the classroom, basic body parts, close
family members, different kinds of clothes, some animals,
some meals, usual means of transport and other fields of
interest for the student.
English curriculum for Primary: 1st cycle

3.1.2 Language reflection

• To introduce some phonetic aspects through words
and significative structures.
• Global association between graphemes,
pronunciation and meaning from written models that
represent oral expressions known by the students.
• Interest in using the foreign language in different
English curriculum for Primary: 1st cycle

3.2 Learning reflection

• To introduce strategies that facilitate vocabulary and

structure acquisition, such as repetition, visual and non-visual
contact, word-image association, previous knowledge,
memorization and model observation.
• To have a positive and confident attitude about one’s learning
capacity to learn a foreign language.
English curriculum for Primary: 1st cycle

4.Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

• Curiosity, respect and interest for other languages

and cultures.
• Open attitude towards the people that speak the
foreign language.
• Importance to the foreign language as a means of
English for Primary: 1st cycle
• To get the general idea and identify some specific elements in oral texts
with the help of linguistic and non linguistic elements related to activities in
the classroom and in the student environment.
• To read and identify easy words and sentences that have been previously
presented to the student orally about topics that are familiar or interesting
for the student through games and communicative activities and with
visual, body language and verbal support.
• To participate in classroom activities and in guided oral interactions about
known topics in easily predictable communication situations or related to
immediate communication needs, such as greetings, speaking about likes
and dislikes, expressing feelings and basic needs.
• To use some basic learning to learn strategies such as asking for help,
support communication with gestures, using visual dictionaries and identify
some personal aspects that help them to learn better.
English curriculum for Primary: 3rd cycle
1. Speaking

• To listen and understand instructions, explanations, guided

oral interactions.
• To listen, understand and get concrete information from
computer and audiovisual recordings for the development of
several tasks.
• To produce correct oral messages adequate to their ages
with progressive autonomy, efficiency and complexity in the
expressions used.
English for Primary: 3rd cycle
2. Reading and writing

2.1 Encouraging reading

• Reading tales, comics and other kinds of books or
texts (on paper or online) with the aim of
encouraging a reading habit.
• Reading texts created by the student himself to
• Using the dictionary as a reference tool.
English for Primary: 3rd cycle
2.2 Importance of writing
• To compose student’s own written texts, with the
help of models, with a given purpose and within a
specific communicative situation and progressively
longer and richer in structures and words.
• Interest in the treatment, development, presentation
and organization of written texts.
• To value writing in a foreign language as a means of
English for Primary: 3rd cycle
3. Language knowledge
3.1.Linguistic knowledge
3.1.1 Language use
• To give personal information and speak about where
people are from, their jobs and places of work.
• To know the basic cardinal numbers and some
• To know and learn new vocabulary related to the
immediate environment, interests and students
experiences: hobbies, sports, leisure activities, tv
programmes, jobs, etc
English for Primary: 3rd cycle
3.1.2 Reflection on language
• Careful pronunciation, rhythm, intonation and stress
patterns; not only in interaction and oral expression
but also in delivery, dramatization and reading
• Using basic writing texts strategies, from very
structured models.
• To compare and reflect on how a foreign language
works from the languages the students know.
• Interest in using the foreign language correctly in
different situations.
English for Primary: 3rd cycle
3.2 Reflection on language
• To use skills and procedures that facilitate
communication and autonomous learning:
association, relation, classification, memorization,
organization, reading and referring to texts, model
observation and ICT use.
• ICT use to reinforce and expand foreing language
• To get involved in one’s educational process through
self-review and self-evaluation. Accepting error as
part of the learning process.
English for Primary: 3rd cycle
4. Socio-cultural aspects and cultural awareness
• To have interest in establishing communication with
other speakers with the help of ICTs.
• To value the foreign language as a tool to get to
know other cultures, to have access to new
information and as a way to communicate and relate
to students from other countries.
• To have a positive, receptive and tolerant attitude
towards people who speak a foreign language and
have a different culture.
English for Primary: 3rd cycle

• To get the general idea and identify specific information in

varied oral texts delivered in different communication
• To read, in silence and aloud, different texts with vocabulary
and expressions that get more and more complex, with the
help of the basic strategies, to obtain explicit information and
get direct inferences.
• To maintain everyday conversations about familiar topics in
predictable communication situations, respecting basic
exchange rules, like listening and looking at the person

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