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ELECTROSTATICS: ELECTRIC CHARGES AND FIELD Electrostatics is the study of charges at rest Charge (a) = Charges an intrinsic property of matter due to which it experiences Electrostatic forces of attraction and repulsion. - There are two types of charges; positive (e.g. proton) and negative (e.g. electron) = Charge on a single electron is(@= 4.6% 20°C] $1 Unit- Coulorib(C) @--@ 4 Properties of charge @--© 1. Attraction and repulsion: Like charges repel each other | Unlike charges attract each other 2. Additive nature of charge: present on the body. harge is additive in nature Le. total charge on 2 body is the algebraic sum of all charges & Total charge on body = +10C 45¢ -3C-2¢ = 10C—Ans. 3. Quantisation of charge ~ Charge on a body is the integral multiple of charge ona single Electron. (Where eis the charge ona single electron and n= Fis, %———» —3? rh any Y PERMITTIVITY OF FREE SPACE (¢.) 85x10 CN Tm: 4 PERMITTIVITY IN MEDIUM (2) There exists a relation between permittivity in free space/vacuum and that in a medium. fe], where ¢ isthe relative permittivity of medium AKA K { dielectric constant of medium) ©. Ques: Piota graph showing variation of coulomb force (F} versus 1/1, where r is the distance between the two charges of each pair of charges A(1UC,2uC) and B (1HC, -3uC) (P¥Q 2031) soP: We know Foe 1/r, therefore, si lar POs ‘ques: A thin metallic spherical shell of radius R carries a charge Q.on its surface. A point charge Q/72is placed at its center C and another charge placed at 2 distance x from the center. Find force on the charge Q/2 and 20. (PYQ.2015) Since F 2° quqa, graph for pair 8 will have greater slope ee ® Than slope of pair A. 4 Force between multiple charges Principle of superposition Principle of superposition talks about two things 1. Net force on any charge is the vector sum of all the forces acting on that charge 2. The individual forces between two charges are unaffected due to the presence of other charges. ee ee re Sena ‘erioes of an equllteral tangle of sie'L Whats the fnfee‘on & Seay Gltvllh tee pears alge oe @ Place the ceetryd ONE * triangle as ohown nF i? | Now, let us cleulate the forces between the three chorges atthe vertices and charge Cat the centroid individually " rinciple of superpostion) 5 ° perpostereS) e Now to calculate net force on Q we find the vector sum of the forces Fi + Fa + Fs which amounts to zero. We can also see by symmetry that net force on Qis zero, F Electric Field Electric field can be defined as the space around a charge in which another charge experiences an electrostatic force of attraction and repulsion. An electric charge Q produces an electric field ‘everywhere’ in its surrounding. Electric field strength field intensity (E) = Electric field strength at a point is defined as the force that a unit charge experiences when kept at that point - Mathematically , imq0 E=F/q = Itisa vector quantity | Si Unit- N/C or V/m General expression for field strength: gO Ge Let us take a charge Q. at a distance r from it, there is another unit charge o. the force on q due to Qcan be written as Note: Electric fleld strength also follows law of superposition i.e, net electric field strength at @ point is the vector ‘sum ofall field strengths due to individual charges. Characteristics of Electric field ( PYQ 2021,19,18,17) 1. Electric field at a point doesn’t depend on charge q 2s the ratio F/aq is independent of q 2, For a positive point charge electric field is directed radially outwards 3. For a negative point charge electric field is directed radially inwards. 4. Magnitude of E due to a charge Q depends inversely on R’, so at equal distances from the charge Q, E will have same magnitude i.e. it shows radial symmetry. Ques: A charge is uniformly distributed over a ring of radius a. Obtain an expression for the electric field at its center. ™ Hence show that for large distances it behaves like a point charge. (PYQ 2016) (Removed For 2223-24) aS Consider a differential Element of length dl ty Aa ‘And charge dq 1 ou 2h a 9) Hid ong yas BO duetoommersy St caer Eo Similar PQs. Chess 2165) Electric Field lines (PYQ 2020,2019,2018,2017,2016,2015,2014,2013,2012,2011,2010) - The concent of electric field lines was given by Faraday to visualise the strength of electric fields ~ Electric field lines are imaginary, straight or curved lines around cherged bodies such that tangent to itat 8 point gives direction of electric field at that point. Properties of Electric Field lines 1. Field lines originate from a positive charge and terminate at a negative charge 2. ‘Twofield lines can never intersect each other. (This is because at the point of intersection we can draw two tangents which means electric field atthe point of intersection will have two directions, which is not possible.) (YQ) 3. Greater is the density of field lines, greater isthe strength of electric field in the region 2 4. Electrostatic field lines do not form closed loops because of the conservetive nature of electric field (i.e. work done by electric field depends on final and initial position and not the path followed.) 5. Electric field lines do not have any breaks; they are continuous in nature. Ques: Draw pattern of eleciric field lines, when a point charge ~Qis kept near an uncharged conducting plate. (PY 70} Pee Ze ni, LES SS Si Seq} == Electric Dipole An electric dipole is an arrangement of 2 equal and opposite charges kept at some finite distance, 1p eH oe 2! = Dipole Moment (P] 4 e 4 - The dipole moment (vector quantity) of an electric dipole measures the strength of the dipole = Its magnitude is equal to the product of the charge and the separation between the two charges [Pata | = Its direction is along the dipole axis, from the negative charge to the positive charge. Electric field due to dipole ( PYQ 2022,21,20,19) A. Field on axial positon/ End on position (PYQ 2015) 1S Ht a es — *, Y pepe tt een Oe Gay stg Teme (ret) irl) rot 2» FRG (ee Poe (eereqnestersy " ea) fee TT 1 wm CEM ¢- 2 an a | +P (#1) = B. Electric field on equatorial position/ Broad on position (PYQ 2017) 1 ee 1) lange 2D Fied aiongy axis -E,psing ) Ques: what is the expression for the electric field produced by a dipole of moment p at 2 point at a distance rin the equatorial plane? Draw a E v/s r graph for the same ( PY 2022.20.19,18) Ans: om Ext sini vas © [Sresaeanaaied ques: a) derive an expression for the electric field at the equatorial line for a dipole nl b) Two identical point charges, q each are kept 2m apart in air. A third point charge Q of unknown magnitude and sign is placed on the lone joining the charges such that system remains in equilibrium. Find the position and nature of Q. (rvq2019) 4 Behaviour of dipole in external electric field Let us assume that a dipole of dipole moment P is kept in a uniform external field E at an angle @ with the field. ‘As we can see from the figure, the net force on the dipole will be zero. But since line of action of the two forces is not the same, the dipole will experience a torque t which can be written as, Ex tsiad Fe 2lgx Esind. r= px Bind = From this we can see that net torque on the dipole is zero when it makes an angle of O°(parallel) or 180°(anti- parallel) with the field = When the dipole is parellel to the field, it is known as the position of stable equilibrium and when itis enti-parallel, it is known as the position of unstable equilibrium. = The torque on the dipole is maximum when itis perpendicular to the field Dipole in non-uniform electric fleld In 2 non-uniform field, the two charges +9, -q experience different forces therefore net force is not zero. ‘The net torque may or may not be zero depending upon the orientation of the dipole. 4 Electric Flux (6) Electric flux can be defined as the number of field lines crossing per unit area, perpendicular to it. Mathematically, ee = EAcos® (Where Eis the field vector and Ais the area vector) Note: the direction of the area vector is alongthe normal to the area. _L2Qwes: Given 2 uniform electric field E = 5 x10"1 N/C. Find flux of this field through a square of side 10cm whose plane is parallel to the y-2 plane. What would be the flux through the same square if its plane makes an angle of 30° with the x axis? ( PYQ 2021,19,18,16 ) Ans: 1) 6= E Acos6 = 5 10? 107 cos0" = SONCm? 2) Since plane makes angle of 30", normal will make angle of 90-30= 60° GE A cos8 =5 x 10? x 10? cos60°= 25 NC*m? Jp Gauss's Law ( PYQ 2022,21,20,19,18 ) ‘Total electric flux through a closed surface is equal to 1/e, times the total charge enclosed by the closed surface’ = fEds=q/e, Derivation: Let us assume a sphere of radius r which encloses charge q. Consider differential area ds. The flux through ds can be written 0, efina =f Fabcosd Note: ifnet charge enclosed by a surface is zero, then the net flux through that surface is also zero (since d=a/e.). Important points regarding Gauss’ law = Gauss’ law is true for any closed surface, irrespective of its shape = The term on the right side of the equation refers to all the charges inside the closed surface. ~The term on the let side is due to all charges both inside and outside the surface. - The closed surface is called Gaussian surface and it cannot pass through a point charge (can pass through continuous charge) = Gauss law is based on inverse square dependence on distance as seen in coulomb's law. Any violation of gauss law will result in departure from the inverse square law. {© Ques: Consider two hollow concentric spheres, 5; and 5; (5)>51) enclosing charges 2Q and 4Q resp. Find the ratio of flux through them. How will the flux through S; change if a medium of dielectric constant kis introduced in $1? (PYQ 201) ans / According to gauss law, 6=a/s (*) ( 2 ) i 1) bi 2Q/e, ; 6." 6Qe, Ye . emus — ie Geoalnad 2). fa medium of dielectric const K is introduced in Ss a=ke, 1-20/ke, sinstarovas 1a, Tri ni at es i ie (A) no net change is enclosed by the surface (B) uniform electric field exists within the surface. (©) electric potential varie (D) chnrge is present inside the surface. ( PYQ 2020, Ans A) from point to point inside the surface (According to gauss law) Application of Gauss’s Law 1) Field due to an infinitely tong straight uniformly charged wire ( PYQ 2021 20,17) Consider an infinite straight wire with uniform charge density7; draw a cylindrical Gaussian surface of radius r and length | around it: b= $ Boa . , afbiafP Rs [Pb fou, Coersas) sdaf E-dsgs! © tha 2 ml -—O -@ ! aig 12 sedyet att See Important pve, Hon don i lo fa i wo w pot cts tne ya al Gassan surface get affected when its radius is increased ? (PYQ 2016) Tl) _ FIELD DUE TO UNIFORMLY CHARGED PLANE SHEET (PYQ.2017} Consider an infinite plane sheet with uniform charge densitya; draw 2 cylindrical Gaussian surface of radius and length 2l as shown, b= Eas Cv ELSm) ft RAE REE f bdrsos0'+ f E-dgoso! CoE Ns: Esp) importantova @ (a) Use Gauss's theorem to find the elecirie field due to uniformly charged infinitely large plane thin sheet with surface charge density o. ( PYQ 2017) TI) FIELD DUE TO A UNIFORMLY CHARGED THIN SPHERICAL SHELL (PYQ 2020) (Removed for 2023-24) Consider a uniformly charged spherical shell of radius r with uniform charge density , draw e spherical Gaussian surfece of radius x Case 1:x>r Consider the Gaussian surfece at a distance x (irom centre) outside the sphere According to Gauss’s law Equating 1,2 Gaussian surface 2 Surface charge. o=$ Boas etuy weeded densitya 0 d=§ EdscosO=E § ads 4 =E-Axax’ oO case 2:x 0 and E = ~ 200 NW for x ¢ 0. A, right eleeuar ender of length 20 em and radiay 9 cm has is e entre ab the crigin sili exis alma the wena 9 thet ane foote ot = 10. (Pvaz0i8) sires peciaribanegtsan (PYG 2020) i) The ave charge presenti dete eyinder SOLUTIONS FOR SIMILAR PYQS 8 ‘Ans |,PYQ 2015 soi A Force on Q/? E=0 (field inside conductor is 6) r=Ex2a0 B Force on2Q BaEyit Ey Feqk 4 ree [Ans 2. PYQ 2018 sein} 1-610" ¢ 2108 9-1x10" a=3-52x10" m/s? Freee} accoring gusta Since charge enclosed remains sime, fix doesn't change ‘Ans5.PYQ 2018 soln = +100 01 (0-1) =-01Nm /¢ 4 $= 10002 (0-1)° BA cos = A, 2Nmi fe O=b.+b, = (02-044 te b= 01N me oat g= fe, =8-85x 1010! S889 10°C (Ans6:PYQ 2020 soln | seuttar 7 2 =e == a Y 32x10" fae |e |] 4 of 1=29x10"s ‘ : ‘Ans, PYQ 2019 soln) ar’ =200 x3-14 STINM IC = 200 x5 x 3-14 =1:57NM*/c =bitds 5741-57 14Nm fe = de, = 3-14 XB 85x10" 78x 10"C Electric Charges and Fields the maxinmm rate (ii) Magnitude of electric field is given by change in the magnitude of potential per unit displacement normal to a charged conducting surface. [Altematively: award half mark of part ‘a’ if student writes only 1. Draw the pattern of electric field lines, when a point charge -Q is kept near am uncharged conducting plate. [CBSE DELHI 2019] 1 1 [Note: @ Deduct % mark, if arrow are not shown. Gi) Do not deduct any mark, if charges on the plates are not shown 2. Define electric flux. Is it a scalar or a vector quantity. [CBSE DELHI 2015] Ans. | (a) Electric flux throngh a giver surface is defined as the dot product of electric field and area vector over that surface. a Alternatively i E.dS ‘ 1 | Also accept Electric flux, through a surface equals the surface integral of the electric field over that surface. e It is a scalar quantity 3. Write two properties by which clectric potential is related to the electric field. [CBSE DELHI COMPARTMENT 2017] Ans. | (i) Electric field is in the direction in which potential decreases at How does the electric flux due to a point charge enclosed by a spherical Gaussian surface get affected when its radius is increased? [CBSE DELHI 2016] | ws, | eEcric cremains uname [Note: (As per the Hindi translation), change in Electric field is 1 1 [beta et, enc ave neds sate waits ates an decreas] ‘What is the electric flux through a cube of side 1 cm which encloses an electric dipole? | In a cubic surface, the net electric charge will be zero since dipole carries equal and opposite charges. It is observed that the net electric flux through closed surface will be [Charge enclosed / eo] and | because the charge enclosed is zero. Electric flux is also zero. [CBSE DELHI 2015] Why should electrostatic field be zero inside a conductor? [CBSE DELHI 2012] | For a charged conductor. the charges willie on the surface ofthe | aches Go, irwypl A ly are anne ai eo | When there is no charge there will not be electric field. If the net electric flux through a closed surface is zero, then we can infer (@)_nonet charge is enclosed by the surface (>) uniform electric field exists within the surface. (©) dlectric potential varies from point to point inside the surface. (@) charge is present inside the surface. [CBSE DELHI 2020] (a) No net charge is enclosed by the surface. Explanation: 1. Net electric flux is directly proportional to the net electric charge enclosed by the surface. Ina closed surface, if the net electric flux is zero, then the net electric charge will also be zero. 3. Since electric flux is defined as the rate of flow of electric field in a closed area and if the electric flux is zero the overall electric charge within the closed boundary will also be zero. Draw a plot showing the nature of variation of the Electric field (E) and potential (V), of a (small electric dipole with the distance (r) of the field point from the centre of the dipole. Ans. Electric potential Electric Field 7 ’ v sie, Var~ Frege r The graph below shows us the variation of E and V with distance e 1 % 9. A charge q is placed at the point of intersection of body diagonals of a cube. Electric flux passing through any one of its face. Charge is placed at the point of intersection of body diagonal of a cube which means charge placed a the centre of cube. 1 1 | According to Gauss theorem, the electric flux through the whose cube is given by z Since, a cube has total 6 faces, the flux will be 0 divided equally among those 6 faces each will receive zt of the total flux. So the required flux will be = 0 10. A point positive charge is brought near a isolated conducting sphere. Which of the following figure correctly shows the electric field lines. ra Ams. | (1) is the correct answer ‘The electrical lines move from positive charge to negative charge. ‘When positive charge is brought near conducting sphere from left side then negative charges are formed on the left side and equal amount of positive charges are formed on right side on conducting sphere. The electrical lines from positive charges flow from positive to negative and the electrical lines are emanate fiom positive charges, ELECTRIC CHARGES AND FIELDS K Directions: These questions consist of two statements, each printed as Assertion and Reason. While answering these questions, you ere required to choose any one of the following four responses. (A) If both Assertion and Reason are correct and the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion (B) If both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not a correct explanation of the Assertion. (C) If the Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect. (D) If both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect. CE) AP Rszevtion ts weg 2 Reson is Correct 1. Assertion (A): If proton and an electron are placed in the same uniform electric field experience forces of different magnitudes. Reason (R): Electrostatic force on a charge is independent of mass. 2. Assertion (A): The Coulomb force is the strongest force in the universe Reason (R): Nuclear forces are weaker than Coulomb force. 3. Assertion (A): In a non-uniform electric field, a dipole will have translatory as well as. rotatory motion. Reason (R): Ina non-uniform electric field, a dipole experiences a force as well as torque 4, Assertion (A): The coulomb force is the dominating force in the universe. Reason (R): Coulomb force is weaker than gravitational force. 5. Assertion (A): Electric lines of force cross each other. Reason (R): The resultant electric field at a point is the superimposition of the electric fields at that point. 6. Assertion (A): Gauss theorem is not applicable in magnetism. Reason (R): Magnetic mono pole do not exist. 7. Assertion (A): If two spherical conductors of different radii have the same surface charge densities their electric field intensities will be equal. Reason (R): Surface charge density (Total charge) / area. [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2021 Electric Charges and Fields K CASE STUDY 1: FARADAY CAGE: A Faraday cage or Faraday shield is an enclosure made of a conducting material. The fields within a conductor cancel out with any external fields, so the electric field within the enclosure is zero. These Faraday cages act as big hollow conductors you can put things in to shield them from electrical fields. Any electrical shocks the cage receives, pass harmlessly around the outside of the cage. 5 1. Which of the following material can be used to make a Faraday cage? (a) Plastic (b) Glass (c) Copper (d) Wood 2. Example of a real-world Faraday cage is (a) Car (b) Plastic box (0) Lightning rod (d) Metal rod 3. What is the electrical force inside Faraday cage when it is struck by lightning? {a) The same as the lightning (b) Half that of the lightning {c) Zero (d) A quarter of the lightning 4, An isolated point charge q is placed inside the Faraday cage. Its surface must have charge equal to (a) Zero (b) + (9) -a (d) +2q 5. A point charge of 2C is placed at centre of Faraday cage in the shape of cube with surface of 9 cm edge. The number of electric field lines passing through the cube normally will be a) 1.9105 Nm2/C entering the surface b) 1.9105 Nm2/C leaving the surface c) 2.0105 Nm2 /C leaving the surface ) 2.0105 Nm2 /C entering the surface CASE STUDY 2: Electric field strength is proportional to the density of lines of force i, electric field strength at a point is proportional to the number of lines of force cutting a unit area element placed normal to the field at that point. As illustrated in given figure, the electric field at P is stronger than at Q Region of weak field —~ Region of strong field (i) Electric lines of force about a positive point charge are (a) radially outwards (b) circular clockwise (c) radially inwards (d) parallel straight lines (ii) Which of the following is false for electric lines of force? (a) They always start from positive charge and terminate on negative charges. (b) They are always perpendicular to the surface of a charged conductor. (c) They always form closed loops. (d) They are parallel and equally spaced in a region of uniform electric field. ) Which one of the following patterns of electric line of force is not possible in field due to stationary charges? + Yi (a) (b) (c) (d) (iv) Electric field lines are curved (a) in the field of a single positive or negative charge (b) in the field of two equal and opposite charges. (c) in the field of two like charges. (d) both (b) and (c) (v) The figure below shows the electric field lines due to two positive charges. The magnitudes EA, EB and Ec of the electric fields at point A, B and C respectively are related as (2) E> E,> E (b) E> E,> Ee (0 Ez Ee> Ec (a) E> E= Ee

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