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xEarly Childhood - Princess Elizabeth becomes Lady Elizabeth

The household of Princess Elizabeth was in confusion and turmoil. Lady Bryan
did her best to protect Elizabeth from the terrible events which had befallen her
mother. Elizabeth, like her half-sister before her, was stripped of her title of
Princess and was to be referred to as the Lady Elizabeth. When Elizabeth was
told of this change in status she replied “how has it governor, yesterday my Lady
Princess, today but my Lady Elizabeth?”
Her father was wrapped up in his marriage to Jane Seymour who gave birth to
the much-awaited son and heir for King Henry. At this time Elizabeth suffered
with some neglect and Lady Bryan was forced to write to Secretary Thomas
Cromwell stating that Elizabeth was outgrowing her infant clothes and there was
no household money to properly clothe her and no direction on how her
upbringing or social status was to change. She complained that Elizabeth “hath
neither gown, nor kirtle, nor petticoat.” Queen Jane Seymour showed some
sympathy towards the daughter of the disgraced Anne Boleyn and King Henry
treated her with more affection and kindness on the few occasions Elizabeth was
called to attend court.

1. Read the text to find out more about the way Elizabeth was treated.
Elizabeth was treated like badly, sha was neglected. For instance, she didn’t have
clothes in her size.

2. Vocabulary challenge! Match the words with their definition as fast as you can.

a. turmoil B A. fully involved

b. befall D B. condition of extreme confusion and agitation
c. wrapped up A C. one who is entitled to succeed to a hereditary
d. heir C D. to happen especially as if by fate (destiny)
e. outgrow E E. to grow too large
f. upbringing I F. formal dress
g. gown F G. an underskirt
h. kirtle H H. women’s dress (cotte/tunique)
i. petticoat G I. early training, education

3. How was Elizabeth considered by Henry VIII?

For the King, Elizabeth was a representation of the past. She is
not kind of “useless”. She is considered illegitimate because now
he has an heir. Edward
4. Why was she deprived of her title?
Because his father remarried to another women and he had a new
son, the next king. So, elizabeth is nothing more than a bastard
child now.

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