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Transfers of major conventional weapons: sorted by supplier.

Deals with deliveries or orders made for year range 1950 to 2010
Note: The No. delivered/produced and the Year(s) of deliveries columns refer to all deliveries since the beginning of the contract. Deals in which the recipient was involved in the production of the weapon system are listed separately. The Comments column includes publicly reported information on the value of the deal. Information on the sources and methods used in the collection of the data, and explanations of the conventions, abbreviations and acronyms, can be found at URL <>. The SIPRI Arms Transfers Database is continuously updated as new information becomes available. Source: SIPRI Arms Transfers Database Information generated: 25 September 2011

Supplier/ recipient (R) No. or licenser (L) ordered Belgium R: Turkey Canada R: Turkey

Weapon designation

Weapon description

Year Year(s) of order/ of licence deliveries

No. delivered/ produced


17 (20) 105 (24) 10 4 54 30

F-104G Starfighter 9.2in Coastal Gun F-86F Sabre T-34 Mentor Bangor Gaspe T-33A T-Bird F-104G Starfighter

FGA aircraft Coastal gun Fighter aircraft Trainer aircraft Minesweeper Minesweeper Trainer aircraft FGA aircraft

1981 (1950) (1953) (1956) 1957 1958 (1967) 1985

1982-1983 1952-1955 1954-1955 1957 1957-1958 1958 1968-1973 1986-1987

(17) (20) (105) (24) 10 4 (54) (30)

Ex-Belgian; aid Ex-Canadian; financed by US aid Ex-Canadian; CL-13 Sabre-2/4 versions Ex-Canadian (but maximum only few years old); aid Ex-Canadian; Turkish designation Bafra Ex-Canadian; Turkish designation Trabzon; financed by US 'MDAP' aid Ex-Canadian Ex-Canadian; aid; CF-104G version; modernized in

20 40 China L: Turkey

PW-100 PT-6

Turboprop/turboshaft 2005 Turboprop 2007 2010 (5)

FRG before delivery; 20 more for spares only PW-127M version; for 10 ATR-72MP ASW aircraft from Italy; delivery 2010-2012 For 40 KT-1T trainer aircraft from South Korea; PT6A-62A version No. may be up to 144; 5 (and rockets) assembled/produced in Turkey Turkish designation Yildirim Turkish designation Nusret Ex-Danish; aid; incl 2 F-100F; no. could be 23 For AB-204AS helicopters For AB-204AS helicopters Ex-French For AB-2212ASW helicopters For AB-212ASW helicopters Ex-French For Police Deal worth $150 m (offsets $63 m); incl 10 assembled in Turkey $253 m 'Phoenix-1' deal (offsets $162 m); AS-532 version; incl 2 for VIP transport 1 more crashed on delivery Ex-French; modernized before delivery; deal worth $50 m; Turkish designation Edink Class Originally 19200 ordered but deal cancelled in 2004 before deliveries completed Second-hand; for D'Orves corvettes Ex-French; $210 m deal (incl $150 m for re-

(24) (18)

WS-1 302mm B-611 Falster F-100D Super Sabre AS-12 SS-11/AS-11 RF-84F Thunderflash AS-12 SS-11/AS-11 T-33A T-Bird Stentor SA-330 Puma TRS-22XX

Self-propelled MRL SSM Minelayer FGA aircraft ASM Anti-tank missile Reconnaissance ac ASM Anti-tank missile Trainer aircraft Ground surv radar Helicopter Air search radar

(1997) (1999) (1962) 1981 (1969) (1969) (1971) (1975) (1975) (1981) 1987 (1988) 1990 1993 (1994) 1997 1998 (2000) 2000

1998-2000 2005-2007 1964 1981-1982 1972-1973 1972-1973 1972 1977 1977 1982-1983 1988-1992 1989 1993-1996 1995-1996 1995 1998-1999 1998-2001 2002 2001-2002

(24) (18) 1 (22) (18) (18) (5) (18) (18) (31) (5) 4 14 (20) 6 5 3312 (24) 6

Denmark R: Turkey France R: Turkey

1 (22) (18) (18) (5) (18) (18) 31 5 4 14 20 7 5 (3312) (25) 6

AS-532 Cougar/AS-332 Helicopter TB-20 Trinidad Circe Eryx MM-38 Exocet Orves Light aircraft MCM ship Anti-tank missile Anti-ship missile Corvette


Ocean Master

MP aircraft radar




activation of 5, training and support); Turkish designation Burak Part of $400 m deal; part of 'Meltem' programme; for 9 CN-235MPA and 10 ATR-70 MP aircraft from Spain and Italy Turkish designation C-107 For 515 AIFV IFV from USA; 448 produced in Turkey $430 m 'Phoenix-2' deal (offsets 50% incl assembly of 28 and production of compenents in Turkey); incl 18 AS-532UL for SAR and 6 AS-532AL CSAR version Ex-FRG; aid Aid Aid Turkish designation Kartal Ex-FRG; aid Ex-FRG; aid Ex-FRG; aid Ex-FRG; aid Ex-FRG; aid Ex-FRG; aid Deal worth $36 m; C-160T version Ex-FRG; aid Ex-FRG Ex-FRG Navy; aid Ex-FRG; also fitted as minelayers Turkish designation Atilay For Type-209/1200 (Atilay) submarines Ex-FRG; 3 more for spares only

L: Turkey

12 515 30

EDIC Dragar

Landing craft IFV turret

1965 1992 1997

1966-1973 1997-2000 2000-2003

(12) (515) (30)

AS-532 Cougar/AS-332 Helicopter

Germany (FRG) R: Turkey

42 15 5 9 42 (12) (12) 18 3 (69) 20 (600) (15) (12) 2 2 3 (28) 7

F-84F Thunderstreak Do-27 Do-28B Jaguar/Type-140 F-84F Thunderstreak M-44A1 155mm M-52A1 105mm T-33A T-Bird Do-27 M-74 C-160 Transall M-48A2 Patton Do-28D Skyservant T-33A T-Bird Angeln LST-1 Type-209/1200 SST Seal Jaguar/Type-140

FGA aircraft Light aircraft Light aircraft FAC FGA aircraft Self-propelled gun Self-propelled gun Trainer aircraft Light aircraft ARV Transport aircraft Tank Light transport ac Trainer aircraft Cargo ship Landing ship Submarine AS torpedo FAC

(1963) 1965 1965 (1965) (1966) (1967) (1967) (1967) 1968 (1968) (1969) 1969 (1970) (1970) (1972) (1972) 1972 (1973) (1974)

1964 1966 1966 1966-1970 1967 1968-1970 1968-1970 1968 1968 1969-1970 1971-1972 1970-1972 1970-1971 1971 1972-1976 1972 1975-1978 1976-1978 1975-1976

42 15 5 9 42 (12) (12) 18 3 (69) (20) (600) (15) (12) 2 2 3 (28) (7)

500 6 6250 (183) 1 1 (28) (262) 4 (148) 77 5000 25 2 1 150

M-113 Mercure MILAN MTU-837 Rhein/Type-401 Bodensee SST Seal M-42A1 Duster BPz-2 F-104G Starfighter Leopard-1A3/4 MILAN Condor Koeln/Type-120 Rhein/Type-401 Leopard-1A3/4

APC Minesweeper Anti-tank missile Diesel engine Support ship Tanker AS torpedo SPAAG ARV FGA aircraft Tank Anti-tank missile APC Frigate Support ship Tank

(1974) (1974) (1975) (1976) (1976) 1977 (1978) 1979 1980 1980 1980 1980 (1981) (1982) (1982) 1985

1974-1975 1975-1979 1976-1981 1976-1980 1976 1977 1981-1989 1979-1981 1982-1983 1980-1989 1982-1984 1981-1985 1982 1983 1983 1990-1991

(500) 6 (6250) (183) 1 1 (28) (262) (4) (148) (77) (5000) (25) 2 1 (150)

Ex-FRG; M-113A1 version Ex-FRG Navy $632 m deal (incl 438 launchers) For modernization of 183 M-48 to M-48A2GA-2 (M-48T5) version Ex-FRG; Turkish designation Mehmet Pasa; mainly for use as training ship Ex-FRG; aid For Type-209/1200 (Atilay Class) submarine Ex-FRG; aid Ex-FRG; aid; incl 30 TF-104G Part of deal incl 4 Bergepanzer-1 ARV version Deal also incl 249 launchers; part of FRG aid programme For Police Ex-FRG Navy; aid Ex-FRG; Turkish designation Mehmet Pasa; mainly for use as training ship Ex-FRG; $348 m deal; modernized to Leopard-1A5 before delivery; part of second 'Rstungssonderhilfe' aid For modernization of 168 M-44 self-propelled guns to M-44T version Ex-FRG Army; part of second 'Rstungssonderhilfe' aid programme Ex-FRG; aid Ex-FRG; 'CFE Cascade' aid Former GDR equipment; 'CFE Cascade' programme Ex-FRG; aid Ex-FRG; M-113A1 version; aid FRG NBC reconnaissance version on loan during Gulf War 1990-1991 and returned after war Ex-FRG; aid

(168) 8 1110 85 300 1 350 4 300

MTU-833 BPz-2 AIM-9B Sidewinder-1A Leopard-1A1 BTR-60PB C-160 Transall M-113 Tpz-1 Fuchs FIM-43C Redeye

Diesel engine ARV SRAAM Tank APC Transport aircraft APC APC Portable SAM

(1986) (1987) (1989) (1989) (1990) (1990) 1990 1990 (1991)

1987-1992 1989 1990-1991 1991-1992 1990-1992 1991 1991-1993 1991 1993-1994

(168) 8 (1110) (85) (300) 1 (350) 4 (300)

85 137 20 20 20 30 1 1 131 365 70 39 1

Leopard-1A1 M-113 M-48A5 Patton M-48 AVLB M-88A1 RF-4E Phantom-2 Rhein/Type-401 T-55 M-110A2 203mm MTU-833 M-48 AVLB M-88A1 Rhein/Type-401

Tank APC Tank ABL ARV Reconnaissance ac Support ship Tank Self-propelled gun Diesel engine ABL ARV Support ship

(1991) (1991) (1991) (1991) (1991) 1991 (1991) (1991) (1992) (1993) 1995 1995 1995

1993 1993-1994 1993 1992-1993 1993 1992-1994 1993 1991 1994 1994-1998 1995 1995 1995

85 137 (20) (20) (20) (30) 1 1 131 (365) 70 39 1

40 470

DM-2A4 Seehecht MTU-881

AS/ASW torpedo Diesel engine

(1999) (2001)

2004-2005 2004-2010

(40) (378)

2 298

COBRA Leopard-2A4

Arty locating radar Tank

(2005) 2005

2006 2006-2010

(2) (298)

4 (504) L: Turkey (6000)

MTU-595 MTU-883 Cobra

Diesel engine Diesel engine Anti-tank missile

2008 (2010) (1963) 1964-1973 (6000)

Ex-FRG; 'CFE Cascade' aid Ex-FRG; M-113A1 version; 'CFE Cascade' aid Ex-FRG; part of 'Materialhilfe' aid; M-48A2G1 version Ex-FRG; part of 'Materialhilfe 3' aid Ex-FRG; aid Ex-FRG; part of 'Materialhilfe 3' aid worth DM1.5 b; 16 more for spares only Ex-FRG; Turkish designation Mehmet Pasa; 'Materielhilfe' aid; mainly for use as training ship Former GDR equipment Ex-FRG; 'CFE Cascade' programme For modernization of 365 M-52 self-propelled guns to M-52T version Ex-FRG; part of 'Materialhilfe-3' aid Ex-FRG; part of 'Materialhilfe-3' aid Ex-FRG; Turkish designation Mehmet Pasa; 'Materielhilfe-3' aid; mainly for use as training ship $40 m deal; for Type-209/1400 (Preveze) submarines For 170 Sabra-3 (modernized M-60) tanks from Israel and 300 K-9 self-propelled guns from South Korea Ex-FRG (probably little used by FRG) Ex-FRG; EUR365 m deal (incl EUR70 m for FRG and EUR295 m for FRG industry for technology transfers) For 2 Heybeliyada (MilGem) frigates produced in Turkey For K-2 tank from South Korea Probably most assembled/produced in Turkey; Cobra-1600 and probably Cobra-2000 version

4 3 10 4 4 2 2 2

FPB-57 Type-209/1200 SAR-33 FPB-57 MEKO-200T SAR-33 Type-209/1400 MEKO-200T2

FAC Submarine Patrol craft FAC Frigate Patrol craft Submarine Frigate

1973 1974 1976 (1980) 1982 (1984) 1987 1990

1977-1980 1981-1990 1978-1981 1985-1988 1987-1989 1986-1987 1994-1995 1995-1996

4 3 10 4 4 (2) 2 2

2 197 3 (365) 2 2 4 6 4 2 6 Israel R: Turkey 54

FPB-57 RATAC Kili M-52T 155mm Type-209/1400 MEKO-200T2 Type-209/1400 Frankenthal/Type-332 Kili Kili Type-214 EL/M-2032

FAC Ground surv radar FAC SPG turret Submarine Frigate Submarine MCM ship FAC FAC Submarine Aircraft radar

1991 1992 1993 (1993) 1993 1994 1998 1999 2000 (2004) 2009 1997

1996 1995-1999 1998-2000 1994-1998 1998-1999 1998-2000 2005-2007 2005-2010 2005-2008 2009

2 (197) 3 (365) 2 2 (4) 6 4 1

3 produced in Turkey; Turkish designation Dogan Turkish designation Atilay; assembled from kits in Turkey 9 produced in Turkey Turkisk designation Dogan MEKO-200T version; 2 assembled/produced in Turkey; Turkish designation Yavuz SAR-35 version DM420 m deal; assembled from kits in Turkey; Turkish designation Preveze DM800 m ($465 m) deal; MEKO-200T2 version; 1 assembled/produced in Turkey; Turkish designation Barbaros DM229 m ($143 m) deal; Turkish designation Yildiz RATAC-S version; Turkish designation Askarad $250 m deal; 2 produced in Turkey For modernization of 365 M-52 105mm selfpropelled guns to M-52T version; no. could be 425 Turkish designation Preveze; assembled from kits in Turkey $525 m deal (incl $95 m aid); 1 assembled/produced in Turkey; Turkish designation Barbaros $556 m deal; assembled from kits in Turkey; Turkish designation Gur $625 m deal; 5 produced in Turkey; Turkish designation Aydin or Alanya Delivery 2009-2011 EUR2 b deal; delivery 2015-2020 For 54 F-4E combat aircraft modernized in $600700 m deal in Israel to F-4E-2020 version



(46) (108) 170 10

AGM-142A/Popeye-1 Harpy Sabra-3 Heron

ASM Anti-radar UAV Tank UAV

(1998) 1999 (2002) 2005

2002 2001-2004 2005-2010 2010

(46) (108) (170) (10)

3 (1) 1

Aerostar Heron Searcher


2007 2007 2008

2008 2007 2008

(3) 1 (1)

$90 m deal; for F-4E-2020 combat aircraft $76 m deal $688 m deal; Turkish M-60A1 tanks rebuilt to Sabra-3; Turkish designation M-60T $183 m deal (offsets 30%); delivery delayed 2 years after complications with integration of Turkish systems Interim solution after delay in delivery of Heron UAV Lease; $10 m deal Interim solution after delay in delivery of Heron UAV Possibly $250 m deal; delivery 2010-2011/2012 On 1 Falster minelayer from Denmark AB-204B version Possibly for police; AB-204B version AB-206A (Bell-206A) version AB-204AS version AB-205 version For 4 FPB-57 (Dogan) FAC from FRG For F-104S combat aircraft Sold while Turkey under US embargo (aircraft originally of US design) For 4 FPB-57 (Dogan) FAC from FRG For 4 MEKO-200T (Yavuz) frigates; for use with Sea Zenith 25mm CIWS AB-205 version Incl for military VIP transport; AB-212 version Probably for AB-212ASW ASW helicopters

L: Turkey Italy R: Turkey

468 1 13 7 (35) 3 56 4 200 18 3 22 4 8 40 3 50

Navigator RAN-7 Bell-204/UH-1B Bell-204/UH-1B Bell-206/OH-58 AB-204AS Bell-205/UH-1D Compact 76mm AIM-7E Sparrow F-104S Starfighter Bell-212/AB-212ASW F-104S Starfighter Compact 76mm Seaguard Bell-205/UH-1D Bell-212/UH-1N A-244 324mm

APC Air/sea search radar Helicopter Helicopter Light helicopter ASW helicopter Helicopter Naval gun BVRAAM Fighter aircraft ASW helicopter Fighter aircraft Naval gun CIWS Helicopter Helicopter ASW torpedo

2009 (1962) (1965) (1966) (1967) (1969) (1970) (1973) (1974) 1974 1975 (1975) (1980) (1982) 1983 1983 (1986)

2010 1964 1967 1968 1968-1969 1972-1973 1970-1975 1977-1980 1975-1977 1975 1977 1976-1977 1985-1988 1987-1989 1984-1985 1984-1985 1987-1988

(150) 1 (13) (7) (35) 3 (56) 4 (200) (18) 3 (22) 4 (8) (40) (3) (50)

(144) 12 (72) 4 4 2 100 3 3 20 4 3 5 1

Aspide Mk-1 Bell-212/AB-212ASW Aspide Mk-1 Seaguard TMX Compact 76mm M-113 Compact 40L70 Compact 76mm Bell-206/OH-58 Seaguard RAT-31S Bell-412 A-109 Hirundo

BVRAAM ASW helicopter BVRAAM CIWS Fire control radar Naval gun APC Naval gun Naval gun Light helicopter CIWS Air search radar Helicopter Light helicopter

(1986) (1986) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1991) (1991) (1993) (1993) 1994 (1994) 1995 1998 (1999)

1987-1989 1987-1988 1995-1996 1995-1996 1995-1996 1996 1994-1995 1998-2000 1998-2000 1995-1996 1998-2000 1997 2001-2002 2000

(144) (12) (72) (4) 4 2 (100) 3 3 (20) (4) (3) (5) 1

4 4 4 4 2 2 5 2 16

Bell-412 Compact 40L70 Compact 76mm RAT-31DL Compact 40L70 Compact 76mm Bell-412 Super Rapid 76mm Compact 40L70

Helicopter Naval gun Naval gun Air search radar Naval gun Naval gun Helicopter Naval gun Naval gun

1999 (2000) (2000) 2002 (2004) (2004) 2005 (2005) 2007

2002-2003 2005-2008 2005-2008 2005-2006 2009 2009 2008

(4) 4 4 (4) (1) (1) (5)

For MEKO-200T Type (Yavuz Class) frigates Incl 3 AB-212ASW-EW EW version For MEKO-200T-2 Type (Barbaros Class) frigates For 2 MEKO-200T-2 Type (Barbaros Class) frigates; for use with Sea Zenith 25mm CIWS For 2 MEKO-200T-2 (Barbaros) frigates and 2 FPB57 (Yildiz) FAC from FRG For 2 FPB-57 (Yildiz) FAC from FRG Ex-Italian; M-113A1 version; 'CFE Cascade' aid For 3 Kilic FAC from FRG For 3 Kilic FAC from FRG $19 m deal; for training; AB-206B (Bell-206B) version For 2 MEKO-200T-2 (Barbaros) frigates from FRG; for use with Sea Zenith 25mm CIWS RAT-31S/L version $52 m deal; for SAR; AB-412EP version; for coast guard Second-hand; gift from producer as part of order for 9 AB-412EP helicopters; for Coast Guard; for training and VIP transport $35 m deal; for SAR; AB-412EP version; for coast guard For 4 Kilic FAC from FRG For 4 Kilic FAC from FRG Part 'NATO ACCS' programme; for NATO 'NADGE' air surveillance network For 2 Kilic FAC from FRG For 2 Kilic FAC from FRG AB-412EP version; for coast guard For 2 Heybeliada (MilGem) frigates produced in Turkey EUR54 m deal; for 16 YTBK patrol craft produced in Turkey

A-129C Mangusta

Combat helicopter


EUR150 m deal; assembled in Turkey; delivery 2012 1990-1993 (40) SF-260D version; incl some 30 assembled from kits in Turkey EUR180 m 'Meltem-3' or 'Uzun Ufuk' programme (offsets 300% incl producton of components in and assembly in Turkey); ATR-70 or ATR72ASW version; delivery 2011-2012/2013 EUR353 m deal; Turkish designation Dost; for coast guard; delivery 2011-2012 $2.7 b 'RAH' programmel; option on 41 more; delivery 2013-2018 EUR250 m 'Reconnaissance Satellite System Project'; delivery 2012 Ex-Libyan; incl 1 or 2 F-5B version; delivered while Turkey was under US arms embargo after invasion of Cyprus Ex-Dutch; F-86K version; modernized in Italy before delivery Ex-Dutch For 4 FPB-57 (Dogan ) FAC from FRG; WM-28/41 version Ex-Dutch; aid; incl 10 TF-104G For 4 FPB-57 (Dogan) FAC from FRG; WM-28/41 version For 4 MEKO-200T (Yavuz) frigates from FRG For 4 MEKO-200T (Yavuz) frigates from FRG; for use with Seasparrow SAM For 4 MEKO-200T (Yavuz) frigates from FRG;

L: Turkey

(41) 10

SF-260 ATR-72MP

Trainer aircraft ASW aircraft

1990 2005

4 50 1 Libya R: Turkey

Comandante A-129C Mangusta Gktrk

OPV Combat helicopter Recce satellite

2007 (2008) 2009

F-5A Freedom Fighter

FGA aircraft



Netherlands R: Turkey

(40) (4) 4 53 4 4 4 4

F-86D Sabre S-2A Tracker WM-20 F-104G Starfighter WM-20 DA-08 STIR WM-20

Fighter aircraft ASW aircraft Fire control radar FGA aircraft Fire control radar Air search radar Fire control radar Fire control radar

(1961) (1970) (1973) 1980 (1980) (1982) (1982) (1982)

1962-1963 1971 1977-1980 1980-1983 1985-1988 1987-1989 1987-1989 1987-1989

(40) 4 4 (53) 4 (4) (4) (4)

24 60 135 2 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 Norway R: Turkey


FGA aircraft FGA aircraft IFV turret Fire control radar Fire control radar Fire control radar Air search radar Fire control radar Fire control radar Air search radar Fire control radar Fire control radar Air search radar Fire control radar Air search radar Fire control radar

1987 1987 (1989) (1990) (1993) (1994) 1995 1995 2001 2001 2001 (2004) (2004) (2004) 2007 2007

1988 1989-1992 1990-1997 1995-1996 1998-2000 1998-2000 1998-2000 1998-2000 2005-2008 2005-2008 2005-2008 2009 2009 2009

24 (60) (135) 2 3 (4) 3 3 4 4 4 (1) (1) (1)

WM-25 version Ex-Dutch; aid Ex-Dutch; aid; incl some NF-5B version For 135 AIFV IFV from USA For 2 MEKO-200T-2 (Barbaros) frigates from FRG; for use with Seasparrow SAM For 3 Kilic FAC from FRG; LIROD Mk-2 version For 2 MEKO-200T-2 (Barbaros) frigates from FRG; for use with Seasparrow SAM For 3 Kilic FAC from FRG For 3 Kilic FAC from FRG For 4 Kilic FAC from FRG; LIROD-2 version For 4 Kilic FAC from FRG For 4 Kilic FAC from FRG For 2 Kilic FAC from FRG; LIROD Mk-2 version For 2 Kilic FAC from FRG For 2 Kilic FAC from FRG For 2 Heybeliyada (MilGem) frigates produced in Turkey For 2 Heybeliyada (MilGem) frigates produced in Turkey Ex-Norwegian ships returned to US ownership and transferred to Turkey; used as minelayers Ex-FRG; aid Turkish designation Dogan For modernized Jaguar (Kartal) FAC Ex-Norwegian; aid; incl 1 TF-104G Ex-Norwegian; aid Ex-Norwegian; aid Ex-Norwegian; aid; incl 6 RF-5A reconnaissance version For 48 AIFV-ATV tank destroyers from USA NOK300 m ($34-40 m) deal; Penguin-2 Mod-7

2 2 (60) 13 11 11 10 48 16

LSM Tjeld Penguin-1 F-104G Starfighter F-5A Freedom Fighter F-5A Freedom Fighter F-5A Freedom Fighter ALT Penguin-2

Landing ship FAC Anti-ship missile FGA aircraft FGA aircraft FGA aircraft FGA aircraft Anti-tank AV turret Anti-ship missile

(1960) 1964 1971 1981 1983 (1984) 1987 1988 2000

1960 1964 1975-1977 1981 1983 1985 1987 1991-1994 2001-2002

2 2 (60) 13 11 11 10 (48) (16)

(16) L: Turkey (2500)

Penguin-2 AGM-12B Bullpup

Anti-ship missile ASM

2008 (1962) 1962-1969 (2500)

version; for S-70B/SH-60B helicopters; originally refused by Norway bacause of human rights violations in Turkey but allowed after Turkey became EU candidate NOK210m ($40 m) deal; Penguin-2 Mod-7 version AGM-12B Bullpup-A version; incl production of components in Turkey as part of European production line for AGM-12B (with assembly in Norway) Ex-Russian; part of $75 m deal; for police Ex-Russian Deal worth $65 m; Mi-17TV-1 version; for police $60-100 m deal (incl 80 launchers); option on 720 more Ex-Saudi $1-1.2 b deal (incl $60-70 m for first 8-20); Turkish designation Firtina/TUSpH Storm; delivery 20042013 $400-500 m deal; option on 15 more; KT-1T version; incl assembly in Turkey; delivery 20102011 'Altay' programme; contract not yet signed ($400 m deal for 4 prototypes and technology transfer signed 2008)

Russia R: Turkey

23 (174) (40) 19 800

BTR-60PB BTR-80 BTR-80 Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H 9M133 Kornet/AT-14

APC APC APC Helicopter Anti-tank missile

1993 1993 1993 (1994) 2008

1993 1993-1995 1993 1995-1996 2009-2010

23 174 (40) (19) (800)

Saudi Arabia R: Turkey South Korea L: Turkey

6 (300)

C-130E Hercules K-9 Thunder 155mm

Transport aircraft Self-propelled gun

2010 2001

2010 2004-2010

6 (208)


KT-1 Woong-Bee

Trainer aircraft





K-2 Black panther



Spain R: Turkey


MBB-223 Flamingo

Trainer aircraft




L: Turkey

52 9

CN-235 CN-235MP

Transport aircraft MP aircraft

1991 1998

1992-1998 2002-2003

(52) (9)

$550 m deal; CN-235-100 version; 50 assembled/produced in Turkey $103-120 m 'Meltem' programme; incl 3 MSA version for Coast Guard; CN-235D/K (CN-235MP Persuader) version; assembled from kits in Turkey For 4 FPB-57 (Dogan) FAC from FRG For 2 FPB-57 (Yildiz) FAC from FRG GDF-003 version Ex-Taiwanese; incl 3 F-5B trainer version Ex-UK; modernized before delivery; Turkish designation Arslan For 20 C-160T transport aircraft from FRG For 4 MEKO-200T (Yavuz) frigates from FRG Deal worth $146 m incl 36 Rapier SAM systems and Rapier missiles $146 m deal incl 12 Blindfire radars Part of $146 m deal For use with Rapier SAM systems For AB-212ASW helicopters For 12 AB-212ASW helicopters from Italy Shorland S-55 version; for police For 2 MEKO-200T-2 (Barbaros) frigates and 2 FPB57 (Yildiz) FAC from FRG For 2 MEKO-200T2 (Barbaros) frigates from FRG For Type-209/1400 (Preveze Class submarines)

Switzerland R: Turkey

4 2 (120) (9) 4 40 2 4 (12) 36 (750) (12) 36 (120) 12 40 4 2 (90)

GDM 35mm GDM 35mm GDF 35mm F-5A Freedom Fighter Milne Tyne BN-2 Islander AWS-6 Dolphin Blindfire Rapier Rapier-1 Blindfire Rapier Sea Skua Seaspray Shorland AWS-6 Dolphin AWS-9(3D) Mk-24 Tigerfish

Naval gun Naval gun AA gun FGA aircraft Destroyer Turboprop Light transport ac Air/sea search radar Fire control radar SAM system SAM Fire control radar SAM system Anti-ship missile MP aircraft radar APC/ISV Air/sea search radar Air search radar AS/ASW torpedo

(1973) (1991) (1995) (1988) 1957 (1969) (1971) (1982) 1983 1983 1983 1985 1985 (1986) (1986) 1988 (1990) (1990) (1992)

1977-1980 1996 1997-2000 1989 1959 1971-1972 1972 1987-1989 1983-1985 1983-1985 1983-1985 1986-1988 1986-1988 1987-1988 1987-1988 1989 1995-1996 1995-1996 1994-1999

4 2 (120) (9) 4 (40) 2 (4) (12) (36) (750) (12) (36) (120) 12 40 4 2 (90)

L: Turkey Taiwan R: Turkey UK R: Turkey

2 2 (78) 6 L: Turkey (750) (60) 840 (600) (517) (50) 2 (100) (149) 1 (74) (300) (8) 3 2 (540) 75 (2) 3 (108) (171)

AWS-6 Dolphin AWS-9(3D) Rapier-2000 Type-2093 Rapier-1 Shorland Rapier-2 M-101A1 105mm M-114A1 155mm M-24 Chaffee Balao M-26 Pershing PA-18/L-18/L-21 Penguin/ASR T-33A T-Bird F-84 Thunderjet Beech-18/C-45 LSM Balao M-47 Patton MIM-3 Nike Ajax Nike Ajax/Hercules DC-4/C-54 Skymaster F-84F Thunderstreak M-59 155mm

Air/sea search radar Air search radar SAM system MCM sonar SAM APC/ISV SAM Towed gun Towed gun Light tank Submarine Tank Light aircraft Rescue ship Trainer aircraft FGA aircraft Light transport ac Landing ship Submarine Tank SAM SAM system Transport aircraft FGA aircraft Towed gun

(1994) (1994) 1996 1999 1985 (1990) 1999 (1949) (1949) (1949) (1950) (1950) (1950) 1950 (1950) 1951 (1952) (1952) (1954) (1954) (1954) 1954 (1955) (1955) (1955)

1998-2000 1998-2000 1997-2002 2005-2010 1986-1988 1994-1999 2002-2010 1950-1958 1950-1958 1950-1952 1950 1952 1951-1952 1950 1951-1952 1952-1954 1953 1952 1954 1955-1958 1955 1955 1956 1957-1958 1955-1957

2 2 (78) 6 (750) (60) (840) (600) (517) (50) 2 (100) (149) 1 (74) (300) (8) 3 2 (540) (75) (2) 3 (108) (171)

For 2 MEKO-200T-2 (Barbaros) frigates from FRG For 2 MEKO-200T2 (Barbaros) frigates from FRG $100 m deal; Turkish Rapier SAM systems rebuilt to Rapier-2000 For 6 Frankenthal (Aydin) MCM ships from FRG

Shorland S-55 version; for police $130-150 m deal; delivery 2002-2010 Ex-US Ex-US Ex-US Ex-US; modernized before delivery; Turkish designation Birinci Inonu Ex-US L-18B and L-18C versions Ex-US (but only 4 years old); Turkish designation Kurtaran 'MAP' aid 'MDAP' aid; F-84G version Second-hand Ex-US; modernized and modified to minelayer before delivery; 'MAP' aid Ex-US; loan; modernized before delivery; Turkish designation Birinci Inonu Probably ex-US (but maximum only few years old) For use with MIM-3 Nike Ajax missiles Second-hand 'MDAP' aid; possibly incl ex-US (but maximum only used few years) Ex-US Army

USA R: Turkey

39 (600) (500) (101) (30) 4 3 (50) (524) 8 (100) (162) (1250) 50 (1000) (38) (156) (353) 2 5 6 5 50 581 4 108 (81) (100) 4

RF-84F Thunderflash AIM-9B Sidewinder-1A M-59 F-100D Super Sabre RT-33A T-Bird Adjutant Balao F-86D Sabre MIM-14 Nike Hercules Nike Ajax/Hercules M-41 Walker Bulldog M-115 203mm M-48A1 Patton T-37B M-113 F-104G Starfighter M-44A1 155mm M-52A1 105mm SPG-34/SPG-50 C-130E Hercules PC-173ft Adjutant Bell-47/OH-13 M-113 Cove F-5A Freedom Fighter M-55 203mm Mk-44 Bell-206/OH-58

Reconnaissance ac SRAAM APC FGA aircraft Reconnaissance ac Minesweeper Submarine Fighter aircraft SAM SAM system Light tank Towed gun Tank Trainer aircraft APC FGA aircraft Self-propelled gun Self-propelled gun Fire control radar Transport aircraft Patrol craft Minesweeper Light helicopter APC Minesweeper FGA aircraft Self-propelled gun ASW torpedo Light helicopter

(1955) (1956) (1956) (1957) (1957) (1958) (1958) (1958) (1958) (1958) (1959) (1960) 1960 (1960) (1961) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1963) (1963) (1964) (1964) (1964) (1965) (1965) (1965) (1965) (1966)

1957-1958 1958 1957-1958 1959-1961 1958 1959 1958-1960 1958-1959 1959-1964 1959-1960 1959-1960 1961-1965 1961-1965 1963-1964 1961-1964 1963-1964 1963-1965 1963-1966 1964 1964-1965 1964-1965 1965-1967 1965 1965-1966 1967 1966-1971 1966-1968 1965-1968 1967

39 (600) (500) (101) (30) 4 3 (50) (520) (8) (100) (162) (1250) (50) (1000) (38) (156) (353) 2 5 6 5 (50) (581) 4 (108) (81) (100) (4)

'MDAP' aid For F-86 and F-100 combat aircraft 'MAP' and 'MDAP' aid; incl 15 F-100F and 36 F100C; no. could be 107 (incl 20 F-100F)

Ex-US; Turkish designation Birinci Unonu Ex-US For use with MIM-14 Nike Hercules missiles Ex-US Ex-US Ex-US

'MAP' aid; incl 4 TF-104G; incl 34 from Canadian production line Ex-US; supplier could be FRG Ex-US; may incl some from FRG On 1 Falster minelayer from Denmark; for use with Mk-33 76mm guns 'MAP' aid Incl 1 produced in Turkey; Turkish designation Hisar Class OH-13S version M-113A1 version; from Italian production line 'MAP' aid; Turkish designation Foca Class MAP aid; incl 13 F-5B version and 20 RF-5A reconnaissance version Ex-US For Army; Bell-206A version

(5) 4 4 2 5 (155) (47) (26) 3 5 1 (25) 7 (700) 4 (10) 2 1000 (12) 1 1 9 2 50 1 1 36 1

Bell-47/OH-13 LCU-501 PGM-71 AN/SPS-10 Fletcher F-100D Super Sabre F-102A Delta Dagger M-108 105mm Adjutant Baron C-130E Hercules Cessna-172/T-41 GUPPY-2A BGM-71 TOW Cessna-207 F-104G Starfighter Gearing FRAM-1 M-48A1 Patton S-2E Tracker Sumner Sumner FRAM-2 T-33A T-Bird Asheville Cessna-180 Skywagon Gearing FRAM-2 GUPPY-1A M-107 175mm Navajo/ATF

Light helicopter Landing craft Patrol craft Sea surv radar Destroyer FGA aircraft Fighter aircraft Self-propelled gun Minesweeper Light transport ac. Transport aircraft Trainer/light ac Submarine Anti-tank missile Light transport ac FGA aircraft Destroyer Tank ASW aircraft Destroyer Destroyer Trainer aircraft Patrol craft Light aircraft Destroyer Submarine Self-propelled gun Tug

(1966) (1966) (1966) (1967) 1967 (1968) (1968) (1968) (1969) (1970) (1970) (1970) 1970 (1971) (1971) (1971) 1971 (1971) (1971) 1971 1971 (1971) (1972) (1972) 1972 1972 (1972) 1972

1967-1968 1967 1967-1968 1973-1976 1967-1969 1969-1974 1968-1970 1969-1970 1970 1971 1971 1972 1970-1972 1973-1975 1972 1972 1971 1971-1973 1972 1971 1972 1972 1973 1973 1972 1972 1973-1975 1972

(5) 4 4 (2) 5 (155) (47) (26) 3 5 1 (25) 7 (700) 4 (10) 2 (1000) 12 1 1 9 2 50 1 1 (36) 1

Ex-US For 2 Berk Class frigates Ex-US; Turkish designation Izmit Ex-US; modernized before delivery; aid; incl 26 F100F and 92 F-100C Ex-US; 'MAP' aid; incl 5 TF-102A; no. could be 49 Ex-US Incl 2 ex-French and 1 ex-Belgian ships returned to US ownership before transfer from USA to Turkey 'MAP' aid worth $0.5 m; T-42A Cochise trainer version 'MAP' aid 'MAP' aid; T-41D version; no. delivered could be 30 Ex-US; Turkish designation Burak Reis

Ex-Spanish; incl 2 TF-104G Ex-US; lease; Turkish designation Kocatepe Ex-US; aid Ex-US Ex-US; modernized before delivery; Smith version; Turkish designation Muavenet Ex-US; lease until bought in 1973; Turkish designation Zafer Ex-US; aid Ex-US Navy; loan till bought in 1987; Turkish designation Bora Class U-17 version Ex-US; Turkish designation Kocatepe Ex-US; Turkish designation Dumlupinar Ex-US; Turkish designation Gazal

16 (350) 3 2 34 40 2 2 (28) 33 7 2 5 1

T-33A T-Bird AIM-7E Sparrow AN/TPS-32 C-130E Hercules Commando V-150 F-4E Phantom-2 Gearing FRAM-1 GUPPY-3 Mk-37 RGM-84 Harpoon S-2E Tracker Terrebonne Parish Cessna-411 Gearing FRAM-2

Trainer aircraft BVRAAM Air search radar Transport aircraft APC FGA aircraft Destroyer Submarine AS torpedo Anti-ship missile ASW aircraft Landing ship Light transport ac Destroyer

(1972) (1973) (1973) (1973) 1973 1973 1973 1973 (1973) (1973) (1973) 1973 (1974) 1974

1973 1974-1975 1975 1973-1974 1974 1974-1975 1973 1973 1976-1978 1978 1978-1980 1973-1975 1975 1974

16 (350) (3) 2 34 40 2 2 (28) (33) 7 2 5 1

Ex-US; aid For F-4E combat aircraft 'MAP' aid For police 'Peace Diamond 3' deal Ex-US; Turkish designation Kocatepe Ex-US; Turkish designation Ikinci Inonu; 2 more cancelled after US 1975 arms embargo on Turkey For Type-209/1200 (Atilay) submarines For FPB-57 (Dogan) FAC Ex-US; delivery delayed by US embargo after 1974 invasion of Cyprus; more delivered for spares only Ex-US; loan until bought in 1987; Turkish designation Ertugrul Class Cessna-421B version; incl for VIP transport Ex-US; originally for spares only, but taken in service by Turkey to replace ship lost in invasion of Cyprus; Turkish designation Kocatepe M-113A1 version For F-4E combat aircraft; original order for 240 increased to 720 Part of $87 m deal Part of $87 m

150 720 (11000) 32 (16) 8 (6) 2 12 240 36 (93) 40

M-113 AIM-7E Sparrow BGM-71 TOW F-4E Phantom-2 M-110A2 203mm RF-4E Phantom-2 AN/TPS-32 Bell-205/UH-1H F-100D Super Sabre AIM-7F Sparrow Bell-204/UH-1B Bell-205/UH-1D Citabria-150

APC BVRAAM Anti-tank missile FGA aircraft Self-propelled gun Reconnaissance ac Air search radar Helicopter FGA aircraft BVRAAM Helicopter Helicopter Trainer aircraft

(1974) (1976) (1976) (1976) (1976) (1976) (1977) 1977 (1977) 1978 (1978) (1978) (1978)

1974-1976 1978-1979 1976-1989 1978-1979 1977-1979 1978-1979 1978-1979 1978 1977-1978 1979 1978 1978-1979 1979

(150) (720) (11000) (32) (16) (8) (6) 2 (12) 240 (36) (93) 40

Ex-US; modernized before delivery; F-100F version; aid

Probably ex-US Turkish designation T-7C

(28) 1 30 2 (64) 20 1 15 2 750 2120

Mk-37 Gearing FRAM-1 T-38 Talon Gearing FRAM-1 RGM-84 Harpoon T-37B Tang F-4E Phantom-2 Gearing FRAM-1 AIM-9J/P Sidewinder AVDS-1790

AS torpedo Destroyer Trainer aircraft Destroyer Anti-ship missile Trainer aircraft Submarine FGA aircraft Destroyer SRAAM Diesel engine

(1978) 1979 1979 1980 (1980) (1980) (1980) 1981 1981 1982 (1982)

1981-1989 1979 1979-1980 1980 1986-1988 1981-1982 1980 1981 1981-1982 1983-1985 1983-1993

(28) 1 (30) 2 (48) (20) 1 15 2 (750) (2120)

(25) 4 1 1 30 4 (32) 40 (320) 15 15 7 15 (15) 4 (789) 3

Bell-205/UH-1H DE-1160 Dixie Gearing FRAM-1 Hughes-300/TH-55 Mk-45 127mm RGM-84 Harpoon RGM-84 Harpoon AIM-7F Sparrow Bell-205/UH-1H F-4E Phantom-2 S-2E Tracker Bell-205/UH-1H F-4E Phantom-2 F-5A Freedom Fighter FIM-43C Redeye HR-3000 HADR

Helicopter ASW sonar Support ship Destroyer Light helicopter Naval gun Anti-ship missile Anti-ship missile BVRAAM Helicopter FGA aircraft ASW aircraft Helicopter FGA aircraft FGA aircraft Portable SAM Air search radar

1982 1982 1982 1982 (1982) (1982) 1982 1982 (1983) (1984) 1984 1984 1985 1985 (1985) (1985) 1985

1982-1984 1987-1989 1983 1982 1982-1983 1987-1989 1987-1988 1988-1989 1986-1990 1985-1987 1985 1986-1987 1988-1990 1986 1986 1985-1986 1987-1990

(25) 4 1 1 (30) (4) (32) (40) (320) (15) 15 7 (15) (15) 4 (789) (3)

For Type-209/1200 (Atilay) submarines Ex-US; originally for spares only, but taken in Turkish service; Turkish designation Adatepe Ex-US Air Force; deal worth $32 m Ex-US; lease; Turkish designation Piyale Pasa For FPB-57 (Dogan) FAC Ex-US Ex-US Navy; lease till bought in 1987; Turkish designation Piri Reis Class Ex-US Ex-US; Turkish designation Anittepe; lease until bought in 1987 $50 m deal; AIM-9P3 version For modernization od 2120 M-48 tanks to M48A5T1 (M-48A5) version; AVDS-1790-2D version $36 m deal; assembled from kits in Turkey For 4 MEKO-200T (Yavuz) frigates from FRG Ex-US Navy Ex-US; $373510 deal; Turkish designation Piyale Pasa; 1 more delivered for spares only For Army; for training; 300C version For 4 MEKO-200T (Yavuz) frigates from FRG For MEKO-200T (Yavuz) frigates $62 m deal; for MEKO-200T (Yavuz) frigates Assembled from kits in Turkey Ex-US; $70 m deal Ex-US; more delivered fo spares only $33 m deal; assembled from kits in Turkey Ex-US Ex-US; aid; F-5B trainer version Ex-US Part of NATO 'NADGE' air survaillance network

30 9 6 80 1 40 15 15 6 12 (2000) 310 5 4 3 5 8 (250) 2 750

AIM-7F Sparrow AN/AQS-18 AN/TPQ-36 Firefinder AIM-7F Sparrow Bell-206L LongRanger F-4E Phantom-2 Bell-205/UH-1H M-270 MLRS 227mm S-70/UH-60 Blackhawk T-33A T-Bird 6V-53 AIM-9L/M Sidewinder Bell-209/AH-1W DE-1160 Gulfstream-4 King Air LM-2500 M-113 Mk-45 127mm Mk-46 Mod-5 NEARTIP

BVRAAM Dipping sonar Arty locating radar BVRAAM Light helicopter FGA aircraft Helicopter Self-propelled MRL Helicopter Trainer aircraft Diesel engine SRAAM Combat helicopter ASW sonar Transport aircraft Light transport ac Gas turbine APC Naval gun ASW torpedo

(1986) (1986) (1986) 1987 (1987) 1987 1988 1988 1988 1988 (1990) 1990 1990 1990 (1990) (1990) 1990 1990 (1990) (1990)

1987 1987-1988 1988-1989 1990-1991 1988 1987 1991-1993 1989-1992 1989 1988 1991-2008 1993-1995 1990 1995-2000 1991-1993 1991 1995-2000 1992-1993 1995-1996 1991-2005

30 (9) (6) (80) 1 40 (15) 15 6 12 (2000) (310) 5 4 (3) 5 8 (250) (2) (750)

For F-4E combat aircraft For 9 AB-212ASW ASW helicopters from Italy For F-4E combat aircraft From Canadian production line Ex-US $35 m deal; assembled from kits in Turkey $40 m deal; for police; S-70A-17 version; Turkish designation Karaku Ex-US; deal incl spare parts from Canada For modernization of some 2000 M-113 APC to M113A2T2 $30 m deal; AIM-9S version Originally produced for US but sold to Turkey for fast delivery; for use against PKK rebels For 4 MEKO-200T2 (Barbaros) frigates from FRG Incl for VIP transport For 4 MEKO-200T2 (Barbaros) frigates from FRG Ex-US; M-113A2 version; 'CFE Cascade' aid For 2 MEKO-200T-2 (Barbaros) frigates from FRG For MEKO-200, Perry and Knox frigates, S-70B and AB-212ASW helicopters and CN-235 ASW aircraft $62 m deal $68 m deal; incl 2 for VIP transport; for police; S70A-17 version; Turkish designation Karaku No. could be 350 $15 m deal Ex-US; aid For 52 CN-235 transport aircraft from Spain; CT-79C3 version Probably for Gendarmerie; incl 80 Patroller-2

40 6 (274) 1 (5) 104 150

RGM-84 Harpoon Anti-ship missile S-70/UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopter AGM-65 Maverick AN/TPS-77 C-130B Hercules CT-7 Dragoon ASM Air search radar Transport aircraft Turboprop APC

1990 1990 1991 1991 1991 1991 (1991)

1995-1996 1990 1993-1995 1993 1991-1992 1992-1998 1997-1999

(40) 6 (274) 1 (5) (104) 150

40 469 72 274 (658) 10 (32) 3 200 (40) (40) 5 (2) 14 5 6 124 45 40 80 100 138 16

F-4E Phantom-2 FIM-92 Stinger M-110A2 203mm M-60A1 Patton-2 M-60A3 Patton-2 R-22 RGM-84 Harpoon T-38 Talon AIM-9L/M Sidewinder AN/AAQ-13 LANTIRN AN/AAQ-14 LANTIRN AN/TPQ-36 Firefinder AN/TPS-77 Bell 209/AH-1P Cobra Bell-209/AH-1W Cessna-337/O-2 Commando V-150

FGA aircraft Portable SAM Self-propelled gun Tank Tank Helicopter Anti-ship missile Trainer aircraft SRAAM Aircraft EO system Aircraft radar Arty locating radar Air search radar Combat helicopter Combat helicopter Light aircraft APC

1991 1991 (1991) (1991) (1991) 1991 (1991) 1991 (1992) (1992) (1992) 1992 (1992) 1992 (1992) 1992 1992 1992 1992 1993 1993 (1993) 1993

1991-1993 1992 1992-1993 1992-1994 1992-1993 1992 1996-1997 1993 1996-1997 1994-1996 1994-1996 1995-1997 1994-1995 1992-1993 1993-1994 1993 1992-1994 1993-1994 1993 1995-1996 1994-1995 1997-1999 1994-1995

(40) (469) (72) (274) 658 10 (32) 3 (200) (40) (40) (5) (2) (14) 5 (6) (124) 45 40 (80) (100) (138) (16)

internal security version Ex-US; aid $33 m deal (incl 150 launchers) Ex-US; 'CFE Cascade' programme Ex-US; 'CFE Cascade' aid Ex-US; 'CFE Cascade' aid For Army; for training For FPB-57 (Yildiz) FAC Ex-US Air Force; deal worth $0.8 m $23 m deal; AIM-9M version For F-16C combat aircraft For F-16C combat aircraft Deal worth $28 m Ex-US; incl for use against PKK rebels $110 m deal; incl for use against PKK rebels Ex-US Army Deal worth $29-40 m; V-150S version; for police; incl 20 with water cannon S-70A-28 version; incl for police; Turkish designation Karaku Ex-US; deal worth $11 m For F-16C combat aircraft For F-16C combat aircraft Ex-US; 'Southern Region Amendment' aid programme; incl 4 TAH-1P trainer version; incl for use against PKK rebels Ex-US; lease (until bought in 1998); Turkish designation Tepe Ex-US; 5-year lease (bought after lease ended 1998); Turkish designation Tepe For 1 Akar Class support ship For Navy

S-70/UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopter T-38 Talon AGM-65 Maverick AGM-88 HARM AIM-120B AMRAAM Bell 209/AH-1P Cobra Trainer aircraft ASM Anti-radar missile BVRAAM Combat helicopter

4 4 1 1

Knox Knox Mk-15 Phalanx MX-7

Frigate Frigate CIWS Light aircraft

1993 1993 (1993) (1993)

1993 1994 1995 1993

4 4 1 1

(32) (48) 32 (48) (40) 500 6 7 2 126 (686) 13 16 2 3 14 515 16 72 (432) (5) 18 (80) 2 25 2 8

RGM-84 Harpoon RGM-84 Harpoon RGM-84 Harpoon RGM-84 Harpoon AIM-7P Sparrow AIM-9L/M Sidewinder Gnat KC-135 Stratotanker Mk-45 127mm AIM-7E Sparrow BGM-71 TOW Blindfire Gnat KC-135 Stratotanker Perry Rapier Rapier-1 RGM-84 Harpoon MGM-140A ATACMS RIM-66B Standard-1MR AN/MPQ-64 CT-7 Dragoon Gnat M-578 Perry

Anti-ship missile Anti-ship missile Anti-ship missile Anti-ship missile BVRAAM SRAAM UAV Tanker/transport ac Naval gun BVRAAM Anti-tank missile Fire control radar UAV Tanker/transport ac Frigate SAM system SAM Anti-ship missile SSM SAM Air search radar Turboprop APC UAV ARV Frigate

1993 (1993) 1993 1993 (1994) 1994 1994 1994 (1994) (1995) (1995) 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 (1996) (1996) (1997) 1998 (1998) 1998 1998 1998 1998

1993 1997-2001 1994 1998-2000 1996-2000 1998-1999 1995 1997-1998 1998-2000 1995-1996 1996 1996 1995-1996 1995 1998 1996 1996 2002 1998 1998-2003 1999-2001 2002-2003 2002-2004 1998 1999 1999-2000 2002

(32) (48) (32) (48) (40) (500) (6) 7 2 (126) 686 (13) (16) 2 3 (14) (515) (16) (72) (432) (5) (18) (80) (2) (25) 2 (8)

S-70B/SH-60B Seahawk ASW helicopter

For Knox (Tepe) frigates UGM-84 version for Type-209/1400 (Preveze) submarines Part of $170 m deal; for Knox (Tepe) frigates For Kilic FAC For MEKO-200T-2 (Barbaros) frigates; RIM-7P Sea Sparrow (SAM) version $55 m deal (incl 30 training missiles); AIM-9S version $6-20 m deal (incl 2 control stations) Ex-US; modernized to KC-135R before delivery For 2 MEKO-200T-2 (Barbaros) frigates from FRG Ex-US; aid Designation uncertain Ex-US; aid; for use with Rapier SAM systems I-Gnat version Ex-US; lease Ex-US; incl 2 'SAP' aid and 1 lease (until 2001 when transferred as aid); Turkish designation Gaziantep Ex-US; aid Ex-US; aid $15 m deal; for MEKO-200T-2 (Barbaros) frigate $48 m deal For Perry frigates For use with FIM-92 SAMs For 9 CN-235D/K MP aircraft from Spain; CT-79C3 version Part of $45 m deal; for police I-Gnat version Ex-US; aid Ex-US; Turkish designation Gaziantep; 1 more delivered for spares only S-70B-28 version; orginally 4 ordered 1997 but changed to 8 in 1998


AGM-114K HELLFIRE Anti-tank missile





S-70/UH-60L Blackhawk Helicopter




72 1 1 144 8 8 (175) 1 2 (117)

AGM-114K HELLFIRE Perry Perry AGM-114K HELLFIRE AN/MPQ-64 I-HAWK MIM-23B HAWK Perry S-70/UH-60L Blackhawk AN/APG-68

Anti-tank missile Frigate Frigate Anti-tank missile Air search radar SAM system SAM Frigate Helicopter Aircraft radar

2000 2000 2001 2002 2002 2002 (2002) 2002 2003 (2005)

2001-2002 2000 2002 2003-2004 2005 2005 2005 2003 2004

(72) 1 1 (144) (8) (8) (175) 1 (2)

$6.7 m deal; AGM-114M version; for anti-ship role; for S-70B helicopters; bought after Norwegian refused to sell Penguin $561 m deal (offsets $110 m); originally ordered 1992, but deal suspended 1994-1999 for financial reasons and as reaction to US policy towards Turkish actions against Kurds; S-70A-28 and S70A-28D versions; Turkish designation Karaku For Bell-209/AH-1W helicopters Ex-US; $29 m deal; Turkish designation Gaziantep Ex-US; Turkish designation Gaziantep For Bell-209/AH-1W helicopters For use with 8 modernized I-HAWK SAM systems Ex-US; $100 m deal; modernized (partly in Norway) to I-HAWK PIP-3 before delivery Ex-US; aid Ex-US; Turkish designation Gaziantep $27 m deal; Turkish designation Karaku Part of $1.1 b 'Peace Onyx-3' modernization of 117 Turkish F-16C combat aircraft; AN/APG-68(V)9 version $35 m deal; incl 50 AGM-154A-1 and 54 AGM154C version For F-16 combat aircraft $36 m deal (incl 22 training version) CBU-105 and CBU-103 version For Heybeliada (MilGem) frigates Part of $500 m deal (mainly financed with US loan; offsets 50%) Contract possibly not yet signed $1.8 b deal; F-16 Block-50 version; delivery 20112012 For 2 Heybeliyada (MilGem) frigates produced in

(500) (104) 48 127 (100) (400) 17 105 30 2

JDAM AGM-154 JSOW AGM-84H SLAM-ER AIM-9X Sidewinder CBU-97 SFW RIM-116A RAM S-70B/SH-60B Seahawk AIM-9X Sidewinder F-16C Block-50/52 LM-2500

Guided bomb ASM ASM SRAAM Guided bomb SAM ASW helicopter SRAAM FGA aircraft Gas turbine

(2005) 2006 2006 2006 2006 (2006) 2006 (2007) 2007 (2008)

2007-2009 2007-2008 2009-2010 2008 2007-2008 2010

(500) (104) (32) (127) (100) 7

Turkey 4 (100) (30) (30) 46 100 1 18 L: Turkey 2 160 RGM-84L Harpoon-2 T-800 AAQ-33 Sniper AN/AAQ-13 LANTIRN Cessna-180 Skywagon Mk-54 MAKO S-70B/SH-60B Seahawk T-800 Berk F-16C Anti-ship missile Turboshaft Aircraft EO system Aircraft EO system Light aircraft ASW torpedo ASW helicopter Turboshaft Frigate FGA aircraft 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 (1967) 1984 1973-1976 1987-1995 2 (160) 2010 (4) $96 m deal; CTS-800-4A version; for 50 A-129 combat helicopters from Italy; option on 40 more



Cessna-182 version; for training Payment by producer for delayed delivery of 24 SH60B ordered 2006 For 9 A-129C combat helicopters from Italy


FIM-92 Stinger

Portable SAM











F-16C Block-50/52

FGA aircraft





F-16C Block-50/52

FGA aircraft




$4.2 b 'Peace Onyx-1' deal; 152 assembled/produced in Turkey; incl 24 F-16D; 44 F-16 Block-30 and 116 F-16 Block-40 version Part of 'European Stinger Production Programme'; from FRG production line; incl production of components in Turkey; FIM-92A and FIM-92C version Part of $1.1 b deal (offsets $705 m incl production in Turkey); incl 20 and components for 285 from Belgian/Dutch production line; incl 830 AAPC APC, 48 ATV anti-tank and 170 AMV 81mm mortar carrier version First part of $2.8 b 'Peace Onyx-2' deal (financed by 'Turkish Defence Fund' with aid aid from USA, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait as reward for Turkish participation in 1990-91 Gulf War); F-16 Block-50 version Second part of $2.8 b 'Peace Onyx-2' deal (financed by 'Turkish Defence Fund' with aid aid from USA, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait as reward for Turkish participation in 1990-91 Gulf War);

551 4

AIFV-APC Boeing-737 AEW&C

APC AEW&C aircraft

2000 2003



(100) (400)


FGA aircraft SAM

(2006) (2009)

Block-50 version $338 m deal; incl 81mm mortar carrier version $1.5 b 'Peace Eagle' programme ($500-930 m offsets incl production of components and assembly of 3 in Turkey); option on 2 more; delivery from 2011 Incl production of components in Turkey; delivery from 2014; contract not yet signed For Gaziantep (Perry) and MEKO-200 frigates; incl production of components in Turkey (as part of NATO Sea Sparrow Consortium)

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