Zeeshan Ali (MMP-2)

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“Nome Zeeshan- a (Cource (ake eat @ ie Ie AY Kara _ Becuons) Pingcics Nae Senestey (1) Univerci ty of Educolion, Lohove { ———a +Chapler(4):. oye ia Fundion: lea A Special Fonction. isa Randi (Cobbatty nora. afler on enshy inigaton of ioe) hal a particular vse Lin. mathematica? || ox Spme other branch of. mathematics. OR | | cpectl Brant, aie gostictlar rratherretcnd Furction’ thal ave aoe lot tas establighed Mamesin and) nol@tioins... ve. 40. they ge Tih) attewaticn’) am buic sFundtiona) |. analysi irom x et ox. Oe. applications... i oe y _ Besse) Function, Hermite. Function Neuman Function, Green Function etc. pio ~ i Bessel’s Diffexentiad Equation:- | The _kesse) differential squstion iM comes) often the German. Oe cae ond i ae “PaByich Wilhelm Bessel” who _ | |stodied this equation in detail ond i | stowed Jin (4024)' thot | its solutions ores | expec! in iAsam of Special) clase af) _|_Focction cated “cyunder Eonction” 08 “Besse onctione “a! tatement:- Tre linear Kas Ries tral equation ata ny OO EEE t yation- number Jis_ fet Lessel Un’ 1s called the order of 4ne | Wessel vation: 4th. 4 ee. Eonction-. The. ompélese Sibtion oF the Wineax Cecand older Orolirars I idlifRrential equation is. called .. pewe) Funttion. Its Complete Cobtion at {Me ndameced | ley 4 =A LT) + BL) 00. eve TAGE i010! cathacte) Mossel fantdien th lot Fist Kind OE ioxdte. Ato andi 3, Ol js _calted) \weste) | rihetion» oF | me 4 lef vodey tn". Tre | bese) oifrentia)) equation. ue Bh 1 nS Abe oe SY Gea yee _ oe | tut “Me liyyo t) ~negeth e xed) fon Lethe —_ power series _ SctRion _ of) ea: at 2 2 th Pallrerting 4 wr fube | we et) 2 - r t a4 Es Oy 0h Sv) (a-1) ah ee © ro pia Fey of f ri ae ond: os in 4. ST. /y Karen a yoy] me [z ay Cay) cha 1) 50 Js lz a, ctr) 9 ‘| E 2 + oe) a,% =o I z AY le ay Ceoytuea-ay. x ais [ 2.0, 0a) i HAY 2 kay | eS ee ees | = res Zfefoasinc A) a Bon je ri +E a aes vere alien TES OW ape é 2.0, x zai eo ae 20, i = Hing he scp ikea | fi: “xt equal 49 2670 id ne eo ar Owe, qe od a, {k = rn) ie KER=O. a i ox + vt~ nh kala ae ala offen ef, a egret to? ; ite Cont gett mr py: A hl PEL@ Get = “i 49. go att Ont ly - # ed tet) 420 4 @ Equating ‘the Co efficient oF YAM 40 20 | i ae ie qe sofgst bene ai 2 seria ue in a ay, a if 2 axijneas}= ei @+An(2) a tbn ita di a> 44 a oe ©. put. au ih a (ay: POT pip Oy (4) 4An(.4) 164 2n peed 5 lave ao 4 S2(x. +1) (x4) 29 (rat) | t pty dhe valve of e | in re) Za, ue o 5 A al ' fr | C4 Tae "Leas Was ‘a aH [axa rlpgatcantng veg Now pvt the val? oF hc ded ae F Toso 0 ye | +f Mh " iD aro Sai yt) : q,¥. iy dO Pe ik t 7 ox) Ma ove Sie ~ 4 a 1 ____+ aa D p(t (eta) tf a 22" Co _ 46 Tle 2 ae “ 1) (ntl — Benel's _Fmction De ang Kind. The Complete Saition oF, Bessel’s diffeerti al) 16 2|#§_—* d= PIP On) By) ey _zRecuwence Relations For Besseds | Functions- 15* Recunerne Relation: To pave, ae OM pO] = =x” IVE » * peor Sy the definition of Thi we fave ay 7 ode atl ior ") a (> %, we ferret) frie OE oh Rs od piffewtate wx: 9 nioy AYN IOs a fhe co xT af aa i ee Tara) y+ near q | A AES Jie dx | eo wiinarany ht” - 2) a Or ey oe | Po a) Tart) 2°47 [. 2) Uy tas ed xr. yn { ire % wht Tran ey“? It vs 1)” yor rar 2 (wilotys, I fe # 2 cA worrey ; oT tr a gry rer [ ~ ey uy? Les Wo 1 Mtytrty, 2 poe drat ake F o> af: Lie i ‘t definition , Bessel _ 5,002 iz wt roy Tes a Ime | Fe het second Relator ie actin Int) 16 Maya oly (OC an Ss 1. ww CAT tera) f bitmsaiy. eee Le Mie iy ee! a> ie = a weer” i) Gaal) arid tu may PEC ei o lp coh may 1) nt AY a WwW nr ” ir tek lee oy ae 2h © Ao Teneay Whee , a 1 FZ hors al = GT ihara 1) Bee pt [ee], [remit] _ such that yah f LS tay mat_y 2onrt)-! eny=6 Maroon 2.0 fe ee j tnt 5 Pd mite) ger Ader} iP ey pre! mn Tenet oP ™ umt| Me \ TR tty gent) : ae 7 in a 1 oom iL ut mer ey ? 2 nao Bot cy x I oa |r GeD, ae) pf C9 es ie © 2 A Rs gn ST (oR Beit i oo) = 934 is Al From. 54. Recuxe nee. Relativa A ree pe aa fe See ts at * Tre — asl yh 1 (4) a dat) nit 2 Tals) ~— Pivsieg oath Keided i ae vet Na i xi) the Wa x n Aeiow Goat SU i gS Ie a WOT) LE in Gien) le Tyra TS x i oR Pe a H fe OND AT ead Th Ca) iy UE Die Borm snd adcvience Relation |. fox | ._Reseel’s _ Eunclfone ise ae Pe ee aT ee Re Tyco £4, env@, =~ CT) 0) _ || pividin ats my meget a ie + 7 goo LPs) is Solve ini” eae e OW. | 0? wo” eal a | Ligne lod ft Tp in PAG) Tata oe 4 Tata Dh on ag te a dt The dk fly: ThU) = Ov Teg Ly stall -16" Relation:= Show thats Hy avemi= 3. ow J pret: bom 2x4 yecuvenl€ Re Otion, wei hot wer Tie Oo + 2 5) ® "i From uh rewrence _Relotion ,_ wile have. Tno)s J, bo ¥ bing @_ and @_ Sidewive we qe 14 (a) = nA wh hye 5 Bey win 2 7, aS 2 fre ahh 23,0) = Jw. Ty ln) ae 8 Relation _4 Show _ thal a ‘4 ee ty) P= Ope ae 5 __ em i Recwente stintion yw? fae t i iat, Jo) Y,ode » 3m @- Fon 4 Beanence Relation 1 Ke |) ee Sy tn) 27) > ‘ousealtiyg ©. From + we get! Sho) So) Ty Gy. a Jb) =e Sod Tt) 1 ~ * hd Of Mee Ten) hie A ONG to) oe % wipe Ty ad OD x dn Jes pat Toone Laend _anonr proved sGreneraking Fondion — for Beads Fundion= 5,00:- «Show shat!) Jn(x) 1s | the _ coefticent oF fe in| Ane _expessio” of eit a | Also. 5 how hol Jy(x) is the coeficiest oF 4” at - multiplied & % pow." Ca), ta-4) “Ailes sont SG) clecting. the caetient Lore is far ae "a miter te a wegen eee 1 = ros et ji y 5,0) i aoe dete ade bolt ( ie re xyntn ne ie Zi su) (yr he ut 5 a EOS ry ii har |) We he f ean Wo, J pp jt oF ey Tals). bee Ni is ba OG ffocticrent sf ik 2 ey" {ib 1 SOO 4 Ce eH Af as * DW) and fo_ er Ty ae j Heed dell can 9 write) (6) PO VE \ ES Ase rktion:- Higtotsye > ik Mies _ Besse) Functions First. the midthematician Odriel Bemovlli sand Hen generalized 4 Fredrigh Bessel. > Hoe oni Latled ® essed fi mth § at needed fot _physlee!—— ose. noi— obeme in pach NE we nen oncivded by 399° at ¥e xe Ra ad apes ‘soecific. _onaagh tmntlode elector |roves in Coonia) ‘wale ond BieaS j-methanites (cchtesig deny 4 Di # Bom_geneial Fon of Lead ie ol a wr | age) Bewerm B Ee X if at Ca web cel sak Fr ine) } “ tee ee ate x. Mex DAG du Caer Lean) Tea eon 4 ~ eo < @3 Ni 7 past wy, mys i ‘, sale ey es a 4 a ay) BINA) inal | pee ee Lal Jas < esol? | Function of a5 kind | ond Jnl)» dons a hs Ca Natt antl il we SST AL ‘ta Oy) tle erty OR. een te fe eee aie =e Tenet) chy ‘led Lard cation of, Bench. ha crehith is abo cakes wl 2 Question J, le eV vga the debater oP Neuman Fone an4ar You nN brtrtf) > | hr “ong ‘Poa K ntaK |e yep oy, seek AUC al +4 Bs = ey JU ae i c f Love y= me ; 7 Fe7= Cone) a toae [ni _yntk Jt Blnby cy x isa (a a Seen ed gi nye ("Se VL il re kt) ‘EV LU Saved. Tio sho NO (sik oun lehestte cea saat Tris. axtRrentiad eqsosion nag Ao Ok sD» ieyeve __inieg a ae oi Herresto _poienial fe templet io req Weeptign } kcond = oxder diffoeet le votion — af ane 2 2a) & ¢ ° Rie vat ee ya one is Heri Ve | _talled ani goramtad ot eae +i) Int Pie cd 2 — tht): ty ‘pay Mane i! et 2) Lo pitt. <4 HOU Ai LP es — dy = 2 Aj ap eee bx) 1" ae pt OD adn. 24 aM ££ . vr, a 2 wy Z ges) Ueto ay E wens ay (KeX) CRM) qysteg he Pe ent of nighest 4 oF” thot 1s x” “4 potting a0, lin @, we we §et ee a4, uma re. I } Lo: acs a6) aso att ET ox | of 8” te 200 Sy z @> we qe ‘i Qa\@n=KAt 5S E coctfigent__¢ a ot pi A (naa) (yg 41) 4.4, (ERAS 4 Ta) at Sa a = =f a Opa py ae put _p=K 2 4+ era) pas > fn Oy = 3 (7 49) Ont ye g Ht UX) i ‘s i P yt veo inhly set A, = =n > z Sn (n-Voy Ve, 5a, Br et A eu BA a 12% in @_,_we Sats eh (ge Sedna) 0, a) + gabe e S = ap only f ie n % ) ne ! ps eh Tin a= a a) eS ae (24 = py) (ne pb) oy, i way 2¥eL oes t. a Ano val oF "© ond. a @ da ve awe gotion @- +i ve oe ph ge ea hyn my “ mmvtitgly ond divide ern “6 h ir ghonhs ni ny: (nv! e i aa are n-U & pa 22) mee Ah ba alld =) {ba)) n! oH) 9h 109) 2) px)! Huis)={ a =i! 2a)" 4 colony” a Ba | z 3 ed mite poli neni Genexoling Function For — Hetmite | iron J Subp peat aa OU at Prt me dM) n= ni nich is reqvind Her mana [2 sig © in @ f nvltg'y od pod way ie (29)! 3! 0! Ts is the qenorattia Funckion Fer Hermit polynomi - Dethogonol Prperty of Hermte Drthogénality os Palywomial. The orthogonal? papery of Hermite petynnmial ues $e" Hoon On due § 0 vif men ~ tag przeti WE Kove Shot the parole Function Fo Heimte pilynaatcl a wit 5 = Wot a ies © Rinforty Ta rn! oe eke LLG oor 2x HO) — 4, proof From 13) irecwvence | Rélotign Wve | tt ; : | WAM: ap Hy 4b) ers. @ I fase 28%) wtivenee pela trom)! pve. Set i Ht la) aH, ) An, tn] +) asin Du boind @. sider wie swe get dL Uta) 4 Hla e. By Hi, ila) +o Hh) proofir | From fot Recurentes Rela tion: Hs i. (= Hn gy Ia) tes Diff bat Sid2D. Kha t “7% wwe gee me Hl’) claw Haye Hy, (a) Aa oe firey) 0") Riteurdve) Relation, 1.07, H()3 Dal a yan Ht fet!) in, aboe + sf) 2 Dif) BY fn)ls i" vy ann, fx) o¢ HC De = aunt) i. i <) o i a gno-__snar dimensions = it pia Laws of /tengor | algelsa ard Ais imaiant under toodivote. 4yonsfaxmotinn. | Example Elect magmedic fenio,, (hes. sensor, | i Four. fersor sete. -iCreneva) \ Tensori Grerrera) | tensove are lenges whith tose. .cxqenecl in 1 sent (pe) tovofonenits lveffeved | isto L Abrerniobah | Space ceovd male. Bist | ANCoytestan Tensors-\Caesian| tens ave | Aeose wwhich> ove exprescd in terms i torponents _weffereo tp __thrée_+ Ldinensional spate.) coordinate sys rae | _ 4 Tensor ar Tenet _—_ Analy Are brand ‘oF mathematics elntion oy Lawe Hut yerain _ * n Lindex | « Com heel used 10. seal the qvantstigs. Eeach sceip» Nevapaes 7s denote; o_teterwuith ._wbseript cred)__ supers Lop. em Vim! fy The Higher) form pf. vecton angysis Ot an extension of — veeter andy “ta tensor Hiei = ig. \ cabled Ten@y _ Anabysic. (Ricci Porabyss) a = Free Indeys-_ ire index i (expeciizin) _ index oceuri “ eat fin! int a express i) ee. fale SE x04 ple Aye Bie anne r called sree tinder. pesca — SDumray index fp inde it vepeated, mort thant" in a that |) ae EAS oD, fe Zeenventton! ic applies os. _call omy | nade. Exomple | Pi. Big 5 Ltvh ter GN called pouramy nderor Umbra _ + _foylel— _-Rank oF a of a tener ig the in___ fhe _given —Syrtel Example: if pits VMERURCG ORE? ad = _yOnK 2 sc¥e _upet Aposition tof Ake -suffixe _ |contyavmient ond “owes! position If (evorjent+ 14 -iNotes~. The. tensor ‘calor oy invariant and yank one. aye vectors. the —sCorlesian Tensorts-- definition -s|Intoduction.— fore Lal 3 -- Kee 2 eM) [Tons feimation \ oF. gy eh (acs ah eG tt cM Tae 1g ae xi » Wit De Nec ( it ts a pee Nc, ot Uri ict sid) Ho.) be lal ean fomabior A BATS J OF! Coordinates, i I j jesmitory j Transfomot{on OF ye boa 1 | +Summation. | tren pias: LGD, tt Ono, st os Wo tsa can Hite fina re nototon — Such v fas vee appa (et omit sor. rercoie thet ja JJ cunmatioah (Gurabol. and. write \ it a5 Ll | haere ras Die! scaled s \ regeated eh Lon ‘ee wie DY Was Ry ese an saynteny Pe Ae i aoe wmmatian Conventions leech 4) dg= 94 oe dale dy? ai a x8 dh: 200 dat ure reba Boee Ont <4 ox gn 2 rca eee eae ae at pr tt oy at my Cl in ais > bs Be where iE Gye | dt sox at ipa. ay |p Bed) tu) ah Sst t ogg 4 1G +49 Ho Covariant.and__(ontvavanant — tya_-Vaviant_ Tensor Sf. a Vanities on! p)) A Oks toa. coos weioied to N oi (1434, x) ave Bier guartiver A's A RY in. onsen, Yeorewrate _dycterh Wi x”) “ the) Wansfoulnation. | apyetions » ard -fonventions ilk m1. Spd wnillen OL. Wage tose nh 2a S@miponentS|_ wot Lie SE a 4 lien cue. tbr DA ss ants veotoyi OR * (ondro-oriant Hendoy of | thei. Fest five nkl Pare Fist Oe —Conariant Tensor: 1: panties (Vy 5 ASS) ARRAS foordiro adiy \nvell yolated 1 t0 NY Byskrt (hy Aer jp 1 another | a Van ht A505 (ec tied By stor (ett, tN) Wel hansforetior leg got onf aad Gavention adifd ‘can finglt written as Ly (Be 4 Wert in tan oe Ap 5 Lee Ae me ee they ae_called " Componert of. (ovana te fond Jp“ Yovariont «tensor of thes oS yank oy sty _pidloy' | nj f uperscript is uted | tO. in Gontba-variant _(omponentS whereas a ubscnipt is ysed to indicate __ Govan | (ctype Wee ‘Contbavariant. Tentor oF Rank Qy' TPN’ quantities jh ai) Condinge _is4derm od 3c Fase. tela ts Int ‘other. pte LAr "in_Lanother | -— id) ol | x Guveen’s Fundion-. ADnagion:- Gree 9, Fiockion\ Lax: latter | \esthsch / ndaihematcron. "oeory’ |Wrio developed s \ine concep aha User Gaysen’s _ funckion= methods enaielé Hort Lckidtinn sok a diffe venttod_ e olion! containing on. tetr’ (orten caffe a __Sourte tem) to be lreolé@d 49 | an _tateqral. Ja) Hi can be ved 40 | | patie). ond exact eer jahamb genous. So ‘Definition oF. GF = Ip mathemotics, 0. V Green. Fonction _ te impubes vespo tse oF ani | tineay differentia) operater de ined _o demin uth 5pettfied initial | bountlay __ fondition. vo he t et SS ial aes wet niction) aie teh —Hemepenays differential 2 ppc» that it exited a a ; d te =~ FOU, —1D 1. with dobdeamh — chedittont + 4 sot bihe.o 1S slape o Solve. the Vohitterential) egyation fea Fonction 1. =! ahea4 oF jtapiece oni otfon, we_replace “ f(y)" 4 an Impulse Foatron” Ne Ly Nf) thet Qppliad | an anbi ang pot (ore 94) Se__cqvation ©) cation Lecomes dy kaw ve ck oO. Am “re. War eo + © i; fat aed | yea function. were 2 Methed “oF Goastrucling G-F:- 1) App dhe “Given. cifferential penton. on fe (x, 2¢8)_ vid ay it. 0 4(x -¥) (Diec dels) {-e KO(a,x) = bx). 2), See it Tor v=2' and. Find Abe general joe ns Fuctian i-€ “Gla ¥- ») oar tiup .enrevian Far sepeen Function _tefi _randed yeqion and “gt jaded yeaion - 1 Qed and Gg fue!) au, ‘ayy die Lomly “oak, EE A) As (Gi v') 1 sonfi nwo! Are fore Cr f ot =m" | ‘ ‘). G, abt 21m ‘he evaluation Cray ap ears th the. 6) Firther ‘Si ovb ier golden lof the F) now — constrel p G, buried 6, © aD. Final) fe expesiom For the Combjn _ 6. ~» Problerns:~ Construct Gaiyeen Functiva « vt AU zo eA 25-—- Ay 4A EG) Heve | GG Ay) ceutfies OL oind 6) Gin.ty= 5 Axi k Gr Ans B bares A c (3D) Alaut) must shift beedey Condi $191) Glsi)=o Gtsv=e Alsin=o Ay) v=o O+k =o Altip! =2 Pe ene patios all valves in sep@ Glwt) = ae We A’ td, poet abu} bP Pee F AG) tue ob tepl4s Glot) 4 Continvov!s at met Ln G01) — = Lim ont) 7 xt 19 t ot At = (NAGE Fu a Nees A= ALeL—4) ut it pu in, @- __«) EVES. fois § A) | pi tat) Jon tinvovd e of @.bU8 Woo ol ep G1 o.0ut) a | as sang deavetttt . Peeuld CSL System) 2) Find Green Function witht associated! with pe pollen./ mye ede) =o ov xv" tu 4dr (4).= 0 Bovdsy Condition ule) = Fiat? step). uv(4) = 0 Sot put sro ng fy! 2 y! SID LOE Y uta tl kD a dX ue Cy Bi 20h oak x uf $ Cdn 4G Siep (2. PY Crdnne G@ eexet Ab Y= 1 * Ca dav tityl Bde StelD Clog d) wt Sectvher bow ny Cordlliio” Gloyt) Finite Cy Inte) 40, = Finit™ COVE GE Finite ae = ose ty=e” | (Eo a G(4y) =? (a Jatt) FOO or ie. pute in step GO | Glud= tT. pee 2 = i ae 4 i GInx ee i Hy Step(Q- Cyt SS Gotinvdvs — {the tty) 3 bd 1G Gt) | net 4 i How bw pam fadnt i | C9 nM I ++ i Saad 8 bY sten@). Alur) if divontinveu( af Chap tex (Ul) _-4Fourier Series and Froorfher -\Fourier Seyies: Fourier Theorem: Evaluation OF Fourier Co-efficjents+ Fourier Theovem- ’ Ary complex perodie Fonction “fry” Con. be _expressed_1as__a__sum of Sine ond cosines inthe form.” YRL@d = ao +9, cosut +a, cos 2 + 4a, Coo nt ++ loi Sinwt +b, sin rut + + lon Sinn wt + OR { fwt)= 9,429, @snuwt + Z bnSinnwt -@ nel rE The _exposion ofthe. Fondion. fit) in the above « » We fomn 16 Knywon ag Fourier Senteg. Here ‘ay. and ‘l'on’ axe | known GS Fourier Co-efficients: 4) | Evaluation fiwid= @ + Integrating 09 OD both cides 4, Limits eet is F x T fs eT dt J ypor a= | dt Aon | foS nit ° ° b x T 2 = (fcut)dt = 0,4 te O,.0 4 Z. ' eon i f{cwd dt ‘. ffcwe.ot 1 6F Founiee Ke- efficient — b rotut Hauttiolyag, tolh_Sides ig ORY (06 yn etn iit p ts To we ries S | . t z ie = le DL Wf few rosorcardde ® ayCosm cote A= | (oh rok i f. i 6 + Pea { Sin non los m wid d ae 7, PSs mab tice 1, {Sraphtt Cs mewube So — 4 3 I Fesnpias mows S ir “ Jun ke ip er iz _ B) lEvotvation tof fourter PA hi eh. tooth sider | Oe qo 4 Sin pnt ed nel Dumais” i EB bon i Sinntwt) Sin m wird $ wid fin wo dt= OFO1 bp T _ SF) Sinem wut, ot } called Fooniey Cari Complex. Form oF Founer Senes> & let {@) be a Funclion of “x” whith _ Satishre $ Sum. the intewo (-n cla) q Be Srey as salen q fon = 0, + Z (An losnx busin nx) =< = let o> Co, On =i = Cn’ Gapriby — cle > 2 a a commen -ctliclot Add @ and Qrwe ge — ney Jan eh (otnn-t EY a. mk ci Sinn ibn Sobtact @ Fem OD, we Consiceh Gn inter tet) de 4 to ¢ ; "1 Bh EO) pti Sine & ALN Sid totane 2 x ~ Exarnples:- Find rome Cenes oF BE | Sasi xt in. FON= aan ise x =I xX Gana da AK ° 4 4) \ {pvt |! seriey a Wo : pa= z ton Sinn % —=—— as ~_ a ¥ 23. | [Ewe z: ou) "6, no] ipa h Ei A Ceven Furction odd Funtton= 3 BA fogs 44) Sole ity) 3 £ feist! . 1 Sia, 9 teas er it Ohl 4 fs Ra » ‘Od. : By iis seven Ee. fe don A Ai bh) nga ‘ © ee ig igs rrsenae o Te a. (Fourier Trantformetion (Related Question) Sir Kami) sLimnitalion of Fousex nae ll oR -iDrichtet Condi tion:~ { The conditions wich! uct be sariclied la Tinclioh, Cu)" 4p Le eagoied wsir WNoouar isssoc axe callod Ovi chet fonditiont | Tese ore °&” Troe onchie t_ “onnditions | 4) | tye tanetiohe" creole | peniddie od | Semte jroved ice Liban" shalld rove only tingle —_selve Isr seach bdue' of S00” Lint AtsiiReet lpekodal 2) |The _tyreticn un" Chod Have Finite salve || jevmhere and Chovid nol be rfatte in its | Ne gested. 3) |The porter £%) ichdyd) Ue fentinvuel | toi [sine pered (1 'y.e itt should! Ala Le _lebstontiw Question Find. Foot Sevies| oF fa=x* ohenen F land deduce From it +ne ~efatting hi, bp weet+ ttt a.

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