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Coombe & McCarthy Grape berry growth & ripening 131

Dynamics of grape berry growth and physiology of ripening

Department of Horticulture,Viticulture and Oenology,Waite Campus,The University of Adelaide,
Glen Osmond, SA 5064
Nuriootpa Viticulture Centre, PO Box 245, Nuriootpa SA 5355,Australia
Corresponding author: Dr M. McCarthy, facsimile +61 8 8568 6449, e-mail

Data from two experiments on development of grape berries is re-examined with emphasis on
partitioning of berry weight into non-solutes per berry (largely water) and solutes per berry (largely
sugar), using weight times juice °Brix. This approach is based on the thought that, since xylem flow is
blocked after veraison, time curves of solutes per berry indicate the activity of phloem transport into the
berry during ripening growth. Experiment 1: Measurements of Muscat Gordo Blanco berries from
inflorescences with a spread of flowering times showed typical double-sigmoid volume/time curves but
with divergent rates and amounts of volume increase. Despite this divergence, °Brix curves after veraison
were almost coincident because, in each case, the rate of increase in solutes per berry was proportional to
that of berry volume. These results indicate that sugar and water increments after veraison are linked and
depend on the same source, namely, phloem sap. Experiment 2: An irrigation experiment on cv. Shiraz also
showed divergent berry weight curves between treatments and years but with the difference that all
berries shrank after a maximum berry weight was attained at 91 days after flowering (at about 20 °Brix).
At this point, the curves of solutes per berry slowed then plateaued, indicating that inflow of phloem sap
had become impeded. Prior to shrinkage these berries accumulated primary metabolites (mainly phloem
sugar) but, during shrinkage, when berries were apparently isolated from vascular transport, non-
anthocyanin glycosides accumulated. These results have implications for the study of berry flavour build-
up and berry composition, and also for the understanding of sink competition within the vine, fresh and
dried yield, and juice °Brix levels.

Keywords: grape berry, berry weight, berry solutes, berry water, xylem and phloem transport

Introduction In this review, the interplay of xylem and phloem

The growth of a grape berry consists of two successive sig- transport into the grape berry and of metabolism within
moid cycles, each with distinctive characteristics (Coombe the berry are examined with respect to the determination
1992). The first cycle—berry formation—begins with a of berry composition.
spate of cell division in pericarp tissue the amount and
direction of which largely determines a berry’s final size Increments of water and sugar
and shape. The rate of these divisions is positively corre- A seminal experiment has been reported (Coombe 1980)
lated with the growth rates of developing seeds in each in which the development of grape berries was exam-
berry. Pericarp cell division changes gradually to cell ined by separating the two chief components of berry
enlargement, which later slows as the first sigmoid cycle weight: non-solutes per berry (largely water) and solutes
ends. At this stage the berry is hard, green and slow- per berry (largely sugar), their ratio being concentration
growing; the principal organic compound accumulating is e.g. °Brix. Inflorescences on Muscat Gordo Blanco vines
malic acid. were induced to develop at different times by a combina-
The second cycle begins with the onset of sugar accu- tion of pruning and topping treatments, making possible
mulation, berry softening, berry colouring, and renewed the selection of groups with a spread of six flowering
size increase; taken collectively these events constitute times. On each of these six groups of bunches, berries
veraison, denoting the beginning of ripening processes. were marked 12 days after 70% capfall and their dia-
Ripening is characterised by the accumulation in flesh meters measured weekly until maturity. From the lag-
and skin of hexose sugars and in skin of potassium and phase onwards, single berries were sampled from each
phenolics (including anthocyanins in black grapes) bunch for measurement of juice °Brix. Calculated berry
(Coombe 1987). Flavour compounds accumulate late in volumes (Figure 1a) showed divergent double-sigmoid
ripening, a stage that has been termed ‘engustment’ by time curves with nearly a two-fold range of lag-phase
Coombe and McCarthy (1997). volumes; in most cases these differences in rates and
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132 Grape berry growth & ripening Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 6, 131–135, 2000

Impedance of xylem transport at veraison

The above observations raise questions about the contri-
3 bution of xylem transport to water movement into
berries during both major phases of development. Xylem
A sap is a dilute aqueous solution of inorganic ions and
some root-derived organic metabolites. Greenspan et al.
Berry volume (mL)

2 (1994) have shown that xylem sap is the main source of

water for berries during their first growth cycle during
which dry matter accumulation is relatively small.
25 However, when berries resume swelling at the beginning
1 of the second growth cycle, the flow of xylem sap into
20 the berry becomes impeded. This was shown in two con-
current papers using different methods: Düring et al.
15 (1987) found, using two staining materials, that breaks

0 developed throughout the peripheral bundle system after
10 berries had started to expand during the ripening cycle;
B Findlay et al. (1987) perfused 14C-sucrose or eosin dye
5 through the cut pedicel of detached berries and found
0.6 that, after veraison, xylem flow into flesh was blocked
Solutes per berry (g)

0 due to stretched and broken segments of tracheids,

principally those at the top of the pedicel (the brush).
0.4 This phenomenon was confirmed in two other varieties
by Creasy et al. (1983).
This disorder appears to be due to stretching of
0.2 C
tracheids and breakage of tracheid wall membranes,
especially in the brush zone where the vascular bundles
0 enter the berry. Subsequent berry growth would then
0 50 100 150 depend mainly on the flow of phloem sap, thus support-
Days after flowering ing the previous explanations of the linkage between
water and sugar increments during ripening growth. That
Figure 1. Changes in (a) berry volume, (b) juice °Brix, and (c) the explanation is feasible is supported by calculations
weight of solutes per berry against days after flowering of cv.
Muscat Gordo Blanco berries on bunches that flowered at weeks 1, using a notional percentage of sucrose in phloem sap and
2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 beginning with week 1 on 1 November (after the weights of sugar and water that accumulate during
Coombe 1980). ripening. The suggestions are supported by the research
of Greenspan et al. (1994).

Impedance of phloem transport?

amount of volume increase were maintained until har- Although not dealing with mechanisms, the foregoing is
vest. Despite these differences, curves of juice °Brix were an attempt to explain the logistics concerning water and
parallel (Figure 1b); when this figure is redrafted with sugar accumulation in grape berries. A reason for modifi-
the x-axis as ‘days from veraison’ the Brix curves are cation of this explanation, at least for some varieties
practically coincident (see Figure 1 of Coombe and Iland such as Shiraz, has emerged from the results of a field
1987). This coincidence was because, in all cases, the experiment at Waikerie by McCarthy (1997a, 1997b)
increases in solutes per berry (Figure 1c) were propor- comparing eight irrigation treatments with nine repli-
tional to the divergent rates of increase in berry volume cates over four years. Berry weight/time curves showed
during most of the ripening growth cycle. an array of different dimensions attributable to treat-
Recognising that sugar is the predominant component ments and years, with all following a typical double-
of berry solutes, and water of volume, these results indi- sigmoid shape for most of their development. However,
cate that sugar and water increments were linked to the in all cases, the berry weight curves showed a decrease
one source. The most probable source is phloem sap. The beginning midway through the second cycle at 91 ± 3
fact that the curves of solutes per berry increased days after flowering (McCarthy 1999). The dimensions of
throughout indicates that phloem transport was un- berry shrinkage are illustrated in Figure 2a.
impeded. Subsequent work (Coombe and Phillips 1982) Partition of berry weight during the second cycle into
has emphasised the nexus between water and sugar non-solutes per berry (mainly water) and solutes per
increments, and hence the regularity of concentration berry (mainly sugar) showed that curves of non-solutes
increases. Evidence for this conclusion was also found per berry matched those of berry weight in general shape
with cv. Dolcetto in Italy by Coombe et al. (1987), who and with the same timing of maximum berry weight
concluded that the primary control of accumulation of (Figure 2c). Curves of solutes per berry (Figure 2d) dif-
both solutes and non-solutes was unloading of phloem fered from those of non-solutes per berry in showing an
sap into berry flesh. initial rapid rise, typical of the stage of rapid influx of
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Coombe & McCarthy Grape berry growth & ripening 133

2.0 B 25 to the continuation of loss of water by transpiration, thus

causing berry shrinkage (see references in McCarthy and
Coombe 1999).
What could cause blockage of phloem transport?
Using 2-year-old grapevine canes, Esau (1948) showed
that blockage of stem phloem by the deposition of callose

plugs on sieve areas was a normal occurrence during
15 autumn, and that plugging also occurred at other times
during summer. A case for investigation of this phenom-

enon in relation to shrinkage of Shiraz grape berries is

A 10 indicated. Such investigation should take account of the
1.0 intriguing aspects related to the incidence of shrinkage
shown by McCarthy (1999), namely, that timing of
C shrinkage onset was more closely related to the number
5 of days after flowering than to environmental factors
0.3 such as soil water stress, rainfall or heat summation. The
results imply operation of a developmentally-controlled
timing mechanism associated with functioning of phloem
0.1 elements. A systemic phenomenon is indicated, but the
anatomical location of the blockage is unclear.
60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Implications of phloem blockage
Days after flowering The proposed impedance of phloem transport into the
berry is a novel hypothesis which has important implica-
tions for the understanding of development in berries
Figure 2. Changes in four variables during ripening of berries that shrink (such as Shiraz) and hence of all berries.
sampled from an irrigation experiment on cv. Shiraz at Waikerie, Some are listed here.
South Australia: (a) weight per berry ■, (b) juice °Brix ●, (c) non-
solutes per berry ▲, and (d) solutes per berry ▼. Data from
McCarthy (1997a, 1997b, 1999) and McCarthy and Coombe (1999);
each point is an average of nine replicates and seven treatments
from year 4 harvest.


per berry



Figure 3. Hypotheses from Figure 2 (from McCarthy and Coombe

1999, reproduced with permission).

Red-free G-G
sugar, then a distinct slowing in the rate of increase co- per berry
incident with the beginning of berry shrinkage; after
another 2–3 weeks solute increase per berry had stopped 10 15 20 25
(McCarthy and Coombe 1999). This is interpreted in °Brix
Figure 3 as indicating that, at maximum berry weight
(weight-max.), flow of phloem sap became impeded, and Figure 4. Weight of solutes per berry and non-anthocyanin
finally blocked 2–3 weeks later; thereafter, it would glucosides per berry (red-free G-G, as glucose equivalents) against
appear that at this time berries became isolated from both juice °Brix during ripening of Shiraz berries in year 4 of the fully-
irrigated treatment of an irrigation experiment at Waikerie, South
long-distance vascular transport pathways, i.e. xylem and Australia (McCarthy 1997a, 1997b). The points in the lower graph
phloem. The fact that non-solutes per berry declined derive from seven groups of five values with ascending °Brix levels
while solutes per berry stayed constant can be attributed and show the means and SE bars for the x and y axes.
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134 Grape berry growth & ripening Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 6, 131–135, 2000

1. Removal of fruit’s sink for photosynthate and reserves xylem

would permit flow to other sinks in the vine to an Vascular
extent depending on the timing of blockage and its flow normal
anatomical location. into berry
2. During shrinkage of Shiraz berries, yields are decreas- phloem shrinkage
ing and the juice °Brix increasing, with the latter
dependent on the loss of water during shrinkage since compounds
there is little further increase in fruit solutes. sugar

3. Such berries would appear to undergo engustment anthocyanin

processes in isolation from the rest of the vine
(Coombe and McCarthy 1997). Indeed, as Figure 4
shows, Shiraz berries had completed most of the
Berry formation
accumulation of solutes per berry by 20°Brix but all of
the increase in non-anthocyanin glycosides (red-free
G-G) occurred after that stage. malate

The metabolic picture indicated in (3) may not be

Berry veraison
restricted to varieties such as Shiraz that show berry volume
shrinkage. For instance, normally-expanding Muscat
berries (like those in Figure 1a) also showed increases in Berry ripening
red-free G-G late in ripening (Gholami et al. 1996). This cell
is also evident in the results for several winegrape
varieties currently being analysed as part of the National setting
Vineyard Fruit Composition Survey (I.L. Francis, person-
al communication).
Further support for the notion that grape berries can 0 20
40 60 80 100 120
undergo engustment (i.e. develop flavour) while isolated °Brix 4 7
Flowering 10 14 18 22 26
from phloem translocation is provided by the research of
Gholami (1996). By grafting inflorescences of varieties
that develop aromatic berry flavour onto vines that have Figure 5. Notional diagrams showing, at top, estimates of rates of
neutral berry flavour, and vice versa, it was shown that vascular flow into berries, partitioned between xylem and phloem,
the ripening berries in both cases developed a mono- their sum matching the rates of water input as shown by the berry
terpene glucoside analysis typical of their genotype with- volume growth curves below of Muscat (solid lines) and Shiraz
(dashed lines). The berry volume is an idealised curve against days
out influence from the genotype of the scion (Gholami et after flowering and juice °Brix and shows the berry shrinkage and
al. 1995). phloem blockage of Shiraz starting at about 18-20°Brix; the arrow-
heads at top signify the timing of the proposed impedance of xylem
Integration flow (in all varieties) and of phloem flow in berries that shrink. Three
A notional picture of the relative contributions of xylem successive but overlapping phases of solute accumulation are
indicated—malate, sugar and flavour compounds—each sequence
and phloem translocation to water and solute accumula- occurring in both varieties. Based on data in Coombe (1987, 1992),
tion by grape berries is given in Figure 5, integrating Coombe and McCarthy (1997), McCarthy (1997b) and McCarthy
Muscat and Shiraz results. Three phases are apparent. and Coombe (1999).

1. From setting to veraison

Berry volume (largely determined by the amount of cell 3. From 18–20°Brix to harvest
division in the pericarp during the first three weeks) Development of berries during this phase differs between
increases sigmoidally to the lag phase at which time the the two varieties. Shiraz berries at Waikerie decreased in
berries remain hard and green. The water for expansion weight. We have suggested this decrease was due to a
during this phase derives from both xylem and phloem blockage of phloem transport into the berries so that the
transport, but especially xylem. The principal solute that water and sugar supplied by phloem sap was cut off—see
accumulates is malate. the dashed lines in Figure 5 and the plateau in solutes per
berry in Figure 2d. Volume decline was due to transpira-
2. From veraison to 18–20°Brix tion losses with a consequential increase in juice °Brix.
With the onset of ripening in the second cycle, berries Note that, on this interpretation, these berries during this
soften and expand. Xylem flow is impeded, hence the phase had little vascular connection to the rest of the
water that moves in during this phase is largely from vine. With Muscat (solid lines in Figure 5), berry weights
phloem sap along with sugar which is the chief solute continued their sigmoid increase and solutes per berry
accumulating in flesh. Sugar and potassium accumulate did not depart from linear increases throughout (Figure
in skin cells, along with anthocyanins in coloured vari- 1a and 1c). These results imply that phloem sap supply
eties. continued throughout ripening. The amounts of phloem
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Coombe & McCarthy Grape berry growth & ripening 135

supply are indicated by the increases in berry volume Coombe, B.G., Bovio, M. and Schneider, A. (1987) Solute accumu-
and the differences in the slopes of the volume and solute lation by grape pericarp cells. V. Relationship to berry size and the
effects of defoliation. Journal of Experimental Botany 38,
curves are explained by transpirational losses, as with
Shiraz. Another resemblance to Shiraz is that Muscat Coombe, B.G. and Iland, P.G. (1987) Grape berry development.
berries have been shown to accumulate glucosides late in Proceedings of the Sixth Australian Wine Industry Technical
ripening (Gholami et al. 1996). That is, accumulation of Conference, ed. T.H. Lee (Winetitles: Adelaide) pp. 50–54.
non-anthocyanin glucosides in berries of these two Coombe, B.G. and McCarthy, M.G. (1997) Identification and naming
of aroma development in ripening grape berries. Australian Journal
varieties proceeded with or without the benefit of phloem
of Grape and Wine Research 3, 18–20.
sap input, indicating that input from phloem sap is not a Coombe, B.G. and Phillips, P.E. (1982) Development of the grape
requirement for accumulation of such glucosides. This berry. III. Compositional changes during veraison measured by
conclusion was arrived at in a different way by Gholami sequential hypodermic sampling. Proceedings of the International
et al. (1995), who found by bunch grafting experiments Symposium on Grapes and Wine, Davis, California, June, 1980,
pp. 132–136.
that accumulation of glucosides of aroma compounds was
Creasy, G.L., Price, S.F. and Lombard, P.B. (1993) Evidence for xylem
determined by the genotype of the grafted bunch, not discontinuity in Pinot noir and Merlot grapes: dye uptake and
the scion tissues. mineral composition during berry maturation. American Journal of
The ideas raised here provoke a large number of Enology and Viticulture 44, 187–192.
questions which deserve further research, for example: is Düring, H., Lang, A. and Oggionni, F. (1987) Patterns of water flow
in Riesling berries in relation to developmental changes in their
phloem blockage a reality and, if so, where, when and
xylem morphology. Vitis 26, 123–131.
why? If callose plugs sieve areas in phloem elements, Esau, K. (1948) Phloem structure in the grapevine, and its seasonal
what are the conditions for callose formation? What are changes. Hilgardia 18, 217–296.
the mechanisms controlling synthesis of flavour com- Findlay, N., Oliver, K.J., Nii, N. and Coombe, B.G. (1987) Solute
pounds and their glucosides within berries? Why does accumulation by grape pericarp cells. IV. Perfusion of pericarp
apoplast via the pedicel and evidence for xylem malfunction in
the synthesis of malvidin-3-glucoside appear linked to
ripening berries. Journal of Experimental Botany 38, 668–679.
sugar accumulation yet both precede synthesis of non- Gholami, M. (1996) Biosynthesis and translocation of secondary
anthocyanin glucosides? These and many other questions metabolite glycosides in the grapevine Vitis vinifera L. PhD thesis,
are amenable to investigation using present physiological, University of Adelaide.
biochemical and molecular methods. Answers to these Gholami, M., Coombe, B.G., Robinson, S.P and Williams, P.J. (1996)
Amounts of glycosides in grapevine organs during berry develop-
and related questions should improve understanding of
ment. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 2, 59–63.
the control of berry composition and especially flavour. Gholami, M., Hayasaka, Y., Coombe, B.G., Jackson, J.F., Robinson,
S.P. and Williams P.J. (1995) Biosynthesis of flavour compounds in
Acknowledgements Muscat Gordo Blanco grape berries. Australian Journal of Grape
This review is a speculative integration of research by and Wine Research 1, 19-24.
Greenspan, M.D., Shackel, K.A. and Matthews, M.A. (1994)
graduate students and staff at the University of Adelaide
Developmental changes in the diurnal water budget of the grape
dealing with grape berry development. The authors are berry exposed to water deficits. Plant, Cell and Environment 17,
indebted to Dr Robyn van Heeswijck and Dr Peter May, 811–820.
Department of Horticulture, Viticulture and Oenology, McCarthy, M.G. (1997a) The effect of timing of water deficit on fruit
University of Adelaide, for constructive comments on the development and composition of Vitis vinifera cv. Shiraz. PhD thesis,
University of Adelaide.
McCarthy, M.G. (1997b) The effect of transient water deficit on berry
development of cv. Shiraz (Vitis vinifera L.). Australian Journal of
Grape and Wine Research 3, 102–108.
References McCarthy, M.G. (1999) Weight loss from ripening berries of Shiraz
Coombe, B.G. (1980) Development of the grape berry. I. Effects of grapevines (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Shiraz ). Australian Journal of Grape
time of flowering and competition. Australian Journal of and Wine Research 5, 10–16.
Agricultural Research 31, 125–131. McCarthy, M.G. and Coombe, B.G. (1999) Is weight loss in ripening
Coombe, B.G. (1987) Distribution of solutes within the developing grape berries cv. Shiraz caused by impeded phloem transport?
grape berry in relation to its morphology. American Journal of Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 5, 17–21.
Enology and Viticulture 38, 120–127.
Coombe, B.G. (1992) Research on development and ripening of the
grape berry. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 43, Manuscript received: 16 August 1999
101–110. Amended version received: 3 April 2000

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