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Rekap Questions A1 Meeting 3

Answers from Group 2

M. Nazarudin:

1. How teacher apply discovery learning if the student is very shy or introvert?

Teachers must be able to persuade students towards learning by finding helping students form
effective collaborative ways of working, sharing information, and listening to and using other
people's ideas. There are several facts that show that the skills, concepts and principles
learned through discovery are more meaningful. Skills learned in discovery learning
situations are, in some cases, more easily transferred to new activities and applied in new
learning situations. (Answered by Ardelianda Augesla)

M Risqan

2. Is there some kind of category of class that’s not suitable for discovery learning?

I think there is not, but this learning model is very good is if it applied to early childhood
education. Early childhood education is children aged 0-6 years. Early childhood education
has a very important role in developing children's personalities and preparing children to
enter further education levels. (Answered by Ardelianda Augesla)

3. Why if there is lots of student in the class it's not very effective?

Because some teachers coundn’t focus yet to many students and can’t divide their
attention if there are a lot of students in a class. In teaching progress, teachers also has the
limit energy or time for paying to whole class. (Answered by Ardelianda Augesla)

Name : Ridhoni Akbar (1810117210027)

4. What the explains for competences that students must achieve of teaching material in

Students must achieve of teaching material in English through learning process. The
learning process is a process in which there are activities teacher-student interaction and
reciprocal communication that takes place within educational situations to achieve learning
goals (Rustaman, 2001: 461). In the learning process, teachers and students are two
components that cannot score. Between the two components there must be mutual interaction
support so that student learning outcomes can be achieved optimally. (Answered by
Ardelianda Augesla)

5. What the examples for the group to make observations of traditional?

A host of terms are used as synonyms or near-synonyms to “traditional ecological

knowledge.” These include indigenous knowledge, traditional knowledge and wisdom, local
and traditional knowledge, and various combinations of these and other words. None is
entirely satisfactory. We use “traditional ecological knowledge” and its abbreviation TEK
simply because their use is widespread, and because they are not restricted to indigenous
peoples alone. Similarly, there are many definitions of what constitutes TEK, referring to
how it is generated, how it is transmitted, contrasting it with scientific knowledge, and so on.
We use it to refer broadly to knowledge gathered and maintained by groups of people, based
on intimate experience with their environment . Methods for documenting TEK include key-
informant interviews, community surveys, and group workshops . (Answered by Ardelianda

Name : Riza Noor Irwanto

NIM : 1810117210028
1 How to develop students thinking ability in Discovery learning because every student
has different capacity?
The role of the teacher so that student understanding develops in Discovery Learning is
the identification of student needs, preliminary selection of principles, conceptual
understanding and generalization of knowledge, selection of materials, problems or tasks,
helping and clarifying tasks or problems faced by students and the role of each student such
as preparing classes and the necessary tools and check students' understanding of the problem
to be solved or provide opportunities for students to make discoveries, help students with
information or data if needed by students, lead self-analysis with questions that guide and
identify problems or stimulate interaction between students and students and help students
formulate principles and generalize their findings. (Answered by Ardelianda Augesla)

2 Does project based learning is effective in junior high school students?

Effective is relative, but Project Based Learning is better use in Senior High School
because senior high school students are more critical in thinking through project that teachers
will give because it was seen that it is not easy to implement PBL. The adaptation of students
is important issue since the students perceived the project work as a workload and their
achievement toward course were affected negatively. To overcome this issue, students should
be given simple project works throughout the semester. Moreover, in order to increase
students’ motivation, prepared project works should be presented in a science exhibition.
Time issue is one of the most important concerns in PBL activities. In this study, treatment
lasted for four weeks. Therefore, PBL activities were not implemented sufficiently in terms
of time limitation. In order to be able to use the time most efficiently, there should be well-
prepared time schedule for students and also teachers should give feedback on time to the
groups for their project works. (Answered by Ardelianda Augesla)

M. Ikhsan Setiadi


3 Is Discovery Learning Strategy can doing by many student? How?

No, The discovery learning is defined as a teaching procedure that emphasizes

teaching, individuals, manipulating objects and experiments, before arriving at
generalizations. So the discovery method is a component of educational practice which
includes teaching methods that promote active learning, process-oriented, self-directed,
self-seeking, and reflective (Suryosubroto 2009: 178). According to Hanafiah method of
discovery (discovery) is a series of learning activities that maximally involves all
students' abilities to seek and investigate systematically, critically, and logically so that
students can find their own knowledge, attitudes and skills as a form of behavior change.
Discovery learning model departs from the view that students as subjects and objects in
learning have the basic ability to develop optimally according to their abilities. The
development process must be seen as a stimulus that can challenge students to carry out
learning activities. . (Answered by Ardelianda Augesla)

4 How does Project based learning differ from “doing a project”?

Project Based Learning learning model, students are asked to do assignments, which are
commonly known as projects. The project has been systematically designed. In addition,
students are also asked to show their performance and be responsible for their work, when
involved in a forum. Meanwhile, "doing a project" is only about working on a project or an
ordinary task that does not necessarily use a Project-Based Leaning approach or uses another
approach, for example, there is a project to build a house or school, it is not about learning in
terms of educating students. (Answered by Ardelianda Augesla)

Andrew Panji:

5 What kind of modeling by teachers or students that can improve student performance
in contextual learning?

The role of the optimal teacher in contextual learning is very much needed so that learning
can be successful and achieve good performance. In order for the contextual learning process
to be more effective, there are several things that need to be done by educators, including the
1. Assess the basic concepts and competencies that will be learned by students.
2. Understand students' backgrounds and life experiences through a thorough assessment
3. Studying the school environment and student residence, then selecting and relating it
to the concepts and competencies that will be discussed in the contextual learning
4. Designing teaching by relating concepts or theories learned by considering the
experiences students have and their life environment.
5. Carrying out teaching by always encouraging students to relate what is being learned
with previous knowledge / experience and linking what they are learning with the
phenomena of everyday life. Furthermore, students are encouraged to build
conclusions which are students' understanding of the concepts or theories they are
6. Conduct an assessment of student understanding. The results of the assessment are
used as material for reflection on the learning design and implementation. (Answered
by Ardelianda Augesla)

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