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Unit 3 Biology Revision Booklet 4 Topics Endocrine System Cell Signalling Hormones & Homeostasis auton 201 The tyalams od win he rico of moos ht pois hormesis per slongticnual ocean cnpedn ld esc ath aro eel en anon fot tno npr it svn yop ein 2 marks ‘The anterior pitty gland ho lcs the ran absorb he hormones delivered by these Mood vee ‘The anterior pity glad sel secrets a bormone that tages the aden lands that ar Toad on op oF the kidneys. A pata is shown Blow: 1b Explain in what ways the anarir pituitary sland act s both eeptr and effector in his pathway Receptor Effector Pima SECTION B - Question 6 continoed “The aon glands proce the “te hormone, cortisol. Short periods of ses lead 0a burst of contol ‘production, Elevated levels of corto are detected bythe hypothalamus and ani pituitary sand Explain how the ation of cortisol regulate evel of blood glucose. marks Total 7 marks SECTION 8 coninsed "TURN OVER, Questions 204( Herbivore ean cause damage othe leaves, lowers and fut of plans. tn respons, a plant may drop the feted part. Thi process of roping ofp by plant called abeisson, ‘Name the plat hormone responsible fr pln absison Tiare Some Piseai plans abscise ft conning lavas of a moth prodator, Helithissujece To compete developmont, 1 subfexa larvae need o fod ofT more tan ope ul Fr this to occu avae frm dropped fit must eles an climb ono a new host pant Am experiment was performed determine the effectiveness ofthe abscason strategy for plans “Two dierent species oF Phys were use ‘Species Is P pubescens alow shrub with droping, spreading branches ‘Species 2: omguot— al sab with upright stm and branches Dire sie larvae were wed + lac at ely stage development ~ 18 mm long + rae at ate tage development ~ 30am kg Each species of plat wastes with vo diferent sie arse “The resus obtained ae summarised inthe flowing graph eget Breton imccavgiosconsist 4 ir eroae os sas sa b. k Which species o sai ismore sce to reoation by sue lras? | From te information given supuest a reason why 11 =2 marks SECTION B Question 3~ continued | farmer decided she would educe the suber of. subfea inher ation erp by instaling a pheromone ‘ean the corer ofthe el ek Whatisa pheromone? How woul the presence of the rp rede he sulfa infestation nthe ero? 11> 2 marks Question? 2206 ‘A genera signal ansdcton pathway e shown inthe flowing Figure. Some ofthe pars of th pathy are Intl para cele “enaion © —— reception ——+ taradcion ——+ espns @ @ @ ‘4 Mrpresents compound which couldnt signal ansshstin. Give an example of compound M mak 1b. Theintton of signal ransustion in cell econo nd spi, Explain what ature ensues his specie Tak ‘What ype of molsules genrlly acts inteomediate or relay molecules? Tar 44 Name respons inthe cll which may occur ar signal ansdution ited by the compound M you hve named in part mak ‘Total dm SECTION Bcontoued "TURN OVER SECTION B -Short answer questions Instructions for Section B Answer tis ston in pe, Answer all qestinsi the paces provided weston (2010) What sth general finetion ofa hormone? mk Blood glucose levels te controlled by & omeosatie mechanism ‘Two females ofthe same age and simi hdy strvtre wer each given a identical moa. The fellowing graph shows the evel of bod glace in each female fr the fve-our pri afer eting te mel 10. Boos em "rset 100 (etter Tee) eo Gece i time four, Explain whether Emily or Grae hada defect inthe loodlusose homeostatic mechanism, Referto tease pars ofthe graph support your answer. Name of female Explanation (Consider Grace Explain the small is inher level of glucose between fur and ve hous fie the med SECTION B Question 1 continued ‘The fallowing diagram outines th hormonal control ofthe tests oon “cae — wees whe Sa i (esr | Ifa tumour develops inthe atrorptutary of se, normal produstion of olict-tmulting hormone (SH) and Tesisng hormone (LH sine, ‘ek What effet wold his have on he Frit ofthe person concerned? Explain what fet the resnce ofthe tamour inthe nteriorptitary wouldhave on the production ‘of gonaderophineleating hermione (Ga) bythe hypothalamus Cirle your chee ad explain your answer fan prouet sein production Explanation 12> 3 marks ‘Total 7 marks SECTION Bconinusd "TURN OVER euestons (BO\O) robe roth to th cont ofthe smal iene. An experimen as uttey of tes ces andes Ti nvelved ding pei cl re ccinely beled These arn acd cane tach ovr ine Unger mre aken mcd (mint ar ding eel hen 320 ed 120 ies ater Thess at Oand 120 mits arson low. awn A Organette _ Function SECTION B ~ Question 5 continued 1b. Which ote leters, M,N, PandQ, inicates an organelle wher the radiostve sino ses wou be exposed to be detested afer hee mits? Tar Ahormone (hormone Y) travels om it sit of production o a cel ell X) elsewhere inthe body Eplainow the characteris of homnoneYwilisuece te way in which itinits ign ranadtion =e Question? §— LOE Sc et ere namererereeeeea ad / me Sree eran neater = Some VCE students were ako to perfor an experiment oes the efecto ck af suit on the gow of a sample of scede af he same plan. bk Nameone controled (Sixed) variable dat students sould kep constant. |i, Name the one experimental independent ariale hat sade should change Veta 2 mats SECTION 5 coninues "TURN OVER Questions 200% ‘Thyroid homo, thyeoxing is produced by the thyroid land, a gland in the cheat region. The following gram summaries he practon and action ftyroin inthe bo ret poner i aaa se \ srenbonm “gown 44 How does TSH travel the thyroid land? Tar ‘The system shown ia the diagram above sealed a negative Feedback system. ‘Writes general satement hat outlines the principle of negative feedback system. mark SECTION B - Question §~ continued “TURN OVER ‘The wo diagrams shown below ae general model fr signal reception and tansduction, Heme L. Which model, mode! or mode, best comesponds tothe mechanism of TSH? Explain youredoie 151 2 marks ‘Testes and brn se do not respond to thyrosne 4. What sth most kel explanation fr his condition? SECTION B — Question 8 continued Questions — 20 1 Name homeostatic system you have studied this year Draw labelled digram outining how thesystem. opens. make Copper isan eset ace slmont for most organims. Overtime, organisms have developed complex homeostatic mechanisms to regulate the uptake, distbuton and removal of copper. These mechanisms, ourdated by the mcs, involve theme tanscrpton factor (MTF) Inthe fut fy, Droop, MTF-L ace a an stivator der bah high ad low copper concentrations. Under bah copper conentatons, MTF-1 activates metllathionsins that prevent atonal copes entering the cell [Under low copper concentrations wins cel, MTF-1 aca the copper importer CIB which enables mare opp entre cll om the suroundigs. tb. Whit the stimula for homeostasis of copper? mar { Saggest why the level of opper in the cells fa organs is contol “Total S marks END OF QUESTION AND ANSWER BOOK SECTION B ~ Extended response questions Instructions for Section B Answer tis ction in pen, Answer al questions inthe spaces provided Question 2607 ‘4. Whatis the gener mame forthe emia tht ct x atractns im many insets? Tar Abormone was produced in oe cel, etre he Blond scam and rave to 0 groupe of lls aacent 0 sch ther. One sroup of lls espoded to the harmone but the niahbouriagsroup didnt ‘Whats the most key resto for his diene in espanse by cells othe se mone? Tak ‘Consider ane hormone you have studied his year that is wanspod through the blood to one or more yes feels ek Name the hormone, | Name these organ that produces the hormone. 1 Explain what she term signa anseton refers, 1k. What isthe outcome asa result of sgl wansdeton inthe cells ha were targets forthe honmone sou chosen parte of this question? Tee beta mas “Total 6 marks SECTION B continued "TURN OVER, Questions 2006 amine the following tbe, ‘Summary carbon diosde and oxygen levels in sir and water ‘Chemica Soluby im water Concentration nar Oxygen oor a0 Carton done igh 005% ‘The epiatory ese, oxygen and carbon dioxide, re under homeostatic conto. The gas in shorter soppy normally regulated bec ti the iting factor For instance, aquatic erganisns, lie ih, opus Leves ‘tonyge. Teresi organisms, ike mammals regula loves of earbon donde, [Abulld-up of aon dioxide inthe blood an cause the pH of the loo to become aide. Mammals re more scepiltothis uid. of earbon dioxide than fh Receptors inthe rai andar detcct such changes Inearbon dioxide and pH and stimulate ongoing eabing. Why are mamas more susceptible wa buil-up fearon dioxide than is? 1 ma 1b. Consider mamma ht experiences anicresein its blood pH. Name one efecto a suggest what is response would be? Hyperventlaon the practice of beating deeply and api to remove carbon dixie frm the fungs. This resin a signfcat lowering of the amount of carbon ssi nthe blood, is exemly dangerous aad fan ease apesoa to become unconscious Explin why underater poatl vers, who uso special diving pparts, woul hypersentiae 1 mk 14 Why does hyperveniating aus person to become unconscious? Tac “Total Sma SECTION B - cominued

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