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Unit 3 Biology Revision Booklet 1 Topics Biomolecules Plasma Membrane Transport of substances & The Cell and Organelles NAM: wrscssssesersseee vestins (BOIZ) Human sina macromolecule composed of two amino ac chins. The cans re conned by die ‘bonds ‘4. Towhat group of macromolecules does insulin bong? Tm Insulin found nother animals ares from man isin. “The folowing table compares ll he erences See athe primary structure of human, cow, pg and sheep inti ‘Amino acid potion umber within Alpha chain Beta ch 9-10. 0 Duman “thr serie he om cali-aee vale a ig rete a heen “alsa a 1, What smeant bythe em primary structure’ ofthe insulin macromolecule Taek Humans with dinbetes take nin nections omits heir hel, ‘&fspplies of aman isin were not aval, which one ofthe ote hoe animals iste in the able ‘wold ete best source of isin? Explain your reason oe choosing tis parol ail Anima - Explanation 2 mas SECTION B — Question 3-cominaed ‘The table Below contin the genet ade fr protein production. 4. Use the infomation inthe tablet explain 1 the iferent sequence of miles in humans and cows with espect othe DNA coving for the sino acid at positon 30 fi whether the sequence of mls in DNA coding forthe amino acd poston 30 willbeidenca incom, pigs and shoe, 1+ 1=2 marks SECTION B- comsioued "TURN OVER SECTION B~ Short answer questions Instructions for Section B Answer this section n pen, “Answer al questions in the paces provide, Question 1 2o\ “Te folowing igure represents globular protin. \ precotiten pour 4 eecoene Rup “Tis molecule is ikely tobe highly soluble in water 1 Outine why such conclusion canbe made about his molecule, SECTION 8 - Questn 1 coinued ‘The allowing awe representa potion of pant 1b, Examine the figure above and complete he following ube ‘Type of nactele ald found ln structure | _ Specie function ofthe nucle acid Structure s Structure @ Fars ‘Te following diagram shows # portion fan unknown macromolceule found i els. The remaining portion ofthe molecule contained the smn repeating uni. re vr =A A ye \ AE vi a vs SAE ve aaa ee ae ee cee shat the gram presets he ezyne esse "Nam the stent who econ nd explain why mas “otal 8 marks SECTION B continued "TURN OVER craton (2010) a. Liste de coments ofa DNA meat. Tat ln Ty Sachs disease (TD), the enzyme that breaks down glycolipid is fay dew genetic mutation, Examine he following t60 tables. “Table X—Porsion ofthe genetic code Sesond eter ter (4 | ¢ [t | e | ie [om se [or [os [a @ [iw oo | ns | ae | a © [ouf am [aw | av | tT “Table ¥~ Potion of DNA sequences DAA ‘imino ald ucteotie sequence Sequence ‘Normal Normal | -CrrGcaaaa~ a= ang- phe ‘180 TSP aunt | ~CTTGTAAAA~ ‘The amino acid sequence shown in Table ¥ for a normal individual forms part of the enzyme hexosminidase A(X), 1. What the amino ac sequence forthe TSD indvidal in Table ¥? Use the infortion in Table to plain how banging one sino acd in polypeptide may adversely alls he ction ofa rosin of ‘which the ani ae i pat ‘SD amino acid sequence Explanation SECTION B — Question 6 coined Part ofthe metabolic pathy forthe breakdown of esl is shown blow Eula which enzyme subst complex fis to frm comet in uferes af TSD. make 1 chemical which inhibit the aeton of ‘A promising frm of tstmest for TSD isthe ation of Nome trasferce 4. Describe how this tentment may’ reduce the excessive build-up of brain eel glycolipid without ‘comprising te bea fhe dividual. make Total § marks SECTION B continued “TURN OVER ‘SECTION B - Extended response questions Instructions for Seetion B Answer thie seston in pom Snsverall aestons inthe spaces provided Question t ‘The dita below shows the structure of particular protein molecule ‘The protsin conisins wo distinctive yps of polypeptide chan labelled X and. What arth names of those wo pe? cin x Chain ee mais 1b, Name polysaccharide fond in animals and describe i uncton, Function mks ‘Whats the fnction of cholestrol in cll membranes? “Total S marks SECTION 8 continsed “TURN OVER ues 44 Aston of one of the strands of« DNA molecule has the seguence af bases shown, DNA: CTTACATTACTC In the spaces Below ner he sequence of ass in the corespondng mRNA which complementary to this DNA, RNA, 1 ark b, The perocatge of base Tin a molecule of DNA is 30%. Wha i the percentage of bassin the sane DNAmleeale? "ark Aver ype of nuclei acd i RNA. fk Wheres tRNA found in colt? Describe the mle of RNA 1+ 1=2 marks 4. Thetable shows the names of si amino ais together wih some oftheir DNA codes Amino acs | DNA triplet) epsteine [aca, Aco sivanicseé | crr.cre espanicacid | ctA,cTG spenine | TTA,TTG easing (GAA, GAG, GAT,GAC metionine [TAC ‘Use the information inthe table awrite the onder of amin acs coded fer by the DNA Sequence given ipa, 1 mak SECTION B — Question 2 continued Nucleic aida made p of miletdes. Each miletde consists of tre components, ga (8), phosphate (® androgen bse (8) inked togche in a parca way. ‘Inthe empty box, daw diagram to show the way the tee components ate joined 10 make 3 suceatie ‘Use the flowing symbols in your diagram. cae ‘Tot 6 marks SECTION 8 comsinved “TURN OVER SECTION B ~ Extended response questions Instructions for Section B Answer this section a pen Answer quetons inthe spaces provided Question! — 200% ‘The diagram low shows a cross seston of pr ofthe plasma membrane of typical mammalian cell The rustic labelled X and Y are about to be Wansportedscoss the membrane inthe ezetions shown by the stows (—P. Structure 8 (Chemical composition. Explain how the chemical composion of stucture A asia is oe Structure B (Chemical composition Explsin how the chemical composition of struct fittest role. 1+ 1=2 marks SECTION Question? 2008 ‘Tse ae stu ferences between molecules of DNA and RNA, | Outline two ofthese diferences by completing the fllowing table DNA RNA Diterene 1 Ditterence2 Tanks 1. Name one kind of RNA od statis fenton Type oF RNA. Fonction Tm Protsins may be classified bout or lobular depending o hi 3-imensional shape In flr procns, the polypeptide chains are arrange in parallel to fem lng les or sees In globule roti, te polypeptide chins are ole ito compet serial or globule shape. Nate the subunit of a polypeptie mk Kati, found in fingers and claws is an example ofa ous protein 4. Name another example of fibraus protein and bel outa is function. Tar €Desenbea distntive property oa Mbrous protein and exp oft polypeptides. ow his property is eo the arangenent Tate “Totl 6 marks SECTION Bcontinsed “TURNOVER oueion 200% Dung digestion lage mls re boken dv inti conse! monomers (abn). Complete eta beow. Large molecules “Monomers Subunits) Amino ci Lia Monossscharie DNA, 2s Explain how a monosccharde cates an epithelia cel Tar For what purpose woulda cell use apd monomer? mak 4 Pat ofthe soqunce ofa DNA sand responsible forthe production ofan amino-acid bain shown, elom i wie the complementary DNA base gue, [Pare [ane [ace [occ 1 mare Whit does in AGC sad or? 1 ia “Tos 6m SECTION B continued Question? 2607 Chotasomes are DNA strates inthe nusius of sll The ends of ehromosomes teal telomeres Some sangesin the DNA ofthese telameres can wiger the development of eancer. Scintis are working to detect these changes in telomeres at an carly stage oftheir development. 'Outine one advantage of being able to detect xl changes in tslomere DNA. Tare ‘One normal sequence of DNA inapariculrelomere was AATCGTCCAGGG. On examination oft telomeres ‘of one patient his sequence was found to have changed to AACCGTCCTGG. ‘The doctor examined the reltonship between & DNA sequence ad amino eis that could be expected. He used the following whe wo obtain information DNAsequence | Amino acid AATOrAAC | lasine CaTorCGG [alanine CoAcrCeT | eine GGG oF GGT prone b. Isthe doctor likely oe concerned or ot oncom about the change nthe telomere DNA of this pseu? Expiin your answer. ark in medicine that you have stud hs year and outing dhe Signilcance 2 marks Tova 4 make SECTION B conned "TURN OVER, SECTION B —Short-answer questions Instructions for Section B Answer his Seton in pen Answer all questions in the paces provide. Question! 2006 ‘Scientists are now turing othe sty ofthe proteome lof the protsins) of an oganism rather thanthe stay of single proteins. ‘4 Bicyoulne ane sason vy he emphasis is now onthe stay ofall he proteins of an oganisn eather ‘han on oe protein at tne Tt Protein mlgeles come in many shapes an forms that an be cased into pinar, secondary tertiary and ‘qaterary, The sesonday, err a quaternary shapes ase asa result of diferet kinds of folding o 8 ‘rimary sete. ‘One kind of secondary structure ia pleted shoe whore the primary molecule extends long the Folded sheet, “The primary scares in th layers ave ald ogther by hydrogen bonding. Proteins ca also be casted onthe bss oftheir genera function. Tre ofthese fnetions are shown in the ‘able below ‘Complete he abe hy giving an example of potin fr each of he functions listed Function of protin | Example Finals 2606 “Total Saris SECTION B-Short answer questions Instructions for Section B Answer this sto ia pen Answerall qesions i the paces provide, cents (20 ‘Tn lestromicrgraph below shows portion of eal |. Name and dssie the srture of X Name Deseison Whit would you ook fort determine whether cls rom a nial or pnt? Iehas been suggested that shamans ae the sutures labeled Y become les ect ‘Explain the consequence ofthis foraneldey person. mas 4. What ste iferecebetneen the cytosol andthe extoplasm oll? marks ‘Te flowing diagram shows some desi ofacell oma yroid gland, 240% Name strctce Tare f. Name strctreN. ak Name the proces oscuring site Tar “otal mks SECTION B conned TURN OVER, SECTION B -Shortanswer questions Instruction for Section B Answer his ston inp, Answer ll questions in he spaces provided. Question 2005 ‘The ble Below contains he names of six slr suctures found in plant cel Inthe ist below the table, a number functions of cellular stucuresare given. Complete table by matching the letter of funeton fo the ppropite cellular ste inthe panel You are not rere ou every funeton ven, alll stractare nthe | Matching function plant call ehoose one from ap (ole pparats ritocondia ‘el membrane Functions of varlous cellular structures ofthe plat cell A site where ATP is onerated B. digestion of macromolecules © site of protein sates roteiss modified and packaged for tanspat selective bir that ints movement nor ut of cll sola encrgy is converted to chemical enetzy contains DNA, a tempat for mRNA synthesis storage of wastes end her materials ‘Total 3 marks SECTION B conned

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