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Women are emotional creatures.

That is why we can become easily emotionally

attached to someone and more insecure. However, men are more self-centered and
crave more for sex instead of emotional need. What if woman becomes a hunter and
just has sex without any feelings attached, chasing power and fame? In Manhattan,
and also other metropolitan cities, power and beauty is everything.

Beauty is fleeting, but an apartment overlooking the central park is permanent.

If they don’t fear you, they pity you.

The war between single and married people is like the North Ireland War. We
are basically the same, but hold different positions.

Would yo trade sex for power?

Money is power, sex is power, trading sex for money is just a transaction of powers.

People are being shallow or dishonest when feel ashamed to introduce their partners
to friends and family just because they’re not beautiful or handsome, or not belong to
the social circle? Is it called secret sex?

Monogamy is a big challenge for modern love in which infidelity is predominant.

When provided with a wide range of choices, sticking to one exclusive partner is
more morally demanding and challenging.

Why do people want to have threesome to have fun? Because the two are no longer
intimate with each other and need a third part to help, which is not sustainable and

Is it better to marry a man who loves you more than you love him?

Life is ever changing. One day you gonna wake up and don’t recognize yourself.
Always visualize your dream and make sure that you’re heading to the right direction.

How often is normal to get sexually satisfied?

What are the break-up rules? Do we have to get over a break-up by suffering from
pain and crying? Or go back to the ball game right away?
Break up rule No.1: destroy all the pictures where he looks sexy and you look happy.
Break up rule No.2: don’t go into any store until you’re emotionally stable.
Break up rule No.3: never stop thinking about him, cause that’s when he really
Break up rule No.4: no matter how hard it is to get over a break-up or how long does
it take to heal, you’ll never do it without a friend.

Why do four brilliant women have nothing to talk about but men? What about
us? Our feelings, thoughts, life?

The good and sad thing about marriage is that maybe he/she is the only one that can
tolerate you.

Another year older and none the wiser? Not for me!

When we really love each other, we can show the most delicate and fragile parts to
each other, even the parts that people think “freak”.
The freaks are all of us. We sometimes let our fear eat our sanity and become the
people that we don’t even like.

We are alone even with our boyfriends. Don’t count on men to fill you up.

Are we single & fabulous?

I can sit there, alone, enjoying being myself, without men, friends, fear and armor.

Do you believe in love at first?

-I believe in lust at first sight.

I want someone to be with me until the end, but right now none of us can give the
certain answer.

The myth and magic do exist in life.

Change is the hardest thing to do. If you can change him/her, or she/he is willing to
change for you, that’s a sign of real love. We can’t change ourselves fundamentally,
but even small changes can be a manifestation of love. If you really love him, you can
slow down a little bit for him.

Imitation is the highest form of flattery.

In big cities, separate togetherness has become quite common. We are together, but
live separately.

Samantha is a modern and powerful hybrid among New Yorkers—the ego of a man
trapped in a body of a woman.

Every individual has a masculine and feminine side, but the evolution differs a little.
Women wander around thinking about “we”, men walking around also thinking about
we, me and my dick.

There is a fine line between happiness and pain in love. Sometimes pain implies
growth, but how do we distinguish “pain” pain from growing pain. Are we masochist
or optimistic? Sadism & Masochism.

Don’t tie yourself to a man who is afraid to be tied. Live and enjoy your own life.

We can easily fall into a pattern that we´ve already got used to. But changes
presuppose getting rid of the old habits.

Rose flows with your chosen family.

Who we are in bed is who we are in life. I’ve never met a man who is bad in bed and
good in life.

Can we maintain a friendship with an ex?

Some women aren’t to be tamed. They need to run free until they meet someone who
is just as wild to run with.

Do women need to be rescued? Do we all have a white knight like a fairy tale?
Yes, sometimes we do, and men also need to be rescued by us.

Is there any sex without politics? (Relations between controller and controlled,
dominant and dominated)

Are there certain women who make us feel bad and not enough?

The problem is not your thigh, is your brain.

You can feel comfortable about yourself and go out to shine.

If sex is an illusion, if woman and man can transfer to each other so easily, does sex
become obsolete?

Slut shaming is common and sexist. What number is considered too much? People
who are sexually active are considered slut?

Romance is not dead if you let it thrive in your life.

When things become too easy we begin to suspect, do things have to be
complicated? We’re taught that true love will never come easily and smoothly. Do we
need drama to make relationship work?

Cherish what you have, don’t fuck it up with your overthinking.

It was always me who make my stomach flip.

Life is destined or just a series of random occurrences? Will my life change if certain
time is different? Is timing everything?

Timing is everything. And always be prepared.

Listen to what your heart says.

The choice between head and heart is the most excruciating and tearing choice each
has to make.

We are all alone in the world. A person who really cares about you means a lot more
than just owning things.

Is sex ever safe considering the physical and mental repercussions?

Every coin has two sides. Nothing is glitz and glamorous as it looks like. As we
accept the bright side, we also need to accept the other side. Nothing is rosy and

Growing up entails taking up responsibilities. You get to have your own fun, own job,
own apartment, own space and own life. And that’s called superpower.

Are we getting older but never wiser? No. As long as we are still learning from the
past and do it better the next time.

What goes around, comes around. Karma does exist.

It takes two to tango. Neither part is innocent and self-introspection is always


Only you and I know what is going on between us. It’s nobody else’s business.

Soulmate, two simple words, one big concept. Is there someone, holding the key to
your heart and to your dream house? If you really love someone but the
relationship doesn’t go very well, does it mean that he is not the one? Is it less
possible to find the one as we grow older? Does soulmate exist?
Soulmate doesn’t necessarily mean your lover, you can have someone really
understands you as a friend and have fun with your lover. The two don’t always

We can be narcissist, but sometimes we can’t see ourselves clearly and lose the ability
to appreciate ourselves. While we appreciate others, don’t forget the shiny me. Be
confident, and only for yourself. Don’t try to please anyone, just be comfortable with

When real people fall down in life, they get right back on and keep on walking.

We can have fun, but not amnesia. Some relationship does need a definition.

In a world where we can have sex without dating, date without sex, all the boundaries
seem to be blurred. How do we define a relationship?
Passion, care, commitment and intimacy.

What comes first, relationship or sex?

Instead of changing it, we can try to appreciate its enchanting and unique beauty.
Pleasures provided by food and sex can’t be substituted.

When a relationship dies, are we destined to be hunted by the ghost of the past? Can
we get rid of the old spirit?
The only solution is to face it, confront it and release it. Then move on.

No one wats to hear about their lovers past lovers. What’s in the past, leave it there.

A computer can crash, people will die, a relationship can fall apart. What we can do is
to breathe and reboot. People will love you if you let them.

How many compromises you’re willing to make for your loved ones but not lose
yourself? The cultivation of a relationship requires compromises from both sides.

Are men just women with balls?

If a man gets angry, he is a pistol, if a woman, she is emotional.
Some men are frightened by women so they want to find a way to make them turn
back to a more feminine side.
“I´m going back, being cool, calm and collected to make him beg me to take the job.”
——Samantha Jones

Samantha, I admire your balls!

Life is what happens when you busy making other plans.

In a relationship, how do you know that it’s not right?
-When you feel more burden than growth and happiness.
Sometimes there is no right time, we should follow our heart.

We can’t expect to get everything from one person, instead, we should get different
things from different people. The greed is something we have to coexist with and
have some control over.
When settle down, we tend to miss the single life.

We can’t help but ask: what is our worth? It is very important to have financial
independence cause that’s your biggest asset. Don’t shop impulsively and end up
having no saving at all.

Our choices, whether right or wrong, constitute our life. If we have never deviated, we
would never fall in love and have what we have now. People come into your life and
people go. But it is comforting to know that the ones we love will always stay in our

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