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Nombre Chef

Recipe Book

Healthy plant-based
Fine Cuisine
With Xavier Pellicer
Nombre Chef
Xavier Pellicer

Tarte tatin of celery and
shallots with a touch of
Ingredients (4-6 pax):
● 1 head of celery (600/800 gr)
● 250 gr peeled shallots
● 25 ml light extra virgin olive oil butter 0’4
● juice of one lemon
● juice of one orange
● fresh thyme
● salt
● oven-proof paper

● Peel the celery and dice into pieces.
● With the help of a slicer set at approximately 2.5mm, slice finely. You can
use a mandolin if you don’t have a slicer.
● Peel the shallots and saute with the thyme, the oil and the salt. They should
remain al dente as they will finish cooking in the oven.
● Blanch the celery slices in the Vitality (pressure steam oven) for around 40
seconds at 116ºC or scald with boiling water until the celery slices become
● Line a tatin mold with half the previously blanched celery slices and sprinkle
with salt.
● Place the shallots in the tatin and cover them with the rest of the celery
● Pour on top one part lemon juice to ½ part orange juice.
● Place greaseproof paper on top of the preparation.
● Preheat the oven to 145ºC and cook the tatin for 1 hour 30 minutes.
● Take out of the oven and with the help of a board or something similar put a
weight on top .and leave to press for about 6 hours in the fridge.

Nombre Chef
Xavier Pellicer

Tarte tatin of celery and
shallots with a touch of citrus

Ingredients Sablée Pastry

(rich shortcrust pastry)

● 175 gr gluten free flour (100 gr rice flour and

75 gr cornflour)
● 50 ml olive oil
● 50 ml water
● ½ tsp salt


● Place all the ingredients in a mixer and mix with the paddle beater
attachment for 3 minutes. The pastry will remain grainy.
● Turn out the pastry on to the work surface and form into a ball.
● Wrap in cling film and chill in the fridge for 30 minutes.
● Using a rolling pin, roll out the pastry. Cut even rectangles and place
them on oven-proof paper on a baking tray.
● Prick the surface with a fork so that the pastry doesn’t rise during
● Bake at 180°C for 6 minutes or until they start to turn golden around the
● Remove and reserve for the plating.

Nombre Chef
Xavier Pellicer

Tarte tatin of celery and
shallots with a touch of
Ingredients to finish
● fresh chicory
● olive oil
● Sablée pastry
● Medjool date
● Salt flakes

Finishing and plating

● Carefully turn out the tarte tatin.
● Cut to the desired size.
● Reheat for 1 minute at 160°C.
● Pour the juices from the pressing over the tarte tatin.
● Serve together with a pastry base.
● Serve with a julienned chicory salad dressed with olive oil.
● Dress with a strip of Medjool date and some salt flakes.


Nombre Chef
Xavier Pellicer

White salsify with mini fennel
and hazelnuts
Ingredients for the salsify infusion
● The skins from the Viladecans salsify
● Water

Preparación para la infusión de pieles

● Peel the salsify well and reserve the skins, drying them in a dehydrator or a
dry oven at 65°C.
● Make an infusion with the dried skins and keep to one side.

Ingredients for the hazelnut meuniere

● 40 gr Reus hazelnuts
● 2 tbsp hazelnut praline
● juice of ½ a lemon
● 25 cl dried salsify skin stock

● Heat 5cl of the stock
● Dilute the hazelnut praline with the stock, add the lemon juice and leave to
reduce until a creamy texture is obtained .

Nombre Chef
Xavier Pellicer

White salsify with mini
fennel and hazelnuts
Ingredients for the salsify (2 pax)
● 4 Viladecans salsify
● 1 mini fennel with fronds
● 40 gr Reus hazelnuts
● 2 tbsp of hazelnut praline
● juice of ½ a lemon
● 25 cl dried salsify skins stock
● black pepper
● salt flakes
● olive oil XP

● Saute the salsify in a frying pan. Add a few teaspoons of the stock infusion
and continue glazing them until they are soft. Reserve.
● Wash the fennel and cook it for about 2 hours, well submerged in water.
Leave to cool in the water. Cut in wedges and allow it to confit in olive oil for
30 mins at 80°C. Reserve.
● Next, toast the hazelnuts in their skins and peel them. Use one part for the
praline, adding a pinch of salt and the rest, cut into halves and reserve for
the plating.

Finishing and plating

● Plate the glazed salsify. Add the hazelnut sauce, fennel and toasted
hazelnuts. Sprinkle over some salt flakes and ground black pepper and
olive oil XP.
● Finish with some fresh fennel fronds..


Nombre Chef
Xavier Pellicer

Bouquet of chard with a
spinach cream
Ingredients for the spinach cream (1 pax)
● 1 bunch of baby spinach
● 2 scallions (white part)
● olive oil XP
● salt

● Strip the spinach leaves from the stalks, wash and drain.
● In a saucepan with a little hot oil add the white part of the chopped
● Add the spinach. Cover and leave to cook for a few minutes, stirring lightly.
● Blend in a blender for 1 - 2 minutes, adding the salt and olive oil to form an
● Pass through a fine sieve and cool in an inverted bain-marie in order to
keep the natural chlorophyll green colour, Reserve.

Ingredients for the chard bouquet

● 8-10 coloured baby chard leaves
● 2-3 baby kale leaves
● 3 wild asparagus tips
● 2 scallions (green part)

● Blanch the scallions for 2 seconds and cool quickly.
● Make a little bouquet with the chard leaves, kale and asparagus tips.
● Tie with the scallions.

Nombre Chef
Xavier Pellicer

Bouquet of chard with a
spinach cream
● spinach cream
● chard bouquet
● olive oil XP

Finishing and plating

● Dress the bouquet with a few drops of olive oil and salt.
● Arrange the spinach cream on the plate, adding a few drops of oil and
salt on top. Place the dressed chard bouquet on the side.


Nombre Chef
Xavier Pellicer

Pickled artichokes with a
white Romesco sauce
Ingredients for the artichokes (2 pax)
● 3 white artichokes
● 1 Figueras onion cut into julienne
● 1 bay leaf
● black peppercorns
● salt
● 0,15l dry sherry
● 0,5l light olive oil
● 60 gr white romesco sauce
● chopped chives
● salt flakes


● Tournée cut the artichokes, leaving part of the stem.

● Leave in water with fresh parsley and cover with a cloth or kitchen paper to
protect from the light.
● Peel the bracts, leaving the white part. Confit separately from the hearts at
78°C as they cook faster.
● Cut the artichokes in half and remove the choke with a paring knife or scoop.
● In a pan, sauté the Figueras onion cut into wedges, together with the bay
leaf, the peppercorns and a pinch of salt.
● Add the sherry, cover and lower the heat. Allow the alcohol to evaporate and
add the light olive oil.
● Add the artichokes straight away to the marinade and cook slowly. When
they are al dente, turn off the heat, remove and wait for them to cool.
● Keep in the fridge until needed.

Nombre Chef
Xavier Pellicer

Pickled artichokes with a
white Romesco sauce
Ingredients for the white Romesco sauce
● 100 gr raw Marcona almonds de-skinned
● 80 gr sweet baby onion
● 25 gr balsamic apple vinegar
● 0,25 l light olive oil
● salt

● Cut the white part of the onion in quarters.
● Incorporate all the ingredients in a blender and mix until a fine paste is obtained.
● You can add a few drops of warm water if the sauce is a little thick.
● Fill a piping bag and with the paste and leave in the fridge until the next stage.

Finishing and plating

● At the point of serving. Drain the artichokes from the marinade
to remove excess oil.
● Char the artichokes on the grill and place in the centre of the
plate, in a circular shape, placing a drop of sauce under each one
to secure it in place.
● Also fill each artichoke heart hole with a drop of white Romesco
● Sprinkle with chopped chives and smoked salt flakes..


Nombre Chef
Xavier Pellicer

Grilled cauliflower XP

Ingredients for the roasted cauliflower (2 pax)

● 300 gr cauliflower
● 3 gr masala spice
● 3 gr turmeric
● 3 gr sandalwood powder
● 50 gr olive oil
● salt
● pepper
● sat flakes

● Season the cauliflower with salt and pepper.
● Place in the Vitality (pressure steam oven) for 2-3 mins at 116ºC. You can
also blanch the cauliflower for 10 mins if you don’t have the oven.
● Separately , prepare a solution with 50 gr of olive oil, half of the masala, 2
tablespoons of turmeric, the sandalwood powder and pepper. Mix very well
and brush it on the cauliflower once taken out of the steam oven, with the
help of a brush.
● When it’s saturated, place in the oven at 185ºC for 8-10 mins.

Nombre Chef
Xavier Pellicer

Grilled cauliflower XP

Ingredients for the coconut yoghurt sauce

● 80 gr vegan coconut yoghurt
● 1 gr turmeric
● 1 gr pepper
● 1 gr sandalwood powder

● Mix the coconut yoghurt with the spices.
● Reserve.

Finishing ingredients
● roasted cauliflower XP
● pepper
● coconut yoghurt sauce ● chopped chives
● fresh flowers

Finishing and plating

● Finish the cauliflower on the grill by toasting it on all sides until it is
golden .
● Cut the cauliflower in half, sprinkle the chopped chives on top and
spread the coconut yoghurt sauce on all sides.
● At the time of serving, decorate with marigold petals.


Nombre Chef
Xavier Pellicer


Method 1
● Cut the avocado in half and remove the stone.
● Add smoked salt, black pepper and smoked Arbequina oil.
● Sprinkle with fresh chopped chives.

Method 2

● Cut the avocado in half and remove the stone and the skin.
● Char on the grill on both sides.

Method 3

● Cut the avocado in half and remove the stone.

● Pass through a blender and add a very light vegetable broth.
● Emulsify until a very soft cream is obtained.

Nombre Chef
Xavier Pellicer

Floreta peas with
vegetable pil pil
Ingredients for the vegetable pil pil (1 pax)
● 90 gr small, peeled, Floreta peas
● 10 gr minced tender garlic shoots
● 10 gr minced shallot
● fresh pea pods
● 1 green leek
● 4 gr kuzu
● chive oil
● fresh pea flowers
● fresh pea sprouts

● Prepare a stock by infusing the pea pods and the washed green part of the
leek. It does not need to come to the boil, only take on the freshness and
not oxidize. Cook for 12-15 mins at 80ºC. Reserve
● Separately, dissolve the kuzu in a little water. Reserve.
● In a saucepan, blanch the minced shallot, cool and drain. Reserve.
● In a pan, saute the peeled peas together with the minced garlic and
shallots. Cover and after a few minutes add the previously prepared
vegetable broth.
● Add the kuzu. Just before it starts to come to the boil, stir the chive oil into
the pil pil without allowing it to boil. Emulsify well and adjust the salt.

Finishing and plating

● Plate and add flowers and fresh pea shoots.



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