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Śrī Gauracandra praṇāma

Viśvambharāya gaurāya
Caitanyāya mahātmane
Śacī-putrāya mitrāya
Lakṣmīśāya namo namaḥ

I offer my humble obeisance again and again to that great soul who is known as
Viśvambhara (maintainer of the universe), Gaura, Caitanya, saci-putra, the Lord
of Lakṣmi and the Friend of All.

Śrī Nityānanda Praṇāma

Nityānandam ahaṁ vande

Karṇe lambita-mauktikam

I offer my humble obeisance unto Sri Nityananda Prabhu, who has a single pearl
dangling from one of His ears. He is the elder brother of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu,
and the purifier of the earth.

Śrī Advaita Praṇāma

Nistāritāśeṣa-janaṁ dayāluṁ
Premāmṛṭābdhau parimagna-cittam
Caitanya-candrādṛtam arcitaṁ tam
Advaita-candraṁ śirasā namāmi

With my head at His feet, I offer my humble obeisance unto the merciful Sri
Advaitacandra, whose heart is drowned in the ocean of prema. He delivers infinite
numbers of devotees, and is honored and worshipped by Sri Caitanyacandra.

Śrī Gadādhara evaṁ Śrī Śrīvāsa Praṇāma

Gadādhara namas tubhyaṁ

Yasya gaurāṅga jīvanam
Namas te śrī śrīnivāsa-
Paṇḍita prema-vigraha

O Sri Gadadhara! Sri Gauranga is your very life. I offer my humble obeisance unto
you. Sri Srivasa Paṇḍita! You are the very form of prema. I also offer my humble
obeisance unto you.
Dhyana Mantras

śrīman-mauktika-dāma-baddha-cikuraṁ susmera-candrānanaṁ
śrī khaṇḍāguru-cāru-citra-vasanaṁ srag-divya-bhūṣāñcitam
nṛtyāveśa-rasānumoda-madhuraṁ kandarpa-veśojjvalaṁ
caitanyaṁ kanaka-dyutiṁ nija-janaiḥ saṁsevym.naṁ bhaje

Then he shall meditate on Sri Caitanya as such: I worship the golden-hued Sri
Caitanya, whose beautiful hair has been bound with a string of pearls. His moonlike
face bears a gentle, sweet smile, and His body is anointed with candana, aguru and a
beautiful cloth. He is decorated with a transcendental garland and ornaments of the
same nature. Absorbed in dancing, He is ecstatic from tasting the sweetness of rasa.
He is more brilliant than the god of love, and is always being served by His devotees.

Kañjārendra-vinindi-sundara-gatiṁ śrī-pādam indīvara-

śreṇī-śyāma-sad-ambaraṁ tanu-rucā sāndhyendu-saṁmardakam
nityānandam ahaṁ smarāmi satataṁ bhūṣojjvāṅga-śriyam

Then, the dhyana of Sri Nityananda Prabhu: Let me always remember that
brightly smiling face of Sri Nityananda Prabhu, whose beautiful movement ridicules
the graceful gait of an elephant. His cloth resembles a cluster of blue lotus flowers and
His bodily effulgence conquers the splendor of the rising moon at sunset. His prema
saturated rolling eyes defeat the pride of a restless khanjana bird (wagtail).

sad-bhaktāli-niṣevitāṅghri-kamalaṁ kundendu-śuklāmbaraṁ
śuddha-svarṇa-ruciṁ subāhu-yugalaṁ smerānanaṁ sundaram
śrī-caitanya-dṛśaṁ varābhaya-karaṁ premāṅga-bhūṣāñcitam
advaitaṁ satataṁ smarāmi paramānandaika-kandaṁ prabhum

In this way, the of Sri Advaita Prabhu is done: I meditate upon that root of
transcendental joy, Sri Advaita Prabhu, whose lotus feet are always served by the bhaktas.
He wears cloth as white as the moon or a kunda flower (jasmine). He has a pure
golden complexion, beautiful arms and a smiling face. His eyes always lovingly gaze
upon the lotus face of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He readily grants benedictions and
fearlessness to the devotees, and His lustrous body is ornamented with prema.

kāruṇyaika-maranda-padma-caraṇaṁ caitanya-candra-dyutiṁ
tāmbūlārpaṇa-bhaṅgi-dakṣiṇa-karaṁ śvetāmbaraṁ sad-varam
premānanda-tanuṁ sudhā-smita-mukhaṁ śrī-gaura-candrekṣaṇaṁ
dhyāyec chrīla-gadādharaṁ dvija-varaṁ mādhurya-bhūṣojjvalam

Then Sri Gadadhara Paṇḍita Gosvamis dhyana: I meditate on Sri Gadadhara

Paṇḍita Gosvami, whose lotus feet are full of the nectar of compassion. He has a luster
like that of Sri Caitanyacandra. With His outstretched right hand, He offers tambula to
the mouth of Sri Caitanya. He dresses in fine white cloth, is the best of the sadhus, and
is the very form of blissful love. He has a sweet, smiling face, and His eyes are addicted
to gazing at the form of Sri Gaura. He is adorned with the mood of madhurya-rasa,
and is the best of the twice-born.

śrī-caitanya-padāravinda-madhu-pāḥ sat-prema-bhūṣojjvalāḥ
śuddha-svarṇa-ruco dṛg-ambu-pulaka-svedaiḥ sad-aṅga-śriyaḥ
sevopāyana-pāṇayaḥ smita-mukhāḥ śuklāmbarāḥ sad-varāḥ
śrīvāsādi-mahāśayān sukha-mayān dhyāyema tān pārṣadān

Then: We meditate upon Sri Srivasa Thakura and his companions, who, like
black bees, drink the honey from the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya. They are radiant with
prema and have pure golden complexions. Their beautiful bodily limbs are decorated
with tears of joy, trembling, and perspiration, and their hands are always rendering
seva. They are smiling and very happy, and are wearing white cloth. They are the
best of sadhus.


Gaura: Kliṁ gaurāya svāhā

Nityanānda: Kliṁ Nityānandāya svāhā (or: Kliṁ deva-jāhnavī-vallabhāya svāhā)
Advaita: Kliṁ Advaitāya svāhā
Gadādhara: Śrīṁ gadādharāya svāhā
Śrīvāsa: Śrīṁ śrīvāsāya svāhā

(Optional: Using prasadi item (flowers, gandha etc.) of Gaura worship for Gadadhara and

Gāyatrī and Mantras:

mantra: klīṁ gaurāya svāhā

gāyatrī: klīṁ caitanyāya vidmahe viśvambharāya dhīmahi tan no gauraḥ pracodayāt

mantra: klīṁ deva-jāhnavī-vallabhāya svāhā

gāyatrī: klīṁ nityānandāya vidmahe saṅkarṣaṇāya dhīmahi tan no balaḥ pracodayāt

mantra: klīṁ advaitāya svāhā

gāyatrī: klīṁ advaitāya vidmahe mahā-viṣṇave dhīmahi tan no advaitaḥ pracodayāt

mantra: śrīṁ gadādharāya svāhā

gāyatrī: gāṁ gadādharāya vidmahe paṇḍitākhyāya dhīmahi tan no gadādharaḥ pracodayāt

mantra: śrīṁ śrīvāsāya svāhā

gāyatrī: śrīṁ śrīvāsāya vidmahe nāradākhyāya dhīmahi tan no bhaktaḥ pracodayāt

(Śrī Śrī Gaura-Gadādhara mantra: klīṁ śrīṁ gaura-gadādharāya svāhā)

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