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Chapter 1:



1. Farel meet Ani in the morning. She says “Good 12. The colour mango is yellow/orange/green
morning” (warna mangga adalah
2. Roni meet Rini in the evening. She says “Good kuning/orange/hijau)
3. Aisyah wants to go sleeping. She says “Good 13. What is the color of the Indonesian flag?
night” to her mom. (apa warna bendera Indonesia?)
4. Ari want to say good bye to Joni. He says “Good Red and white (merah dan putih)
bye Joni, see you later”
14. What is the color of Carrot : (apa warna
5. Teacher : ”How are you students?” wortel?)
Students : “I’am fine. Thanks” It colour is orange (warnanya jingga)
Teacher : ” Nice to meet you”
Students : “Nice to meet you too” 15. My doll is brown (Boneka saya warna coklat)

6. Mahmud : “Good afternoon, Ferel” Chapter 3:

Farel : “Good afternoon, Mahmud”
THINGS AROUND US (Hal-hal di sekitar kita)
7. Mahmud : “Good luck, Ferel”
Farel : “Thank you, Mahmud”
Kamus Mini
Rina :”Good morning, Fani” 16. Cutting vegetebles (memotong sayuran)
Fani : “Good morning, Rina” 17. Knife (pisau)
Rina : Where are you going?”
18. Plate (piring)
Fani : “I am going to my classroom today. I will get
Mathematic test”
19. Sharpener (rautan)
Rina : “Good luck Fani” 20. Pencil case (kotak pencil)
Fani : “Thank you, Rina” 21. Bag (tas)
22. Livingroom (ruang keluarga)
8. Ani is going to the ….(classroom) 23. Bedroom (kamar tidur)
24. Bathroom (kamar mandi)
9. The dialogue takes place in the … (morning) 25. Diningroom (ruang makan)
26. What do you find inthe bedroom? (apa yang
Chapter 2: kamu temukan di kamar tidur?)
COLOURS (Warna-warna) There are a bed, pilows, polster, blanket,
matres, etc
10. These are the colors of traffic light is : (disana ada ranjang, bantal, guling, selimur,
(warna traffic light adalah) kasur, dsb
Red, Yellow, and Green (merah, kuning, 27. Teethbrush (sikat gigi)
hijau) 28. Plate (piring)

11. The color of shoes is black (warna sepatu itu

29. Complete the dialogue!
A : “What is it ?”
B : “It is a …” (bukhet/ ember)
A : “Where can we find it?” (dimana kita dapat menemukannnya?)
B : “We can find it in the …” (kicthen/bathroom) : (kita dapat menemukannya di dapur/kamar mandi)

Chapter 3:
NUMBERS (Angka-angka)

30. 69 It is number sixty nine (ini nomor enam puluh sembilan)

31. I have sixty seven eggs (saya punya enam puluh tujuh telur)
32. Rina has seventeen pencils (Rina punya tujuh belas pensil)
33. Plus : (ditambah)
34. Minus : (dikurangi)
35. Sum : (jumlah)
36. Before : (sebelum)
37. After (setelah)
38. Roni has fifteen marbles. His uncle gives him twelve marbles and his aunt gives him eight marbles.
How many marbles does Roni have? (Roni punya lima belas kelereng, pamannya memberinya dua belas
kelereng, dan bibinya memberinya delapan kelereng. Berapa kelereng yang dipunyai roni?)
Roni has Thirty five marbles now (Roni punya tiga puluh kelereng, sekarang)

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