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Wireless World, December 1974 483

Surrou nd-sou nd psycho acoust ics

Surround-sound psychoacoustics

Criteria for the design
for the matrix and
of matrix
design of and discrete surround-sound systems
discrete surround-sound systems

M ichael Gerzon
by Michael
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford
Mathematical Institute.

There are a number of different mechanisms by which the ears

which the localize sounds,
ears localize including several
sounds, including several
low-frequency, mid-frequency and high-frequency mechanisms, as well as information derived
as well as information derived
channels available,
from the reverberation of sounds. With only a few transmission channels one cannot
available, one cannot
hope to satisfy them all, but most existing "discrete" and "matrix" systems do not satisfy more
" discrete" and "matrix" systems do not satisfy more
than one or two criteria. The approaches associated with the Nippon
with the Columbia UMX
Nippon Columbia system and
UNIX system and
syst_em are the only ones so far to adequately aUow
the NRDC ambisonic system several criteria.
for several
allow for criteria.

When stereo was introduced commercially would, if isolation, give differing

if used in isolation, speakers or beyond the left speaker (some-
in · the 1950s, it had been subjected to
in results.
results. times, both at once!).
experiments and theoretical studies for In the presence of such contradictory
In Because most matrix four-speaker
25 years, Fletcher'1 in the USA,
years, by Fletcher information, the apparent localization of a systems give highly ambiguousambiguous sound
Blumlein in England, and de Boer3 in
22 sound
sound also depends on the experience and position information to the listener's ears,
Netherlands. Despite a remarkable
the Netherlands. expectations of the listener and on the the
the results
results obtained will depend on the
anticipation of modem "matrix" four- type ofof attention he is paying to the sound. individual listener.
listener. Some listeners will learn
speaker systems by Blumlein22 in 1931, This can easily be demonstrated by to assign sounds to their "correct"
virtually no work had been done on four- reproducing via a stereo pair of good loud- positions with experience, and others will
speaker surround sound before before its recent speakers a sound positioned half-way not. As a degree of subjectivism is a poor
commercial introduction. We are thus only- only towards the left speaker, but with the basis for any technology, the general prin-
beginning to understand how it works, and speakers connected out of phase. A behind various different sound
ciples behind
it is the object of this paper to describe the suitably positioned
positioned listener can then hear localization mechanisms will be examined,
fruits of this new understanding. Not sound to be either between the
the sonnd with a view view to extracting from these
surprisingly, hastily introduced com- common features that can be used in
mercial systems have proved to be designing surround-sound reproduction
sub-optimal. systems.
Because the mathematical description
Quadraphonic quandary quandary To
To design surround-sound systems we
of surround-sound systems is far from before
While this article was written before do not need to understand the full
elementary, this aspect is is not dealt with publication of B. J. Shelley's article intricacies of the sound processing
here; references 10 1o contain such infor- Quadraphonic Quandary {Wireless
(Wireless mechanisms in the ears and brain. brain·. As far
mation. In this article the principles of World, July 1974 pp. 235-6), it does as engineering is concerned, all we need
surround-sound psychoacoustics are des- deal with many of the queries he know is what
what type of stimulus (i.e. sound
. cribed, i.e.i.e. the relationship between the raised on the
raised the aims and methods of field information) is needed to create a
sound field presented to the listener and quadraphonics. You You may find it given subjective impression, and then we
what he actually hears. instructive to decide how far his can
can design apparatus to produce a
discovered 11• 12 that the
Lord Rayleigh discovered"- particular criticisms are answered stimulus of the required type.
human hearing system appears to use here. But note two two points. Firstly, • However, it is also necessary to have
different mechanisms to to localize sounds that two of the systems earlier pro- a description of the required stimulus that
at frequencies
frequencies below and above 700Hz. by the author on purely mathe-
posed by is simple enough mathematically to handle
evidence by Rayleigh12,
Other evidence 1 13
, Stevens matical
matical- grounds (two-channel peri- in detailed calculations. Otherwise we will wiJJ
& Newman
Newman'• 14
and Roffler & & Butler1515
and phony and, via via a tetrahedron of only bebe able toto design a system by guess-
others suggests that above about 5KHz,
5 KHz, . speakers, four-channel periphony) are ing a circuit configuration and then
yet other localization mechanisms come here shown to be inadequate on the
be inadequate "number
"number crunching" the the data in a com-
into play, relying on the pinnae (the flaps type of psychoacoustic grounds puter to see whether it will work. As there
on filethe ears) to modify sounds from And secondly
Shelley. And
suggested by Shelley- are many millions of possible system con-
different directions. that disagreements among experi-
that figurations, it is extremely unlikely that
To make matters even more complicated, menters about quadraphonic psycho- such a design procedure would happen to
there is considerable disagreement both acoustics are no Harwood"16
new thing; Harwood
no new hit
bit upon the best possible result, or even
among theorists and experimenters as to documented how how little agreement something approximating to it. Such
the localization
localization mechanism
mechanism used within there is on ordinary stereo localiza- considerations rule out from our account
each bandband of frequencies, quite contrary tion. These disagreements may well such phenomena as the Haas effect, which
results being obtained in different cases16 16•
. be
be due to the conflicting directional says in essence that the earliest arrival of a
It seems that the ears must must' use a number cues at (he inherent in all two-
the ears inherent determines its apparent
sound at the ears determines
of different methods of sound localization, speaker stereo and in badly designed direction. This is difficult to analyse
" majority verdict"
possibly deciding on a "majority quadraphonic systems.
systems. mathematically, as well as being an un-
in thethe case when different mechanisms reliable guide to the subjective sound
484 Wireless World, December
December 1974
direction when sounds arrive
arrive from
from all
all assigning such aa sound sound fieldfield to
to four
four that 90° out-of-phase velocity
velocity microphone
round. channels. Similarly, it is is not
not evident,
evident, andand information is not used.
First, what is the aim ofof surround
surround not in fact true, that feeding
feeding these
these channels
channels It is not difficult
difficult to to compute
compute the the
sound reproduction? directly to a square of of speakers
speakers gives
gives anan "omnidirectional" and and "velocity
"velocity micro- micro-
optimum recreation of the the original
original sound
sound phone" information produced produced by by aa
Recreating a sound field field. quadraphonic reproduction
reproduction system,system, and and
Ideally, one wouldwould like like aa surround-
surround- Thus any surround-sound system system gives
gives hence to calculate
calculate whether
whether the the useful
sound system to recreate exactly exactly over over aa rise to two distinct but but related
related psycho-
psycho- information at low frequencies
frequencies reaching
reasonable listening area area the the original
original acoustic questions;
questions: the ears is the same as as for
for live
live sounds
concert hall,
sound field of the concert hall, oror in in the
the e Is a given method of
• ofencoding
encoding the the sound
sound (see Fig. 2).
case of popular
poptilar or electronic
electronic music, music, aa field ever capable of of good subjective
subjective re-re- Such calculations reveal reveal that,
that, forfor low
sound field envisaged by by the the record
record pro- pro- creation of the _sound field?
field? That
That is,
is, does
does frequencies, no existing two-channel matrix matrix
ducer, with many different different soundssounds in in the encoding method used used permit
permit the the encode/decode system reproduces reproduces all all the
different distances.
different directions at different distances. possibility of designing
designing some some decoder
decoder useful information as itit occurs occurs in in live
Unfortunately, arguments
arguments from from informa-
informa- giving good results? sounds, although
although the Cooper/Nippon
tion theory can be be used
used to to show
show that that to to e• Given a good method of ofencoding,
encoding, whatwhat Columbia BMX system system55 satisfies
satisfies the the
recreate aa sound fieldfield over
over aa two-metre
two-metre is the best design of decoder
decoder for for use
use with
with aa hypotheses of Makita and and Leakey.
Leakey. More More
diameter listening area for for frequencies
frequencies up up given layout of loudspeakers?
loudspeakers? remarkably, conventional discrete discrete four-four-
to 20KHz, one would would need need 400,000
400,000 channel .sound also does
channel. does not not satisfy
satisfy low-low-
channels and loudspeakers. These These wouldwould Low-frequeocylocall zation
Low-frequency localization frequency criteria other other thanthan thosethose of of
occupy 8GHz of bandwidth,
bandwidth, equivalent
equivalent to to The distance between the the human
human ears ears isis Makita and Leakey. This is is because
the space used up by by 1,0001,000 625-line
625-line half a wavelength of aa sound sound havinghaving aa phantom inter-speaker sound sound images
images with with
television channels! frequency of 700Hz.700Hz. At At frequencies
frequencies this system give too large large an an omni-
The best that can be be done
done withwith thethe two,
two, appreciably below this, the the headhead offers
offers directional component of of the the sound
three or four channels currently
currently available
available no obstacle to sound waves, waves, and and so so the
the field25
,, which causes front
-centre and and side-
For each
is as follows. For each possible
possible position
position of of amplitude of sound reaching
reaching the the two
two ears
ears centre sounds to be be very very poorlypoorly
a sound in space, for for eacheach possible
possible 11,
is virtually identical11• 1"~ 19
'~-19 •. The
The onlyonly in- in- 26
localized 26.,
direction and for for each
each possible
possible distance
distance formation available at these these low low fre- fre- The poor positioning
positioning of of phantom
away from the listener, assign aa particular particular localization isis the
quencies for sound localization the images suggests that that discrete
discrete four- four-
way of storing the sound sound on on the
the available
available phase difference between
between the the twotwo ears,
ears, . channel systems should should not be be used
used as as aa
sound positions
channels. Different sound positions corres-
corres- Rayleigh 11 indeed
and in 1907 Rayleigh" indeed showedshowed standard of excellence.
excellence by by which
which other other
pond to the stored sound having having different
different that this was used to to localize
localize soundssounds systems are judged. There are are better
better ways
relative phases and and amplitudes
amplitudes on on the the below 700Hz. of representing the set set of of possible
various channels. To To reproduce
reproduce the the sound,
sound, There has, however, been disagreementdisagreement directions around the listener listener via via four
first decide on aa layout
layout of of loudspeakers
loudspeakers as to how this this low-frequency
low-frequency phase phase loudspeakers88,• 26 26
•. The· National R~earch
The National Research
around the listener, and and then
then choose
choose what what difference information is is used
used to to deduce
deduce and Development CorporationCorporation has has re- re-
combinations of the recorded information information sound position. One school of of thought,
thought, cently been developing,
developing, with
with thethe author,
author, aa
channels, with what phases phases and and ampli·
ampli- represented by Clark,
Clark, Button
Dutton && Van-Van- two-channel decoding apparatus apparatus for for
tudes, are to be fed to to each
each speaker.
speaker. The The derlyn20 and Bauer2121, derived
derlyn20 derived aa theory theory BMX or RM-encoded sounds, sounds, to to feed
converts the
apparatus that converts the information
information assuming that the listener does does notnot move
move four loudspeakers so so asas to to satisfy
satisfy thethe
channels to speaker
speaker feedfeed signals
signals isis called
called his head, whereas Makita2222,, Leakey Leakey2233 and and low frequency
frequency criteria
criteria shown in in Fig.
Fig. 2,2,
a "decoder", and and must be be designed
designed to to Tager24 assume that the brain
Tagerl" brain uses uses addi-
addi- and also the mid-high
mid-high frequency
frequency criteriacriteria
ensure the best
best subjective
subjective approximation
approximation tional information fromfrom variations
variations at at the
the described later.
to the effect of the original
original sound
sound field.
field. two ears caused by rotations
rotations of of the
the head
head The three-channel system discovered discovered
"discrete" practice,
In commercial "discrete" practice, the the within the sound field.
process of assigning positions
positions in in the
the sound
sound It is possible to construct
construct aa "super- "super-
field to the available
available channels,
channels, known known as as theory" including the the above two two classes
"encoding", is donedone using
using four four channels.
channels. of theories as special
special cases.
cases. Essentially,
Essentially, Rp
Sounds not in the four four comer
corner positions
positions the sum of the waveforms reaching reaching the the
are, in this procedure, assigned assigned to to just
just two ears is .the
the sound pressure
pressure that that would
would X
those two of the four
four channels
channels representing
representing be at the position of the the centre
centre of of the
corner directions adjacent
direction. This only
adjacent to
only handles
to the
handles distant
the desired
distant sounds
listener's head were he
information is the samesame as
he absent.
as that
absent. This
that picked
picked up up


in a horizontal direction,
direction, and and itit isis byby no no by an omnidirectional microphone microphone (see (see
means evident that this this is
is the
the best
best way
way of of Fig. 1). remaining directional
I). The remaining directional infor- infor-
mation at low frequencies
frequencies reaching reaching the the

difference of
listener is the difference of thethe waveforms
at the two ears, which is is the
the velocity
velocity of of
field along the
the sound field the ear-axis
ear-axis (see (see
Fig. I).
1). This is thethe information
information picked picked
(a) up by a sideways-pointing
sideways-pointing velocity velocity or or
figure-of-eight microphone.
The fixed-head theories
theories thus thus assume
that the information picked picked up up by by an an
omnidirectional and by aa sideways-facing
velocity microphone is is all
all that
that isis available
available quadraphonic
Fig. 2. Low-frequency quadraphonic
to the brain. The assumption
assumption that that nono useuse isis available to
localization information available to the
T made of amplitude differences
differences at at the
the two
two ears.
A ears amounts to assuming assuming that that com-com-
(b) information:
Omnidirectional information:
ponents of the velocity microphone
microphone infor- infor- U=
0 L8s + LF
= L Lr + RpRF + RR8b
mation that are 90° out out of of phase
phase with
with the the x-velocity information:
omnidirectional information are are notnot used
used X Real(- L 8B +
X = RealC—Z. y LFLF + Rp
Rp -— R R11s))
Omnidirectional and
Fig. 1. Omnidirectional and velocity
velocity in deducing the direction of of sounds.
sounds. The The y-velocity information:
microphones (picture
(picture b) receiving
receiving the
the "moving head" theories assume assume that that thethe YY = Real(L8B + LF Lr -- RF
RF -- RR8s))
same low frequency
frequency information
information as
as the
the velocity microphone information may may For "live" sounds we mustmust have
human hearing system (picture a).
system (picture a). point in any direction,
direction, but still still assume
assume 02 =
()1 = i(X + JfJ.
t(..¥22+ yz ).
Wireless World.
World, December 1974
deal, BMX
However, it is possible to analyse the QMX
QMX with fullfullbandwith
w ith bandwith
directional energy field
field into omnidirectional
omnidirectional — discrete
and vector components
components analogous to those
used for the sonnd amplitude field at low
the sound z 1eQ
frequencies. If one assumes that the
effect of head movement is
head movement is nsed the
by the
used by ...Q
hla:: 1!50
brain, these sound energy components ~/
can be be used to estimate the probable 0
0 120 ~-
subjective mid-
mid- and high-frequency
high-frequency sound
direction. For a sound reproduced through through >
several speakers, this this direction may be 8a:: 90

calculated as the direction of the sum of w

v0 /f f


vectors, one pointing at each speaker, 0 D

60 ~/
each having as length the energy of the !;( /,

sound from that speaker. Calculations
using this theory indicate that various
four-speaker sound reproduction systems
mid-high frequency sound localiza-

w 30
30 60 S900 120
120 150

150 IE180
the mid-high
give the localiza- INTENDED
tions shown in in Fig. which agrees well
Fig. 4, which
Tetrahedra/loudspeaker with experimental data26 26•
. Fig. 4. Perceived localization vs intended
Fig. 3. Tetrahedral loudspeaker layout
shown embedded inin a cube. Note that if the number of channels direction of sounds in degrees, according
equals the number of speakers (as for frequency theory of this
the mid-high frequency
to the
"discrete" and QMX via via four speakers), paper, for
for various systems via a square of
then phantom inter-speaker sounds are speakers as in Fig.
Fig. 2. Triangles indicate
independently by the author10,, Gibson drawn toward the nearest nearest speaker. speaker positions. QMX
Q,MX data only applies
al 27 , Eargle28,, Madsen (unpublished)
et aF, Cooper3311-• 32
Cooper 32
has called this the "detent" for a full bandwidth system. Compare
5 effect, but it is not significant for his BMX
and Cooper , is capable of correct low Figs 19 and 20 of reference 26.
with Figs
frequency results, as is the four-channel (two-channel) or TMX (three-channel)
5 " pull" by the speakers
A similar "pull"
QMX system system~ and the tetrahedral with- with- systems. A
height system of the author6'• '100'•29 29
,, which is found for tetrahedral
tetrahedral with-height repro- recording, we can reinforce the sense of
is reproduced via the the speaker layout of duction (Fig.
(Fig. 3), butbut not
not when a cube of direction created; to the author's know-
Fig. 3. It is also possible to to design a speakers is used. been done in
yet been
ledge, this has not yet
decoder for discrete recordings so as to The ratio of the length length of the above- surround-sound recordings.
satisfy all low-frequency requirements. defined energy vector vector to to the total re-
It is well known that velocity micro- produced energy should ideally be unity; Reverberation to aid localization
phones give an exaggerated bass for very very iu
in practice the larger it is
the larger is the better It isis possible to to locate sounds more
close sounds. BecauseBecause the ears use velocity defined the sound image—itimage- it is this that accurately in a moderately reverberant
microphone information to localize sounds, makes TMX better better than two-channel room than when there is no reverberation.
close loudspeakers modify the directional BMX. Although the mechanism is not under-
effect at the ears. In particular, 90° out- This mid-high frequency theory holds stood, it is found that correctly recorded
of-phase velocity components caused by only so long as the the ears do not have too reverberation
reverberation also aids sound localization
phase shifts are converted to phase great a directionality in their response during reproduction34 34 ,
, although poor arti-
differences between the the ears. This causes to sounds. The data of Sivian & & ficial reverberation makes the sound
the very phase-shifted
very low frequencies of phase-shifted White1717 and Rolls19 19
on the ear's image moremore indistinct. The author has
sounds to be rotated around the listener. listener. directionality show that above about computed the the distribution of reverberation
This effect has been been observed by BauerBauer 5kHz aa new theory is needed. energy around the listener given by various
et alaP300 via twotwo speakers, but can be re- recording techniques34 3
4,, and it is is found
moved electronically. The degree of the the Localization above 5KHz localization
that the most accurate sound localization
effect is inversely proportional to
is inversely to loud- In 1907, Rayleigh1111 found that that when is obtained when the energy is uniformly uniformly
speaker distance. the head was stationary the ability to
the distributed, and not concentrated too
Statistical methods may may be used to distinguish front from rear relied entirely much in any one direction.
apply the above theory to listeners not on .high frequencies. This has been con-
high frequencies. Thus if a surround-sound system is is to
placed in in the centre of the loudspeaker firmed by Stevens & Newman Ne·.vman1414 and work optimally, it must be capable of
layout. The details are involved, but give Roffler
Roffier & Buder ,
& Butler , who showed that the
showed capturing all nuances of reverberant sound
results somewhat similar to the mid-high ears could localize sounds in the plane and of reproducing these
these uniformly around
frequency theory of sound localization of symmetry of the human head quite
the human listener. Certain popular commercial
the listener.
described next. accurately despite the the two ears receiving matrix systems assign the original sound
the same sound waveform!waveform] This ability the two available channels in such
field to the
Mid-high frequency localization disappeared when the pinnae were masked. a discontinuous manner manners. that these
' 9 that
Above 700Hz, the wavelength of sound Conversely, many workers have found criteria cannot be satisfied. "Variable
is sufficiently small that the phase re- that dummy head recordings (which in- matrix" or "logic" decoders, which work
lationships between
between the loudspeakers are corporate the effect of the pinnae's by pushing the whole sound field towards
no longer of primary importance in sound acoustic obstruction) give good spatial those directions in which the sound is
localization. Under these conditions, what localization when reproduced either via momentarily strongest, clearly cannot
matters is the directional behaviour of the headphones or via loudspeakers with the reproduce those nuances of reverberation
energy field around the listener. It is pinnae masked33 .• Perhaps using the ulti- needed by the ears to localize sounds.
possible to show that, because of the microphone technique,
mate "purist" microphone The· "detent" effect of discrete repro-
positive nature
nature of energy (in the mathemati- Edmund Rolls of Oxford University has duction (Fig. 4) 4) also prevents uniformly
cal sense), one can only exactly recreate recordings using
made similar recordings using micro- distributed reverberation.
the energy field of a live sound source the ears of real
phones inside the real heads!
through a small number of loudspeakers loc~lization mechanism is
The pinnae localization is Acknowledgment
sound happens to be at the position
if the sound not well understood, but appears to to rely by
This article is a revision of a paper by
of one of these. Thus at mid and high high on the fact that sounds from each Michael Gerzon given at the 1974 Festival
not all of the ear's localization
frequencies, not direction arrive inside the listener's ear du Son, Paris. (Published in French in
in French
mechanisms can be satisfied in in a practical with a distinctive colouration. Thus, if Journees d'Etudes 1974
Conferences des Joumees 1974
reproduction system. can reproduce that colouration in a
we can Son- Editions Radio.)
du Festival du Son—Editions
Wireless World, December 1974
Abbreviations JAES
Audio Engineering
JAES and and JASA
Engineering Society,
JASA mean
Society, and
mean Journal
and Journal
Journal of
Journal of
of the
of the
Integrated injection logic
Integrated injection logic
Acoustical Society Society of ofAmerica,
America, respectively.
1.I. Fletcher,
Fletcher, H. H. Stereophonic
Stereophonic sound sound film film system-
general theory, JASA. vol.
theory,JASA. vol. 13,
13, 1941,
1941, pp. pp. 88-99.
2. Blumlein,
Blumlein, A. A. D.
D. British
British Patent
Patent 394.325
394,325 (1931).(1931).
3. de de Boer,Boer, K. K. Stereophonic
Stereophonic sound sound production,
production , The development of new
Philips Tech.Tech. Rev.,
Rev.• vol.
vol. 5,5, 1940,
1940, pp. pp. 107-44,
new techniques in driving one
one input
input of two other gates. Re-
4. Shoner,
ShQrter, G. G. Four-channel
Four-channel stereo,stereo, Wireless
Wireless World,
World, circuit integration has apparently been arranging the interface gives (b) in the the
vol. 78, 78, 1972,
1972, pp. pp. 2-5,
2-5, 54-7.
54-7. See See alsoalso Wireless
Wireless concentrated in in the field of m.o.s.
m.o.s. devices,
devices, drawing, which can be further simplified
World Annual
World Annual, 1975,1915, pp. 84-9,
84-9. and the amount of information appearing by replacing thethe base resistor by an active
5. Cooper,
Cooper, D. D. H.H. & & Shiga,
Shiga. T. T. Discrete-matrix
Discretc·matr•x multi- multi·
channel stereo,stereo, T/UrS,
JAES, vol.
voL 20,20, 1972,
1972, pp. pp. 346-60.
in the technical press about m.o.s. m.o.s. has current source and by substituting a multi- multi-
6-6. Gerzon,
Gerzon, M. M. A. A. Periphony:
Periphony: with-height
with-height sound sound tended to obscure the latest arrival arrival on the collector transistor for those with common
reproduction, JAES, JAES, vol.voL 21,21, 1973,
1973, pp. pp. 2-10.
2-10. bipolar logic field—integrated
field-integrated injection bases. The result is (c), where the input
7. Scheibcr,
7. Scheiber, P. P. Analyzing
Analyzing phase-amplitude
phase-amplitude matrices, matrices, logic (i(i22.l.
.l. for short). Its characteristics emitter is termed the injector, the whole
JAES, vol. vol. 19,
19, 1971,
1971 , pp.
pp. 835-9.
are impressive
impressive and it seems set to take over
8. Fellgctt,
8. FeUgett, P. P. B.
B. Perspectives
Perspectives for for surround
surround sound,sound, circuit being contained within the area
Hi-Fi Sound Annual, Annual, 1974. from conventional t.t.l. circuitry when pack- pack- of a t.t.l. multi-emitter input transistor.
9. Fellgett,
9. Fellgett, P. P. B,B. Japanese
Japanese regular regular matrix, matrix, Hi-Fi
HI-Fi ing density and low power dissipation are The combining of the two base emitter
News, Dec.,
News, Dec., 1972.
1972. the essential requirements of a system. junctions of the interface gives protection
10. Gerzon,
Oerzon, M. M. A.A. Principles
Principles of of quadraphonic
quadraphonic re- ro- As a result of the elimination of passive
cording (in two two parts),
parts), Studio
Studio Sound,
Sound, Aug. Aug. & & Sept.,
Sept., against the effect, when junction voltages
1970. components in the basic gate and aareduc- on different chips differ, of one gate
11.* Strutt,
Strutt, J. J. W.
W. (Lord
(Lord Rayleigh).
Rayleigh). On On our o ur perception
perception tion in the number of of devices per gate, up monopolizing the current output from from the
of soundsound direction,
direction, Phil.
Phil. Mag.,
Mag. , vol. vol. 13, 13, 1907.
1907, nn, pp. to 3000 gates can be fabricated in one previous gate, starving others connected
214-32. chip—an
chip- an increase by by a factor of ten over
12.* Strutt, J. W. O ur perception of the direction of aa
12.' Strutt, J. W. Our perception of the direction of in parallel.
source of
source of sound,
sound, Nature,
Nature, vol.vol. 14,
14, 1876,
1876, pp. pp. 32,
32, 33.
33. t.t.l. chips. The speed of i22.l. .1. is lower than The basic gate can operate at a current
13.* Strutt,
13.'" Struu, J. J. W.
W. Acoustical
Acoustical observations—I.Phil.
observations- l ,Phl/. that of t.t.l. (delay around 30ns instead of of around InAlnA and a logic swing of 0.6V,
Mag.,l871, 1877, pp. pp. 456. 457.
456.457. 110ns)
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