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Tahun ajaran 2024/2025

Making Netizens Excited, These Are the
Terms in the Vice Presidential Debate !

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - The first debate of the vice presidential candidates
was held to coincide with National Mother's Day on Friday (22/12/2023). In
yesterday's vice presidential debate, many terms emerged that were widely
discussed by Indonesian netizens.

The terms used by the vice presidential candidates are quite foreign to the
public's ears. It should be noted that the vice presidential debate on Friday
(22/12/2023) carried the theme "Economy (people's economy and digital
economy), Finance, Investment, Taxation, Trade, APBN-APBD Management,
Infrastructure and Urban Affairs".

Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin), Gibran Rakabuming Raka, and Mahfud MD

collided with ideas in the 2024 vice presidential debate.

During the debate, Gibran asked Mahfud MD about carbon capture and storage

Apart from that, number one vice presidential candidate Cak Imin also offered
the concept of slow economics. These terms are being widely discussed by
Indonesian netizens
The following are economic terms in the vice presidential
debate, Friday (22/12/2023).

1. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)

There was a question asked by vice presidential candidate number 2
Gibran Rakabuming to vice presidential candidate number 3 Mahfud MD
regarding the rules for carbon capture and storage.
Quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral
Resources (ESDM), carbon capture and storage is a global warming
mitigation technology by reducing CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions into
the atmosphere.
CCS technology is a series of interrelated processes, starting from
separating and capturing CO2 from exhaust gas emission sources (fuel
gas), transporting the captured CO2 to a storage location (transportation),
and storing it in a safe place (storage). .
The separation and capture of CO2 is carried out using absorption
technology which has been known for a long time in industrial circles.
CO2 capture is generally used in hydrogen production processes both on
a laboratory and commercial scale.
Transportation is carried out using pipes or tankers such as gas carriers in
general (LPG, LNG). Meanwhile, the storage is carried out in layers of
rock below the earth's surface which can trap the gas so that it does not
escape into the atmosphere, or it can also be injected into the sea at a
certain depth.
2. Slepet Nomics
Vice presidential candidate number 1 Cak Imin introduced Slepetnomics at the
2024 Vice Presidential Election Debate. According to him, Slepetnomics is an
economic idea that has been tested by experts and is based on inner experience
and taste experience.

He also explained that the sarong is a symbol of equality and justice. According
to Cak Imin, sarongs are soft, but in the hands of good people they can become
slippery due to injustice and cheating.

In practice, slepetnomics will include the following:

- Realizing food independence, by carrying out an "Agromaritime Revolution",

where farmers and fishermen will be empowered and helped to develop; the
product will be purchased at a favorable price.

- Poverty alleviation is a priority, including through social assistance programs

plus, ensuring low and affordable living costs, as well as economic
assistance/empowerment for vulnerable groups. A special body to manage
social assistance will be formed, so that the ministry focuses more on policy,
not execution (learning from the BPJS Health concept).

- Implementation of equitable taxes, which are used to fund growth-oriented and

equitable development. A State Revenue Agency (BPN) will be formed which
is a merger between the Directorate General of Taxes and the Directorate
General of Customs and Excise which is directly under the President.

- The business climate will be improved, legal certainty guaranteed, policy

consistency realized, and corruption and extortion eradicated, so that
corporations can grow to become masters in their own country and be
successful in other countries.

- BUMN will be repositioned, the roles as development agents and corporations

must be balanced, so as not to close down opportunities for the private sector to
grow and develop.
- More than 15 million quality jobs will be created (2025-2029), including green
jobs, through the development of several sectors, especially the manufacturing
industry and creative/digital industries.

- Natural resource management is encouraged to create added economic value,

employ local workers, involve local MSMEs, and is carried out with ESG
(Environmental, Social & Governance) principles.

3. State Global of Economic Islamic (SGEI)

Vice presidential candidate number 1 Cak Imin received a question from vice
presidential candidate number 2, Gibran about the State of the Global Islamic
Economy (SGIE). However, Cak Imin did not know this term.

SGIE or State of the Global Islamic Economy is an annual report on the

condition of the global Islamic/Halal Economy launched by DinarStandard in
Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Reported by the DinarStandard website (a
strategy and management research company), since 2013, SGIE has become a
global reference for executives, investors, government officials and
entrepreneurs regarding Islamic/Halal Economics.

SGIE's goal is to develop reports that inspire and empower business leaders,
entrepreneurs, and government officials to develop strategies focused on the
global Islamic economy. This is done by measuring Muslim spending in each
sector of the Islamic Economy (food, Islamic finance, travel, fashion,
pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, media).

About DinarStandard itself is a growth strategy research and execution

management company, empowering organizations to achieve profitable and
responsible global impact. DinarStandard specializes in government innovation,
global halal/ethical economics, and social impact.

Based on data from the State of the Global Islamic Economy (SGIE) Report
2022 released by Dinar Standard, Indonesia is ranked fourth in the world in
developing the sharia economic ecosystem.
4. Tax Ratio
Asked vice presidential candidate number 3 Mahfud MD about the tax ratio,
according to which Prabowo-Gibran's plan to increase the tax ratio to 23% was

Tax Ratio or tax ratio is a comparison or presentation of tax revenues to the

nominal gross domestic product (GDP) of a country. This Tax Ratio functions
to measure the performance of a country's tax revenues. This is useful for
measuring how capable the government is of financing the country's needs with
its own resources.

The higher the tax ratio value of a country, the more the country's government
can rely on the APBN to carry out development. The higher the tax ratio, the
less dependence on financing through debt.

The government targets the tax ratio to be at the level of 10% in 2023.
Meanwhile, the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) of the Ministry of Finance
recorded that the tax ratio in 2022 will reach 10.39%. This means that there is a
decrease in the tax ratio.

5. The Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR)

In the debate, vice presidential candidate number 2 was again in the spotlight
when he mentioned the need to reduce the Incremental Capital Output Ratio or

Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR) is a quantity that shows the amount of
additional new capital (investment) required to increase or increase one unit of
output. The amount of ICOR is obtained by comparing the amount of additional
capital with additional output. Because capital units are different and varied,
while output units are relatively undifferentiated, to simplify calculations, both
are valued in money (nominal).
Referring to Indonesia's ICOR data from 2017 to 2022 from the Central
Statistics Agency (BPS), it can be seen that Indonesia's ICOR is experiencing
fluctuations. Indonesia's ICOR in 2017 was recorded at 6.75, 6.72 (2018), 6.87
(2019), -15.12 (2020), 8.94 (2021), and 6.25 (2022).

Meanwhile, in 2023, Indonesia's ICOR figure will be quite high, namely at level
7.6. In this case, it means that every 1% increase in economic growth requires
an increase in infrastructure investment of 7.6 percent. Meanwhile, a number of
developed countries have ICOR below 3

6. Downstream Digital
Candidate for Vice President number 2 ensures that the downstream program
continues to run, especially regarding digital. Gibran also said that Indonesia
must prepare itself to become a golden Indonesia, therefore Indonesia must be
equipped with talents who have future skills. He emphasized that digital
downstreaming will continue to be encouraged.

Reporting from the official website of the Ministry of Communication and

Information (Kominfo), it is known that the Indonesian government is currently
trying to encourage downstreaming to optimize the potential of the digital
economy. This is done to face global digitalization conditions.

The downstream efforts themselves can also be related to various sectors,

starting from the economy, infrastructure, agriculture, fisheries, mining, and so
on. This means that digital downstreaming is an effort to optimize digital
technology in various sectors CNBC Indonesia Research
Dialogue With Partner About The Topic News

*the dialogue happened on the street*

Tarisa : Hello Eprilia , how are you? Its’ been a long time since we
last meet.

Eprilia : Oh, Hai Tarisa I have got a new job now and is great , how
about you?

Tarisa : I have been so busy with the new business that I have not bad
the time to do much else.

Eprilia : What is that?

Tarisa : Small businnes, a coffee shop

Eprilia : Cool !, Don’t forget to invite me to your soft opening

Tarisa : Sure, of course !

Eprilia : That cool amazing.

Tarisa : Come on, try visit by my little cafe first.

Eprilia : Okay, I will be happy to go there now.

Tarisa : Come on follow me.

*when arrived at the café”

Eprilia : Wow your cafe is very beautifull, so aestetic, if I want to

enjoy my own time I will come to your café.

Tarisa : Sure, its my pleasure, come here if you want, oh yeah please
sit down, what drink do you want? tea or juice?, or maybe
coffee? or anything else?

Eprilia : Oh no, I don’t wanna to bother you , just plain water

Tarisa : Hmm okay just wait a moment I will get it for you
* give you a drink “

Tarisa : Here you are, anyway you want to eat something?, my cafe
provides pastry, do you want to try it?

Eprilia : Oh My Gosh, no need I don’t want to bother you, thank you

for the offer.

Tarisa : Okay , let’s enjoy the vibes

Eprilia : Sure.

“ ceritanya tarisa dan epril masing masing main hp scroll tiktok”

Tarisa : HAHAHA…thats so funny >///<

Eprilia : What its that?

Tarisa : I just scroll on my page tiktok I found a joke about a

election, that prabowo campaigne with the comunity with
that “GEMOY” dance campaigne it was very funny >\\\<

Eprilia : HAHAHA.. yeah I see, that “GEMOY” has on my page too.

Tarisa : Anyway, did u know about the curent presidential debate?

The news came on TV, it was very tense , did u know about
SGIE? That trending topic on tiktok and twitter I see

Eprilia : Oh I know I see, its so confused

Tarisa : Yeah what do you think?

Eprilia : I think its very confused honestly I don’t know what SGIE

Tarisa : Yeah, honestly me too, I don’t know what is that, but quoted
from the news I read it yesterday, SGIE is state of Global
Islamic Economy that means about economic situation in
Eprilia : Oh yeah , I also read about that yesterday but did u know
about Cak Imin was asked about SGIE?, he looked confused
and asked Gibran again what SGIE was?

Tarisa : Oh yeah I see I look too but, I think its normal beacuse
everyone has advantages and disadvantages, so its natural.

Eprilia : Yeah I think so too.

Tarisa : By the way who do you think will be president? Im very

confused about who I will choose to be president.

Eprilia : Me too, I’m also confused about who to

choose, but whoever the president is, we’re
still looking for our own money.

Tarisa : Exactly, nevermind whoever becomes

president, hopefully he can protect country

Eprilia : Yeah I hope so

Tarisa : OMG!..I forget I baked the pastry

Eprilia : Geez!!.. Handle quickly!

Tarisa : Anyway I wanna handle my café

Eprilia : Oh okay sure, I think I must go right now, I

have business.

Tarisa : Okay sure, thankyou for ur visit.

Eprilia : Its my plesure, you’re welcome…bye Tarisa

Tarisa : Bye see you.

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