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Chapter 8

Momentum, Impulse and Collisions

Conceptual In Class Assignment

Problems (To Problems Problems
be Discussed
in Class)

8.1 Momentum and Impulse TYU-8.2 Example- 8.4 Exercise

8.2 Conservation of Momentum 8.18,
8.3 Momentum Conservation and Collisions TYU-8.3 Example- 8.9
8.4 Elastic Collisions
Chapter 8 Momentum, Impulse and Collisions

8.1 Momentum and Newton’s second law

The momentum of a particle is the product of its mass and its

velocity: p = m v

▪ Momentum p is a vector quantity. The momentum of the

particle has the same direction as its velocity v.

▪ Momentum can be written from Newton’s second law as:

F =

▪ According to the equation we get:

 A rapid change in momentum requires a large net force.

 while a gradual change in momentum requires less net force.
 This principle is used in the design of automobile safety devices such as air bags.

Example: What is the momentum of a 1000kg car going 25 m/s west?

Ans.: p = mv = (1000 kg)(25 m/s) = 25,000 kg.m/s west

Impulse and momentum

▪ Impulse of a force is the product of (force) & (time interval) during which it acts.

J =  F ( t 2 - t1 ) =  F t ( Assuming  F = constant )
 p 
 J=  t ( According to Newton's 2nd law of motion )
 t 

 J = p = p 2 − p1 (Impulse–momentum theorem)

▪ Impulse ( = Change in momentum) of particle during time interval equals net force acting
on particle during interval

▪ Impulse is a vector. SI unit of impulse is N.s

▪ Area under the Fx versus time curve, represents impulse of the

▪ For a variable force, the impulse of the particle is represented by

the curve 1.

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Chapter 8 Momentum, Impulse and Collisions


J x =   Fx t = Area of curve 1.

▪ For a constant force, the impulse of the particle is represented by the curve 2.

Area = Jx = (Fav-x) (t2 - t1) Curve 2

If the area under both curves is the same, then both forces deliver the
same impulse.

In 1st case large force is applied for a short time

In 2nd case small force is applied for more time.

Distinction between momentum and kinetic energy.

Which will be easier to catch?

▪ A 0.50-kg ball moving at 4 m/s

▪ A 0.10-kg ball moving at 20 m/s

Ans.: pB1 = m v = (0.50-kg )(4 m/s ) = 2.0 kg . m/s

pB2 = m v = (0.10-kg )(20 m/s ) = 2.0 kg . m/s

Both the balls have the same magnitude of momentum,

KB1 = ½ m v2 = ½ (0.50-kg ) (4 m/s )2 = 4.0 J

KB2 = ½ m v2 = ½ (0.10-kg )(20 m/s )2 = 20.0 J

Thus two balls have different values of kinetic energy.

Since the momentum is the same for both balls, both require the same impulse to be brought
to rest.

But stopping the 0.10-kg ball with your hand requires five times more work than stopping the
0.50-kg ball because the smaller ball has five times more kinetic energy.

8.2 Conservation of momentum:

For isolated system the total momentum is conserved.

For isolated system

 F = 0  dt = 0  p = constant

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Chapter 8 Momentum, Impulse and Collisions

8.3: Collisions

Inelastic Collision

In inelastic Collision the momentum remains conserved but the total kinetic energy after the
collision is less than before the collision.

Momentum is conserved i.e ( PA + PB )after collision = ( PA + PB )before collision

Kinetic energy decreases i.e ( K A + K B )after collision  ( K A + K B )before collision

Completely Inelastic Collision

In completely inelastic collision, the colliding bodies stick together and move as one body after the

From the conservation of momentum we have

( Total momentum )before collision = ( Total momentum )after collision
( pA + pB )before collision = ( pA + pB )after collision
m A v A1x + m B v B1x = m A + m B v 2x )
Let the 2nd body is at rest. So, vB1x = 0
So, m A v A1x = m A + m B v 2x )
 mA 
 v 2x =   v A1x
 mA + mB
 
Now, the kinetic energy are
1 1
( Total K.E )before collision = K1 = m A v 2A1x + 0 = m A v 2A1x
2 2
( Total K.E )after collision
= K 2 = m A + m B v 2x
 m A   1  mA
 2
 K2 =
mA + mB( )   A1x 
v =   v A1x
2  m A + m B   2  m A + m B 
 mA 1   mA 
 K2 =   
m A v A1x  =  K1
 mA + mB   2   m A + m B 
 

( )
K mA K2
 2 =   1  m A  m A + m B 
K1 mA + mB K1

Thus the kinetic energy after a completely inelastic collision is always less than the before. So, the
kinetic energy is always lost in a completely inelastic collision.

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Chapter 8 Momentum, Impulse and Collisions

8.4 Elastic collisions

Let body A is moving along x-direction and body

B is at rest

i.e vB1x = 0

In an elastic collision, the total momentum of the system remains constant:

Total momentum before collision = Total momentum after collision

mAvA1x + mBvB1x = mAvA2x + mBvB2x

mAvA1x = mAvA2x + mBvB2x

mBvB2x = mA (vA1x - vA2x ) -------(1)

In an elastic collision, the total kinetic energy of the system is the same after the collision as before.

( Total K.E )before collision = ( Total K.E )after collision

1 1 1 1
m A v 2A1x + m B ( 0 ) =
2 2 2
m A v A2x + m B v B2x
2 2 2 2

1 1 1
m A v 2A1x = 2
m A v A2x 2
+ m B v B2x
2 2 2

mA v2A1x = mA vA2x
2 2
+ mB vB2x

mB v B2x (
= mA v 2A1x - v 2A2x )
mB vB2x = mA ( vA1x - vA2x )( vA1x + vA2x )

mB vB2x = mB vB2x ( vA1x + vA2x ) ( using eqn 1)

vB2x = vA1x + vA2x − − − − − (2)

From eqn (1) we get

mBvB2x = mA (vA1x - vA2x )

mB (vA1x + vA2x ) = mA (vA1x - vA2x ) using eqn (2)

 m − mB 
vA2x =  A  vA1x − − − − − (3)
 mA + mB 

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Chapter 8 Momentum, Impulse and Collisions

Putting this value in eqn (2) we get,

 2mA 
vB2x =   vA1x − − (4)
 A
m + m B 

Case – I: If mA << mB

Putting this condition eqn (3) and (4) we get ,

 m − mB   − mB 
vA2x =  A  vA1x  vA2x =   vA1x
 mA + mB   mB 
 v A2x = − v A1x

 2mA 
Again, vB2x =   vA1x  vB2x = 0
 mA + mB 

Ball ‘A’ re after returns back after the collision with a velocity equal to its original value but in the
opposite direction .

Case – II: If mA >> mB

Putting this condition eqn (3) and (4) we get ,

 m − mB  m 
vA2x =  A  vA1x  vA2x =  A  vA1x
 mA + mB   mA 
 vA2x = vA1x
 2m A   2m A 
v B2x =   v A1x  v B2x =   v A1x
 mA + mB   mA 
 v B2x = 2v A1x

Ball A’s velocity remain unchanged after the collision . Ball B’s velocity will be doubled after the

Case – III: If mA = mB = m

Putting this condition eqn (3) and (4) we get ,

 m − mB 
vA2x =  A  vA1x  vA2x = 0
 mA + mB 

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Chapter 8 Momentum, Impulse and Collisions

 2mA   2m 
vB2x =   v A1x  v B2x =   v A1x
 mA + mB   2m 
 vB2x = v A1x

Thus the body that was moving stops dead; it gives all its momentum and kinetic energy to the body
that was at rest.

Elastic Collisions and Relative Velocity

We know that
vB2x = vA1x + vA2x  vA1x = vB2x - vA2x
Here (vB2x – vA2x) is the velocity of B relative to A after the collision.
But vA1x is the negative of the velocity of B relative to A before the collision.
The relative velocity has the same magnitude, but opposite sign, before and after the collision.
The sign changes because A and B are approaching each other before the collision but moving apart
after the collision.
This means that if B is moving before the collision, then we have,
(vB2x – vA2x) = - (vB1x – vA1x)

Test Your Understanding: TYU-8.2, TYU-8.3

Test Your Understanding 8.2:

A spring-loaded toy sits at rest on a horizontal, frictionless surface. When the spring releases, the toy
breaks into three equal-mass pieces, A, B, and C, which slide along the surface. Piece A moves off
in the negative x-direction, while piece B moves off in the negative y-direction.
(a) What are the signs of the velocity components of piece C?
(b) Which of the three pieces is moving the fastest?

Answers: (a) vC2x > 0, vC2y > 0, (b) piece C

Piece A moves off in the negative x-direction, so its y-component velocity is zero (vA2y = 0)
Piece B moves off in the negative y-direction, so its x-component velocity is zero (vB2x = 0)
We are given that
mA = mB = mC ,
vA2x < 0, vA2y = 0, and
vB2x = 0, and vB2y < 0.
External horizontal forces (F) = 0
So the x- and y-components of the total momentum of the system are conserved.
Total momentum along x- direction (before release) = Total momentum along x- direction (After release)
 0 = mAvA2x + mBvB2x + mCvC2x
 0 = mAvA2x + 0 + mCvC2x
 mCvC2x = - mAvA2x
 vC2x = - vA2x ( since mA = mC)
 is opposite to vA2x i.e along +ve x-direction

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Chapter 8 Momentum, Impulse and Collisions

Again for y- direction we have

Total momentum along y- direction (before release) = Total momentum along y- direction (After release)
 0 = mAvA2y + mBvB2y + mCvC2y
 0 = 0 + mBvB2y + mCvC2y
 mCvC2y = - mBvB2y
 vC2y = - vA2y ( since mB = mC)
 is opposite to vA2y i.e along +ve y-direction

From the above it is clear that

vC2x (= -vA2x) > 0 and vC2y (= -vB2y) > 0,
So the velocity components of piece C are both positive.
The speed of Piece is
vC = 2
vC2x + vC2y
= 2
vA2x + vB2y

This is greater than the speed of either piece A or piece B.

Test Your Understanding8.3:

For each situation, state whether the collision is elastic or inelastic. If it is inelastic, state whether it
is completely inelastic.
(a) You drop a ball from your hand. It collides with the floor and bounces back up so that it just
reaches your hand.
(b) You drop a different ball from your hand and let it collide with the ground. This ball bounces
back up to half the height from which it was dropped.
(c) You drop a ball of clay from your hand. When it collides with the ground, it stops.

(a) elastic, (b) inelastic, (c) completely inelastic
In each case gravitational potential energy is converted to kinetic energy as the ball falls, and the
collision is between the ball and the ground.
In (a) all of the initial energy is converted back to gravitational potential energy, so no kinetic energy
is lost in the bounce and the collision is elastic.
In (b) there is less gravitational potential energy at the end than at the beginning, so some kinetic
energy was lost in the bounce. Hence the collision is inelastic.
In (c) the ball loses all the kinetic energy it has to give, the ball and the ground stick together, and
the collision is completely inelastic.

Example Problems

Example 8.4 :
A marksman holds a rifle of mass mR=3.0 kg loosely, so it
can recoil freely. He fires a bullet of mass mB=5.0 kg
horizontally with a velocity relative to the ground of
vBx=300m/s. What is the recoil velocity vRx of the rifle?
What are the final momentum and kinetic energy of the
bullet and rifle?

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Chapter 8 Momentum, Impulse and Collisions

Conservation of the x-component of total momentum gives
0 = m B v B2 + m R v R2
mB (0.005 kg)(300 m/s)
v Rx = - v Bx = - = - 0.5 m/s
mR 3.0 kg
The negative sign means that the recoil is in the direction opposite to that of the bullet.
The final momenta and kinetic energies are
pBx = mBvBx = (0.00500 kg)(300 m/s) = 1.50 kg.m/s
1 1
K B = m B v 2Bx = ( 0.005kg )( 300m/s ) = 225J

2 2
pRx = mRvRx = (3.00 kg)(-0.50 m/s) = -1.50 kg.m/s
1 1
= ( 3.0kg )( - 0.5m/s ) = 0.375J
K R = m R v Rx2

2 2
Example 8.9:

A 1000-kg car travelling north at 15m/s collides with a 2000-kg truck travelling east at 10m/s. The
occupants, wearing seat belts, are uninjured, but the two vehicles move away from the impact point
as one. The insurance adjustor asks you to find the velocity of the wreckage just after impact. What
is your answer?

The components of are the components of are

Px = pCx + pTx = mCvCx + mTvTx = = (1000 kg)(0) + (2000 kg)(10 m/s) = 2 x 104 kg.m/s
Py = pCy + pTy = mCvCy + mTvTy = = (1000 kg)(15m/s) + (2000 kg)(0) = 1.5 x 104 kg.m/s
The magnitude of P is
( 2 x 10 kg.m/s ) + (1.5 x 10 kg.m/s )
2 2
P= 4 4
= 2.5 x 104 kg.m/s
The direction P is given by
Py 1.5 x 104 kg.m/s
tanθ = = = 0.75  θ = 370
Px 2 x 104 kg.m/s
Again, P = M V
P 2.5 x 104 kg.m/s
V= = = 8.3 m/s
M 3000kg

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Chapter 8 Momentum, Impulse and Collisions

Solution to the Assignment Problems: 8.5, 8.18, 8.33, 8.47,

Exercise: 8.5:
One 110-kg football lineman is running to the right at 2.75m/s while another 125-kg lineman is
running directly toward him at 2.60 m/s. What are (a) the magnitude and direction of the net
momentum of these two athletes, and (b) their total kinetic energy?
Mass of lineman A = 110 kg
Mass of lineman B = 125 kg
vAx= 2.75 m/s and vBx = −2.60 m/s.
(a) Px = mAvAx + mBvBx = (110 kg)(2.75 m/s) + (125 kg)(−2.60 m/s) = −22.5 kg.m/s.
The net momentum has magnitude 22.5 kg.m/s and is directed to the left.
1 1 1 1
(b) K = m A v A2 + m B v B2 = (110kg )( 2.75m/s ) + (125kg )( 2.60m/s ) = 8.38J
2 2

2 2 2 2
Exercise: 8.18:

A 68.5-kg astronaut is doing a repair in space on the orbiting space station. She throws a 2.25-kg
tool away from her at 3.20 m/s relative to the space station. With what speed and in what direction
will she begin to move?

Let A be the astronaut and B be the tool.

Let +x be the direction in which she throws the tool, so
Let the astronaut is initially at rest, so vA1x = vB1x= 0
vB2x = +3.20 m/s.
Applying conservation of momentum to the system of the astronaut and tool we get
Total momentum before collision = Total momentum after collision
mAvA1x + mBvB1x = mAvA2x + mBvB2x
 0 + 0 = mAvA2x + mBvB2x
 mAvA2x = - mBvB2x
m v (2.25 kg)(3.20 m/s)
 v A2x = - B B2x = - = - 0.105 m/s
mA 68.5 kg
Her speed is 0.105 m/s and she moves opposite to the direction in which she throws the tool.
Astronaut’s mass is much larger than that of the tool, so to have the same magnitude of momentum
as the tool her speed is much less.

Exercise: 8.33:
A 15.0-kg fish swimming at 1.10 m/s suddenly gobbles up a 4.50-kg fish that is initially stationary.
Neglect any drag effects of the water. (a) Find the speed of the large fish just after it eats the small
one. (b) How much mechanical energy was dissipated during this meal?
Since drag effects are neglected there is no net external force on the system of two fish. So the
momentum of the system is conserved.

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Chapter 8 Momentum, Impulse and Collisions

Mass of fish A = 15.0 kg, Mass of fish B = 4.50 kg

Let +x be the initial direction the fish A
vA1x =1.10 m/s and vB1x = 0.
After the collision the two objects are combined and move with velocity v2.
( Total momentum )before collision = ( Total momentum )after collision
( pA + pB )before collision = ( pA + pB )after collision
m A v A1x + m B v B1x = m A + m B v 2x )
m A v A1x + 0 = m A + m B v 2x )
 v2x =
mA vA1x
(15.0 kg ) (1.10 m/s ) = 0.846 m/s.
mA + mB 15.0 kg + 4.5 kg

1 1 1
( K.E )before collision = m A v 2A1 + 0 = m A v 2A1 = (15kg )(1.10m/s ) = 9.08J
K1 =
2 2 2
( 1
( K.E )after collision = K 2 = mA + mB v22 = (19.5kg )( 0.846 m/s ) = 6.98J
2 2

Mechanical energy dissipated = K1 − K2 = 9.08 J – 6.98 J = 2.10 J

The total kinetic energy always decreases in a collision where the two objects become combined.

Exercise: 8.47:

A 0.15 kg glider is moving to the right on a frictionless,

horizontal air track with a speed of 0.8m/s. It has a head-on
collision with a 0.3 kg glider that is moving to the left with a
speed of 2.2m/s. Find the final velocity (magnitude and
direction) of each glider if the collision is elastic.

From conservation of x-component of momentum:
mAvA1x + mBvB1x = mAvA2x + mBvB2x
mAvA1 − mBvB1 = mAvA2x + mBvB2x
(0.15 kg)(0.8 m/s) − (0.3 kg)(2.2 m/s) = (0.15 kg)vA2x + (0.3 kg)vB2x
- 0.54 = (0.15 kg)vA2x + (0.3 kg)vB2x
-3.6 = vA2x + 2vB2x ---------------------------------------(1)
From the relative velocity equation for an elastic collision
vB2x − vA2x = − (vB1x − vA1x ) = − (−2.2 m/s − 0.8 m/s) = 3 m/s
3 m/s = vB2x − vA2x ---------------------------------------(2)
Solving equations (1) and (2) we get,
vB2x = −0.20 m/s. and vA2x = 23.2 m/s.
The 0.15 kg glider is moving to the left at 3.2 m/s
The 0.3 kg glider is moving to the left at 0.2 m/s.

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Chapter 8 Momentum, Impulse and Collisions

1 1  mp 1
K tot = m e v e2 + m p v p2  K tot =  + 1 m p v p2
2 2  me 2
 mp  Kp
 K tot =  + 1 K p  1 = 1836 + 1
 me  K tot
1 Kp Kp 1
 =  = = 5.44 x 10-4 = 0.0544 %
1837 K tot K tot 1837

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