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This action research and study deals with ―Critical Thinking Skills among Senior

High School Students and Its Effect in their Academic Performance. The Luis – Fe

Gomez (LFG) Diamantina National High School Senior High School is one of the key

arenas in developing the cognitive and personality of the students with a total population

of 93 students, 7 teachers and 1 staff. One of the main goals of the school is to promote

give and take relationships. The learner performance remains to be the top priority for

educator, for it will make a change or difference in the life of the learners either in the

local, national or global stage. This is the very reason educators continue to explore

variables that will contribute effectively for the quality performance of the learner’s

particularly in academic and character. Academic Performance is one of the 21st

century education skills required in the Senior High School level students and a

particularly with high impact of importance in the field of outcomes-based education.

Training skills related to attributions and academic performance is so important that

some scholars called it the main objective of education and experience. Pearson-R

Correlation will be used in the study to compare the critical thinking skills and the

academic performance among the selected respondents in the Senior High School. The

Department of education (DepEd) emphasizes the importance of developing critical

thinking skills in the educational curriculum. Critical thinking is valued as a vital skill to

help student analyze information, solve problems, and make informed decisions. DepEd

aims to promote higher order thinking skills through its curriculum and teaching methods

to prepare students for challenges in the modern world. However, the specific approach

and initiatives may vary over time and across different regions, so it’s essential to check

with the latest DepEd guidelines and programs for the most up to date information on

their view of critical thinking various educational levels.

Department of Education wants to build not just mere students but they want to produce

students who possess the characteristics of a critical thinker. The institution of

education must recognize its responsibility to teach students to think critically which is

vital for the learners to negotiate decisions humanely and intelligently in an ever –

changing world. This must be the foremost objective of all educators across education

levels (elementary, secondary, tertiary) regardless of the discipline(s) they are into, as

business education teachers must inculcate in their minds that the be-all and end-all of

education is to equip the learners not just with theoretical knowledge which may soon

be obsolete but with the ability to think critically to be functional and competitive in a

rapidly changing global society. ―Although the word 'critical' is sometimes used in a

negative sense, the conception of critical thinking is not negative. Also, it does not treat

critical thought as persuasion, but critical thought will, we hope, often be persuasive.

Critical thinking includes the component skills of analyzing arguments, making

inferences using inductive or deductive reasoning, judging or evaluating, and making

decisions or solving problems. Background knowledge is a necessary but not a

sufficient condition for enabling critical thought within a given subject. Critical thinking

involves both cognitive skills and dispositions. These dispositions, which can be seen as

attitudes or habits of mind, include open- and fair-mindedness, inquisitiveness,

flexibility, a propensity to seek reason, a desire to be well- informed, and a respect for

and willingness to entertain diverse viewpoints. There are both general- and domain-

specific aspects of critical thinking. Empirical research suggests that people begin

developing critical thinking competencies at a very young age. Although adults often

exhibit deficient reasoning, in theory all people can be taught to think critically.

Instructors are urged to provide explicit instruction in critical thinking, to teach how to

transfer to new contexts, and to use cooperative or collaborative learning methods and

constructive approaches that place students at the center of the learning process. In

constructing assessments of critical thinking, educators should use open-ended tasks,

real-world or “authentic” problem contexts, and ill-structured problems that require

students to go beyond recalling or restating previously learned information. Such tasks

should have more than one defensible solution and embed adequate collateral

materials to support multiple perspectives. Finally, such assessment tasks should make

student reasoning visible by requiring students to provide evide nce or logical arguments

in support of judgments, choices, claims, or assertions.


1. What are the profile of the respondent in terms of?

a. age

b. gender

2. What is the Academic Performance of Senior High School Students in Victor Bernal

High School?

3. What is the student level of critical thinking?

4. What strategies are needed to improve Critical Thinking Skills?


The research will be conducted in Victor Bernal High School, and the

participants will be 105 Senior High School Students enrolled in Victor Bernal High

School S/y 2023-2024. This research aims to provide insights on the importance of

critical thinking skills development and academic performance and how it can be

developed and improve among Senior High School Students. The findings can be

useful to educators and policymakers in devising effective strategies and interventions

to improve student's academic performance through critical thinking development.


This research study will be beneficial to the following individuals:


Critical thinking is crucial for researchers as it enables them to analyze information

objectivity, identify biases, evaluate evidence, and draw well-informed conclusion. This

skill helps researchers to navigate complex data, question assumption, and contribute

to the advancement of knowledge with a rigorous and thoughtful approach.


Critical thinking is an essential skill for school administrations as it enables them

to make informed and reasoned decisions. In the context of school administration,

relationships can play significant roles in proving critical thinking. Relationships are

important aspects of providing critical thinking in school administration. By

understanding the relationship between data points, stakeholders, and policies,

administrators can make informed decisions that benefit their school and communities.


Critical thinking skills are highly important for teacher as they can have a

significant impact on the quality of their teaching and their student's learning outcomes.

Critical thinking is a crucial skill for teachers that can lead to improved teaching

effectiveness, better student's outcome, and a more engaging and inclusive learning



Critical thinking is a valuable skill for students to develop as it enables them to

analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information. Critical thinking is a crucial skill for

students to develop, as it can benefit them in both their academic and personal lives. It

can help them become more effective problem solvers, decision makers, and efficient



Critical thinking is crucial for senior high school students as it helps them analyze

information, solve problems, and make informed decision. It fosters independent

thought, enhances problem-solving skills, and prepares students for higher education

and real-word challenges. Developing critical thinking skills empowers students to

navigate complex situation, think creatively, and approach learning with a more

analytical mindset.


The result of critical thinking skills is essential for researchers as they enable

them to analyze and evaluate information, identify assumption, and make informed

decisions. With these, future researcher's conduct's research with integrity, accuracy,

and innovation.


Parental assessment on the critical thinking ability developments of learners is

essential to navigate the complex challenges of parenting and help their children grow

into independent and successful adults.


The following terms to be used in the study are operationally defined for ease of

understanding the research paper.


Measures the general academic progress and achievements of students across

various academic subjects. In our study Academic performance is a measurable

outcomes of a student’s educational activities, often expressed though grades, test

scores, and overall achievements in academic task


Objective questioning, analyzation, interpretation and evaluation of a certain

subject or issue in order to form reasoned and well- established judgments. In our study

Critical Thinking is a process of thinking of someone to think critically for a given



A process that creates growth, progress, positive change of the addition physical,

economic, environmental, social and demographic backgrounds of a person or groups.

In our study Development is refers to the progressive improvement of individual who

can do effective problem solving.


Can also be coined as the result of an act, either positive or negative it is. In our

study the term Effect is an observable and often measurable change or outcome

resulting from a particular action, event or situation.


The state or level of progression of something. In our study the term Level is a

specific position and stage of thinking.


Special ability or expertise of a person that can be acquired by doing some things

repeatedly also something that is learned with and through efforts. In our study the term

Skills is a demonstrable and learned abilities or expertise in performing specific task

though thinking.


Review of related Studies and Literature

This part discusses the literature and studies that have bearing, linkage and

relevance with the proposed study. This done for the purpose of having better view and

conceptualization of methodology and procedure for the next chapter, to draw the

synthesis of the state of the art and to fill in the gap that shall be contributed by the

proposed study to the field of knowledge.

The reviews and significant findings that were noted are categorized and

presented as follows: academic performance, critical thinking skills and development of


critical thinking to academic performance. This part also present's the theoretical

paradigm and conceptual paradigm of the study, synthesis of the state of the art and

gap bridged by the study.

Related Literature

According to the study of Liz Jackson (2016) he examined this curriculum

guides as well as related policy documents regarding what sort of citizens recent

educational reforms intend to develop. This analysis investigates whether and how the

k-12 education of the Philippines caters to a globalization from below rather than

globalization from above given a national context where facilitating dialogue and social

justice is essential to ameliorate social inequalities.

In this study, the present study focused on the critical thinking skills of senior high

school respond students, while previous study is focused on K-12 curriculum.

At it is known, critical thinking in solving problems and finding solution is

indispensable to the learning of Civic Education for students as prospective teachers

(Ige 2019).

Moreover, at this time, digital students are challenged with a lot of information

that can trap them in the flow of incorrect information (hoax); therefore, students must

be critical and selective to the information available. To break down the problem of

student’s critical thinking ability, certainly not part from educational college institutions,

which are the right to address this challenge, namely applying learning through content

and touching the realm of thinking skills (Sapriya, 2008)

Critical thinking is best experienced as a social learning process, which is

important to the learning of Civic Education, which is oriented toward society. This

critical thinking ability is also necessary for students to participate in political and

community life (Karim, 2009)

Related Study

One study by Mahanal (2019) investigated the effectiveness of the RICOSRE

learning model in developing critical thinking skills among students with different

academic abilities. The study found that the RICOSRE model was successful in closing

the critical thinking skills gap between high and low ability students. The researchers

collected data using an essay test to asses’ student's critical thinking skills and analyzed

the results using ANCOVA. The findings indicate that there was significant difference in

critical thinking skills between students who were taught using the RICOSRE model and

those received convention.

The interrelation between first-year collage student's critical thinking dispositions,

perceived academic control played a significant role in developing a disposition for

critical thinking and had a stronger impact on student's GPAs than critical thinking

disposition itself. The study used a longitudinal design and the cross-lag structural

equation model to analyze the reciprocal effects between critical thinking disposition

and perceived academic control. The findings suggested that students perceived

academic control predicted their subsequent critical thinking disposition, and vice versa.

This study highlights the importance of fostering a sense of control and autonomy in


Academic pursuits to enhance their critical thinking skills and academic performance.

Stupnisky (2008)

Wicasana (2020) conducted a study on the use of critical thinking aspects in

module to enhance student's academic achievement. The researchers used analysis of

covariance (ANCOVA) to analyze pre-test and post-test data, with the pre-test scores

serving as a covariate. The study demonstrated that incorporating critical thinking

aspects into instructional modules positively influenced student's academic


The papers collectively suggest that there is a relationship between critical

thinking level and academic performance of senior high school students. Ramos (2018)

found that there is a significant correlation between critical thinking skills and academic

performance of senior high school students. Fadillah (2023) also found that student’s

critical thinking skills were in the low to medium category, indicating room for

improvement. Additionally, Zuluaga (2020) emphasized the importance of developing

critical thinking skills in higher education students to enhance their argumentative

capacity. However, Jin-me (2015) focused more on the neglect of critical thinking in

English reading teaching in Chinese senior high schools.


Research aims to measure critical thinking level which will help students in Victor

Bernal High School.

In input, introduces the title and stated the related data in critical thinking level,

questionnaire, statistical tool, review of related literature and studies.


In the process, researchers analyzed the result and data on the survey, recorded

the profile of the respondents based on their age, gender, grade level and specialization

during Senior High School after which researchers evaluated the perception of the


After the input and output, researchers made an output which is the critical

thinking level and academic performance of senior high school in VBHS


CRITICAL THINKING Analyzing the result

LEVEL AND and data on the CRITICAL
Questionnaire Grade and section STUDENTS IN
Statistical tool Evaluating the VICTOR BERNAL
Review of related HIGH SCHOOL
perception of the
literature in studies

Figure 1

Conceptual Paradigm


Theory of (Johnson-Laird 1983 & Johnson-Liard & Byrne 1991) Theories of

reasoning according to which people present information about a problem of situation

by men of mental models of alternative possibilities, evaluate the models in the light of

relevant background knowledge, update the models by adding new information as it

becomes available, revise model to resolve internal inconsistencies, and draw

conclusions by inspecting the surviving possibilities.

At the intermediate level, mental models are embedded within a layer of critical

questioning which motivates the generation and evaluation of possibilities. Critical

questioning may take place within a single mind among different individuals but is

evaluated by reference to norms for conducting the appropriate kinds of critical

dialogue. Dialogue types are differentiated by the purposes they serve, by the types of

challenges that are permitted to the opponent, and the scope of the permitted

responses by the proponent. At this level of analysis, errors occur when cognizes fail to

ask or answer questions associated with the appropriate argumentation scheme, use

argumentation schemes that obstruct the dialogue, or inappropriately shift from one

dialogue type to another (Walton, 1998).

Theory of (Krabbe 1995). Critical discussion in which a proponent must defend a

claim against challenges of various kinds by an opponent or critic.

Theories of (Simon 1997 & Smith 1991). Cognitive mechanisms and processes

involved in belief information and decision making, which vary in their reliability or their

association with proficient performance in a domain.






(1997) AND SMITH (1977) AND KRABBE
(1991) (1995)

Theoretical Paradigm Figure 2



Research Methodology

This chapter of the research leads to used methodological procedures by which

pertinent data in presented research problems were gathered. It presents and

elaborates the research design, sampling technique and the statistical treatment of data

as well as data gathering procedure.

Research Design

The researchers followed the descriptive research design, the administrated

survey questionnaire for the respondent which are the 105 Senior High School Students

of VBPHS will be determine the Level of Critical Thinking Skills, so that the researchers

are able to comprehensively state the topic. Descriptive is a cited as a method of

collecting data for the purpose to describe the status of an identified variable such as

events, people, and subject. The researchers had gathered the data by using survey


Respondent of the Study

The researchers have chosen the 105 students from total population of Senior

High School Students as the respondent of the study.


Sampling Technique

The sampling technique that was used to conduct the survey is under the Simple

Random. This sampling technique will help the researchers randomly selected the

respondent because of their convenience and purpose.

Research Instrument

The research instrument that was used to gathered and utilized data from the

selected respondent of the study was in the form of a survey questionnaire because it is

suitable for the population.

Statistical Treatment of the Data

After getting the participants responses, the researcher is able to interpret the data

using the Slovin’s Formula. This is used to calculate the sample size (n) and a margin of

error (e). It is computed as n= N / (1+Ne2). Slovin’s formula is a sample taken from

population, a formula is used to take into account confidence levels and margins of error

n N
1+ N e ²


n= sample

N=total population

e²=margin of error preferred


Percentile Formula

n=(P/100) x

Where P= Percentile

N= Number of Values in Data set

n= Ordinal Rank of Given Values

The tabulated data will be treated with the use of weighted mean


∑ f x ¿N¿


X= Weighted Mean

Σ f x= the sum of all the products

f = the sum of all the respondents



This chapter focuses on the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data

gathered to answer the problem sought to study.

Data in this chapter were taken from the result of questionnaire checklist given to

the 105 Senior High School Students of Victor Bernal High School as respondent.

Result we’re tailed, tabulated, computed, and visualized in graphs and statistically

analysis to come up with the conclusions and recommendations.

The data below were presented in textual presentation, graphical and in tabular


The discussion we based on the specific questions outlined as follows; (1) what is the

profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender. (2) What is the Academic

Performance of Senior High School Students in Victor Bernal High School? (3) What is

the student level of critical thinking? (4) What strategies are needed to improve critical

thinking skills?

Table 1

Age of the Respondents



16 30 28.5% 2

17 44 41.9% 1

18 26 24.7% 3

19 5 4.7% 4

OTHERS 0 0% 5

According to Table 1 considering the age of respondents, out of 105

respondents, 30 or 28.5% of the respondents are 16 years old and 44 or 41.9 % of the

respondents are 17 years old and 26 or 24.7% of the respondents has the age of 18

answered the questionnaire, 5 or 4.7% of the respondents are 19 years old and no one

and 0% answered others. This table implies that most of the respondent has the age of

17 years old.

Table 2

Gender of the Respondents



Male 45 42.8 % 2

Female 60 57.1 % 1

Table 2 shows that respondents who responded to our questionnaires. Out of

the 105 responded, 45 or 42.8% of the students are male and 60 or 57.1% of the

students are female. This analysis implies that most of the respondents are female

under the study responded to the questionnaire than males. This implies that female

respondents are many as compared to male.




80 Below 1 0.9% 6

81-83 8 7.6% 4

84-86 23 21.9% 3

87-89 36 34.2% 1

90-92 30 28.5% 2

93-95 7 6.6% 5

Table 3 shows the academic performance of senior high school in Victor Bernal

High School. Out of 105 respondents, 1 or 0.9% students answered 80 below graded

average, 8 or 7.6% of the respondents has 81-83 grades, 23 or 21.9% students belong

to 84-86, 36 or 34.2% respondents answered 87-89 ratings, 28.5% or 30 respondents

are belonging to 90-92 ratings and 7 or 6.6% respondents has 93-95 graded average.

This table shows majority of the respondents has the grade of 87-92.


4 3.50-4.00 STRONGLY AGREE

3 2.50-3.49 AGREE

2 1.50-2.49 DISAGREE


Table 4

. Students Level of Critical Thinking

Factors Affecting Critical Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

Thinking Skills

Making Decisions 3.19 Agree


Multiple Perspective 3.06 Agree

Confidence 3.20 Agree

Effective Problem Solver 2.95 Agree

Breaking Down Problems 3.14 Agree

Evaluate Evidence 3.03 Agree

Using Analysis and Evaluation 3.17 Agree


Considering Various View Points 3.06 Agree

Table 4 shows the Critical Thinking Level of Students wherein, respondent reveal

that they AGREE with these factors such as: Making Decisions (3.19), Multiple

Perspective (3.06), and Confidence (3.20), Effective Problem Solver (2.95), Breaking

down Problems (3.14), Evaluate Evidence (3.03), Using Analysis and Evaluation Skills

(3.17), and Considering Various View Points (3.06). This table shows all of the

respondents are agree to the factors affecting critical thinking skills.

Table 5


Strategies Weighted Mean Visual Interpretation

Be a continuous learner. 3.56 Strongly Agree


Make the right decision for the 3.42 Agree


Listen and consider unconventional 3.37 Agree


Avoid analysis paralysis 3.17 Agree

Analyze yourself 3.48 Agree

Table 5 shows the Strategies of Critical Thinking Level wherein, respondents

reveal that they STRONGLY AGREE with these strategies such as: Be a continuous

learner (3.56).

Respondents also reveal that they AGREE that strategies needed to improve

critical thinking skills, the strategy make the right decision for the majority (3.42), Listen

and consider unconventional options (3.37), Avoid analysis paralysis (3.17), and

analyze yourself (3.48). This table implies that most of the respondents are agree to the

strategies mention above.




This chapter present the summary, findings, conclusion, and recommendation.

The study aims to identify the critical thinking level of senior high school students.


The researchers would like to find out the critical thinking level and academic

performance of senior high school students in Victor Bernal High School for school year

2023-2024. The study focused on seeking answer to this question: (1) What is the

profile of the respondents in terms of a) Age; b) Gender; (2) What is the academic

performance of senior high school students in Victor Bernal High School (3) What is the

student’s level of critical thinking (4) What strategies are needed to improve critical

thinking skill of the respondents.

The subject of this study were the senior high school students of Victor Bernal

High School. The respondents of this study where 105 purposively selected out of the

315 students from the total population of senior high school.


The following was the result of the study.

Critical Thinking Level is a cognitive skill on how students think critically on how

they solved problems effectively.


1. Students profile

a) AGE. Based on the assessments, the respondents of the study in terms of

age. Out of 105 respondents, 30 of the respondents are 16 years old and 44 of the

respondents are 17 years old, 26 of them has the age of 18 years old and 5 of the

respondents are 19 years old.

b) GENDER. Out of One Hundred Five (105) respondents from senior high

school students in Victor Bernal High School fourty five (45) of the respondents of the

students in Victor Bernal High School are male, and Sixty (60) respondents are female,

total of 105 respondents from total population of 315 senior high school students.

2. Academic Performance of Senior High School Students in Victor Bernal High

School. Out of One Hundred Five (105) respondents, 1 of the respondents belong to 80

below, 8 students are 81-83, students have grade of 84-86, 36 of the respondents has

87-89 grade and 30 of the students has 90-92 average, lastly the 7 respondents have

93-95 total average of their first quarter.

3. Students Level of Critical Thinking. Out of 105 respondents, they reveal that they

Agree with these factors such as; Making Decisions (3.19), Multiple Perspective (3.06),

Confidence (3.20), Effective Problem Solver (2.95), Breaking Down Problems (3.14),

Evaluate Evidence (3.03), Using Analysis and Evaluation Skills (3.17), and lastly

Considering Various View Point (3.06).

4. Strategies to Improve Critical Thinking Skills. The researchers found out that the

best suggestions to improve Critical Thinking Skills of Senior High School Students in

Victor Bernal High School. The first is the “Be a continuous listener “The second one is

“Make the right decisions for the majority “, the third one is “Analyze yourself and “Listen

and considered unconventional options “and lastly “Avoid analysis paralysis “.


Based on the findings the following are the conclusions:

1. Critical Thinking Level of Senior High School Students have a factor affecting the

academic performance.

2. The Academic Performance of Senior High School Students where majority of the

students has a average of 87 to 92 general average. This means that the factor stated

are somehow affecting their academic performance.

3. The Students of Critical Thinking of Senior High School Students were rated Agree.

This means that the factors stated are affecting them.

4. The strategies to improve the Critical Thinking Level of the students that got the

highest response from the respondents is “Be a continuous learner “.


Based on the findings and conclusions the following recommendations are


1. Students should be comfortable with making decision.


2. Students should be open to consider multiple perspective when solving a problem.

3. Be confidence with critical thinking abilities

4. Be an effective problem solver.

5. Break down problems step by step, identify key factors, and analyze each part to fully

understand before finding solutions.

6. Question your sources, consider different views, and critically evaluate evidence

before forming.

7. Actively get input from different sources, encourage open discussions, and consider

various viewpoints when problems.


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