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The MCQ questions for assignment 2 are based on your undergraduate knowledge as well as

lesson 1 and 2 of IOP4861. The questions were randomised, so your questions might not have
been in this order. Please work through the answers and you are welcome to email the lecturers
if you are struggling to understand what we expected.

In an assessment session, the psychometrist needs to be fair to all the test-takers. What can
be done to ensure that there are no variables that adversely impact the results of the test
A) Ensure that the correct scoring sheet is used, so that the scoring is error-free and objective
B) Standardise the way the test takers are tested by ensuring that they are all equally
prepared for the session and by following the exact same instructions, time limits, and
logistical arrangements during the session
C) Ensure that all shift workers are given extra time to account for the impact that their fatigue
may have on their ability to perform at their best
D) Apply the relevant norms when scoring the test-taker’s responses namely gender and age-
appropriate South African norms
E) Provide older test-takers more frequent and longer breaks than those in less vulnerable
age categories
Moerdyk (2015) Chapter 9 section 9.2 Important standardisation procedures

How can a psychometrist ensure that the best psychological instrument is chosen to assess
in the fairest way?
A) Follow the psychological assessment policy and employment equity plan of the company
B) Ensure that the psychometrist is properly trained in the chosen instruments and uses
only instruments that are validated for the purpose and target group
C) Understand the instructions and build rapport with all the test-takers when conducting the
D) Update knowledge of item response theory and how the tests are scored
E) Reflect on your own prejudice and lack of training on the instruments used, after the
Moerdyk (2015) Chapter 9 Section 9.3.1 The choice of techniques

When was clause (d) of the Employment Equity Act (Act 55 of 1998) declared null and void?
A) 1974
B) Act 56
C) 2017
D) 2014
E) 2021
Lesson 2
The EEA is discussed in detail in Foxcroft and Roodt (2018) Section

Employment legislation regulates psychological assessments and does not include the
A) Health Professions Act (Act 56 of 1974)
B) Bill of Rights
C) Labour Relations Act (Act 66 of 1995)
D) Employment Equity Act (55 of 1998)
Moerdyk (2015) Chapter 9 Section 9.5.1
Foxcroft and Roodt (2018) Chapter 8
In which legislative or professional directive will you find confirmation that discrimination is
fair when aligned with the affirmative action policy?
A) Health Professions Act (Act 56 of 1974)
B) Skills Development Act
C) Employment Equity Act (Act 55 of 1998)
D) SIOPSA Code of Ethics
E) Ethical Guidelines of the Assessment Centre Study Group (ACSG)
Moerdyk (2015) Chapter 9 Section 9.5.1
Laher and Cockroft (2013) Chapter 28 Anti-discrimination legislation

It is not unfair discrimination when_

A) The assessment has been scientifically shown to be valid and reliable
B) The assessment is based on the inherent requirements of the job
C) The assessment can be applied fairly to all employees
D) The assessment is not biased against any employee or group
E) The assessment has been certified by the HPCSA
Lesson 2
Moerdyk (2015) Chapter 9
Foxcroft and Roodt (2018) Section

Professional legislation controls the psychological practice in South Africa and includes the
A) Health Professions Act (Act 56 of 1974)
B) Bill of Rights
C) Labour Relations Act (Act 66 of 1995)
D) Employment Equity Act (55 of 1998)
Lesson 2
Moerdyk (2015) Chapter 9 Section 9.5.1

Professional legislation regulates the psychological practice and does not include the
A) Health Professions Act (Act 56 of 1974)
B) Board of Psychology
C) The International Test Commission
D) Assessment Standards of South Africa
E) Children's Act (Act 38 of 2005)
Lesson 2 Employment legislation
Moerdyk (2015) Chapter 9 and lesson 2

What can be done to ensure that the assessment process is standardised?

A) Only registered psychometric instruments are to be used and the assessment must be done
in a venue with good lighting and adequate ventilation
B) Correct interpretation of results and feedback must be given with appropriate empathy
and respect
C) Ensure that all test-takers understand what is expected of them and what their results are
going to be used for
D) Establish rapport with all the test takers
E) All aspects in the assessment process need to be the same for all test-takers, before as
well as during the assessment and afterward when the tests are scored
Moerdyk (2015) Chapter 9 section 9.2 Important standardisation procedures

After scoring, test results should be interpreted and appropriately managed. To do so, the
assessor should ensure the following:
A) choose an appropriate norm group, give honest feedback by discussing the raw scores with
the test-taker and store all test results securely
B) an appropriate norm group was used, and feedback was given on normed scores whilst
maintaining the test-takers self-esteem
C) application of an appropriate norm group while giving feedback in a generic, yet positive
manner and securely storing results to ensure confidentiality
D) the assessor should be sensitive to choosing the relevant feedback for the organisation
and the test-taker
E) application of a normative approach and focused normative feedback to management
who paid for the report and securely storing results to ensure informed consent
Moerdyk (2015) Chapter 9 Section 9.3

Which are not a right of the test takers?

A) Their right to receive a practice test before the assessment session
B) Their right to know why and how they are to be assessed
C) The right to sleep and eat before being tested
D) The right to receive stationery to complete the assessment
E) The right to freedom of speech
Moerdyk (2015) Chapter 9 Section 9.4

It is not unfair discrimination when_

A) The assessment has been scientifically shown to be valid and reliable
B) The assessment can be applied fairly to all employees
C) The assessment is not biased against any employee or group
D) The assessment has been certified by the HPCSA
E) Affirmative action is applied
Lesson 2
Moerdyk (2015) Chapter 9, section 9.5.1

Which of the following objectives does not form an essential part of the mandate and
professional functioning of the Assessment Centre Study Group in South Africa (ACSG)?
A) Ensuring that assessment center practices are applied in an ethical and professional
manner by its users
B) Ensuring that the application of assessment center techniques in Southern Africa remains
internationally relevant
C) Identification and regulation of unethical assessment centre practices and related
problem areas
D) The promotion of the professional use of the assessment centre techniques
E) Facilitating experience and skills transfer and development of assessment centre
methodology and methods
Lesson 2 provides information on the ACSG and the link to their website

Indicate the interest group that enhances the Industrial and Organisational Psychology
profession in South Africa.
Lesson 2 provides information on the interest groups and the link to their websites

Which interest group was not mainly established for Industrial and Organisational Psychology
and psychological assessments?
Lesson 2 provides information on the interest groups and the link to their websites

People Assessment in Industry (PAI) is an interest group formed within SIOPSA who _
A) do assessments in organisations
B) develop new psychological instruments
C) have a vested interest in psychological assessment in South Africa
D) standardise newly developed instruments
E) present conferences
Lesson 2 provides information on the interest groups and the link to their websites
The promulgation of clause (d) of the Employment Equity Act (Act 55 of 1998) resulted in an
urgent need for test certification and the Assessment Standards South Africa (ASSA) group
was established to
A) form an independent, non-profit organisation
B) develop psychological instruments that adhere to legislative requirements
C) standardise psychological instruments and the assessment process
D) consider the development of assessment standards and provide a platform for public
reviews of tests and the certification of tests
E) provide norm tables for all the diverse groups in South Africa
Lesson 2 provides information on ASSA and the link to their website

The following group was founded to promote and preserve the general welfare of testing and
assessment and its value to society in all its forms and uses:
A) People Assessment in Industry (PAI)
B) Association of Test Publishers (ATP)
C) International Test Commission (ITC)
D) Society of Industrial and Organisational Psychology of South Africa (SIOPSA)
E) Assessment Centre Study Group (ACSG)
Lesson 2 provides information on the ATP and the link to their website

What are the role and functions of the Board of Psychology when it comes to using
psychological assessment in the workplace?
A) To continuously revise the qualification standards of psychologists and psychometrists
B) To control the training of psychologists and psychometrists as well as the use of tests by
determining standards for education and training and setting standards for excellence and
ethical and professional practice relevant to psychological assessment
C) To govern the registration of psychologists with the HPCSA in different classification
categories such as among others a psychological assessment psychologist
D) To keep a specialist register for all professionals who are suitably qualified to do
psychological assessments in the workplace
E) To classify tests and register people with the relevant assessment knowledge as
psychologists or psychometrists
Moerdyk (2015) Chapter 9 Section 9.5 – Statutory Control, South Africa.

In which legislative or professional directive will you find the stipulation that the assessment
of psychological constructs constitutes a psychological Act and that psychological assessors,
therefore, need to adhere to the required qualification and training requirements to conduct
the psychological assessment?
A) Health Professions Act (Act 56 of 1974)
B) Skills Development Act
C) Employment Equity Act (Act 55 of 1998)
D) SIOPSA Code of Ethics
E) Ethical Guidelines of the Assessment Centre Study Group (ACSG)
Moerdyk (2015) Chapter 9, Section 9.5.1

Indicate the statutory body that currently regulates all psychological activities in South Africa.
Lesson 2 provides information on the statutory bodies and the link to their website

Which of the following registration categories does not allow you to practice psychological
assessment in South Africa?
A) Clinical Psychologist
B) Industrial Psychologist
C) Psychological Assessor
D) Psychometrist
E) Educational Psychologist
Moerdyk (2015) Chapter 9 Section 9.5.1

Registered psychometrists may not do the following:

A) administer and report on certain tests
B) practice as a counsellor
C) administer and report on clinical diagnostic and projective tests
D) contribute to the development of psychological instruments
E) participate in the policy development in respect of psychological assessments
HPCSA Scope of practice of psychometrists
Foxcroft and Roodt (2018) Chapter 8 Section 8.2.2.

The following does not fall within the scope of practice of psychometrists:
A) identifying clients requiring more sophisticated or advanced psychological assessment and
referring them to appropriate registered professionals
B) participating in the design, management, and evaluation of psychological assessment
procedures in diverse settings, and organizations including but not limited to health,
education, labour, and correctional services
C) participating in or conducting needs analysis regarding psychological assessment in diverse
settings and organizations
D) conducting psychological practice and research in accordance with the Ethical Rules of
Conduct for Practitioners registered under the Health Professions Act, 1974.
E) conducting neuropsychological assessments in diverse settings and organizations and
providing feedback to clients
HPCSA Scope of practice of psychometrists
Foxcroft and Roodt (2018) Chapter 8 Section 8.2.2.

The following falls within the scope of practice of psychometrists:

A) use psychological instruments for selection and development purposes
B) use psychological instruments for the diagnoses of psychopathology
C) use neuropsychological instruments
D) use forensic assessments or any other form of specialist assessment
E) use personality measures such as the TAT, CAT, and Rorschach
HPCSA Scope of practice of psychometrists
Foxcroft and Roodt (2018) Chapter 8 Section 8.2.2.

Which of the following are the training requirements to register as a psychometrist?

A) B. Com degree, internship, and 70% in Board examination
B) B. Psych/equivalent degree, 12-month practicum, and 70% in National Examination for the
Professional Board for Psychology
C) B. Psych/equivalent degree, 6-month practicum, and 70% in National Examination for
the Professional Board for Psychology
D) B. Psych/equivalent degree, 12-month practicum, and 70% in National Examination for the
Professional Board for Psychology
Lesson 2
Moerdyk chapter 9, section 9.5.1

Which of the following are the training requirements to register as a psychologist?

A) B. Com degree, internship, and 70% in Board examination
B) B. Psych/equivalent degree, 12-month practicum, and 70% in National Examination for the
Professional Board for Psychology
C) B. Psych/equivalent degree, 6-month practicum, and 70% in National Examination for the
Professional Board for Psychology
D) B. Psych/equivalent degree, 12-month practicum, and 50% in National Examination for the
Professional Board for Psychology
E) Relevant Master’s degree, 12-month internship, and 70% National Examination for the
Professional Board for Psychology
Lesson 2
Moerdyk chapter 9, section 9.5.1

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