13 Feb24 Ugbm Resolutions Dos

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The Dean of Students Date: 13-02-2024

Jawaharlal Nehru University

New Delhi - 110067

Subject: Request to accept the names who will be conducting School wise GBMs for electing
EC for JNUSU elections 2023-24


As per the UGBM, conducted on 9.02.2024, adjourned on 10.02.2024, and recovnened on 12.02.2024,
the following resolution was unanimously passed.

The University General Body elects the following members to convene the General Body
Meetings (GBMs) in each school as per the norms laid down in the JNUSU constitution
to present the school-level panel of the Election Committee (EC) to the General Bodies
of each school for the approval of the respective members from each school:

1. Aishe Ghosh
Enrollment No: 18/4D/MI/005
PhD, Centre for Inner Asian Studies (School of International Studies)

2. Md. Danish
Enrollment No: 17/53/MG/003
PhD, Centre of German Studies (School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies)

The Election Committee elected from the school GBMs would take up the responsibility of
conducting the JNUSU elections 2023-24. The names of the Election Committee elected
from the school GBMs and a chair elected among themselves would be submitted to the
Dean of Students. These names must be notified by the Dean of Students (DoS) without
any changes, as has been the case in past. However, it is emphasized that this should not
set a precedent, and in the future, letters will be issued to the JNUSU general secretary, as
per standard protocol.

As per our meeting with your office on 05.02.2024, we had agreed to give names of students
who would be conducting school wise GBMs after building consensus among students. Since
the University General Body is the highest decision making body, the names have been decided

by the UGBM. We, the representatives, of the undersigned organisations, hereby request you to
provide letter of authorisation to Aishe Ghosh and Md. Danish to start the process of conducting
school-wise GBMs.


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