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INSTRUCTIONS: Look for pictures of different products and explain each what makes it as
an art (1) or a design (1). You can take its pictures by yourself or take it from elsewhere.
Explain it yourself and avoid plagiarism.


Painting is a classic visual art form which includes a
broad range of expressions, styles, and techniques. Painters
use pigments, brushes, and a variety of surfaces to
manipulate color, composition, and form in order to convey
stories, emotions, and points of view. It requires a close
relationship between the painter's mind and the canvas in
order to create visuals that generate strong emotions, or
capture particular moments in time.
Some of the well-known paintings are the “Mona
Lisa" of Leonardo da Vinci, “Starry Night” of Vincent Van
Gogh, and “Guernica” of Pablo Picasso.
The painting Mona Lisa of Leonardo da Vinci is
known for its mysterious smile and gaze. This is
considered an art for the reason that it expresses human
emotion especially that it makes the viewers interpret its
expression in different ways.

This painting, Starry Night of Vincent van

Gogh is also an art as it impacts human
emotions. At first glance, we can appreciate
the way this painting was presented. But as
we look deeper, we can feel the intensity of
the painting itself. The thought of the word
“night" depicts darkness along with the
whirling like winds and clouds that can be
imagined to be strong wind currents. As a
viewer, it can give the imagination of being
devoured by a strong force into the darkness.

Based from what Pablo Picasso

conveys in his painting Guernica, it depicts the
horrors of the Spanish Civil War. Having the
thought of what he wants to convey affects
human emotions as we can feel the suffering
and cruelty due to the conflicts shown. Thus,
this painting is also an art.
Music is considered as an art.
Generally speaking, music is much
appreciated for its emotional and
expressive qualities. Musicians create music
to tell stories, like love stories, breakups,
and also to share feelings like happiness,
grief, appreciation, and anger. Thus, for
listeners, we can feel what the musicians
wants us to feel. Subjectively speaking, we
have different taste in music, and
sometimes, even if we hate to admit it, there
are music, as product of musicians, which can be irritating and unpleasant.
Music is somewhat understood as an art and a design at the same time. But from my
research, music cannot be considered as a design. To clarify this, album cover designs,
concert stage setups, or the visual elements accompanying music may be considered design,
while the music itself remains firmly in the realm of art.

Art of Nature
This photo was taken and
uploaded in the internet. This
beautiful rock formation is located in
the Animasola Island in Masbate here
in the Philippines. For me, this is
considered an art for the reasons that
it is a destination that can be
appreciated by tourists, not only by
the local community but also by
foreign people. The beauty that these
formations show can be as
breathtaking as it can be. The visible
lines of rock layers gives admiration to a person who can see it personally. It can also depict
things like what time can do to nature, and frightening as it can be, the thought of how
waves of seawater, or the gush of winds can create such beauty.


An automaton is typically considered
a design rather than art because its
creation is used for functional aspects
and practical purposes. Automaton,
which are mechanical devices
designed to perform specific
movements or actions in response to
given inputs. Automaton, or automata
in its plural form, is much related to
engineering especially in its machine
like function. One simple example of
an automaton is the caterpillar automata which is typically created using cardboard, and
smooth, size like sticks, connected in a designed way in order to create movement as the
main crankshaft is rotated by hand. This product is considered as design as it can function
in ways like for entertainment and child’s toy.
Music Box
Music boxes are somewhat similar to automata. It functions in a mechanical way.
The best thing about a music box is that it gives pleasure to one’s hearing system. Music is
an art, but due to the use of systematic plan and design
in creating this product, it serves as a design. Some
music boxes includes lullaby songs for babies and
toddlers, helping them in their sleep. Music boxes come
in a manual way where in just like automata, it uses force
from continuously rotating the shaft by hand. We can
also see this product using spring like mechanism,
wherein, it’ll start by cranking the handle by hand until
enough force was accumulated by the springs inside it.
Once this spring recoils back, it will used that force to
automatically move the gears inside the box to play the
input song. Thus, music box is a product of design.

Smartphones is considered as design. We all
know how a smartphone functions. From
communication, entertainment, access of information,
business related works and even in our studies,
smartphone greatly helps us in an easier and
convenient way. These things are what generally
makes it as design as it functions in many ways. But
for me, the most applicable reason why smartphones
are considered as design is the way how it was
designed to be carried anywhere. Imagine if our
technology right now isn’t that innovated enough.
Having only huge computers just like in the past. To
be able to use such product designed to properly function anywhere we go is the reason
why smartphones are products of design.

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