PBT 3 Mid Term Feb 2024 Qp1

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Note You can navigate between sheets using the Blue coloured Boxes. Click the assigned button to answer a Question

A SME wants to create a Salary model for ten of it's employees. The Databa
which also contains the salary that each employee earns for

A transaction of daily attendence of these ten employees needs to be gener

Tranaction wherein the presence and absence is observed. Employees are giv
Duty , which is counted as present for duty and if a employee has worked on
next month.... 5

Generate a search where in you use functions to know how many days a Em
3) Search function where the Count of each employee present for a Week end i
in the next month..

4) Create any functionality using functions that can be used in open

At the end of the Exam, you have to rename your excel file by your Roll Number ( Only the Roll No, and not Name) and
There will be negative marking if the file name is not submitted as required.
Click to answer the Click to answer the Click to See the Data for
Third Question Fourth Question the Fourth Question

button to answer a Question

mployees. The Database of Employees with their Salary Details needs to be generated
h employee earns for a 30 day month. Create the Database….. 5 Marks

es needs to be generated as a transaction for the Month of Jan 2024. Create a Dummy
ed. Employees are given 2 days weekly off. There is option for employee to go out door
loyee has worked on Saturday and Sunday, he is eligible for a Compensatory off in the
next month.... 5 Marks

how many days a Emloyee is present for work in the Month of January 2024. Create a
ent for a Week end is observed and how many days he is eligible for Compensatory off
in the next month.. 5 Marks

can be used in openasapp. Do not create openasapp application…5 Marks

Roll No, and not Name) and Submit as directed by exam department.
e Data for

e generated Link to Submit Excel Sheet

ate a Dummy
o go out door
tory off in the

024. Create a
mpensatory off

Home Page Click to answer the First Question

A SME wants to create a Salary model for ten of it's employees. The
each employee e
stion Click to answer the Second Question Click to answer the Third Question

s employees. The Database of Employees with their Salary Details needs to be gen
each employee earns for a 30 day month. Create the Database….. 5 Marks
hird Question Click to answer the Fourth Question

needs to be generated which also contains the salary that

5 Marks
Home Page Click to answer the First Click to answer the Se
Question Question

A transaction of daily attendence of these ten employees needs

Tranaction wherein the presence and absence is observed. Emplo
Duty , which is counted as present for duty and if a employee has w
ck to answer the Second Click to answer the Third Click to answer the Fourth
Question Question Question

mployees needs to be generated as a transaction for the Month of Jan 2024. Creat
observed. Employees are given 2 days weekly off. There is option for employee to
employee has worked on Saturday and Sunday, he is eligible for a Compensatory
month.... 5 Marks
k to answer the Fourth

th of Jan 2024. Create a Dummy

ption for employee to go out door
for a Compensatory off in the next
Home Page Click to answer the First Click to answer the
Question Second Question

Generate a search where in you use functions to know how many

3) 2024. Create a Search function where the Count of each employee
eligible for Compensatory off in
k to answer the Click to answer the Third Click to answer the Fourth
ond Question Question Question

to know how many days a Emloyee is present for work in the Month of January
of each employee present for a Week end is observed and how many days he is
ompensatory off in the next month.. 5 Marks
he Fourth

Month of January
w many days he is
Home Page Click to answer the First Click to answer the Seco
Question Question

4) Create any functionality using functions that can be used i

Click to answer the Second Click to answer the Third Click to answer the Four
Question Question Question

nctions that can be used in openasapp. Do not create openasapp application…5 Marks
o answer the Fourth

n…5 Marks

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