RK Moving Utility Bill

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I nvoice: 10 0 156656639
I ssue Dat e: 09/03/2024
0 9 / 0 8 / 20 18

Green Bil l Mont h: March

Period: 04/02/2024
0 4 / 0 7/
20 18
20 18 tot o03/03/2024
0 3/ 0 8 / 20 18 Bill Sum m ary 23/03/2024
Tax I nvoice DEWA VAT No.: 10 0 0 27620 20 0 0 0 3 Due bef ore 23/ 0 8 / 20 18

Dubai Elect ricit y & Wat er Aut horit y

Account Num ber

2021358887 Elect ricit y 321.14 AED

Wat er 0 .0 0 AED
Account Type

Com m ercial Tot al 321.14 AED

Business Part ner Addit ional charges: 0 .0 0 AED

Current m ont h t ot al: 321.14 AED
1084 9769 Previous bill balance: 270 .57 AED
Adjust m ent s: 0 .0 0 AED

O SPORTS Paym ent s received 0 .0 0 AED
OF Ahmed
KHALI Abdullah
BAQER Al Hamadi
Office No.
118-28 114, Floor
AL NAKHAL No. 1, DM.35
STREET Princess Tower,
Dubai Marina
Prem ise Num ber: 1150394 81
Prem ise Type: SHOP
PO Box: 182188, Dubai

Tot al Due(incl. VAT) 59 1.71 AED

Current Mont h VAT: AED 15.29


Use t he Scan & Pay in our Pay Online
sm art app t o pay quickl y! w w w .dew a.gov.ae/ epay

24 / 7 Cust om er Care 0 4 60 1 9 9 9 9 PO Box 564 , Dubai, UAE. A Sust ainable innovat ive World-Class Ut ilit y
For Generat ions t o Com e
dewa.ae/ social dewa.gov.ae dewa.ae/ sm art
Page 2 of 2
I nvoice: 10 0 156656639
I ssue Dat e: 09/03/2024
0 9 / 0 8 / 20 18

Green Bil l Mont h: March

Period: 04/02/2024
20 18
0 4 / 0 7/ 20 18 tot o03/03/2024
0 3/ 0 8 / 20 18
Account Num ber

Tax I nvoice DEWA VAT No.: 100027620200003

Met er num ber: 34 6929S

Kil owat t Hours(kWh) Current reading: 4 98790

Elect ricit y 1,0 30

Previous reading: 4 97760

Elect ricit y Consum pt ion Rat e AED


Foot print 1,030 kWh 0.230 AED 236.9 0

0 kWh 0.000 AED 0 .0 0

Kg CO2e 0 kWh 0.000 AED 0 .0 0

4 54 0 kWh 0.000 AED 0 .0 0

The Carbon Foot print

indicat or m easures how your
Fuel Surcharge Consum pt ion Rat e AED
energy usage im pact s t he
environm ent . Hel p us f ight 1,030 kWh 0.065 AED 66.9 5
global warm ing by reducing
your m ont hl y consum pt ion.
Met er service charge 2.0 0
Carbon em issions in Kg CO2e

above 2,000
Subt tot
otalal 30 2.0
5.8 0

upt o 2,000

upt o 1,250 5% VAT applicable on t ot al am ount of 30 5.8 5 15.29

upt o 500

Learn how t o conserve and

save t he environm ent .
www.dewa.gov.ae Elect ricit y t ot al 321.14

24 / 7 Cust om er Care 0 4 60 1 9 9 9 9 PO Box 564 , Dubai, UAE. A Sust ainable innovat ive World-Class Ut ilit y
For Generat ions t o Com e
dewa.ae/ social dewa.gov.ae dewa.ae/ sm art

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