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Note You can navigate between sheets using the Blue coloured Boxes. Click the assigned button to answer a Question

A SME wants to create a Salary model for ten of it's employees. The Databa
which also contains the salary that each employee earns for

A transaction of daily attendence of these ten employees needs to be gener

Tranaction wherein the presence and absence is observed. Employees are giv
Duty , which is counted as present for duty and if a employee has worked on
next month.... 5

Generate a search where in you use functions to know how many days a Em
3) Search function where the Count of each employee present for a Week end i
in the next month..

4) Create any functionality using functions that can be used in open

At the end of the Exam, you have to rename your excel file by your Roll Number ( Only the Roll No, and not Name) and
There will be negative marking if the file name is not submitted as required.
Click to answer the Click to answer the Click to See the Data for
Third Question Fourth Question the Fourth Question

button to answer a Question

mployees. The Database of Employees with their Salary Details needs to be generated
h employee earns for a 30 day month. Create the Database….. 5 Marks

es needs to be generated as a transaction for the Month of Jan 2024. Create a Dummy
ed. Employees are given 2 days weekly off. There is option for employee to go out door
loyee has worked on Saturday and Sunday, he is eligible for a Compensatory off in the
next month.... 5 Marks

how many days a Emloyee is present for work in the Month of January 2024. Create a
ent for a Week end is observed and how many days he is eligible for Compensatory off
in the next month.. 5 Marks

can be used in openasapp. Do not create openasapp application…5 Marks

Roll No, and not Name) and Submit as directed by exam department.
e Data for

e generated Link to Submit Excel Sheet

ate a Dummy
o go out door
tory off in the

024. Create a
mpensatory off

Home Page Click to answer the First Question

A SME wants to create a Salary model for ten of it's employees. T

each employee

Employee ID Employee Name Position/Department Basic Salary (Per Month) Allowances

1089 RAM SALES 62049 89323
1637 SHYAM MARKETING 75250 71769
1350 ARJUN FINANCE 79768 50158
1501 GANESH ACCOUNTS 91219 56628
1639 AYUSH SUPPLY CHAIN 71287 84207
1129 ATIN R&D 56798 53836
1639 SARTHAK SALES 89270 75213
1281 SHIVANI SALES 87743 61711
1185 TAPASYA MARKETING 86421 56855
1261 SAM FINANCE 74592 51586
1606 DHEERAJ ACCOUNTS 92039 91967
1396 ANVEY SUPPLY CHAIN 93925 56179
1105 AYUSHI R&D 61735 58310
1230 SUJATA SALES 88589 93344
1310 HARSH SALES 61632 66003
SUMMARY 1172317 1017089
Click to answer the Second Question Click to answer the Third Question

s employees. The Database of Employees with their Salary Details needs to be gen
each employee earns for a 30 day month. Create the Database….. 5 Marks

Deductions Total Salary DETAILS

6133 145239 Employee ID
5294 141725 Employee Name
5737 124189 Position/Department
9377 138470 Basic Salary (Per Month)
9999 145495 Allowances
8627 102007 Deductions
9246 155237 Total Salary
6322 143132
7681 135595
7007 119171
7485 176521
8581 141523
5912 114133
6849 175084
6150 121485
110400 2079006
hird Question Click to answer the Fourth Question

needs to be generated which also contains the salary that

5 Marks

ary (Per Month)
Home Page Click to answer the First Click to answer the Sec
Question Question

A transaction of daily attendence of these ten employees needs

Tranaction wherein the presence and absence is observed. Emplo
Duty , which is counted as present for duty and if a employee has


1/11/2024 RAM Present NO NO
1/12/2024 SHYAM Present NO NO


1/15/2024 AYUSH Present NO NO
1/16/2024 ATIN Present NO NO
1/17/2024 SARTHAK Present NO NO
1/18/2024 SHIVANI Present NO NO
1/19/2024 TAPASYA Present NO NO
1/20/2024 SAM Absent Yes NO
lick to answer the Second Click to answer the Third Click to answer the Fourth
Question Question Question

employees needs to be generated as a transaction for the Month of Jan 2024. Cre
s observed. Employees are given 2 days weekly off. There is option for employee
d if a employee has worked on Saturday and Sunday, he is eligible for a Compensa
next month.... 5 Marks
ck to answer the Fourth

nth of Jan 2024. Create a Dummy

option for employee to go out door
gible for a Compensatory off in the
Home Page Click to answer the First Question

Generate a search where in you use functions to know how many

where the Count of each employee present for a Week end is ob


RAM 1/1/2024 Present 3
SHYAM 1/2/2024 Present 2
RAM 1/3/2024 Present 3
GANESH 1/4/2024 Present 3
SHYAM 1/5/2024 Present 2
RAM 1/6/2024 Absent 3
GANESH 1/7/2024 Present 3
SHYAM 1/8/2024 Absent 2
RAM 1/9/2024 Present 3
GANESH 1/10/2024 Present 3
SHYAM 1/11/2024 Present 2
RAM 1/12/2024 Present 3
GANESH 1/13/2024 Present 3
SHYAM 1/14/2024 Absent 2
RAM 1/15/2024 Absent 3
GANESH 1/16/2024 Present 3
RAM 1/17/2024 Present 3
GANESH 1/18/2024 Present 3
SHYAM 1/19/2024 Absent 2
RAM 1/20/2024 Present 3
GANESH 1/21/2024 Present 3
SHYAM 1/22/2024 Present 2
RAM 1/23/2024 Absent 3
GANESH 1/24/2024 Present 3
SHYAM 1/25/2024 Present 2
RAM 1/26/2024 Absent 3
GANESH 1/27/2024 Present 3
RAM 1/28/2024 Present 3
RAM 1/29/2024 Present 3
GANESH 1/30/2024 Present 3
SHYAM 1/31/2024 Present 2
RAM 2/1/2024 Present 3
GANESH 2/2/2024 Present 3
SHYAM 2/3/2024 Present 2
RAM 2/4/2024 Present 3
GANESH 2/5/2024 Present 3
SHYAM 2/6/2024 Present 2
RAM 2/7/2024 Absent 3
GANESH 2/8/2024 Absent 3
RAM 2/9/2024 Present 3
GANESH 2/10/2024 Present 3
SHYAM 2/11/2024 Present 2
RAM 2/12/2024 Present 3
GANESH 2/13/2024 Present 3
SHYAM 2/14/2024 Present 2
RAM 2/15/2024 Absent 3
GANESH 2/16/2024 Present 3
SHYAM 2/17/2024 Present 2
RAM 2/18/2024 Present 3
GANESH 2/19/2024 Present 3
RAM 2/20/2024 Present 3
GANESH 2/21/2024 Absent 3
SHYAM 2/22/2024 Present 2
RAM 2/23/2024 Present 3
GANESH 2/24/2024 Absent 3
SHYAM 2/25/2024 Present 2
RAM 2/26/2024 Present 3
GANESH 2/27/2024 Present 3
SHYAM 2/28/2024 Present 2
RAM 2/29/2024 Present 3
GANESH 3/1/2024 Present 3
SHYAM 3/2/2024 Present 2
RAM 3/3/2024 Present 3
RAM 3/4/2024 Present 3
GANESH 3/5/2024 Present 3
SHYAM 3/6/2024 Present 2
RAM 3/7/2024 Present 3
RAM 3/8/2024 Absent 3
GANESH 3/9/2024 Present 3
SHYAM 3/10/2024 Present 2
RAM 3/11/2024 Present 3
RAM 3/12/2024 Present 3
GANESH 3/13/2024 Present 3
e First Question Click to answer the Second Click to answer the Third
Question Question

se functions to know how many days a Emloyee is present for work in the Month
ee present for a Week end is observed and how many days he is eligible for Comp


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he Third Click to answer the Fourth Question

in the Month of January 2024. Create a Search function

gible for Compensatory off in the next month.. 5 Marks
Home Page Click to answer the First Click to answer the Se
Question Question

4) Create any functionality using functions that can be use

2/2/2024 Groceries $50
2/3/2024 Ebtertainment $30
2/4/2024 Groceries $25
2/5/2024 Dining Out $40
2/6/2024 Utilities $100
2/7/2024 Entertainment $20
2/8/2024 Dining Out $35
Groceries $60
Click to answer the Second Click to answer the Third Click to answer the Fourt
Question Question Question

tions that can be used in openasapp. Do not create openasapp application…5 Marks
o answer the Fourth

…5 Marks

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