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Design of Cantilever Retaining wall

Chainage: 0+00-0+60
Designed by : Tewele B.
Title : Cantilever Retaining wall
Concrete Grade = C-30
i.Concrete fc'= 24 MPa
Ec=4800sqrt(fc')= 23515.1015307 MPa
Assumed angle of friction of the back fill material (φ)= 30 degree
Unit weight of backfill material = 19.22 kN/m3
Unit weight of concrete = 24 kN/m3 weatherd
Allowable foundation bearing capacity of soil ,qall = 400 kN/m2 (Foundation materialrock )
ii.Soil friction angle between the wall and the soil= 20 degree
Properties Coefficent of friction= 0.58
Angle of backfill to horizontal(β)= 0 degree
Angle between backface of wall and horizontal(θ)= 88.21 degree
Ѓ= 2.70
Active earth pressure coeff. Ka = 0.310 [AASHTO LRFD equation]
Grade 420 steel: For rebars diam. 20mm and above
fy = 400 MPa
Es = 200000 MPa
Grade 300 steel: For rebars less than diam. 20
ent steel
fy = 300 MPa
Es = 200000 MPa
Modular ratio,n =Ec / Es 9
1.2 Design method
Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD)
Reference: ERA Bridge Design Manual
AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges
1.4 Factors
Mini. Max. [AASHTO LRFD Table .4.1-1&2]
Active horizontal earth pressure= 0.9 1.5
Vertical Earth pressure= 1 1.35
Dead load of components= 0.9 1.25
Live load 1.75
1.2.2 Resistance factor
Soil Concrete Rock
Bending 0.9 [AASHTO Art]
shear 0.9 [AASHTO LRFD Art.]
Bearing 0.5 0.6 [AASHTO LRFD Table]
Sliding 0.8 [AASHTO LRFD Table]
Load combinations used
Load combination case-1 ( comb1 ) using maximum factors for lateral pressure and minimum for the others
Load combination case-2 ( comb2 ) using maximum factors for lateral pressure and the others
Height of wall,H= 5 m Recommended
Stem top thickness,T1= 0.25 m
Stem bottom thickness,T2= 0.4 m 0.42 0.625
Depth of heel cantilever,T5= 0.4 m
Tappering slope,y1= 0.1
End depth of heel Cantilever,T3 0.21 m
End depth of toe Cantilever,T4 0.3 m
Length of heel cantilever,L1= 1.95 m 1.95
length of toe cantilever,L2= 1 m 1.008
Length of footing,L= 3.35 m 3.36
Height of fill,H2= 4.8 m
Free board of wall height on top= 0 m
Height of retained soil= 5 m
3 Stablity Analysis
3.1 Loads and Moment Calculation
3.1.1 Dead Load moment Strength Limit State
Factored Loads(KN/m) Factored moment
Unfactored Moment arm about Moment
Material Lables (Combo 2)
loads(KN/m) toe(m) (Combo1)
Combo1 Combo 2 (KNm/m)
W1 27.6 24.84 34.50 1.125 27.95 38.81
W2 8.28 7.45 10.35 1.3 9.69 13.46
W3 3.84 3.46 4.80 1.200 4.15 5.76
Concrete W4 1.2 1.08 1.50 0.333 0.36 0.50
W5 7.2 6.48 9.00 0.50 3.24 4.50
W6 4.563 4.11 5.70 2.05 8.42 11.69
W7 9.828 8.85 12.29 2.375 21.01 29.18
SUM Wt= 62.511 56.26 78.14 74.81 103.90
W8 172.40 172.40 232.74 2.375 409.46 552.77
W9 6.63 6.63 8.95 1.35 8.95 12.08
W10 3.65 3.65 4.93 2.7 9.87 13.32
Surcharge 28.11 49.19 49.19 2.3 113.14 113.14
SUM 210.80 231.88 295.82 541.416 691.313

P1 22.37 39.14 39.14 2.5 97.855302939 97.855

Lateral Loads
p2 74.56 111.83 111.83 1.67 186.39105322 186.391
sum= 96.92 150.98 150.98 284.246 284.246

3.1.2. Lateral Earth Pressure

The surcharge load from highway loading shall be evaluated from an equivalent height of soil (heq) as given in AASHTO LRFD
TABLE where heq= 750 mm
The surcharge pressure qs=ϒs*heq= 14.415 Kpa

q2=qs*ka 4.47 Kpa

q2=Ka*Hret*ϒ 29.82 Kpa

3.1.3 Summary Table

Factored Vertical Resisting Factored

Combo Overturning Moment
load(KN/m) Moment
1 288.14 616.22 284.25
2 373.96 795.21 284.25
i. Strength I Limit State
3.2i. Overturning
F.S=Resisting moment ≥ 2 or e<B/4 foundation on soil [AASHTO LRFD Art]
Overturning moment e<3B/8 foundation on rock
Xr=(Mr-Mo)/p e=L/2-Xr
Foundation on(Soil or Rock) SOIL
Factored Vertical load Resisting Overturning
Combo Xr(m) Actual e(m) emax(m) F.S Remark
(KN/m) Moment(KNm/m) moment(KNm/m)
1 288.1 616.2 284.25 1.15 0.525 0.84 2.17 Okay
2 373.96 795.21 284.25 1.37 0.305 0.84 2.80 Okay
3.3i Sliding
Resisting force=φ*µ*Vertical Factored Load
F.S=Resisting force ≥ 1.5
Sliding force
Resisting force(KN/m) Sliding load(KNm)
F.S Remark
1 133.70 150.98 0.89 Add heel beam sliding factor= 0.464

a= 0.5 m
b= 0.5 m
Y= 2m φ
y1= 0.5 m
Ѓ= 0.131
Kp= 6.11
PP1= 58.67 Kpa
PP2= 234.69 Kpa
Rep= 73.34 KN/m
Xsk= 2.85 m(distance from toe to the front face of the shear key)
L= 3.35 m
φep= 0.50 [AASHTO LRFD Table]
φep*Qep= 36.67 KN/m

QR= 170.37 KN/m

F.S= 1.13 increase the dimension of heal beam

3.4i. Bearing Resistance

ФRIqult > qu max φ= 0.55

Hn= 96.92
Ф =performance or resistance factor Vn= 273.31
RI= Reduction factor due to inclined loads = (1-Hn/Vn)3 Ri= 0.27
Hn = Unfactored horizontal force qult=F.S*qall 1200 Kpa
Vn = Unfactored vertical force ФRIqult = 178.2
qult = Ultimate bearing capacity = Safety factor x q allowable
qu max = Maximum bearing pressure due to factored loads
Foundation on Soil σv=∑Pi/(B-2*e) AASHTO LRFD
Foundation on Rock
σvmax,min=∑Pi/B(1±6e/B) [Resultant within the middle of one third]
σvmax=4*∑Vi/3*(B-2*e) [Resultant Ourside the middle of one third]
Resultant within the middle of one third

Combo Actual e(m) Effective width (m) σv,max(KN/m2) σv,min(KN/m2) Remark

1 0.525 6.17 0.00 0.00 OK
2 0.305 6.17 60.55 32.85 OK
4. Design of Components
4.1 Steem Design D= 400 mm
a. Design for flexure b= 1000 mm
Ystem= 4.6 yt= 200 mm
Take Moment about the base of the steem Ig= 5333333333.333 mm^4
ko=1-sin(φ) 0.500 fr=0.63*sqrt(fc') 3.09 Mpa
koβ=ko8(1+sin(β)) 0.5 cover= 50 mm
MEH= 155.90 KNm φ 0.9
MLS= 76.25535 KNM fy= 400 Mpa
Mcomputed= 343.912 KNm dia= 20 mm
The cracking moment is given by ds= 340 mm
Mcr = fr * Icr / (yt) = 82.30 kNm/m β1= 0.85
1.2 * Mcr = 98.76 kNm/m

The amount of reinforcement shall be adequate to develop a factored flexural resistance at least equal to the lesser of
- 1.2 times the cracking strength determined on the basis of the modlus of rubture,fr, of the concrete
- 1.33 times the moment required by the applicable strength load combination
Taking the minimum of the above two moment values

Design moment, Mu = Max(Mcomputed,Min(1.2Mcr,1.33Mu))

Mu= 343.9116285 KNm/m
a=As*fy/0.85*fc'*b 60 -0.424419935 (<<Solve for "a" using trial and error !!)
As=Mn/φ*fy*(ds-a/2) 3081.64541666667 mm2
a= 60.4244199346405
S= 101.89361770883 mm Sprovided= 100 mm
Check for maximum Reinforecement
𝐶/𝑑≤0.42 (AASHTO Art

C=As*fy/(0.85*fc'*β1*b) 72.43 mm
β1=0.85-0.05*(fc'-4) 0.85
C/d= 0.21 OK

Provide φ 20 c/c 100 (As,prov= 3140.000 mm2) Bar S3&S4,S1

Half bar cut-off location (AS'= 1570 mm2)

The distance from top to the point where half of the reinforcement is not required (i.e "y") can be found by trial and error
to equalize the moment by the factored lateral pressure and the moment that can be resisted by half of the bar.

My1 = factor*(q(y-y*)2/2+kags(y-y*)3/6) ------------- (1) y(m) d(m) My1(KNm/m) My2(KNm/m) Remark

My 2= fAs'fy(d-As'fy/1.7fc'b)----------------- (2) 2.65 0.276413043478261 84.920 #REF!

Hint : It is preferable if My of eq (2) is slightly

greater than My of eq (1).
where: d=(y/ystem)*(T2-T1)+T1-Cover-φ/2

Extension length reqd beyond the point at which it is no longer required =max(15*bar diameter,deff) 340 mm

Bar cut off from the top the wall= 2.31 m (H*= 2.49 m)

b.Design for Shear

Shear force at the base of the footing= Err:508 KN
Shear capacity of the concrete without shear reinforcement,Vc=φ*0.083*2*sqrt(fc')*b*ds 248.85 KN
c.Check for crack control
fssa=(700∗ϒ𝑒)/ ≤0.6*fy dc= 60 mm
h= 400 mm
βs=1+ 𝑑𝑐/ s= 100 mm
fy= 400 Mpa
Mservice= Err:508 KNm
βs= 1.25
fssa= 254.12 Mpa
0.6*fy= 240 Mpa The section crackes,check for the actual strain in the steel
n*As= 28260
x= 113.216 mm
j*ds= 302.261 mm
fss= Err:508 Mpa Err:508
4.2 Design of toe Cantilever
Combo Pu(KN) e(m) B(m) B/6(m) σvmax σvmin Remark
1 Err:509 Err:509 3.35 0.558333333333333 Err:509 Err:509
2 Err:509 Err:509 3.35 0.558333333333333 Err:509 Err:509

L2= 1.000 m D= 400 mm

q1= Err:509 KN/m2 b= 1000 mm
Mcomputed= Err:509 KNm/m (at the face of the stem) yt= 200 mm
The cracking moment is given by Ig= 5333333333.333 mm^4
Mcr = fr * Icr / (yt) = 82.30 kNm/m fr=0.63*sqrt(fc') 3.09 Mpa
1.2 * Mcr = 98.76 kNm/m cover= 75 mm
φ 0.9
fy= 300 Mpa
dia= 12 mm
ds= 319 mm
β1= 0.85
The amount of reinforcement shall be adequate to develop a factored flexural resistance at least equal to the lesser of
- 1.2 times the cracking strength determined on the basis of the modlus of rubture,fr, of the concrete
- 1.33 times the moment required by the applicable strength load combination
Taking the minimum of the above two moment values
Design moment, Mu = Max(Mcomputed,Min(1.2Mcr,1.33Mu))
Mu= Err:509 KNm/m
a=As*fy/0.85*fc'*b 17.33 Err:509 (<<Solve for "a" using trial and error !!)
As=Mn/φ*fy*(ds-a/2) Err:509 mm2
a= Err:509
S= Err:509 mm Sprovided= Err:509 mm
Check for maximum Reinforecement
𝐶/𝑑≤0.42 (AASHTO Art

C=As*fy/(0.85*fc'*β1*b) Err:509 mm
β1=0.85-0.05*(fc'-4) 0.85
C/d= Err:509 Err:509

Provide Err:509 (As,prov= Err:509 mm2) Bar T1

b.Design for Shear

dv= Err:509 mm (distance where shear becomes critical)
qv= Err:509 KN/m
Shear force at the base of the footing= Err:509 KN
Shear capacity of the concrete without shear reinforcement,Vc=φ*0.083*2*sqrt(fc')*b*ds 233.48 KN
4.3 Design of heel cantilever
L1= 1.950 m
Factored load Factored moment
Load Unfactored load Combo1 Combo2 Lever arm Unfactored moment Combo1 Combo2
W6= 4.563 4.11 5.70 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
w7= 9.828 8.85 12.285 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
W8= 172.4034 172.40 232.74 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
w9= 6.6309 6.63 8.95 1.3 8.62 8.62 11.64
PEV= Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
PLSV= Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Surcharege= 28.11 49.19 49.19 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Sum Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509

Combo Pu(KN) e(m) B(m) B/6(m) σvmax σvmin σv σavg Pupheel Mheel
1 Err:509 Err:509 3.35 0.56 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
2 Err:509 Err:509 3.35 0.56 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509

Pnetheel= Err:509 KN
a,Design for flexure
Mnet= Err:509 KNm D= 400 mm
The cracking moment is given by b= 1000 mm
Mcr = fr * Icr / (yt) = 82.30 kNm/m yt= 200 mm
1.2 * Mcr = 98.76 kNm/m Ig= 5333333333.333 mm^4
fr=0.63*sqrt(fc') 3.086 Mpa
cover= 50 mm
φ 0.9
fy= 400 Mpa
dia= 20 mm
ds= 340 mm
β1= 0.85
The amount of reinforcement shall be adequate to develop a factored flexural resistance at least equal to the lesser of
- 1.2 times the cracking strength determined on the basis of the modlus of rubture,fr, of the concrete
- 1.33 times the moment required by the applicable strength load combination
Taking the minimum of the above two moment values
Design moment, Mu = Max(Mcomputed,Min(1.2Mcr,1.33Mu))
Mu= Err:509 KNm/m
a=As*fy/0.85*fc'*b 38.4 Err:509 (<<Solve for "a" using trial and error !!)
As=Mn/φ*fy*(ds-a/2) Err:509 mm2
a= Err:509
S= Err:509 mm Sprovided= Err:509 mm
Check for maximum Reinforecement
𝐶/𝑑≤0.42 (AASHTO Art

C=As*fy/(0.85*fc'*β1*b) Err:509 mm
β1=0.85-0.05*(fc'-4) 0.85
C/d= Err:509 Err:509

Provide Err:509 (As,prov= Err:509 mm2) Bar H1

b.Design for shear

b.Design for Shear
Shear force at the base of the footing= Err:509 KN
Shear capacity of the concrete without shear reinforcement,Vc=φ*0.083*2*sqrt(fc')*b*ds Err:509 KN
Temeperature and Shrinkage reinforecement
For members less than 1.2m millimeters thick, the area of reinforcement in each direction shall not be spaced greater than
300mm and satisfy the lesser of As>=0.75Ag/fy or SumAb=0.0015Ag
Ag=mm2/mm fy=Mpa 0.75Ag/fy [mm2/mm]0.0015Ag [mm As [mm2/mm]
400 300.00 1.00 0.6 1
The above steel must be distributed equally on both faces of the backwall
using dia= 10 mm
at spacing = 150 mm
Astemp= 1.0471975511966
Provide φ 10 c/c 150 (As,prov= 523.333333333333 mm2)

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