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Precipitation-hardened high-

entropy alloys for high-temperature

applications: A critical review
Boxuan Cao, Tao Yang, Wei-hong Liu, and C.T. Liu
Conventional alloy design based on a single primary element has reached its limits in terms
of performance optimization. An alloy design strategy with multi-principal elements has
recently been uncovered to overcome this bottleneck. Multicomponent alloys, generally
referred to as high-entropy alloys (HEAs), exhibit many promising properties, especially
outstanding mechanical performance at cryogenic, ambient, and elevated temperatures. In
this article, we focus on precipitation-hardened HEAs, which are potential candidates for
next-generation structural materials, especially at high temperatures. The key issues involved
include precipitation behaviors, phase stability, and phase control, all of which provide useful
guidelines for further development of high-temperature materials with superior performance.
In particular, we address the formation of cellular γ′ precipitates at grain boundaries, which is
closely related to the embrittlement of HEAs at intermediate temperatures. Critical issues and
design strategies in developing HEAs for high-temperature applications are also discussed.

Introduction Various precipitate phases have been explored and studied

The concept of high-entropy alloys (HEAs) was initially pro- so far, such as the L12-type phase (γ′),9–11 σ and μ phases,13,14
posed independently by Yeh1 and Cantor,2 abandoning tradi- Laves phase,15 B2 phase,16,17 and carbides.18 Ni-based superal-
tional single-principal-element alloy systems and adopting a loys made use of the L12-type Ni3(Al,Ti) phase, which pro-
multicomponent design strategy with chemical element con- vides high-temperature strength due to its stability at high
centration for each element ranging between 5 and 35 at.%. In temperatures.19 Molybdenum contributed to the formation
the early stages of developing HEAs, it was widely accepted of topologically close-packed (TCP) phases (σ and μ phases),
that the formation of a simple solid-solution phase is preferred whose hardnesses are extremely high, up to 15 GPa.13
rather than complex intermetallic compounds, owing to the Niobium addition into CoCrFeNi, as an example, induced
increased configurational entropy with the increased number the formation of a Nb-rich Laves phase, resulting in an
of chemical components. For example, the prototypical equi- increase in yield strength from 147 MPa for CoCrFeNi to 637
atomic CoCrFeMnNi “Cantor alloy”2 is a face-centered-cubic MPa for CoCrFeNiNb0.412.15 In Al0.7CoCrFeNi HEA, a high
(fcc) solid-solution phase, which exhibits excellent ductility, ultimate tensile strength of 1223 MPa can be attributed to the
but limited strength.3,4 CsCl-type B2 precipitates embedded in the disordered body-
Second-phase strengthening, as a traditional approach for centered-cubic (bcc) matrix.16 It should also be noted that the
strength enhancement, is widely used among Ni-based super- carbide volume fraction increased as the carbon content increased,
alloys,5 Al alloys,6 Mg alloys,7 and high-performance steels.8 leading to a significant strength enhancement.18 The L12-type
Precipitation strengthening is also effective for HEAs.9–18 Though precipitation-hardened HEAs (PH-HEAs), in particular, exhibit
the formation of a second phase deviates from the original inten- a promising outlook for high-temperature applications. The
tion to retain a single solid-solution phase in HEAs, second-phase addition of Al and Ti atoms into single-phase NiCoFeCr HEA
strengthening leads to unambiguous properties enhancement, can induce the formation of coherent L12 precipitation with
which has become a research hotspot at the present time. a dramatic strength enhancement.10 The crystal structure of

Boxuan Cao, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong;
Tao Yang, Department of Mechanical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong;
Wei-hong Liu, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China;
C.T. Liu, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong;

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Precipitation-hardened high-entropy alloys for high-temperature applications: A critical review

the precipitates in L12-type PH-HEAs is analogous to Ni3Al-type Dual-phase γ + γ′ microstructure

precipitates in Ni-based superalloys.19 Dual-high-entropy Ni-based superalloys, as classical materials designed for the
nanostructures,9,11 consisting of high-entropy precipitates in high-temperature environment, have been under development
a high-entropy matrix, are unique to PH-HEAs. The compat- for decades since the emergence of rotating engines.19 There
ibility between the high-entropy matrix (γ phase) and high- are several reasons for the application of superalloys for indus-
entropy precipitates (γ′ phase) in terms of similar lattice con- trial applications and especially aircraft applications, includ-
stants enables excellent thermal stability of precipitation as ing high-temperature strength, creep resistance, and oxidation
well as low interfacial energy between the matrix and the resistance.19 The microstructures of some PH-HEAs9,21,28–31 are
precipitate. γ matrix is a solid-solution fcc phase with lat- analogous to those of superalloys, with γ′ precipitates embed-
tice constant close in value to that of the γ′ phase, allowing ded in a γ matrix, (Figure 1a, left and middle), but with high-
a coherent interface between the matrix and precipitates. An entropy characteristics both in the matrix and precipitates.
incoherent interface between the precipitate and matrix, such Typically, γ′ is a Cu3Au-type high-entropy intermetallic com-
as that of σ and μ phases, usually acts as a source for crack pound with Ni and Co atoms mainly substituting for the center
initiation and propagation, leading to a severe brittle fracture sites on the cubic faces, and with Al and Ti atoms mainly sub-
during deformation.20 In contrast, a coherent L12-type high- stituting for the corner sites of the unit cell. Fe and Cr atoms
entropy precipitate embedded in the high-entropy matrix evidently partition into the γ matrix and are depleted in the γ′
leads to significant strength improvement without sacrificing precipitation, as shown in Figure 1a, right (black circles rep-
ductility.9,21 Severe lattice distortion in the interiors of the resent the precipitates).11 Cu has been proven to promote the
high-entropy matrix and the high-entropy precipitates also nucleation of the γ′ phase by providing heterogeneous nucle-
contributes to the strength enhancement by impeding dislo- ation sites in the form of Cu clusters,28 resulting in a conjoint
cation motion.22 γ′ phase/Cu-rich cluster within the fcc matrix.
Due to the high-entropy effect, dual-high-entropy nano-
structures can yield HEAs with superior phase stability at high Detrimental phases
temperatures, when compared to conventional superalloys. On the path toward optimizing the microstructures of PH-
In some NiFe-based superalloys, γ″ (Ni3Nb) is the principal HEAs, the most urgent task is to achieve a pristine γ/γ′ structure
strengthener with a crystal structure of body-centered tetrag­ without the formation of other undesirable brittle intermetallic
onal. Commercial Inconel 718 superalloy is known to soften phases, especially the TCP phases. Daoud et al.32 and Manzoni
quickly above 650°C due to the transformation from γ″ phase et al.33 observed the formation of a needle-shaped NiAl
to δ.23 On the other hand, Ni2CoCrFeNiNb0.15 (atomic molar phase (β phase in Figure 1b, right) and Cr-Fe-rich platelets
ratio) HEAs retained the γ″ precipitate even after annealing in Ni36Co25Fe15Cr8Al10Ti6 (at.%) and Ni16Co15Fe15Cr23Cu8Al23
at 650°C for 80 h without further phase transformation.12 In (at.%) PH-HEAs, respectively. Niobium contributed to the
addition, a stable γ/γ′ microstructure was retained even after formation of the Nb-rich Laves phase during homogenization,
aging at 1100°C for 500 h in the case of Ni40.7Co20.6Fe11.5Cr12.2 while the B2-type NiAl phase was observed at the γ/Laves
Al7.8Ti7.2 (at.%) and Ni48.6Co17.0Fe9.0Cr7.5Al10.3Ti5.8Ta0.6Mo0.8W0.4 interfaces during aging in the Ni22Co30Fe18Cr18Al8Nb4 (at.%)
(at.%) HEAs.24 alloy (Figure 1c, left).34
Sluggish diffusion effects can also provide extra benefits Chang et al.35 found that the needle-like Ni3Ti phase (the η
for properties of HEAs at high temperatures by enhancing phase) formed in the Ni1.5Co1.5FeCrAl0.1Ti0.4 PH-HEA after ag-
high-temperature resistance, as compared with conventional ing at 1000°C (Figure 1c, middle), while the NiAl phase (the β
superalloys. First, creep resistance is controlled by the diffu- phase) was observed in the Ni1.5Co1.5FeCrAl0.5 PH-HEA after
sion rate through dislocation climb and cross-slip;25 smaller aging at 900°C (Figure 1c, right). Furthermore, the formation
diffusion rates suggest potential superb creep properties in of the η phase was found to be suppressed by replacing Ti
HEAs. Second, the temporal evolution of precipitation in with Al addition, but excessive Al will induce the formation
PH-HEAs affects their performance during the precipitation of the β phase.35 The L21-type Heusler phase was found in the
coarsening stage under long-time thermal exposure. It was Ni36Co25Fe15Cr8Al10Ti6 (at.%) PH-HEA, which remained even
recently reported that excellent thermal stability26,27 can be after a long-time annealing at 900°C.29 The Heusler phase
ascribed to the sluggish diffusion in HEAs. is a Ni2TiAl-type precipitate with a large unit cell that com-
PH-HEAs thus have demonstrated the promise to serve prises eight small bcc NiAl-type unit cells. For each small
as new structural materials at elevated temperatures, imply- bcc, nickel atoms occupy the corner sites and aluminum or
ing that they have the potential to replace conventional titanium alternatively occupy the body-center site. These
Ni-based superalloys and become next-generation high- undesirable phases are generally hard and brittle, and thus
temperature structural materials. In this article, we highlight they would act as possible sources for crack initiation and
recent developments in PH-HEAs, focusing on their micro- propagation. On the other hand, they consume valuable Al
structural evolution. The opportunities and challenges faced and Ti content, which could be used for elevating the γ′ phase
by PH-HEAs for high-temperature applications are also volume fraction and providing alloys with higher strengths
discussed. at high temperatures.

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Precipitation-hardened high-entropy alloys for high-temperature applications: A critical review

Figure 1. Nanostructures and microstructures of precipitation-hardened high-entropy alloys (PH-HEAs). (a) (Left) Transmission electron
microscope (TEM) image showing the morphology of the L12 precipitate. (Inset) Selected-area diffraction patterns taken from zone axis
Z = [001]. Red circles show the superlattice diffraction spots of the L12-type precipitates, (middle) high-resolution TEM image showing the
coherent interface between an L12 precipitate and the face-centered-cubic (fcc) matrix, and (right) elemental distribution map obtained by
atom probe tomography.11 (b) Microstructure of Ni36Co25Fe15Cr8Al10Ti6 (at.%) PH-HEAs: (left) high magnification of γ′ precipitation, (middle)
dendritic and interdendritic area, and (right) high magnification of needle-like NiAl precipitates (the β phase).32 (c) Detrimental phases: (left)
NiAl phase at γ/Laves interfaces during aging in Ni22Co30Fe18Cr18Al8Nb4 PH-HEA,34 (middle) needle-like η phase in Ni1.5Co1.5FeCrAl0.1Ti0.4
PH-HEA, and (right) β phase in Ni1.5Co1.5FeCrAl0.5 PH-HEA.35 (d) Microstructure of Ni1.5Co1.5FeCrAl0.2Ti0.3 PH-HEA. (Left) Grain boundary,
(middle) magnification of cellular γ′ precipitation along a grain boundary, and (right) well-developed spherical γ′ precipitates within the
grain interior.37 Note: DP, discontinuous precipitation (cellular γ′ phase); GB, grain boundary.

Cellular precipitation at grain boundaries procedures can avoid such precipitation. Cellular precipitation
Another key issue is the heterogeneous precipitation of cellu- can possibly be eliminated by changing the quenching method
lar γ′ precipitates along grain boundaries,36,37 which is also ob- from water quenching to furnace cooling or substituting Co
served in traditional alloys, such as Al alloys,38 Cu alloys,39 and content with Ni. The slower cooling rate is expected to provide
Ni-based superalloys.40 Such discontinuous precipitation behav- more time for γ′ to precipitate at grain boundaries, thus impeding
ior37 is generally ascribed to the chemical supersaturation in the the grain-boundary migration and preventing cellular precipita-
γ matrix and grain-boundary migration (Figure 1d). It should be tion. Substituting Co by Ni increases the γ′ solvus temperature,
noted that tuning the chemical compositions and heat-treatment which allows more γ′ to precipitate during the cooling process.

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Precipitation-hardened high-entropy alloys for high-temperature applications: A critical review

The supersaturation degree in the matrix is reduced, resulting at 1000°C in air and vacuum before tensile testing in an argon
in the disappearance of cellular γ′ precipitation. Yeh et al.36 atmosphere. The samples after exposure to air exhibited a
and Tsai et al.37 proposed that such cellular γ′ precipitates at higher level of ductility loss than those under vacuum.44 Apart
the grain boundaries have little influence on room-temperature from oxygen, water vapor in air is also thought to dissociate
tensile properties, but they cause rapid ductility loss at interme- into atomic H on Ni3Al surfaces, resulting in embrittlement.48
diate temperatures (roughly from 600°C to 800°C), as shown in Heterogeneous bonding at the grain-boundary area, which
Figure 2a, which was associated with intergranular fracture.36,41 causes intrinsic grain-boundary weakness, was considered to
Similarly, the precipitation of brittle grain-boundary oxides be the reason for the fracture surface consisting of the pres-
and carbides also caused ductility loss with increased temper- ence of a completely intergranular fracture surface.45
atures above 600°C in Inconel 718, but ductility at ambient A fundamental understanding is still lacking at the pres-
temperatures remained unaffected.42 Apart from the effects of ent time, and more systematic work is required to elucidate
grain-boundary precipitates,1,2 there are several other possible the intrinsic mechanisms of the intermediate temperature
interpretations for the embrittlement, such as interstitial impu- embrittlement phenomenon.
rities segregation,43 environment-induced embrittlement,44 and
intrinsic grain-boundary weakness.45 Impurity (such as Bi and S) Computation-aided alloy design
levels as low as tens of ppm46,47 are sufficient to induce The CALculation of PHase Diagrams (CALPHAD) method,
embrittlement. In one study, pure nickel samples were exposed which is based on thermodynamic calculations, offers reliable
guidance for alloy design in terms of chemical
compositions and heat-treatment conditions.
Different from previous trial-and-error routes for
alloy design, the CALPHAD method accelerates
the search for a target microstructure and com-
position by computational approaches, which
greatly reduces the experiments needed.
It was found that a stable γ + γ′ dual phase can
be maintained by adjusting the compositions and
heat-treatment temperature to avoid the for-
mation of η and σ phases (Figure 2b, left).21
He et al. found that the results of the forma-
tion of the minor detrimental Heusler phase
in (NiCoFeCr)100–x–yAlxTiy PH-HEAs, apart
from the γ matrix and γ′ precipitation, were
in good agreement with experimental obser-
vations.49 For the Ni1.5Co1.5FeCrAlxTiy (x + y =
0.5) PH-HEAs, Chang and Yeh35 successfully
predicted the microstructural evolution of
(γ + η) in Ti0.5 to (γ + η + γ′) in Al0.1Ti0.4, to (γ + γ′)
in Al0.2Ti0.3, to (γ + β + γ′) in Al0.3Ti0.2 and to
(γ + β) in Al0.5 PH-HEAs (Figure 2b, right).
Through a comparison of the phase diagrams
of Ni33Co17Fe17Cr17Cu8Al8 (at.%) and Ni34.8Co17
Fe17Cr14Cu8Al8Ti1Mo0.1W0.1 (at.%) (Figure 2c),
it was found that the curve for the γ′ phase was
shifted upward, which implied a higher γ′ vol-
ume fraction in the Ni34.8Co17Fe17Cr14Cu8Al8
Ti1Mo0.1W0.1 (at.%) PH-HEA than the
Ni33Co17Fe17Cr17Cu8Al8 (at.%) PH-HEA.50 It is
Figure 2. Intermediate temperature embrittlement of precipitation-hardened high-entropy of interest to point out that small additions of
alloys (PH-HEAs) and computational-aided alloy design. (a) (Left) Ductility loss at 800°C in refractory elements Mo, W, and Ti can raise the
Ni1.5Co1.5FeCrAl0.2Ti0.3 PH-HEAs.37 (Right) Strength and ductility of Ni27.27Co27.27Fe18.18Cr18.18 volume fraction of the γ′ phase considerably,
Al3.31Ti5.78 (at.%) PH-HEAs at different temperatures; cellular precipitation caused sharp
ductility loss at around 750°C.36 (b) CALculation of PHase Diagrams (CALPHAD) results of resulting in the suppression of the NiAl.50
(left) (NiCoCr)97–xAlxTi3 (at.%) PH-HEAs and (right) Ni1.5Co1.5FeCrAlxTiy (x + y = 0.5) PH-HEAs.
21 35
However, some discrepancies still exist
(c) Phase diagram predictions of (left) Ni33Co17Fe17Cr17Cu8Al8 PH-HEA and (right) Ni34.8Co17 between the experimental results and the
Fe17Cr14Cu8Al8Ti1Mo0.1W0.1 (at.%) PH-HEA.50 Arrows in the left panel indicate the expansion
of γ′ phase region through small alloy additions of Ti, Mo, and W. CALPHAD predictions13,51 in terms of detri-
mental phases, volume fractions of γ′, and γ′

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Precipitation-hardened high-entropy alloys for high-temperature applications: A critical review

solvus temperatures. It appears that more thermodynamic data temperatures for such PH-HEAs are higher than their poly-
for CALPHAD calculations are needed for PH-HEAs design. crystal counterparts, implying a better high-temperature
performance. More importantly, we need to compare the
Summary high-temperature strength and creep resistance of DS- and
The microstructural evolution of PH-HEAs has been reviewed in SC PH-HEAs with that of Ni-based superalloys.
this article. A dual high-entropy nanostructure consisting of high- 4. High-temperature oxidation resistance is another key issue
entropy γ′ precipitates and a high-entropy γ matrix is analogous to be characterized. Hot corrosion, as a form of degradation,
to that of conventional superalloys. Due to severe lattice distor- should also be considered. PH-HEAs mainly count on Al
tion, sluggish diffusion, and the high-entropy effect, PH-HEAs and Cr content to form alumina and chromia, respectively,
have the potential to replace conventional Ni-based superalloys for surface protection and oxidation resistance. As a result,
and to be used in high-temperature environments. Some critical the alloying additions of Al and Cr should be quantitively
issues remain, suggesting future directions for research: studied in order to improve the PH-HEA oxidation and cor-
1. Phase control should be given higher priority. Hard and rosion resistance.
brittle deleterious phases need to be eliminated by care-
fully tuning chemical compositions and heat treatments. The Acknowledgment
CALPHAD method makes it easier to obtain a target micro- The research is supported by the Hong Kong Government
structure without time-consuming experiments. Retaining GRF (Grant No. CityU 11202718).
a stable γ′/γ dual-phase structure at higher temperatures is
a presumption for the design of high-temperature struc- References
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46. L. Zheng, R. Chellali, R. Schlesiger, D. Baither, G. Schmitz, Scr. Mater. 65,
428 (2011).
47. D. Kraai, S. Floreen, Trans. Metall. Soc. AIME 230, 833 (1964). C.T. Liu is a university distinguished professor
48. E. George, C. Liu, D. Pope, Phys. Status Solidi A 160, 517 (1997). at the City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
49. J.Y. He, H. Wang, Y. Wu, X.J. Liu, H.H. Mao, T.G. Nieh, Z.P. Lu, Intermetallics He received his PhD degree in materials science
79, 41 (2016). and engineering at Brown University in 1967.
50. A.M. Manzoni, H.M. Daoud, R. Voelkl, U. Glatzel, N. Wanderka, Ultramicroscopy He was previously at Oak Ridge National Labo-
159, 265 (2015). ratory as group leader of the Alloying Behavior
51. T.K. Tsao, A.C. Yeh, C.M. Kuo, H. Murakami, Adv. Eng. Mater. 19 (2017). and Design Group, and The University of Ten-
52. A. Manzoni, S. Haas, H. Daoud, U. Glatzel, C. Förster, N. Wanderka, Entropy nessee as a distinguished research professor.
(Basel) 20, 646 (2018).  He was also a distinguished professor at Auburn
University, and a chair professor at The Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. His research inter-
ests include physical metallurgy and mechanical
behavior of alloys, nanostructured materials,
Boxuan Cao is a doctoral candidate in the Depart- intermetallic compounds and bulk amorphous
ment of Materials Science and Engineering at alloys, microstructure and phase transformation, alloy design of high-temperature
the City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. structural materials, precious metals, Ti-based alloys, metal-matrix compos-
He obtained his bachelor’s degree in 2018 ites, and innovative materials processing. Liu can be reached by email at
from Shandong University, China. His current
research focuses on the applications of high-
entropy alloys in elevated temperature envi-
ronments. Cao can be reached by email at

Tao Yang is a postdoctoral fellow at the City

University of Hong Kong, China. He received his
master’s degree in materials science and engineer-
ing from Xiamen University, Hong Kong, in 2014,
and his PhD degree in mechanical engineering
from the City University of Hong Kong in 2018. Submission Deadline—
He has published more than 10 peer-reviewed June 1, 2020
articles on innovative design and microstructural
characterization of advanced structural materi-
als, including high-entropy alloys, superalloys, JANUARY 2021
steels, and titanium alloys. Yang can be reached
by email at Early Career Scholars
in Materials Science 2021
Novel materials discovery
Electronic, photonic and magnetic materials
Energy conversion and storage materials
New thermal and structural materials
Soft materials
Biomaterials and related topics
Nanoscale science and technology
Advances in materials characterization methods
and techniques
Computational materials science, modeling and theory
Please contact with questions.

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