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Home — Essay Samples — Education — Importance of Education


How Education Mirrors and Shapes Society

Categories: Importance of Education Teaching

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Education immensely mirrors and shapes society. Although society comprises of additional aspects, the
improvement and development of the future depends tremendously on education. Teachers are
fundamental in equipping the future generations with enhanced knowledge and standards. For the
pedagogical techniques to result in excellence, education provided by schools and university’s demands
for qualified teachers to be dedicated and experienced in their workplace. Offered to construct the
ambition of the double purpose of education. For education to improve, a change to the curriculum is
required. Currently, education is reflecting on society negatively because it lacks the necessary skills and
abilities to prepare students for the future. If the essential skills and aptitudes were taught in day to day
education, students would be better prepared to challenge the development and progression of society.
However, student’s progression and development are dependent on their motivation to learn and

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Today’s teachers are crucial to develop and implement education to ensure it reflects our constantly
changing society. Since children spend the majority of their time at school, teachers are influential to
their development and knowledge. Society is dependent on teacher’s ability to educate students
effectively, to create a society of respectful and conscious citizens, capable of successfully shaping the
future. A good teacher is an educator who helps students to become great human beings, provides high
quality professional role models and produces great leaders that play a big role on the social, economic
and personal development (Kumar, 2016). For example, one of the most famous teachers in history,
Anne Sullivan, devoted and dedicated her work as a teacher to help Helen Keller, a young, blind, deaf
and mute girl to learn sign language and the use of other objects to allow Keller to communicate with
the world (Salazar, 2018). Sullivan’s maturity, originality and advanced academic knowledge helped her
acquire the motivation to tutor Keller. Within a months of Sullivan’s teaching, Keller had learnt “nearly
600 words, most of her multiplication tables and how to read braille” (Biography.Com, 2014), which is
the “reading and writing system for the blind and visionally impaired individuals, consisting of risen dots
read by their touch” (Better Health Channel, 2014). If Sullivan did not support and assist Kellen in
communicating to the public, she would have never been the first blind and deaf student to graduate
college, would not know a single word or mathematic symbols and could never expressed her thoughts
or feelings to another person. This was accomplished entirely because Sullivan’s teaching quality and
variety was optimistic, encouraging and effective, a truly extraordinary example of a teacher. The future
generation is in the hand of educators and teachers, and it is their responsibility to develop education
and produce a positive impression on students (Molla, 2018). Aristotle explains that if we “learn about
the good, not simply to know what good is but to be good” (Stephen Kemmis, 2018), therefore teachers
must desire to be good educators. A reduction in incompetent pedagogues will create reduced unethical
education practices and social dissimilarities. In the future, the increase in noble and honourable
teachers is needed to keep education and society from diminishing and to flourish our knowledge,
information and data so our society progresses.

Influential factors that affect education include teacher quality, home situations and school
circumstances. In many cases the educator or facility have little or no understanding of the issue’s
students are facing and therefore are unable to assist and educate students effectively. An alternative
way to make sure our teaching standards are meeting the highest quality, is to make sure all schools are
maintaining theory of practice architectures. The theory of architectures aims to explain what makes a
practice achievable, the understanding of the practice and what goes on in them that give us a critical
grasp on the nature and consequences of the practice (Stephen Kemmis, 2018). In the learning equation,
a teacher needs to know what they want to achieve, understand how they are going to complete the
practice and what worked and what didn’t work so well. Another factor that can negatively affect a
student’s learning is their home and school circumstances. For instance, Aristotle believed that the best
influences for a student success depends on the kind of political community in which the student resides
(Stephen Kemmis, 2018), these could include the “level of expectation, encouragement from society and
the involvement of the caregivers and parent in schools” (Hattie, 2003). Also, the attributes that affect
student motivation and results within schools include school size, class size, resource availability,
financial situation and staff. This suggests that if the parents or schools do not care or provide attention
to the outcome and results of student’s education neither will the student. The quality of education,
home lifestyle and school will not always influence negatively on the student’s education, however
schools are continually impacting the society further because of the impractical pedagogical techniques
and methods they are currently teaching.

For the future, the department of education needs to pursue acceptable and appropriate methods to
maintain and preserve the double purpose of education. Education’s double purpose aims to form and
develop individuals with the knowledge, capabilities and character to partake in a good life and portray
commitment to the good of humankind. It also aims to form and develop good societies, in which the
good of humankind is the principal value (Stephen Kemmis, 2018). For this aim to be accurate students
must be prepared to become educated for the workforce and have important abilities including cultural
diversity, academic intelligence, social communication and intellectual development. The purpose is to
help students gain the essential skills to live and grow into intelligent and responsible adults, however
the methods of today’s teaching is only assisting them to become disheartened and depressed. For
society to succeed in the future we need to improve certain skills and abilities, these include critical
thinking, a creative imagination, the capability to learn from mistakes to absorb information and execute
problem solving. In these methods of teaching, students are made to accept what they are being taught
on belief without any questioning, which suppresses their intellect, emotional thoughts and creates a
fear of failure. Schools are brainwashing students to avoid making mistakes at any cost and to consider
failure as the end of the world, this issue eventually presents students in experiencing depression,
anxiety, humiliation and lack of motivation. This limits the advancement of society and eventually
shapes it to become stagnate in discoveries and inventions. 'Imagination is more important than
knowledge, for knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating
progress and giving birth to evolution' (Einstein, 2019). Therefore confronting mistakes and failure
teaches an important lesson to demonstrate the truth from fiction and the right from wrong, which then
develops better thinkers, creates problem solvers and grows wisdom (Archon, 2018). Reflecting on
Einstein’s values on imagination, it should be a top priority in schools to incorporate further opportunity
for universities and teachers to discover different and creative methods of teaching inside and outside
the classroom.

Today’s curriculum reflects poorly on society, it is not beneficial or practical for the future leaders and
does not give the necessary skills and ability to prepare students for the outside world. Today’s
curriculum has not changed since the 19th century which has decreased our rate of acceleration proven
by the Pisa results expressed by The Guardian (Karp, 2016). For society to accelerate in the future, an
increase in knowledge, technology and human evolution is required, as the production of adaptation,
creativity, autonomy, different perspectives and continued questioning of authority is essential.
According to The Guardian, between 2000 to 2015, the average scores have significantly declined
overtime proving that the education system is not succeeding or developing our society. The naplan test
is an example of a useless resource introduce by the government to analyse and examines current
students result around Australia. This test involves years 3,5,7 and 9 students to undertake a reading,
writing and numeracy test at their school, where the results are published on the students report card
and on the NAP website (ACARA, 2016). This cost taxpayers an estimate of $100 million and has not
improved the teaching standards, discovery of greater insights for schools performance, increased
student interest in learning or provided better resources for schools (Coulson, 2015). This $100 million
could have been spent on heightening and improving resources, enhancing facilities or receiving new or
different technology which could have resulted in improved education and reflected positively on
society. This money could have been spread universally to advance and improve the curriculum to
actually mirror societies essential abilities required for basic life skills.

What the world teaches in day to day education could change the outcomes and accomplishments of
society enormously if essential skills and aptitudes were taught. At all school’s mathematics, english and
science are compulsory but when will the use of tools such as long division or Shakespeare be relevant
in this era. The curriculum illustrates long division is “meant for those occasions when we need to divide
large numbers and we don't have a calculator at hand” (Bucholz, 2014). Now days the only people that
use long division are the teachers that teach it, we now have a number of different technologies with
enough efficiency of calculating it quicker and easier. Instead of teaching students answers to a test
which has no relevance to their future career, educators should be shaping students with the basics
needed to navigate today’s society and decide which career path they would like to take. By
incorporating education that benefits students, such as learning concepts that have moral purpose or
real-world experience, society would benefit by having more effective and better contributing citizens.
For instance, incorporating agility, adaptability, effective oral and written communication, assessing
information, curiosity and imagination into the curriculum to increase the essential abilities required for
basic life skills. These could involve learning how to organise personal finance, to manage a loan or
money, maintaining a car or home insurance, developing basic survival and emergency preparation and
increase socialising or networking capabilities (Staff, 2012). Currently at Emmanuel college in Carrara the
school has introduced a subject called sport and recreation, this enables students to learn physical
education but without the unnecessary workload and stress. Daniel McLeod, teacher of sport and
recreations at Emmanuel explains that ‘this class enables students to cultivate more of the business and
fitness experience and allows them to complete their certificate II and III in Fitness and certificate II and
III in sport and recreation’. No matter what school you attend, or the different subjects offered, it is not
possible without the efforts, willingness and eagerness of educators to create and deliver a curriculum
that mirrors society, to successfully shape students.
Whilst a respectable teacher can produce worthy education and positive results, the most influential
factor that affects a student’s learning is a student’s motivation. As a student, “you have the ability to
influence your education” (Studera, 2019), for example having the motivation and passion to engage
and achieve their best and the desire to learn and study to advance in higher education. To improve the
student’s motivation and desire teachers should set short-term and long-term goals which will enable
students to realise what they wish to achieve and then accomplish them. A teacher from La Colombiere
school, Isaac Ddumba declares that, “encouraging students to set goals, academic and non-academic, is
what is missing in the system. Learners should be shown the possibilities ahead, while teaching them to
be self-driven and motivated” (Atieno, 2018). Setting short-term and long-term goals should be included
in the curriculum so that students can be motivated and self-driven individuals to accomplish their own
goals and beliefs throughout society.

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There is, without a question, that education mirrors and shapes society. Without the maturity,
originality and advanced academical knowledge of teachers our society will never educate student
effectively, to create a society of respectful and conscious citizens, capable of successfully shaping the
future. To shape the future generation the responsibility of teachers, parents and society involves
lowering the levels of expectation, increase encouragement from the society and involve parents and
caregivers throughout student’s school life. Key methods to increase parent’s involvement, include
being a role model to not only their child but all students, that confronting mistakes and failure is a good
thing and to include it within the curriculum. For a beneficial and practical curriculum, the department
of education needs to invest their money and invest in increasing the knowledge of teachers and
students, advance in technology to further increase the rate of human evolution. The daily curriculum
needs to incorporate moral and experienced skills that provide basic life skills, setting short-term and
long-term goals can assist to have the best opportunity for individual accomplishment in society. In
conclusion, education is vital to society because it mirrors today’s society to students, so they can learn,
evolve and shape tomorrows society.

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How Education Mirrors and Shapes Society. (2022, April 08). GradesFixer. Retrieved January 21, 2024,

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Home — Essay Samples — Literature — Superman and Me


The Theme of Self-education in Superman and Me by Sherman Alexie

Categories: Importance of Education Sherman Alexie Superman and Me

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In the case of Sherman Alexie’s Superman and Me, we see that self-education is not only just learning
what a word is, and what a few letters thrown together looks like. Instead it is taking many of those
things and conceptual ideas and applying them to everyday life. Something that people don’t really think
about generally is that children do this a lot. They are like sponges absorbing information from
everywhere around them. I agree with Alexie’s definition on education and what it means to be literate.

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As told in Superman and Me by Sherman Alexie, learning to read is not hard once you become dedicated
and find some interest in it. It helps that he was surrounded by all books because it somewhat “forced”
him to have an interest in his surroundings. Alexie says, “Our house was filled with books. They were
stacked in crazy piles in the bathroom, bedrooms and living room. … My father loved books, and since I
loved my father with an aching devotion, I decided to love books as well.” (Alexie p. 15) You can say that
Alexie’s role model was his father in the sense that he wanted to love what his dad loved. This helped
spark the “love/fiery interest” of learning how to read and gaining an understanding of it. What’s crazy
about this story is that to the outside world Alexie was considered poor, but his father understood what
reading could do for a young child. Therefore he surrounded his children in books. Even if it wasn’t the
newest book, it was still some type of pathway for greater knowledge.

Young children use a lot of context clues to make sense of their surroundings. Alexie states, “The words
themselves were mostly foreign, but I still remember the exact moment when I first understood, with a
sudden clarity, the purpose of a paragraph.” (Alexie p. 15) When he started reading he did not know
what a paragraph was but using his context clues he was able to form an idea on what it was and what
its purpose was. He said, “I realized that a paragraph was a fence that held words. They had some
specific reason for being inside the same fence.” (Alexie p. 16) It’s amazing to think that a child can come
up with a thought so grand and novel like that. He wasn’t only able to keep this applied to just reading,
but also to the life around him. This is a huge part of being educated, when you can use what you learn
and apply it to an everyday thing. In the story, Alexie says, “I began to think of everything in terms of
paragraphs. Our reservation was a small paragraph within the United States. My family's house was a
paragraph… Inside our house, each family member existed as a separate paragraph but still had genetics
and common experiences to link us. At the same time I was seeing the world in paragraphs…” (Alexie p.
16) This is the moment that everything comes together. The reading and the context clues and bigger
ideas become a grand thought process that people are then able to apply to multiple situations.

Being educated and literate means to have a wide span of knowledge on many different things in life.
Once you open a book, that’s one more word in your vocabulary bank that will help you understand the
world even more. The phrase knowledge is power, is so true because once you can read, you can
understand your rights as a citizen and this, to the men who created the country, can pose a huge threat
against them. It allows for minorities to rise up and rebel. Alexie tells us, “A smart Indian is a dangerous
person, widely feared and ridiculed by Indians and non-Indians alike.” (Alexie p. 17) The government
doesn’t want minorities to be educated enough to understand the injustices they are dealt. This is when
one knows that they are truly educated.

When a person’s perspective is based on their current and present place, then they change their outlook
based around the current situation so that their actions in the here and now will benefit themselves or
others. In the essay by Sherman Alexie: Superman and Me, Alexie is faced with a conflict which requires
action. He sees that the children of the Indian race are beginning to conform to society’s image of them,
which is to fail in the non-Indian world. Alexie’s dilemma is to find out what he can do in this current
moment to help the Indian children who are already defeated succeed in society, “Then there are the
sullen and already defeated Indian kids who sit in the back rows and ignore me with theatrical
precision.” (Alexie). His perspective is based around his current place in the form of a ‘solve the
problem’ situation. “I am smart. I am arrogant. I am lucky. I am trying to save our lives.” (Alexie), this
quote suggests the perspective of this essay is fueled by Alexie’s deep desire to help the Indian children.
The solution he deduced was based on his current situation and stance on this issue. The practice of
reading and writing was what could save the people of Alexie’s culture, and his perspective on this issue
coupled with his cultural connection allowed him to go long lengths to make sure this goal was achieved.
As you can see, place in its current form can influence one’s perspective by providing a situation (in the
present) where that person’s ability to act will conclusively determine their perspective. One might
argue that Sherman was influenced by the rewards in helping the Indian children and how this might
benefit his career in the future more than the current situation he was in. However, his will and desire to
help the children that was portrayed in this essay was more represented than said reward for taking
such actions.

Alexie refused to live up to society’s expectations of what he was suppose to be. Living in this box was
not an option for him. He says, “We were Indian children who were expected to be stupid. Most lived up
to those expectations inside the classroom but subverted them on the outside. … As Indian children, we
were expected to fail in the non-Indian world. Those who failed were ceremonially accepted by other
Indians and appropriately pitied by non-Indians.” (Alexie p. 18) He was determined to be successful at
reading and began to have a love for it. Failing was not an option for him. He even said, “I refused to fail.
I was smart. I was arrogant. I was lucky.” (Alexie p. 19) In this second to last paragraph he states
fourteen times “I read…” There were many instances where he would just be eager to pick up anything
with words on it and read. It became an addiction sort of. But the addiction wasn’t just for laugh and
giggles, it was for something much greater than that. Alexie tells us that his reason for reading so much
was, “I was trying to save my life.” (Alexie p. 19) At the end of the story he tells us that he is not only
trying to save his life, but he is trying to save their (Indians) lives as well.

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As we have seen being educated means gaining knowledge for a purpose bigger than oneself. When one
can take what they have read and apply it to a bigger meaning in life, they have unlocked many doors
for themselves in life. Hard work and dedication are two major factors for getting the most knowledge
out of oneself as they possibly can. Alexie has definitely shown us what it means to be self-educated and
have literacy about what was read


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Home — Essay Samples — Education — Importance of Education


The Purpose of Education: Nurturing Minds and Society

Categories: Importance of Education

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Table of contents

Education, a term that spans cultures and epochs, finds itself defined in various ways by different
individuals and societies. In this comprehensive essay, we shall delve into the multifaceted concept of
the purpose of education. Education is more than the transmission of knowledge; it is a cornerstone of
society, influencing individual and societal well-being. It plays a vital role in fostering social mobility,
spurring economic development, promoting civic engagement, and addressing complex issues such as
inequality, discrimination, and environmental sustainability.

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Chapter 1: The Foundation of Knowledge

At its core, education is the foundation of knowledge. It is the process through which individuals acquire
skills, information, and insights that shape their understanding of the world. Education is the key to
unlocking intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. It empowers individuals to
explore their interests, discover their passions, and develop their unique talents.

Furthermore, education equips individuals with the tools to adapt to an ever-changing world. It fosters a
love for lifelong learning, encouraging individuals to seek knowledge throughout their lives. In this
sense, education not only imparts knowledge but also instills the capacity to continue learning and

Chapter 2: The Catalyst for Social Mobility

Education is a powerful driver of social mobility. It has the potential to break the cycle of poverty and
inequality, providing individuals with the opportunity to improve their circumstances and achieve their
aspirations. Access to quality education can level the playing field, offering marginalized and
disadvantaged populations a chance to uplift themselves and their communities.

By equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary for better employment prospects,
education enhances their economic well-being. Moreover, it can serve as a means of empowerment,
giving individuals the confidence and agency to advocate for their rights and contribute to positive social

Chapter 3: The Engine of Economic Development

Education is inextricably linked to economic development. A well-educated workforce is a valuable asset

for any nation, driving innovation, productivity, and economic growth. Education not only prepares
individuals for the demands of the labor market but also cultivates an entrepreneurial spirit, fostering
the creation of new businesses and industries.

Moreover, education promotes economic inclusivity by reducing income inequality. A skilled and
educated workforce commands higher wages and enjoys greater economic stability. As a result,
education can lead to more equitable distribution of wealth and opportunities, ultimately benefitting
society as a whole.

Chapter 4: The Promoter of Civic Engagement

Education is a catalyst for active and informed citizenship. It equips individuals with the knowledge and
critical thinking skills needed to engage in the democratic process, make informed decisions, and
participate in civic activities. An educated populace is essential for the functioning of a vibrant

Furthermore, education promotes social cohesion by fostering tolerance, empathy, and an

understanding of diverse perspectives. It helps combat discrimination and prejudice by exposing
individuals to different cultures, beliefs, and experiences. In this way, education can contribute to a
more inclusive and harmonious society.

Chapter 5: The Resolver of Complex Issues

Education plays a pivotal role in addressing pressing global challenges, such as inequality, discrimination,
and environmental sustainability. It equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to identify and
combat systemic injustices, advocate for social change, and contribute to a more just and sustainable

Environmental education, for instance, raises awareness about the importance of environmental
conservation and sustainable practices. It empowers individuals to take action against climate change
and environmental degradation, recognizing the interconnectedness of environmental, social, and
economic issues.

Conclusion: Nurturing Minds and Society

In conclusion, education serves as a multifaceted force for individual and societal well-being. It is the
foundation of knowledge, a catalyst for social mobility, an engine of economic development, a promoter
of civic engagement, and a resolver of complex issues. Education empowers individuals to pursue their
dreams, contribute to their communities, and address the challenges of a rapidly changing world.

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Moreover, education is a fundamental human right that should be accessible to all, regardless of their
background or circumstances. It is through equitable and inclusive education systems that societies can
truly harness the transformative power of education, fostering a brighter future for all.

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The Purpose of Education: Nurturing Minds and Society. (2023, September 07). GradesFixer. Retrieved
January 21, 2024, from


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Home — Essay Samples — Education — Importance of Education


Importance of Education in Life and for Our Future

Categories: Importance of Education Knowledge

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Table of contents

Outline Of Importance Of Education


Education as a gateway to the future

The value of education

Importance of discussing education in life

Education's Role in Society

Contribution to societal development

Utilization of technology in education

Technology's impact on personal empowerment

Challenges in Third-World Education

Obstacles to accessing education

Cost of schooling

The example of education in Ghana

The Ultimate Apparatus for Personal Empowerment

Education as a tool for progression

Appreciating the opportunities provided

The importance of taking action on knowledge

Importance Of Education Essay Example

Education is a gateway to the future, as tomorrow is for those who take action today. One may be
thinking, “What’s the point? It’s not like I’ll ever use this formula, I’ll never need to know how to analyse
a text!” After all, on average we’ll devote 41,760 hours in our lifetime to the fervent fire and brimstone
known as the education system. Yet, despite one’s previous contention, education is inherently valuable
as our society’s greatest apparatus for individual empowerment, yet so lethargically ridiculed and
incessantly violated. Education is a necessity for a functioning society, and the appalling reality of
education in third world countries must persuade you of why education is so salient to humanity. That’s
why discussing the importance of education in life is the purpose of this essay.

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Education is critical to the development of society, allowing us to contribute realistically and cultivate
real solutions to our most pressing matters through the utilisation of technology, in which its use in
schools worldwide continues to increase. A global survey revealed that 48 percent of students reporting
use of a desktop computer in the classroom. (Bernstein, 2020). What would happen to those 48 percent
of students, including yourselves, if laptops didn’t exist? It sure wouldn’t make accomplishing
assessment any easier. In fact, you wouldn’t even be capable to submit your assignments without access
to technology installed by past pioneers. And, my gosh! How on earth would you survive without a
mobile phone? To utilise these critical incentives in technology, education must occur, as it plays a
significant role in facilitating these resources. Undoubtedly, education that evolves technology is so
critically crucial to your personal empowerment, so when education is deficit in other societies, the
results are truly detrimental.

The incessant struggle with the concerns of third-world education advancement is nonetheless
prevalent, even in our contemporary society. The obstacle of getting to school and the expense of
schooling are detrimental impacts to education. In Ghana, only 50 percent of children complete grade 5,
and of those, less than half can comprehend a simple paragraph. (Yuthas, 2020) In circumstances like
this, where so few children have the bare latitude to be educated, the condition of education is often so
deficit that families must expend additional money on tutoring to warrant their children to pass tests.
Now, I’m sure you know the feeling. It’s late at night, you’ve got assessment due the next morning, and
you’re pulling all stops to finish that last paragraph. It’s contemptible, but, somewhere in those
developing countries, a child like you would drop everything to get the opportunity to struggle on that
assessment. You want your life to be easier? They want their life to actually amount to something. It’ll
even empower you to benefit those same children who it’s essential to, because the violations of their
rights to an education don’t stop despite you detesting yours. The importance of education gives
meaning and motivation to your future, indisputably illuminating how it is the ultimate apparatus for
personal empowerment and cannot be ridiculed so idly.

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Due to the resources provided by technology that education has facilitated, and the consequences when
education is deficit in other societies, you must appreciate how acutely essential education is, and
ultimately, it is the greatest tool for progression and personal empowerment. This is your right to an
education, and you’re being given an opportunity some could only dream of. Next time you’re groaning
at your computer, complaining incessantly over a task, be thankful that you even have a computer; be
thankful that computers even exist! It’s your responsibility now to seize advantage of every opportunity
provided. Something you must take to heart, is that your knowledge alone, isn’t power, but acting on
that knowledge is.

Works Cited

Bernstein, M. (2020). Global survey shows 48% of students using desktop computers in the classroom.
eSchool News. [Online]. Available:

Yuthas, K. (2020). The state of education in Ghana: Assessing the challenges and opportunities. World
Education Blog. [Online]. Available:

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Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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Importance of Education in Life. (2023, March 29). GradesFixer. Retrieved January 21, 2024, from

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What Does It Mean to Be Educated: The Definition and Implications

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Education is a cornerstone of human development and progress, shaping individuals and societies alike.
In this essay, we will delve into the multifaceted concept of education and explore its evolution over
time. The question we aim to answer is, what does it mean to be educated? To address this question
comprehensively, we will analyze the implications of education on personal and social outcomes,
considering its role in enhancing economic opportunities, improving health and well-being, fostering
civic engagement, promoting diversity, inclusion, and human rights.

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Evolution of Education

Education has transformed significantly throughout history. In ancient civilizations, education primarily
focused on imparting essential survival skills and passing down cultural and societal knowledge. As
societies evolved, so did education. The advent of formalized systems of education, such as schools and
universities, marked a pivotal shift towards a more structured approach to learning.

In the modern era, the concept of education encompasses not only traditional academic knowledge but
also a broad spectrum of skills, values, and competencies. This expanded view recognizes that being
educated is not solely about memorizing facts and figures but also about critical thinking, problem-
solving, and adaptability. Education now includes emotional intelligence, cultural awareness, and the
ability to work collaboratively in diverse environments.

Furthermore, the digital age has revolutionized education, making information accessible to anyone
with an internet connection. Online courses, e-learning platforms, and educational resources have
democratized learning, breaking down geographical barriers and enabling lifelong learning
opportunities. Therefore, being educated in today's world means being digitally literate and capable of
navigating the vast sea of information available online.

Implications of Education on Personal and Social Outcomes

Education plays a pivotal role in shaping personal and social outcomes. Let's explore some of the key
areas where education has a profound impact.

Economic Opportunities

Education is often hailed as the gateway to economic prosperity. Individuals with higher levels of
education tend to have greater access to job opportunities and higher earning potential. They are better
equipped to adapt to changing job markets and contribute to economic growth. Moreover, education
fosters entrepreneurship and innovation, driving technological advancements and economic

For societies, an educated workforce is a valuable asset. It can lead to increased productivity, a reduced
income gap, and overall economic stability. Governments and organizations recognize the importance of
investing in education to ensure long-term economic competitiveness.

Health and Well-being

Education and health are interconnected. Studies consistently show that individuals with higher levels of
education tend to lead healthier lives. They are more likely to make informed health decisions, adopt
healthier lifestyles, and have access to better healthcare. Education equips people with the knowledge
and critical thinking skills needed to navigate complex health information and make choices that
positively impact their well-being.

From a societal perspective, a well-educated population is associated with lower healthcare costs,
reduced disease burden, and improved overall public health. Investments in health education programs
can lead to the prevention of diseases and the promotion of healthier behaviors, ultimately benefiting
society as a whole.

Civic Engagement and Social Cohesion

Education is a cornerstone of civic engagement and social cohesion. An educated populace is more likely
to participate in democratic processes, such as voting and community involvement. Education fosters
critical thinking, empathy, and a sense of civic responsibility, which are essential for a well-functioning

Furthermore, education promotes social inclusion and reduces disparities within society. It equips
individuals with the tools to challenge discrimination, promote equality, and advocate for human rights.
By fostering an inclusive and equitable society, education contributes to social harmony and stability.

Promoting Diversity, Inclusion, and Human Rights

Education is a powerful tool for promoting diversity, inclusion, and human rights. It provides individuals
with the knowledge and awareness needed to appreciate cultural differences, challenge stereotypes,
and combat prejudice. Inclusive education practices ensure that people from diverse backgrounds have
equal access to educational opportunities, fostering a sense of belonging and acceptance.

Furthermore, education is instrumental in advancing human rights. It empowers individuals to recognize

and defend their rights while encouraging them to advocate for the rights of others. Education can raise
awareness of issues such as gender equality, racial justice, and environmental sustainability, inspiring
individuals to become agents of positive change in their communities and beyond.


In conclusion, the question of what it means to be educated encompasses a rich and evolving landscape.
Education has transitioned from traditional knowledge transfer to a holistic development of skills,
values, and competencies. Its implications are far-reaching, influencing economic opportunities, health
and well-being, civic engagement, and societal harmony.

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Being educated in today's world means not only acquiring knowledge but also cultivating critical
thinking, empathy, and a commitment to diversity, inclusion, and human rights. As we continue to
navigate the complexities of the modern age, education remains a beacon of hope and progress,
shaping individuals and societies towards a brighter and more equitable future.

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What Does it Mean to be Educated: the Definition and Implications. (2023, September 07). GradesFixer.
Retrieved January 21, 2024, from


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