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Important questions of business communication -2

Q.1)state the principle of effective presentation?

Ans) An effective presentation has three important considerations: content, structure and the human

Content: it consists of the subject method that is to be communicated by speaker to the listeners for
an effective presentation.

1.) content should be authentic and relevant to the listeners.

2.) should be interesting and devoid errors.

3.) Should not be outdated.

4.) be decided in proportion to the time available presentation.

5.) excess of the content taken up must be discussed and equal attention must be paid to of them
during the presentation.

6.) should be supported with ample of examples and illustration

Structure: it consists of the modus operandi involved in the the content . It consists of an
opening ,the main body and the closing of the presentation. For an effective presentation.

1.) Structure should be in line with the purpose of the presentation.

2.) Structure should be tailor made according to the audience accepted knowledge on the subject.

3.) It should cover a few points but should be directed at making presentation lucid.

4.) Should afford a lot of variety.

Structuring may be done in the following ways

1.)Sequential order.

2.) of increasing importance.

3.)problem followed by suggestion suggested solution and its benefits .

4.)order of increasing or decreasing complexity.

Human element: while presenters generally pay attention to to the content and the Structure , they
often falter on the human element .but a good presentation will be remembered by a person attached
to it .the strengths of the presenter are his voice, body language, listening skills, his confidence and his
ability to handle questions. For an effective presentation.

1.)Use a good posture,eye contact,a lively speaking style with decent gestures interspersed with
smiles and well modulated voice to be perceived as friendly ,warm and aapproachable.

2.) finish other sentences or respond to their question with questions.

3.) Plan responses after Other have finished speaking and not while they are speaking.

4.) Move around the room to increase interaction with audience. find out if your audience is able to
grasp information and find them relevant.

5.) always allow time at the end of the presentation for questions. after inviting questions , pause for
about 6 seconds to allowed the audience get their thoughts.

6.) Reduce your tension before the presentation by performing some relaxation exercises.

Q.2) Explain the steps of preparing the presentation?

Ans) the step in preparing a presentation are as follows:

1.)Pre-planning: Great presentation require some pre-planning. Some of the question that must be
answered at this stage are:

 Who will attend your presentation?

 What is the anticipated strength of the audience?
 what is the purpose of the presentation?
 What does the audience hope to acquire?
 Is a microphone necessary?

2.) Planning graphic aids: you will need visuals to clarify and reinforce your message. visuals need to
be visible to everyone.since the aim of the content of presentation is your audience ,to choice of
visuals, should be according to the needs of your group. develop charts,graph slides ,and handouts

3.) Planning an introduction to your presentation : A good presentation starts out with the story, an
interesting statement or fact, a joke ,a quotation or a warm up activity .

4.drafting outline of of the body of the presentation: next comes the body of the presentation. The
main purpose of creating an outline is to develop the coherant of plan of what you want to talk
about . you should know your presentation so well , that during the actual presentation you should
only have the briefly glance at your notes to ensure that you are staying on track . this is not only
provides you with the outline of main points , but also serves to provide your memory with the
necessary input during the actual presentation.

The prepare the presentation ,ask yourself the following questions.

 What is the purpose of your presentation?

 Who is to be your audience?
 What is the competence level in the subject?
 What shot of equation do you share with them?
 How many points can you cover in your presentation?

5.) Planning close the presentation: after the body, comes the closing. This stage is very important
because if it is skipped it leaves bad impression to the audience.
 The through the house open for question.
 Summarise the content covered at the presentation.
 Thank the participants for attending.

6.) Practice the presentation: most of the people find that even if they practice the entire
presentation, mentally the actual presentation takes about 25% longer. So the audience can give us
suggestions and that will be a great feedback for the presenter.

7.)The actual Presentation: in a presentation, do justice to each point clearly by stating list meeting
and supporting with examples.

Do’s and don’ts during the presentation phase are as follows.

 Speak to the audience do not stand between the visual aid and the audience.
 Who is the name of the participants, as far as possible.tell them what name and title you
prefer to be called.
 Circulate around the room as you speak to create a physical closeness to the audience. Listen
intently to the comments and opinions. Be prepared with a variety of techniques and
alternative approaches to be used depending on audience response.
 List and discuss your objective at the beginning of the presentation
 Speak clearly and loudly with appropriate voice modulation.

Q.3) What is a group discussion and its important aspects?

Ans) Group discussion is a tool used by institutes, b-schools, and company to access the personality of
the person before giving him a job or admission to a course.

Group discussion has 3 important aspects viz.

A) Power of expression : group discussion is a verbal test and candidate has to talk his way out.
ability to speak well helps to gain good points in test. Candidate must speak fluently to attract
the attention of the group.
B) Ideas and knowledge of the subject given for discussion: candidate must remember that
knowledge is Power and ideal rules the world with sound knowledge and innovative ideas the
candidate feels confident and comes more fluents in his speech.
C) Leadership ability and coordinating capacity: the group discussion test is also known as
leadership test the aim of which is an acid natural leadership level of candidate. No no one
from the group or outside designated as a leader of coordinator of group.

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