Guruvasta Sankara

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00 guvR¢km9 00 Ñby Shankaracharya

1. One's body may be handsome, wife

xr7r' sUÂp' tq; v; kl+' beautiful, fame, excellent and varied, and
wealth like unto Mount Meru; but if one's
yxƒ;® ic+' /n' me®tuLym9 0 mind be not attached to the lotus feet of the
mnƒµne lµg' guror™9i` [ p¿e Guru, what thence, what thence, what
thence, what thence?
tt" ikÿ tt" ikÿ tt" ikÿ tt" ikm9 00!00
2. Wife, wealth, sons, grandsons, etc., all
kl+' /n' pu+pø+;id sv] these; home, relationsÑthe host of all these
there may be; but if one's mind be not
guh' b;N/v;" svRmte i÷ j;tm9 0 attached to the lotus feet of the Guru, what
mnƒen µ lµg' guror™9i` [ p¿e thence, what thence, what thence, what
tt" ikÿ tt" ikÿ tt" ikÿ tt" ikm9 00@00
3. The Vedas with their six auxiliaries and
p2©;idvedo mu,e x;S+iv¥; knowledge of sciences may be on one's
lips; one may have the gift of poesy; and
kivTv;id g¥' sup¥' kroit 0 may compose good prose and poetry; but if
mnƒµn e lµg' guror™9i` [ p¿e one's mind be not attached to the lotus feet
of the Guru, what thence, what thence,
tt" ikÿ tt" ikÿ tt" ikÿ tt" ikm9 00#00 what thence, what thence?
4. 'In other lands I am honored; in my
ivdexWe u m;Ny" SvdexWe u /Ny" country I am fortunate; in the ways of good
conduct there is none that excels me'Ñthus
sd;c;rvOÊWe u mÊo n c;Ny" 0 one may think, but if one's mind be not
mnƒµn e lµg' guror™9i` [ p¿e attached to the lotus feet of the Guru, what
thence, what thence, what thence, what
tt" ikÿ tt" ikÿ tt" ikÿ tt" ikm9 00$00 thence?
5. One's feet may be adored constantly by
=m;m∞2le .Up.Up;lbONdw" hosts of emperors and kings of the world;
but if one's mind be not attached to the
sd; seivt' sSy p;d;rivNdm9 0 lotus feet of the Guru, what thence, what
mnƒµn e lµg' guror™9i` [ p¿e thence, what thence, what thence?

tt" ikÿ tt" ikÿ tt" ikÿ tt" ikm9 00%00

6. My fame has spread in all quarters by
yxo me gt' id=u d;n[pt;p;– virtue of generosity and prowess; all the
things of the world are in my hands as a
Jjg√Stu sv] kre yT[ps;d;t9 0 reward of these virtues; but if one's mind
mnƒenµ lµg' guror™9i` [ p¿e be not attached to the lotus feet of the
Guru, what thence, what thence, what
tt" ikÿ tt" ikÿ tt" ikÿ tt" ikm9 00^00 thence, what thence?
7. Not in enjoyment, not in concentration,
n.oge n yoge n v; v;ijr;jø not in the multitudes of horses; nor in the
face of the beloved, nor in wealth does the
n k;Nt;mu,e nwv ivÊeWu icÊm9 0 mind dwell; but if that mind be not attached
mnƒen µ lµg' guror™9i` [ p¿e to the lotus feet of the Guru, what thence,
what thence, what thence, what thence?
tt" ikÿ tt" ikÿ tt" ikÿ tt" ikm9 00&00
8. Not in the forest, nor even in one's own
ar∞ye n v; SvSy gehe n k;yeR house, nor in what-is-to-be-accomplished,
nor in the body, nor in what is invaluable
n dehe mno vtRte me Tvn?yeR 0 does my mind dwell; but if my mind be not
mnƒen µ lµg' guror™9i` [ p¿e attached to the lotus feet of the Guru, what
thence, what thence, what thence, what
tt" ikÿ tt" ikÿ tt" ikÿ tt" ikm9 00*00 thence?
9. That virtuous person who reads this
guror¢k' y" p3eTpu∞ydeh7 octad on the Guru, and whose mind is
fixed on the sayings of the GuruÑwhether
yit.UpR it[b˜
R c;r7 c geh7 0 he be an ascetic, king, student, or
lme√;iHzt;q' pd' b[ ˜s'D' householder, attains the desired goal, the
state which is called Brahman
guro®†v;Kye mno ySy lµgm9 00(00

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