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A Survey Report

¿Do people like to visit cold or hot weather countries?

Lengua Inglesa – 2do. Curso Informática

Colegio Sagrado Corazón de Jesús – Salesianito
Santiago Ruiz – Enzo Villalba

This survey gives interesting information to know if people in

general like to live in hot or cold weather countries.
Tolerance and preferences about cold or hot weather countries
varies from person to person. It depends on which kind of
activities they like and enjoy. We will analyze through different
questions what are the reasons why people choose to visit a
country or another. Weather is a reason along as other such as
budget, distance and range of activities to do.
¿Do people like to visit cold or hot weather

There are different perceptions about which countries are better

to visit for vacations or any other reasons. Some people prefer
colder places because they are allowed to do some fun indoors
activities like drinking hot chocolate, eating marshmallows or
simply watching the snow falling down from the window.
Especially for Paraguayan people snow is very unusual. That is why
lots of students and families visit Bariloche in Argentina or Aspen
in Colorado to do some skiing activities.
On the other hand, some Paraguayan folks like summer and hot
weather countries. They value countries that have beaches since
we are a landlocked country. Also they prefer beaches that are
closer to visite even by driving a car. Brazil is one of the most
popular country for Paraguayans during the summer and
probably at any time of the year now. It is an ideal place for big
families. There are a lot of activities to do like sightseeing at Cristo
Luz in Rio de Janeiro, visit Copacabana beaches, eat milho quente
and pao de queijo while at the beach or simply enjoy the vibrant
and contagious spirit of Brazilian people. Brazilian music and
culture is so much fun.
Definitely, weather have a bigger impact when choosing a country
to visit. But what matters most with any choice is the ability to
plan the trip in advance, do some previous saving and research to
go to new and interesting places. Also, a very important aspect is
being open and excited to explore, relax and create good
memories for every country we have the chance to visit.
Respondents' Response

¿You are part of

"Team Calor" or ¿What are the reasons you like either cold or hot weather?
"Team Frio"?
I like going to the beach, enjoy the salty water, fresh air. It is lovely to have a drink
Team Calor ☀
and read a book by the ocean.
Team Calor ☀ I like the heat because I can enjoy more activities.
Team Frio ❄ The cold can be controlled and the heat cannot.
I like the cold weather because you breathe fresh air, there is no sweat, hot meals
taste richer, and you can dress in layers, and if you get hot so many clothes you can
Team Frio ❄ take out until the body adapts to the weather, on the other hand in the warm
weather there is no possibility of adapting the body's heat due to the existing high
Team Calor ☀ Because i like the sun the sea and i have more energy on hot days.
Team Calor ☀ Because my vacations are in summer.
Team Calor ☀ Because i like the sun, the sea and i have more energy on hot day.
Cold is better than hot weather, you can fix the situation simply wearing a coat or a
Team Frio ❄ hoodie, but with hot weather, you can't fix it that easy, also people tend to be more
Team Frio ❄ It's better in every way, it doesn't need an explanation.
Team Frio ❄ I really like the cold, since that way I don't sweat during the day.
Team Frio ❄ I don't sweat when it's cold.
Team Frio ❄ Because it's cold.
I like hot weather because I can turn on my air conditoner and it's a good weather if
Team Calor ☀
you want to go to the beach.
Team Frio ❄ I feel comfortable.
Because the cold in our country is no longer very complicated and yet the heat is
Team Frio ❄
very frustrating.
I like the heat because I like the blue sky, the sun, the lighting. On the other hand,
Team Calor ☀
when it is cold there is usually not as much sun.

• Google Forms (Encuesta)


Final results of the survey show that people have different reasons
to choose hot or cold weather countries. It was interesting to work
on the survey as we were able to discover different perspectives
about this topic.

These days people are more open to discover new and different
activities to enjoy in both types of weather. People who can spend
more money also go more to the cold weather countries no
matter if they are close or far from our country,

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