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Sometimes what you already know about a topic can help you figure out a new word. Use your
experience to help you figure out the meaning of each underlined word. Choose the correct

1. Mum’s mandate was that we had to clean our room before we could watch TV.
a) Pride
b) Health
c) Effort
d) Order
2. I thought that if we cooperated that we’d get it done expeditiously.
a) Listened well
b) Worked together
c) Stay silent
d) Work hard

a) Awkwardly
b) Innocently
c) Quickly
d) Blindly
3. But Tommy, who’s got an aversion to work, wanted me to do the bulk of the work.
a) Advise
b) Dislike
c) Dream
d) Happiness
4. This suggestion irritated me beyond belief.
a) Angered
b) Straightened
c) Teased
d) Attended
5. Soon our disagreement escalated into a full-blown argument.
a) Admitted
b) Grew
c) Harvested
d) Scored
6. Eventually Mum had to settle our dispute.
a) Recess
b) Pity
c) Quarrel
d) Product
7. In the afternoon, we found a skinny, wet, shivering puppy who looked hungry and
a) Successful
b) Private
c) Relaxed
d) Miserable
8. “He looks as if he’s imploring us to feed him”, Tommy said.
a) Prompting
b) Finishing
c) Smoothing
d) Begging
9. Tommy picked him up and cuddled him affectionately.
a) Accurately
b) Angrily
c) Plainly
d) Lovingly
10. “Let’s dry him off and then get him some nourishment.” he suggested.
a) Food
b) Fright
c) Garbage
d) Conversation
11. The puppy, seeming to comprehend Tommy’s implication, licked his fingers.
a) Entertain
b) Persuade
c) Apologise
d) Understand

a) Plan
b) Proposal
c) Advise
d) Teachings
12. “Wow!” Tommy said jubilantly, “he like me.”
a) Wisely
b) Dangerously
c) Happily
d) cautiously

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