RELIGION 8 Reviewer For Second Quarterly Exam

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Lesson 5: The Role of the Triune God

• By the value of responsibility, we commit to respond to what is entrusted to our care.

• The church teaches us about the Mystery of the Blessed Trinity or the Triune God.
• We believe in the One True God in Three Divine Persons: the Father, the Son, and
the Holy Spirit.

God the Father

• First Person of the Blessed Trinity.
• We call God our “Father” because we believe that He is the creator of the world.
• Also because of His loving relationship with us.

God the Son

• Second Person of the Blessed Trinity
• He is one with the Father and God the Father is one with Him.
• He has been revealed to us as the redeemer of the world.
• We know him as Jesus.

God the Holy Spirit

• Third Person of the Blessed Trinity
• He is one with God the Father and God the Son.
• Has been at work since the creation of the world and has spoken through the prophets.
• Called as the one who sanctifies, the Lord and the giver of life.

The Work of the Blessed Trinity in the Sacraments:

Sacrament of Baptism
• Our parents and godparents answered for us with their profession of faith on the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit (CCC 232-233).
• We become children of God and members of the church in the name of the Blessed
Sacrament of Reconciliation
• Our sins are forgiven through the grace of the Trinity
Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist
• The whole celebration is offered in the name of the Blessed Trinity as we listen to the
Word of God, and as we receive the body and blood of Christ in Holy Communion.
Lesson 6: God is Our Father

• We live the value of trust by placing our faith to other person, believing that he will
fulfill his promises.
• While the mother serves as the light of the home, the father stands as the strong support
in the family.
• Our fathers are gift from God, we call our fathers, Papa, Daddy, Tatay, etc. as terms of
endearment and as we give them due respect, we obey, and most importantly we love and
trust them.

We believe that God is a loving Father

• God loves us unconditionally and takes care of us with everything that we need.
• He protects us from all perils and harm especially from the dangers of sin and death.
• That is why, He sent Jesus, His only-begotten Son in order to save us.
• He always seeks what is best for us.

We believe that God is a merciful and forgiving Father

• He shows us his infinite mercy in freely forgiving our sins.
• He rejoices when we turn away from our sins and seek his forgiveness and compassion.
• Jesus Christ, being God’s Son is “mercy-personified” because He has given us many
examples of the infinite forgiveness of God.

We believe that God the Father is Almighty

• Nothing is impossible with God.
• He has shown his power in creating the heavens and the earth
• He is the Lord of the universe and directs everything according to his divine will.

God, our loving Father, calls us to love one another.

Jesus, himself has thought us: Be merciful, just as your heavenly Father is merciful.

God, our merciful Father, is calling us to be forgiving to others. We should not hold a grudge
against someone who has hurt us, be meet that person on the road to reconciliation.

The first commandment, “I am the Lord, your God. You shall not have other gods besides
me.” We are called to make God as the center of our life; and to reject “gods” that we may have
in life.
Lesson 7: Jesus Christ Proclaims God’s Kingdom

• Bro. Richard Michael “Richie” Fernado was a young Filipino Scholastic Jesuit send on
a mission in Banteay Prieb or Center for the Dove, a Jesuit school in Cambodia. He did
not hesitate to risk his own life for the sake of others.
• He died on October 17, 1996.
• Pim Sarom threatened his teachers with a hand grenade that killed Bro. Richie.

• The center of our faith is Jesus Christ. (CCC 239)

• He is true man and true God.

• He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a human mother, Mary.

• He was born in Bethlehem and grew up in Nazareth.

• He experienced hunger, thirst temptation, great love for the poor, pity, and compassion
for the sick, and many other human attributes, except sin.

• He assumed our human nature through the mystery of Incarnation.

• He was crucified and died, yet after three days, he resurrected from the dead.

• To be a disciple means to be a follower of Christ.

Lesson 8: God the Holy Spirit

● In Palestine, the dove is a sacred bird. The people are not permitted to hunt, kill, and eat
doves. They are very tame.

● We believe that the Holy Spirit is present and active in whole creation.

● The Holy Spirit gives life to all human beings and to all living things.

● It is in the human person that God’s Spirit is especially active.

● Adam and Eve – our first parents, even they disobeyed God and lost His friendship,
God’s Spirit never abandons them.

● Abraham – inspired by the Spirit of God to respond to the call and left his homeland to
establish God’s people.

● Prophets – God’s spirit continued to guide, renew, and assure His chosen people of a
promised Savior.

● Moses – through the power of the Spirit, led the Israelites out of Egypt.

● John the Baptist – The Holy Spirit prepared him to be the Messiah’s precursor.

● Mary – the Holy Spirit overshadowed her at the birth of Jesus during the annunciation.

● Jesus – He was able to establish God’s Kingdom here on earth and was strengthened to
undergo passion and death through the Holy Spirit.

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