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Vereeniging Refractories (Pty) Limited


Typical Data, not for
specification purposes F1811/01/2010

Type of Product: Dense andalusite brick of 57% alumina.

SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 TiO2 CaO MgO Alks

40,6 57,3 1,1 0,3 0,2 0,2 0,3

PCE Orton Cone + 34

Apparent Porosity 15,3 %

Bulk Density 2490 kg/m3

Apparent Specific Gravity 2,94

Cold Crushing Strength 55,0 MPa

Permanent Linear Change

2 hrs @ 1600°C 0,0 %

Modulus of Rupture
@ room temperature 10,0 MPa

Thermal Conductivity @ 1000°C 1,3 W/mK

High Temperature Creep 1400°C/0,2 MPa

Deformation: 25-50 hours 0,08 %

Thermal Expansion 20-1000°C 0,5 %

Spalling Resistance (BS1902) Good


The low porosity, high creep resistance and low impurity content are such that this product is
suitable for tundish well blocks and striker pads, arc furnace roofs, steel ladles, reheat
furnaces, rotary kilns, checkers and general applications.

Storage: Under roof, preferably on a concrete apron, protected from rain and the ingress of
moisture. Packaging should not be opened until the bricks are required for use.


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