Praticum Creative Advertising Edita Celsia

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Name: Edita celsia

Nim. : 322110086
subject: Creative advertising
Dosen. : Citra Kusumaningsih M.Pd


A. Creatif brife

 Provide high school graduates with a better understanding

of the opportunities available through higher education,
including career advancement, personal development, and
contribution to society.

 Provide information and motivation to overcome

uncertainty or concerns that high school graduates may feel
regarding continuing higher education.

 To convince the public of the real and long-term benefits of

pursuing a college education, inspiring them to take steps
towards higher learning.

Target audience

 The entire community and high school graduates

 Personal and Intellectual Development
 Contribution to the Advancement of Science and Society
 Opportunities to Become a Leader
 Wider Career Opportunities

Pesan utama
Continuing a college education brings a variety of significant benefits that
go beyond obtaining a degree, but opening the door to wider opportunities,
developing important skills, increasing income, and making positive contributions
to oneself, society, and the world.

 Media sosial (YouTube)

B. Massage Strategy
Continuing tertiary education is important for the younger generation. It is
hoped that this appeal will build public awareness and interest in the
importance of tertiary education.

C. Exection Style
Exection Style I use Storytelling where I will give advice to the public,
especially high school graduates, about the importance of continuing their
college education through short videos.

Link video:

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