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I. 1. c. wrong.

2. a. comfortable, not shy

3. b. a rude comment
4. c. give attention to
5. a. explains
6. b. reminded me of

II. 1. a. It was too big

2. b. I walked more than 2000 kilometers in them.

3. a. the sales assistant was very busy
4. b. see anything I liked.

5. a. fitted well
6. a. didn’t fit
7. b. went home.

8. b. cold

III. 1. b. She felt undesirable in comparison to the other children.

2. c. Being thin is healthier than being fat.

3. b. often require different treatment to slim people.

4. d. mistreatment of fat people is as serious a as racism

5. b. fat people are often judged to be less competent than thinner people.

6. a. The issues that cause obesity should be addressed across various industries.

IV. 1. b. Distasteful

2. a. acted without thinking

3. c. need to act

4. b. opposite to the ideas of

5. b. invalidated
6. a. force for moving forward

V. 1. No I don’t agree, The Law of Electronic Information and Transactions (EIT Law)
in Indonesia contains provisions related to intellectual property rights and imposes
penalties for copyright infringement, including plagiarism. The law aims to regulate
electronic transactions and protect the rights of content creators and copyright holders
in the digital environment. However, the enforcement of the EIT Law in the context
of social media platforms remains a challenge, as the sheer volume of content makes
it difficult to monitor and enforce copyright regulations effectively.
Similarly, the Law of Copyrights in Indonesia provides a legal framework for the protection
of intellectual property rights, including the rights of authors and creators. The law
establishes the rights of copyright holders and the legal remedies available in cases of
copyright infringement. However, the enforcement of copyright laws on social media
platforms, where content is often shared and reposted without proper attribution, presents
practical challenges.
Source :

1. Plagiarism policy: Indonesia private law review. Plagiarism Policy | Indonesia Private
Law Review. (n.d.).

2. Akbar, A., & Picard, M. (2019, October 30). Understanding plagiarism in Indonesia from
the lens of plagiarism policy: Lessons for universities - international journal for
educational integrity. BioMed Central.

2. To counter the impact of social media on plagiarism, in my opinion, it is the duty of

all stakeholders, including University, School stakeholders, Government, Ministry of
Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek). In addition to teaching
students how to correctly cite sources, universities and schools should educate them about
plagiarism and its repercussions. In addition to providing resources and support for
educational institutions to prevent and address plagiarism, the government and Kemendikbud
Ristek should enforce laws and regulations pertaining to copyright infringement and
plagiarism. Social media companies should also be in charge of keeping an eye out for copied
content, eliminating it, and adding tools to detect plagiarism and promote accurate citation.
Source :

1. 10 methods to prevent plagiarism in social media. Bulkly. (2023, September 26).

2. Carmil. (2020, July 27). Social media plagiarism - its impact and how to avoid. Copyleaks.
3. Based on myself-reflection and experience to counter the issue of Plagiarism on social
media, I’m using Technological tools to help me sort the Plagiarism content at social
media. Many publishing platforms are already using various applications for detecting and
preventing plagiarism. These programs efficiently analyze texts for duplication and can
help identify and remove plagiarized content. By implementing these tools, it is possible to
create a more accountable and transparent environment on social media platforms.
Examples : Quetext, Dupli Checker (, Copyleaks Plagiarism Checker,
Plagiarism Detector (, Copyscape, PlagScan, from Ouriginal, Noplag,
Unicheck and Turnitin Originality.

4. Based on myself-reflection, I value integrity on the daily basis with :

a. Keeping promises: I always strive to keep my promises, even if it takes extra effort

b. Returning belongings: If I find something that belongs to someone else, I return it without
expecting a reward

c. Being honest: I value honesty and openness in my interactions with others, and I always
try to be truthful

d. Taking responsibility: I take responsibility and accountability for my actions, both good
and bad

e. Respecting others: I treat others with respect and value, and I avoid gossip or talking badly
about someone

In my personal and professional life, I try to uphold high moral standards and be true to
myself. I believe that living with integrity helps build trust and strong relationships, both
personally and professionally.

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