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Gwyneth Jean C.

Labao December 4, 2023

Grade 11 - Melchora Aquino Ma. Doroty M. Dalanon

The Death Penalty is the Ultimate Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Punishment

The death penalty is an issue that many people talk about especially around the
world, many parties tend to have different views on the issue. Murder is the way to
end human life. Some people argue that the death penalty is morally wrong because
the death penalty involves killing the innocent. And killing is a wrongdoing according
to the bible itself. Religious people will know that killing is wrong. The death penalty
must be illegal because it is a murderous act to argue that it should be legal.

The death penalty risk of wrongful convictions. The execution of an innocent

person is a risk inherent in the death penalty. At least 195 persons who were
wrongfully convicted and given the death penalty in the United States have been
cleared since 1973. As a legal term, it refers to an intentional killing that is both
unlawful and malicious. For example, a father might falsely confess to a crime that he
knows or believes was actually committed by his son. Finally, people may voluntarily
falsely confess because they see no possible way in which to prove their innocence
and hope that confessing will secure reduced punishment. Due to the irreversible
nature of the death penalty, any injustice cannot be undone once an execution has
occurred. This danger casts grave doubt on the criminal justice system's impartiality
and dependability in imposing the harshest penalty.

The effect that the death penalty has on the families of both victims and those
who are going to be executed is another reason why people disagree with it.
Supporters contend that it gives bereaved families closure, while detractors claim that
drawn-out legal proceedings and ambiguity surrounding executions can worsen
psychological trauma. Furthermore, some argue that state-sanctioned killings
perpetuate a cycle of violence rather than addressing underlying issues, raising
concerns about the societal implications of these killings.

One of the main justifications for opposing the death penalty is moral and
ethical. It is the height of inhumanity, cruelty, and degrading punishment. Death is a
discriminatory punishment. It is frequently used against the weakest members of
society, such as the impoverished, members of racial and religious minorities, and
those suffering from mental illnesses. Some governments employ it as a means of
silencing those who are against them. They argue that it is against human dignity and
respect as well as the fundamental right to life. These moral objections are further
compounded by worries about wrongful convictions and the death penalty's
irreversible nature.

The death penalty is not the right act to be done by humans. It is a heinous deed
that claims innocent lives. All risky activities ought to be prohibited or morally
repugnant because it is against the Republic Act of law. The death penalty has a great
deal of harmful consequences on individuals that can result in damage to their lives.

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